
Thursday 28 December 2017

Gift Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

We are off to Colchester today to see my family, as we didn't get across before Christmas.  I am hoping the roads defrost quickly as our roads are very icy, I'm sure the main roads will have been gritted though.

I made these two 'Gift Cards' to put some money in for my mum and Niece Charlotte, we barely had time to shop for our own let alone extended family, plus my mum always asks for a jumper or cardigan but my sister told me that she has so many she can't fit them in her wardrobe, so I wasn't going to buy another, I then thought about Vouchers but mum doesn't go to town anymore, so I decided on cash, as her friend takes her shopping every week so she can buy something if she sees it. 

Anyway on to cards, I used the 'Year Of Cheer' Designer Series Paper to create these cards, I cut them to 27cm and scored at 9 and 18cm,  to create the tri-fold. I used ribbon as a closure on both cards, to give the look of a 'gift'.  On Mum's card I stamped the word ,'Mum' using my large letter stamps, I used Versamark and added gold Embossing Powder, I heat set and then die cut using the 'Large Letter' thinlits. 
I quite like how they turned out.

Brenda I hope your day in bed has helped you recover from the horrible cold/flu virus, sending huge hugs. XXX

Janet, what a chilly day for a funeral, you were in my thoughts today my lovely, I hope all went well XXX

Lynda, I am so sorry to here about Terry, he must be in agony, I'm glad he listened to Darren otherwise he'd still be suffering, give him a gentle hug from me and wish him a speedy recovery XXX

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the gift card is beautiful, really lovely..

    Yesterday was busy which was good as it was soon 5pm which is Home time! Today looks like it’s got to be even busier.

    I did venture into my craft room last night but all I managed to do was take my new Dies out of the packaging and file them. I just couldn’t find any inspiration to start a card which is s dhsme as I really need to start on some cards for the next Car Boot Sale at the end of January.


    1. Hi Michele
      Busy days are the best I think as the time flies by. Hope you manage to get your cards done. I used one I'd already done for Karen ( Pete's daughter ). But I've one to do for Craig for the 2nd.

    2. Isn't it funny how quick the years goes around and it soon time to make the Birthday cards again. Hope you manage to make some soon for the car boot sale. hugs xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- very pretty gift card. I'm sure Mum will find something to spend her pennies on. Take care on the roads.

    Yesterday went well. The Chapel was full. Joan was a very popular and loved lady who helped others all her life. One of the really sad thoughts is that she died just a month before her 90th birthday.

    Today I'm hoping to get some crafting done and make a card for my turn at the next K&N which is on 16th Jan. It seems odd at the moment saying that as it's the middle of the first month of next year.

    For anyone who wants to pop into the CAFE the doors are open as alway

    1. Hi Janet
      Sounds like your friend had a lovely send off yesterday. Such a shame she didn't make 90. Hope you got some crafting done.

  3. Hello it's me again.
    Do not know what happened there but I definitely did not press publish.
    Anyway to finish
    BRENDA- I really hope you're feeling better this morning.
    LYNDA- I'm with you TERRY should have gone to hospital but MEN!! do what they I hope he's feeling better now.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    It is bitterly cold here though dry with snow on the tops of cars only. xxxx

    1. So sad about your friend my thoughts are with you xxx

    2. Hi JANET
      Gad funeral went well for Joan & lot's friends & family gave her a good send off.
      Thank you yes Darren didn't give Terry a chance to say no to hospital.But It's a bit annoying when he doesn't listen to me.
      Have a good day Big Hug's for you both xx

    3. Sending you hugs. Glad funeral went well, sound like she was very much liked and a nice lady. Take care xx

  4. Morning Sandra and all.
    My comment from yesterday seems to have disappeared again.I don't know whether irs me or the Gremlins.
    Love your gift card Sandra. I bet your mum will love spending it. Have a safe drive to see he today and hope it's not too tiring for you.
    LYNDA so sorry to read about Terry. That's such a painful thing and only rest will help. Hugs to you both and fur
    BRENDA so hope you're feeling a lot better this
    Off to meet my chatty friend for coffee later. Had a lovely few hours in my craft room yesterday just playing which is something I don't get to do very often. Not much achieved but I had a lot of ink on my fingers.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi VAL
      Thanks I'm going to strap Terry to the chair as he hates not doing anything. He had a better night with the stronger pain tablets.
      Those gremlins & cyber comments snatchers are so annoying aren't they. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hope you had a nice time with your chatty friend and put the world to right. Very annoying when the comments goes away for no reason. hugs xx

  5. Morning everyone Well, after the snow yesterday we have beautiful sunshine
    I love your gift cards SANDRA and a safe journey to Colchester
    I do hope TERRY is feeling better Is he a good patient....
    I hope you’re feeling tons better BRENDA I think my cold is on it’s way out but I feel so lethargic AND (hope not) I think I am now threatening cystitis! Ho hum
    Anyway I WILL get the bathroom cleaned and then watch more tele
    Take care all

    1. You take care and rest as much as possible my friend,sending you hugs and hope you feel better soon xx

  6. Hi Karen Terry isn't a good patient I have to keep nagging him to rest then his sleep apnea kicks in 💤💤.
    Hug's xx

  7. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA your gift wallets are lovely very elegant. I made four of your gift envelope bags forgot to take photos. Hope your journey to Colchester is a safe one, with the traffic & the roads aren't too bad. Have a lovely time with your mum & sister.& safe journey home.
    We are Having a very lazy day today just done a little housework then I might try & tidy up in craft room.
    We had a brilliant Christmas but it's good to get home.
    We have brilliant sunshine hear today but boy it's cold & windy.
    BRENDA hope your feeling better & your cold / flu is on the mend. Sending Hug's xx
    Well better get a move on & get in the shower. Hope you all have a good day

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad you gad a lovely Christmas.
      Terry is just like Pete. They never listens to anything we say and we're nagging. But I'm glad he at least listened to Darren. Or at least Darren didn't give him an option but to go to the hospital.
      Hope he's resting and now doing what he's told. Gentle hugs from me to you both.

    2. You tell Mr U that he takes it easy or he will hear from me hihi no I really hope that he will be ok. Sending you both hugs xxx

    3. I’m so glad you had a lovely Christmas, and tell Terry it’s got to be home yourself and do as he’s told. XXX

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have a safe & trouble free journey today, your cards today are very
    Lynda sorry Terry has cracked ribs, good job Darren took charge, these men are all the same. Sending hugs, well gentle ones to Terry, to you
    I must apologize if I never said thank you all for your beautiful cards, can you believe Christmas has come & gone?
    Brenda sorry you are feeling soo poorly hope you feel better soon, healing hugs on
    Karen hope your cold is on it's way out, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hope you all had a lovely time together. It has gone very quick has't it and I will be sad to see the tree coming down but not yet, not until the 6th or the week later Warm hugs to you and Pop xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Love the tags.
    I hope you gad a good journey down to your Mums, and hopefully are home now as it started freezing before 5.00 here. I got Keith to cover the car as we have an early start for the hospital tomorrow. This will be nearly an all day job as Pete's having a CT scan first then a Bone Scan.

    1. I hope Pete gets on OK tomorrow

    2. Hope Pete gets on ok at hospital

    3. Hope all goes well tomorrow and no delays. Do you take anything with you to keep you occupied ?
      hugs to you both xx

    4. I hope Pete gets on ok tomorrow 🤞xx

    5. Hi Pat I hope Pete's appointment go well & your not there all day tomorrow. Thanks for your comment regarding Terry he's still not listening to me about resting MEN 😫 Hug's for you both xx

  10. Hi Sandra, hope the trip to Colchester was alright and the journey was not too bad. Hope your mum and sister are well. Like the two money wallets you made, love the paper you have used.
    Brenda- hope you are alright ? please take care and stay in bed until you feel better. warm hugs for you and John.
    We decided this morning to go into town for some shopping, Sainsbury's have sent us £12 of £60 which is not a problem to do but first we went to the library to take some books out, we both like reading and I do prefer a real book than the kindle. We both ended up with some shoes and OH also got some trousers and jumpers so just from going in mostly to have a look we did have a good day Lol must say do that after also done the food shopping and put it all away I was pooped and just sat down in front the tv and had a snooze before doing the dinner. OH is now watching football, I'm going to check my e-mails and send some messages so I wish you all a calm night and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I love the gift tags you made for your mum and niece, I’m sure they loved them.

    I hope your journey went well I know the roads are not good so please take care.

    I have spent most the day sleeping so hopefully I’m beginning to beat thiese horrible germs, if not then I think a trip to the docs this will be necessary.

    Sending everyone my best wishes love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi BRENDA I hope your on the mend sounds like you had a good sleep which is a good thing. Have another day in bed tomorrow or a PJ day to revive your body into getting better.
      Warming Hug's on there way. Thanks for your comment regarding Terry
      He is 💤💤now xx
