
Wednesday 27 December 2017

Bringing in Spring!

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought I'd make a start on the many 'Thank you' cards  need and as I sat at my Craft Room desk looking out of the window at the rain I found myself thinking of Spring, the warmer air, the bursts of colour everywhere from flowers bursting in to life, if the past six months is anything to go by I will be here in no time.

This was the inspiration for today's card, I went straight for the brand new Stampin'Up! 'Petal Palette' suite (stamps with matching dies).  
I then had to choose the colours, my first thoughts of Spring are yellow and green, so that's the colour I went for, 'Crushed Curry' and 'Old Olive' with a hint of 'Peekaboo Peach' added into the centre of the flowers and on the edge of the birds chest, I used the Stampin'Up! Water colour pencils and blended them with the Blender pens, which brings the colours to life. 
I stamped the three rose cluster and coloured then die cut it, I did the same for the bird, the die cut the background strip and the green foliage sprig, and arranged them on my card.
I stamped the 'Thank You' from the 'Petal Palette,' stamp set at the bottom of the card and added a few sparkles.
It certainly brightens your day. 

Paul and I had a totally relaxing day yesterday, I banned him from cooking, cleaning and running around after anyone, I wanted him to really chill out, so that's what he did! 

Today we have Paul's parents and sister coming over, so all hands on deck! 

I hope you have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card this morning Sandra, lovely spring colours.
    I haven’t ventured into my craft room as I’ve not had enough time but might go in there one evening.

    Can’t believe I’ve had 4 days off and it’s time to go back to work-at least it's only for 3 days.


    1. Hope work goes ok today. As you say it's only for 3 days. Hope its not too

  2. Morning Everyone
    It's still very wet and dark here but at least it's not raining at the moment. Thank goodness it was only rain and not snow yesterday or we would have been well and truly snowed in so much came down.

    A very pretty card SANDRA and I for one cannot wait for Spring to arrive.

    It's a very sad day for me today. I have a funeral this morning of a very dear lady who has known me from me being born (nearly 72 years). She and her husband lived on the same road as my Gran and Grandad and her husband worked with my Dad.

    Other than that it will be a quiet day.

    SANDRA- I know you will have a lovely day with Paul's parents and sister and the next time they visit you will be in your new home.

    Take care everyone whatever you all have planned. HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Ah Janet, how sad. Hope the funeral goes as well as it can do. Glad the rain has stopped and so hope the skies brighten

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm so sorry to hear that your friend has passed away.
      We've had snow here after torrential rain yesterday. The rain seemed to get worse as the day went along. Hopefully the day will brighten up later.

  3. Big surprise this morning! I’ve woken up to a lot of snow and you’re thinking about Spring SANDRA lol! Lovely card BTW
    So I’m staying put I’ve got a couple of tv shows to catch up on and some ironing that needs doing
    It’s so dark outside I have my living room light on That’s unheard of around here at this time of day! Take care all xxxx

    1. I think staying in today is the best option Karen. Hope your cold hasn't come to anything nasty.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I love your bright and cheerful card today. The snow we woke up to certainly makes Spring feel a long long way off!
    I'm glad you made sure Paul had a proper day of relaxation, he certainly deserves it. Have a good day with his parents and sister my lovely xx
    Michele, thank goodness you can go to work without any extra stress at last x
    Janet, I'm sorry to hear you have a funeral of a life long friend today. Sending you big gentle hugs of sympathy X
    Karen, it is dark isn't it and we had snow overnight too, not as much as last time though. Enjoy a relaxing day catching up on your TV recordings X
    Val, I hope you have a nice relaxing day too X
    I hope everyone has a good day whatever you are up to X
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Lovely to hear that Paul was able to have a relaxing day yesterday. Have a lovely meet up with Paul's parents and sister. It's a shame that your sister couldn't bring your Mum down to you, to save you the trauma of going there. I know it takes you a couple of days to recover after the journey.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card today, I was looking at this in catologue, may have to order. Enjoy your day with Paul's parents & sister. Hope your day tomorrow is not too painful for you, hugs on
    Janet hope today goes as well as
    Karen stay in the warm, we have snow but not too
    Michele hope work not too
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi everyone.
    Nice spring like coloured card Sandra even if it looks a long way to the warmer season while having snow dusting around and pretty cold winds. Have a nice day with Pauls parents, try to take it easy.
    Michele, hope the day back to work is alright and not too busy.Take care
    Janet, sorry to hear you got a funeral to go to today. Always hard, sending you hugs.
    Karen, take care. Hope the cold won't get too bad.Enjoy a duvet day. I had one yesterday while OH went for football so I watched some of my recordings. New handle is on it's way for my GC so hope to get it in the next few days.
    Val, hope all your four paws are alright. How good of the vet to make house calls, don't think they would do that here. Have a nice restful day.
    Sue, hope you are ok after all the festivities and you all had a nice time. Sending you, Mum and Pop some warm hugs.
    Pat,try to have a relaxing day.
    Cheryl, hope the pantomime is going fine and all the dresses are fitting nicely for everyone.
    Brenda, hope you ok and no bugs hanging around.
    Wendy, wish you better. Hope you still managed to have a few nice days with family. Take care
    Lilian, have a lovely time with your family. hugs
    Lynda, speak to you later. Many hugs to you and Terry.
    It is a quiet day here in the Alder house. Had a fab Christmas day with Molly singing and giving us a piano recital (she's only learned from September but already know how to read the music) Her dad always doing a quiz with over hundred questions (I came last Lol) We were back home in the early hours so had yesterday for recovery and today as well. Son is back to work today.
    Have a nice day whatever you are up too and if you just looking in I hope you too had a nice Christmas.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Love your card , And a big thank you for reminding us that spring is around the corner X

    I have just typed a long comment only to press publish without checking the comment as box! It didn’t have my name in it, so it’s another lot of words floating in cyberspace. So I will aim to publish this one as anonymous!

    Janet I hope the funeral went well so sad when we’ve known some of all of our life thinking of you LOL xx

    Have a lovely day with Paul’s parents I hope they didn’t have any problems with dreadful weather conditions that are around today.

    We have been away over Christmas at our younger daughter, on Christmas Day our other daughter and her family joined us so that my 12 it was absolutely lovely. Water down with a cold and now I’m back home and in bed. Please ring to Jones really knocked me out so like as I keep falling aslee daughter down with a cold and now I’m back home and in bed. These winter germs really knock me out, so bed is the best place for me .

    Send best wishes to everyone, especially those feelings under the weather or sad and lonely.
    Love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you enjoyed being with your family over Christmas. There were 8 of us playing UNO Spin last night. I'd forgotten how much Sophie 19 and Livy 15 could get on each other's nerves. Hate to think what it would be lije if they shared a room.
      Hope your feeling better soon. Bed sounds like the best place.

  9. Hi All, cold and wet here.
    Bent to John Lewis’s this morning , a lot of stuff bought in for the, didn’t buy much other than an oil spray for the kitchen, can’t use the ordinary ones, but these have a trigger sprayer.

    Janet hope the funeral went ok, always sad to say goodbye to a life long friend.

    Sandra lovely cheerful card, just what we need.

    Do any of you use Gelatos, been given some metallic ones for Christmas.

    Hope everything going well, hugs Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    We have been home now. For a few hours Had a lovely time at Lisa's on Christmas Day lunch in the pub was nice but we all said it was nowhere as good as last year. Still had a good day. Poor Terry was in a lot of pain as on Friday the lady he's been doing painting for asked if he could do a rubbish run for her.
    He had to dump a lot of rubbish including a ironing board he said he threw it in the skip & slipped on wet floor & the iron bar round the outside of skip went under his Rib I said go to hospital for X-ray but NO so stubborn Darren Sam Harry Janie & her boyfriend came to Lisa's it was lovely having them all together . We went back to Darren's after a lovely Lisa had work today. We stayed over. This morning he was in so much pain Darren phoned their local hospital & said if he came down they would see him & Yes he has cracked two ribs they gave him some strong pain killers & just said could take upto 6 weeks too get better.
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous today.I hope you had a good day with Paul's parents & sister.
    I hope the journey down your mum's isn't to bad for you pain wise it's a shame your sister couldn't drive them up to you. Glad you had a good Christmas with your family.
    JANET hope the funeral went as well as it could sad loosing a life long friend
    MARIA Glad you had a good time with your family xx
    PAT glad you & Pete had a good Christmas & good break hospitals.xx
    CHERYL thank you for your lovely card it was on the mat when we came home today Xx
    Glad you all seem to have enjoyed Christmas
    Love Lynda xx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry to hear Terry is in pain, give a gentle hug, hope the pain gets better soon. Lilian

    3. So sorry to hear Terry have injured himself like that. Make sure he takes it easy. A big but very gentle hug for him and one for you too xxx
