
Tuesday 26 December 2017

Happy Boxing Day

Good Morning Ladies,

Happy Boxing Day,

I hope that you all had a lovely day yesterday, celebrating with your family, we had a lovely family day, playing games, enjoying a lovely lunch together, more games and finishing the day off with chocolates and a movie, if was so lovely and a welcome break from worrying about houses and all things related to it.

I have always been curious about the true meaning of 'Boxing Day', so I did a little research and below are a couple of the descriptions, are these accurate in your opinion??

A 'Christmas Box' in Britain is a name for a Christmas present. Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants and the day when they received a 'Christmas Box' from the master. The servants would also go home on Boxing Day to give 'Christmas Boxes' to their families.

It was also traditional that servants got the day off to celebrate Christmas with their families on Boxing Day. Before World War II, it was common for working people (such as milkmen and butchers) to travel round their delivery places and collect their Christmas box or tip.

I guess they are both giving a similar explanation, however we are having our own version this year, we are boxing up every thing in sight, that we don't use 'day to day', so we are ready to move as soon as we get the 'all clear' to go!  So book shelves, DVD's games etc, pots and pans other than those we use daily, can all be boxed, we are trying to make the most of every day we have free, Paul's parents are coming to visit for the day on Wednesday and we are supposed to be travelling to see my Family on Thursday, as we haven't had chance to go before.  We can't really spare the time but we both feel guilty that we haven't been. Which will leave us about 4-5 days of solid packing before Paul returns to work.

How are you all spending your Boxing Day???
I hope you have an amazing day what ever you are up to,

Sending you lots of love and hugs,



  1. Morning Sandra,

    And a happy Boxing Day to you too.
    I knew the story of Boxing Day from times past watching all the period programmes such as Upstairs Downstairs. And I believe the Queen and her family does something similar to their servants.

    Yesterday was very hectic with family arriving at different times. At 12 noon we took Pete's floral tribute down to him along with his glass of Glenmorangie which this year it was Joseph's turn to give granddad his whiskey. By the time I get to join him, he will be well and truly sozzled.

    Enjoy your packing, I hope the move will go smoothly. I found it easier to get rid of items no longer required after I had moved and started to unpack things. That way I did not lose precious items.

    My day will be spent in the craftroom, I didn't pack away my Christmas dies, papers etc. so whilst they are out I am making a start on next year's cards.

    Enjoy your day however you are planning it.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl you are good I might do the same as OH is back at work But knowing me I’m threatening a cold so I might just curl up on the sofa and watch the programmes I recorded yesterday

    2. Hi Cheryl. I hope you enjoy your craft time today after a lovely family day yesterday. I'm sure Pete enjoys his tipple each Christmas 😊

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like you had a lovely day with your family. Pete will high on whisky as you say. But he did enjoy his tipples from the tales you told us. Have a lovely day crafting. I haven't put my stuff away either yet.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely wet and dark morning here in Sheffield.

    Good luck with the packing SANDRA. I remember when (years and years ago) we were moving we well I packed everything in sight except 'the daily essentials' in anticipation of moving within a week and it turned out to be a whole month before we actually moved.!! Just think of an 18month old toddler running up and down the hallway of a 4th floor flat not carpeted lol.

    I'm going to have a completely lazy day - no cooking at all having done nothing but cook for the last two days. I just might have a go at some 'Paper Cutting' to see how I get on.

    Have a really good Boxing Day everyone. Please take care if out and about. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. You deserve a relaxing day after being so busy. Good luck with the paper cutting, I happily use a scalpel and metal ruler to cut any straight lines but don't think I have the skill or patience to paper cut but please let us know how you get on c

  3. Morning Ladies

    Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas Day. My brother & wife didn’t leave until 11pm so it was a fairly late night for us, well it felt like it as we’d been up quite early.

    We’re off to see my In Laws today for lunch although I’m not feeling great. I feel like I could sleep for a week-might book an extra day off soon so I can do absolutely nothing!

    I got some Sue Wilson dies & some Promarkers plus vouchers to spend at Oyster crafts so I’ll go on their website soon to see what they stock.


    1. Hi Michele. Christmas day can leave us tired out so I hope you can relax at your in laws today.
      Enjoy choosing some new stash from Oyster crafts 😊 x

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your able to find the goodies you require. Hope you manage to get another few days to recooperate.

  4. We had a lovely day yesterday and Oscar was the star of the show We played silly games in the evening and before we knew it it was 10pm!
    A very lazy day for me OH working so I can please myself - do I play with my new Sue W dies or just curl up on the sofa and catch up on tele programmes with a hot toddy for this cold I’m threatening...
    I didn’t know the origins of Boxing Day and good luck with all of your packing SANDRA

    1. Hi Karen. I hope a hot toddy or two will help kill off some of the cold bugs you have and relaxing either by crafting or a sofa day sounds like a good idea x

    2. Hi Karen
      Hope your feeling better soon. I think there's a lot of colds going around at the moment.

  5. Spending mine in bed with a bug I can't shake off. Bonus I will be watching John on hochanda while my John watches sport down stairs, xxx

    1. Hi Wendy. I'm sorry to hear that you are not well. A prescription of lots of hot tea and watching John crafting will hopefully help x

    2. Oh dear Wendy
      I'm sorry to hear tpyoyr unwell. I think there's quite a few bugs going around here as well. Amy are eldest grandchildren has had a bug for the last 10 days.

  6. Morning Sandra and all.
    Happy Boxing Day to all. Like Cheryl it's amazing what facts you pick up from these period dramas.
    In Spain boxing day doesn't exist and today is just a normal day with everyone back to work. When I walked Gracie the gardeners were mowing the grass in the park and workmen were building an extention on a house I passed. So all back to normal. The big Spanish celebration comes on January 6th when the three Kings arrive with the children's presents.
    We had a lovely Christmas Day. Got lots of lovely presents including some craft stamps and goodies. Will have a play later. Just waiting for the vet to arrive to give the three cats their annual booster injections. Rounding three cats up and actually carting them to the vets is a pain so our vet usually calls here free of charge of course.
    Good luck with the packing Sandra .
    Have a great day everyone.Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Boxing day is starting to become a normal day over here too now with so.many shops opening. What a great vet you have coming to you to administer the cats booster jabs, and without charge. I bet that doesn't happen over here, Sandra you would find that a lot less painful than trying to catch your two wouldn't you 😊 Enjoy the rest of the day Val x

    2. Hi Val
      I hope you have a lovely day playing with your goodies. How lovely that your vet comes to the house. Most shops open Boxing Day here for the sales. I think all the grandchildren are going shopping today.

  7. Hello All, fine day here, but chilly.

    Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas Day, ours was quiet.

    Today we are off to see the grand children, so that will not be quiet, they love to serenade us with songs from the movies.

    The boxes we give now is some money for our post man, he is very good to us and will always hide my parcels away, to save us having to go to the sorting office, Also give both my cleaners some money.

    Have a lovely day whatever you are doing, hope the packing goes well Sandra, used to love moving house, but don’t think we will move any more. Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. It sounds like you have a Boxing day a bit like we used to at Chris's Mum. All of the family used to go even though she only had a very small two bed bungalow. She had her 6 and second husband had 4 so with them, their husband/wives and children it was absolute chaos and crammed full to the gunnals but always a wonderful day! Enjoy yourselves today x

    2. Hi Lilian
      I hope your having a lovely day today even if yesterday was quiet.
      Steve are postman knows to leave our post with Karen and visa versa.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. So, I'm assuming that it's ok re the girls schooling as your already talking about a mega pack up. Hope you'll rest up after visiting your Mum. I know you always suffer for a few days afterwards.

    1. Hi Pat. I hope you are enjoying being with the family. Hopefully you can talk Pete into having a break in a few days x

    2. Not to sure about that. He's still humming and harring about it as he says it's cold. But we do walk while we're away.
      Had a lovely day yesterday and we're going up again today.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. It's so good to know that you had a lovely family day yesterday. It is going to be a very busy time over the next few weeks isn't it. We realise just how much stuff we have once we start packing it all away don't we!!! There will be lots of trips to the charity shops and tip no doubt but at least the new house is a sensible size and sounds lovely with some original features. At least you can start the New Year knowing you have somewhere to go my lovely thank goodness. Is there any chance you could visit her once you have moved as you are going to be laid up for several days after the journey?
    We had a lovely day yesterday. It was wonderful seeing little Chris's excitement over the last couple of days 😊 I was very lucky to receive a Gemini and I'm hoping to get to play with it later on today 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra it sounds as if you had a perfect day yesterday. I hope the packing up goes
    We had a quiet day yesterday & today I hae taken flowers to the Crematorium on what woud have been my Dad's 102 birthday & now sat trying not to fall asleep.
    Hope all who had goodies are ejoying a play.
    Karen hope yur cold doesn't develop, good excuse for hot toddy, take
    Sue enjoy yur Gemini, love you. I bet Chris doesn't know what to play with
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
