
Friday 29 December 2017

The last Festive Friday of 2017

Good Morning Ladies,

I have a very special Christmas card to share with you all today, this amazing  card was made by my Mum, she goes to a Club on a Thursday where they do a variety of things including some crafting, they made some lovely Christmas cards including little trees, decorated candles and these cards.

Mum made it by taking a triangle of card and wrapping different pieces of ribbon, lace and trim around it. 
She then added little square of green card to make the bucket/stump of the tree.
She finished the card by die cutting a Red Felt Deer, a foil star for the top of the tree and the greeting is a peel off stuck onto a piece of matching card.
Such a lovely card, even more special to me as its the first and only card my Mum has ever made!!! 
So i will treasure it forever xx

A slow start for me today after yesterday's  journey but we really must get on with the packing today.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I’m sure you’ll be keeping the lovely card from your Mum. I hope you managed yo sleep last night after a long, tiring day yesterday.

    The weather forecast here is horrendous-very heavy rain(possible sleet/snow) then around 4pm they’re predicting 40-50mph winds!! I’m almost glad to be going to work -ha ha!


    1. Hi Michele
      We have the rain and the winds now. No snow though. The hospital isn't very busy today here, so it's not as warm as it usually is. I'm sat in the cafe which is quite cold. Unfortunately the League of Friends isn't open today,

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very white morning here in Sheffield.
    Yes I've got up to a world of snow. For once it looks as though the 'Weather Man' got his forecast right.
    I've got everything crossed that we don't get any more during the day as I really do need to go out shopping tomorrow.

    SANDRA- what a beautiful Christmas card and as you say so very special as it's one your Mum has made. I love the idea of wrapping different mediums around a cut out.
    Good luck with more packing.

    Well another week has passed and it's that swear word again 'housework' and then I want to get a couple of pics sent off to Sandra.

    If anyone want to come into the CAFE the doors are open for the day and a warm welcome is assured.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras today for TERRY. LYNDA tie him down to the chair if he doesn't behave xxxx

    1. Hi JANET
      I have just done that today. Tied & Drugged him up as well with hot water bottle on his cracked ribs now he's 💤💤. I have done all the housework now I'm suffering.
      Take care if you go out in the snow hope you don't get anymore.
      Hug's on there way xx

  3. Morning Sandra and all,
    SANDRA what a lovely card from your mum. Even more special as it'sthe first one sshe's made. What a lovely idea of wrapping materials around a template. One to go in the "keep forever" box. So hope you're not hurting too much this morning after your journey and you can get on with the packing.
    Off to Craft Club today. I think a few friends are missing because of coughs and colds but hopefully some will turn up and it won't be just Wendy and me.
    Just realised I go on holiday in less than 2 weeks so I've really got to knuckle down and get the Valentine cards finished this weekend.
    LYNDA hope Terry is in less pain today and you're having some success in keeping him still.xx
    Hope those with nasty coughs and colds are recovering. Keep warm, rest and have plenty of drinks.xx
    Bye for now. Valxxx

    1. Hi VAL
      As I said to Janet I've tied him to the chair with hot water bottle on ribs & Drugged him now he's 💤💤
      Hope craft club goes well &I get your cards made
      Hug's xx

  4. Oh my! The card is gorgeous Of course you’ll keep it forever
    Very very wet here I had an awful nights sleep I literally couldn’t And was still up at 8am As OH Wwent off to work I thought I’d better try and so this is the result ai have just woken up I must get some breakfast I will be back later

  5. Sandra love your card from Mum. Definitely one for the memories box. But I have to confess I did smile, it’s usually the mums who treasure cards from the children not the other way round, which really does make this a unique card XX

    I hope you’re having a restful day today after that double journey yesterday, Paul I’m sure was ready for his bed, that’s a lot of driving in one day.

    Our elder daughter drove on Wednesday from Essex to Cheshire for a celebration with her in-laws and cousins. She had her three boys for company. Unfortunately her husband who works for a bank was not allowed time off. They were meeting at a restaurant somewhere near Alsager. She had allowed enough time to go to her MIL’s house and get changed, but due to the weather that didn’t happen! They ended up being an hour late. But they made it! She returned to Essex yesterday. Not sure what time they left. Had a text from her at 9pm - saying Home safe and sound. Long drive! Can’t tell you how relieved I was. As parents we never stop worrying about our children, do we. xx

    John Had a phone call at 9 o’clock this morning from our local hospital, could you go in this morning for a pre-op as they were not very busy. He needs a hernia operation which will mean him being in overnight as it cannot be done by keyhole surgery. This is definitely very good service from the NHS as he only saw the consultant on Wednesday the 27th ����

    Oh dear I think I’m going to have to try and post is anonymous forgot to check that box again!

    Hope you’re all having good day. I’ve been snuggling up all morning in my bed but certainly do feel better than I did yesterday.

    Sending love and good wishes to everyone, Brenda XXX

  6. Hi Sandra
    Wow, I must say your Mum done good with her card. No wonder you will treasure it. Perhaps she'll appreciate your cards from now on. I hope your recovering from yesterday's journey. Good luck with the packing. I hope your having a major clear out along the way as well.
    Sat up at the hospital waiting for 3 hrs so that Pete can have his Bone Scan.
    Like Jim, we were up early as no schools traffic, so we were seen in the CT Scan early which made his next injection early as well.
    Hugs to every one who needs one today, especially Terry and Lynda.
    Went to bed last night with a heavy frost, and woke up to rain and wind.

    1. PAT thank you for your Hug's. After housework I was worn out the hoover is so heavy & dose my back & legs in so I have had a PJ day.
      Hug's for you & Pete.xx

  7. Hello All, wet and very windy.

    We came home yesterday, seemed to take forever, people love to come down for new year.

    Sandra great card from your Mum, it’s times like these when we miss our loved ones, my Mum was very crafty.

    Not much else happening here, so I’ll say hugs to all, Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Horrible weather poring with rain dark & windy.
    SANDRA a gorgeous card from your mum a lovely keepsak.
    Hope your not in too much pain after long journey both ways.Hows the packing going today hope your not doing very much after yesterday.
    Having a PJ day today after doing all the housework my Hoover is so heavy it hurts my shoulder back & legs so miss Terry doing it for me.
    I have commented on way down
    Sending Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra that is a beautiful card from Mum, no wonder you are proud. What a good idea with the ribbon as well. Hope you are nit too tired today & not overdoing the
    Brenda hope you carry on feeling better, great John had pre-op quick. Hugs on way to
    Lynda great, you've tied Terry down, please don't overdo it yourself, hugs on way to you
    Karen hope you have a better night higs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
