
Sunday 5 November 2017

Your Challenge Cards

My first challenge card

On older card I used to inspire you

Friday's Festive Silhouette

Good Morning Ladies,

It's that time of the week again, where we get to see all of the Amazing cards that you made for our Weekly Challenge, this week I decided to challenge you to make a card featuring a Silhouette,  I know that this one made you all stop and think but as always you have designed and created some stunning cards. 

So let's see what you all came up with..........

Cheryl has designed a fantastic Steam Punk card for this week's challenge, featuring an absolutely incredible Mechanical corner die, with so much detail, who would have ever believed 5 years ago that we would be able to cut our own incredibly detailed dies!  The stop watch and Male Silhouette finish the design perfectly, thank you Cheryl for taking part in this week's challenge.


Danielle decided that she would like to join in this week's Silhouette Challenge, so she got busy and designed 3 Challenge cards, each one is stunning and I have to say that my favourite piece is the little Light Box card, I think that Dannii has used the same die for each of these projects, the Stampin'Up! 'Hometown Greetings' Edgelits Dies.
I love what you have done with all of your projects Dannii, showing how versatile the die set is.  Thank you so much for taking part Dannii, it's lovely having you as part f our little blog family.


Michele has also designed 3 cards for this week's challenge, all made on her day off on Thursday, Michele has cleverly shown how simply changing the colour of card we use with a die can change what we use it for, as you can see above,the orange colours make you think of Autumn, use blue and white it's Christmas, green can be anything I guess but Spring and summer come to mind.  I will now add Michele's Description.....

"Challenge cards-all made with the same Dies(free with Simply Cards & Papercraft magazine). I wanted to show that they can be used all year round. I only used scraps of card to make all 3 cards."

Thank you Michele for 3 fantastic cards and a little bit of crafty education too!! 


Karen has designed two stunning cards for this week's challenge, the first is an amazing, detailed Winter forest scene that creates the perfect image for a Christmas card , I'm not going to give too much detail about the creation of this card as Karen has given me a tutorial on creating the background, which I am going to feature in a whole blog post of its own, so that you can see in detail what steps to take to create that amazing card.   Karen's second card is just incredibly beautiful, I adore that image and I love how you have used the punched butterflies to create her hair.
I will add Karen's description below........
"Here’s my card I have wanted to do a card in this sort of style ever since I saw Jodie Johnson do something similar on C&C with Petal Pairs punches (remember them!)

So it’s a 6x4 card which I’d edged with Antique Linen Distress inks - will they ever dry up so I can justify buying some Oxides instead! I found a copyright free image on Google and cut her out in black card on ScanNCut I printed some copyright free sheet of music onto cream card which I cut some butterflies (approximately 55) on ScanNCut all edged with Vintage Photo Distress Ink The black corners are a Marvellous Squares Die cut and a few pearls I’m quite pleased with the result Do you like it?
I downloaded a ballerina (a ScanNCut freebie on canvas) which would also work"

Thank you so much Karen for two totally different and totally amazing challenge cards!



Brenda also designed 3 Silhouette Challenge Cards this week, the first a simple but effective design using Stampin'Up! Hopeful Thoughts stamp set, which is one of my
 favourite sets.  The set has some lovely sentiments, which is one of the things I love about Stampin Up, they use sentiments that really do express what you want to say.
Brenda made this card for a friend who's husbands funeral they attended last week, I think this card is just perfect for the occasion, knowing that you are in someone's thoughts is very comforting.
Brenda's second card was made by masking off a strip of the card front and then using Distress inks, blending them together to create a beautiful, subtle background, which is the perfect background for showing off a Silhouette flower, as you can pick out all of the detail, Brenda used Gilding wax to highlight some of the detail too.
Brenda's third and final card was created  by using a Clarity Mask by Barbara Grey which Brenda used to apply Texture Paste to black card.  A very effective design, I like the quirky, almost childlike design of those houses.
Three amazing cards Brenda, thank you so very much for taking part in this weeks challenge.


Sue, I found this Silhouette card in my 'Sue' folder so thought I would feature it as another example for this weeks challenge, I love this Christmas card, I wonder how long ago you made it! lol
Thank you for allowing me to share it.

Pat I did the same for you, I looked back through the older challenges and found this perfect Silhouette card that you made, I am determined that you will feature on the weekly challenge lists, lol.  I can't remember if this is a stamp or a die set, can you?? .  I hope you don't mind me sharing your card as another example of this weeks challenge theme.  Thank you.


Lilian has used the Stampin'Up! 'Lovely as a Tree' stamp set to create that beautiful scene on this pretty Christmas card, I love how you have edged the aperture with peel offs to create a more defined edge and draw your eye in to that amazing wintery scene.  I know this is an older card but it certainly works with our Silhouette challenge and certainly is worthy of a second look.  Thank you so much for sending this card in for me to share.


Janet, I certainly wouldn't have expected a challenge card from you this week as you have spent half the week travelling and the other half catching up with jobs at Marigny.
I absolutely love this stunning Silhouette that you have used for this card, the pretty paper and embellishment compliment the image perfectly.
The second trio of cards have all been created from Janet's Silhoupage cd rom, I love all three of these cards Janet.
Thank you so much Janet.


Val has used a lovely Silhouette of a Bicycle for this card, placed upon a beautifully embossed background that has tiny hearts die cut out of it.  Val has used pretty stamens to create the look of flowers in the basket of the bicycle, it really works Val, such a lovely card.  I hope you don't mind me sharing it again. Thank you so much for sending it in to me.


Maria sent me this card for a Challenge some time ago but the stamped image is a perfect example of the Silhouette theme of this weeks challenge, Maria has created a beautiful blended background upon which she has stamped this stunning scene, a beautiful meadow with a kaleidoscope of butterflies flying off into the distance, it looks like an 'Inkyliscious' stamp but I am not sure, I am sure Maria will let us know.
Thank you so much Maria for sending me this card to share.


Lynda has made 4 cards for this week's Challenge, which is amazing, the first card has been stamped using the  Inkyliscious 'Isobelle' stamp, such a beautiful image, that Lynda has stamped onto a soft blended background.
Lynda's second card features a majestic Stag on a black background, the stamp set is Indigoblu 'Winter Wonderland' stamp.
The third card features the Visible Image stamp 'Where Dreams', which Lynda has stamped on an inked background. I love the grungy feel of this card.
The fourth and final card 'ooh la la'  features a silhouette of a lady in her undies, which is from a Joanna Sheen Cd ROM, your black butterflies are the perfect embellishments for this card Lynda.
Four absolutely amazing Silhouette cards, you have really embraced the theme of this week's challenge Lynda, thank you so very much.


Margaret has designed two Fabulous Festive cards for the Silhouette Challenge this week, using a die range I hadn't heard of 'Pretty Quick' the die is called 'Winter Woodland', you can buy them from Craft Stash.  I love how you have used them with the snowy background Margaret, the are both lovely traditional Christmas cards.
Thank you so much for taking part. 

I hope that you have all enjoyed looking through this amazing array of cards as much as I have, some of them are older, some created this past week, either way they are all fantastic.
I am so pleased that you all enjoyed this weeks different challenge.

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    WOW WOW WOW what a fantastic reaction to this week's CC.
    MARGARET I hope you asked Paul to help you get all the display boards out of storage as you definitely need them this week.

    I love each and everyone of the cards and it just shows how easy it is to create beautiful works of art with few pieces of card and glue.

    Well we had the busiest day yet yesterday but at long last all the big jobs are now done and everything is ready for winter. This means that we can now have a couple of really relaxing days before having to travel Thursday/Friday.

    I hope all who went to the NEC have now recovered and can start using all the goodies you purchased.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good Sunday everyone. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. All 4 of your challenge cards are beautiful, I love them all. I'm glad that you and Jim can relax for a few days now you have got all of the larger jobs done and dusted x

  2. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what a fantastic response to this weeks challenge. I’ve never seen so many gorgeous cards-I have to say my favourite is Lilians. There’s just something about that I really like.

    It’s wet & windy here in Southport-hopefully it’s going to improve. I have an appointment to meet the Church Committee at 11:45 to discuss the possibility of having a table at their Christmas Tree Festival. They don’t usually have any “outsiders “ but are willing to consider me, I’ve been asked to take along some of my cards so I’ll be sorting out which ones to take this morning.


    1. Once they see your cards they’ll definitely give you a table Your cards are gorgeous

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your weather improves this afternoon. I don't see why the Church Committee won't give you a table your cards are gorgeous.

    3. Hi Michele. It was so good to finally meet you on Friday. I think we could have all sat and chatted all afternoon quite easily if we hadn't had shopping to do. I wonder if any of us won any of the prize draws we entered at the show? Thanks for the reviews, you should get commission from the mags as you certainly help us decide on which to buy when we wouldn't normally 😊
      Did you pass muster with the church committee? I'm sure you got a big yes when they saw your beautiful cards x

    4. I forgot to say that your challenge cards are all great, you have a great talent for showing us how to get such different looks from the same dies, thank you x

  3. Hello All, very sorry I did not make a card this week and thank you Sandra for finding one of my old ones, you are a STAR for all the work you put into your blog.

    I’ve not been feeling too good this week, AF has been really bad, also missing my friend as we used to to chat everyday on the phone, still she is in a better place.

    Will hope to give my self a good shake and do better this week, hugs to Lilian

    1. Take care I know how you feel Now that Strictly is on I especially miss my mum because she would phone me as soon as the programme finished and we’d talk about who we liked etc She’s been gone over 4 years now

    2. Hi Lilian
      Take care my friend and I hope your feeling a bit brighter tomorrow.

    3. Hi Lilian. Your card may not have been made this week but it is absolutely gorgeous, I love it. You must be really finding it hard at the moment missing your daily chat to your dear friend. I'm sending gentle hugs to you x

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    my goodness me what a wonderful display of cards today. Each and every one is beautiful and goes to show what a talented group you are. I even managed to have a card on display even though I didn't contribute this week. Thanks Sandra.

    Another lazy day in store for me. I should be going out for lunch but really haven't got the energy to move. I hate feeling like this but I know there's people who feel a lot worse. Hopefully will be fine tomorrow as I'm meeting Wendy for a coffee.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you've had a restful day today and manage to go for a coffee with Wendy tomorrow.

    2. Hi Val. I'm sorry you are still feeling so poorly. Hopefully the antibiotics will soon start to do their work. Please be gentle with yourself until you are fighting fit again but maybe a nice relaxing coffee and chat with Wendy will help. Your bicycle card is lovely, I love the pretty flowers in the basket. Sending you gentle hugs x

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    A quick visit this morning, we are almost ready to leave for Essex (PAT I suppose it’s up as we have to cross the Thames to get there!)
    What a fantastic display of cards today and such a variety. Thank you Sandra for inspiring us XX
    I hope whatever you’re doing today will be enjoyable and relaxing, take care dear friends.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you gad a fantastic day. I got so confused re directions before the TomTom Dane along. Road Signs always said go either N.E. S. or W. but I never ever knew which direction was which.

    2. Hi Brenda. I hope you have had a lovely time with the family at your grandsons party. No doubt you will be tired by the time you get home though. All 3 of your challenge cards are beautiful, I must admit that I think the stamps on the first card are gorgeous the spray is so delicate and pretty and the sentiment is a heartfelt one. Stamping up are so good at sentiments, they have so many really meaningful ones don't they. The background is so pretty on your 2ndvcard and I love the red card too x

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what can I say but WHAT A BEAUTIFUL lot of cards, good job we have extra boards that Paul got out in readiness. I love all of them but must agree with Michele the one from Lilian there is something about it. Thank you Sandra for a lovely challenge you are such a
    Cafe is open & roast pork dinner on the menu with all the trimmings so get your orders in.
    Janet so pleased you can relax at least for a couple of days, just
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Yes please I’d love a roast pork Can I have cranberry sauce with mine instead of apple

    2. Hi Mum. Thank you for the yummy roast pork earlier. I love your cards, that die is gorgeous. I haven't heard of the company who made it either but there are lots of new companies making dies that are really cheap but cut beautifully aren't there. I will ring you tomorrow as someone stole today! Love and hugs to you and Pop xxxx

    3. Hi Mum. Second try at leaving you a comment! I love your challenge cards, that die is gorgeous isn't it 😊 I hope you and Pop are both ok. I will ring you tomorrow as someone stole today. Love you xxxx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    WOW WOW what amazing show of cards on display this morning all of them are Amazing well done everyone. We have a bright sunny start today not sure if It will last. My son Sam & Harry turned up yesterday & didn't leave until 11.30pm
    My word Harry has some energy he never stoped all evening dancing & jumping
    He is in the Independant stage won't let anyone help him Sam was trying to put his PJ's on for going home but he wanted to put them on himself he was determined anyway he did it in the end but you just wanted to help him but NO was his answer bless.Darren sent me a video clip of him doing his button up on his jeans he did it after ten minutes he gets so excited when he does it.
    Wish I Had some of his energy.
    Not much on today might try a short walk with Baby then Terry's got to sort the clutter out from the demolished train room he started building 6 years ago it was long way off of finishing it so he thought he would take it apart ( he's like a bull in a china shop )instead of having now one tidy bedroom we have two messy bedrooms. So I think I might hide in my craft room.
    We are off for our walk now & try to walk a little further depending on my aching leg. So better get a wiggle on.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Ooh I have a husband like that! Makes lots of mess in all of the rooms to tidy just one

    2. Hi Lynda
      I assume by a train room you mean a room to keep a train set in. Hope Terry clears the mess up after him. Petes shed is like that. I gave up clearing a walkway through as every tine I opened the door it was a mess. He has things in his shed that's never seen the light if day. But he needs it just in case. In case of what I've never found out,

    3. Hi Lynda. What a beautiful trio of challenge cards you have shared with us. I must admit that the first one is my favourite. I love both the face and the verse. You've got some lovely dies and stamps at bargain prices. Your ATCs are all.beautiful, I will have to get some tips from you as I have never wasted so much card as when I made Sandra's ones. For some reason I just found it really hard to make such little cards, not sure why but I wanted to do something totally different for Sandra this year. I hope Terry has or will tidy the bedrooms up when he has finished taking the train set down. I wonder how men can manage to make so mess? Most of them seem to be the same, I know my Chris is!!! How lovely to have the evening with young Harry. It's good that he wants to do things for himself but it is so hard to sit back and watch them struggle isn't it, but the pride they have when they finally manage something is wonderful isn't it 😁 Hope you, C U and Baby had a nice walk today and that your legs aren't too bad. Sending you and C U hugs xx

  8. Astounding ladies They are all gorgeous and thank you SANDRA for using some older ones which maybe at the time the ladies wouldn’t have considered as silhouette
    We went to Salsa near Milton Keynes last night A very late night so having a relaxing morning and maybe we’ll go dancing this afternoon
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen
      You do enjoy your Salsa. A lovely dance move. I hope you had a lovely relaxed morning before you go dancing again.

    2. Hi Karen. You, hubby and daughter looked fantastic in your Halloween outfits. It's good that you had a great time and then salsa both last night and tonight too. It's no wonder you are so slim and fit, you must burn off so many calories and while having a great time 😊 I love both of your challenge cards. What a brilliant way of doing hair with those beautiful butterflies, it looks stunning x

  9. Good Morning Ladies
    I'm just giving you fair warning that tomorrow might just involve a sketch and no card.
    I felt rough all day yesterday and I suspected that I might have had a Water infection, during the night I deteriorated and I am just on my way to an emergency appointment.
    So fingers crossed I can get sorted today.

    1. Oh Sandra, how painful. Hope they can sort you out. Hugs xxx

    2. Sandra please do not worry about the blog, your health is more important. The cafe will be open as usual for people to come into. Sending

    3. Take care SANDRA I know how horrible it can feel Please please don’t worry about the sketch

    4. Sorry to hear your well, hope you managed to get some help.

    5. Hi Sandra
      Don't worry about the blog. Your fealty is more important. Hope you manage to get some antibiotics for your infection.

    6. Hi Sandra. I hope you managed to get that extra antibiotic in tonight and that you are in less pain very soon. It's been a while since you had any so fingers crossed they work quickly my lovely. Don't go worrying about the challenge for next week please. Sending you big hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow, wow, wow, 28 gorgeous cards today which include yours Sandra
    I was surprised to see a card from me Sandra. This is a Woodward stamp which I loved when I bought it but haven't used it since. I'll make a few more I think now you've reminded me I have it.
    Having a quiet day today and Pete is vacuuming the cars out. Will be taking Doreen to lunch at Yarnton. But a friend rang this morning to say they have a Craft Fair over there which has taken over part of the restaurant.

    1. Enjoy your lunch Hopefully the craft area hasn’t taken too much space

    2. Hi Karen
      It took up quite a bit of space. The restaurant was heaving as it was yesterday. They had all sorts at the fair. I bought something to keep our keys on made out of wood. He had some lovely things on his stall. Steam engines with clocks in. An old fashioned blow lamp, etc,etc.
      I'll take a photo and send to Sandra.

    3. Hi Pat. It sounds like the craft fair is a good one with some unusual items for sale. Do you know when it finishes? I would like to go and have a look. I bet you don't have to pay a fortune to get in either, unlike the one at Millets farm which charged £4 on the door! I understand they want to make money but they charge the stall holders a fortune and having Ng such a high entry fee stops a lot of people going in so the stall holders loose out, so unfair for them. I know there were a lot of complaints so they have dropped the entry price to £2 I think. Sorry rant over and soapbox back under the counter. I love your challenge card even though you made it last year, it's unusual and I love the colour. Hope your visit to the hospital gets you some answers and a cure for the cough you have had for so long x

  11. Good Evening Everyone
    Well I really shouldn't have said we were going to have a few relaxing days before returning.

    We are having to return early - driving up to Calais tomorrow and sailing Tuesday because the water infection Him had has returned and we need to get him to see a dr. This will be his fourth one in succession so something needs to be done this time other than antibiotics.

    Anyway I'll be missing for a couple of days but will be back on Wednesday morning as usual. Hugs to you all.
    SANDRA- Hope all went well with your emergency appointment today. xxxx

    1. So sorry to hear of your hubby's water infection. Poor man how painful.
      Drive safely and have a good journey home. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Sorry to hear that Jim has another water infection and you've had to return early. I hope you have a good journey home,

    3. Hi Janet. I'm so sorry to hear that poor Jim is suffering again. You are right, something needs to be done as he is getting them far to often. What a shame that you are having to return home early once again, I suppose you should be grateful that you have managed to get the jobs done but you must both be so disappointed. Sending you both gentle hugs xx

  12. Evening All, wonderful display of cards, wish I could find my mojo, think it’s gone on holiday.
    Managed to finish my mamouth jigsaw today, it’s huge , lovely picture of an hot air balloon, it’s shaped so no straight edges, quite a challenge.

    Going to get some dinner now, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your mojo returns soon. Your jigsaw sounds like fun to do. Karen, Petes daughter gave me one to do the was all zebras. My that was hard.

    2. Hi Lilian. I think my mojo must be with yours as I'm struggling at the moment. I am going to have to leave my craft things out on the dining table as that is half the problem for me rather than clearing it away each night so I can get on with my Christmas cards. Well done on finishing your puzzle. Could you share a photo of it, if you haven't put it away that is as I love an unusual jigsaw😊 x

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. So many fabulous challenge cards this week. Thank you for showing mine Sandra, I wouldn't have thought of it as a silhouette, this week's challenge has taught me so much, thank you my lovely.
    I hope you are soon on the mend from this latest water infection, thank goodness you were seen quickly too.
    Yesterday passed in a blur and today hasn't been much better, but less painful thankfully. It was lovely to spend the day with you and to see Michele and Maria too but I won't be going to the NEC craft show again as it is just too big. It would be so much better if they kept the different hobbies seperate as they do at Farnborough wouldn't it? Xx
    Maria, I hope you aren't suffering too much since Friday, did you enjoy the firework party? Your challenge card is beautiful, I love it x

    1. Oops, had the usual finger trouble!
      Cheryl, what a great male challenge card, I love it. Sandra and I were talking about how die cutting has changed over the years, even in the 5 years that I have been crafting there has been massive jumps in dies and how intricate they can be now yet cut out so easily, if you have the right die cutting machine that is 😊 X
      Danielle, what a beautiful challenge card. Thank you for sharing it. I hope you had a drink and piece of calorie free cake in the Café when you popped in 😊 Hope to see you here again soon. Take care X
      It has taken me ages to comment but I hope I haven't forgotten anyone, sorry if I have. Im off to bed now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Jim and all in need xx

  14. A wonderful array of cards Sandra from your girls, I was going to make one but time ran away with me, xxx

  15. wow fantastic cards everyone, thanks for letfing me join in sandra.. xx
