
Monday 6 November 2017

Karen's Monday Challenge

Karen's Channel Card

A sketch to help you visualise.

Good Monday morning Ladies,

As some of you may have noticed, yesterday  I was feeling really unwell and after a visit to Emergency appointment I had my suspicions confirmed, I had a nasty Urinary Tract infection, which really made me feel unwell.  I had my suspicions on Friday night but put the feeling down to being exhausted from NEC and the fact that we hadn't had enough to drink.  By Saturday I struggled to even get out of bed and by this time really knew that all was not well with water works, I thought that I could flush it away by drinking loads throughout the day, which helped but I was up all through Saturday night into Sunday morning and the pain was unbearable, so I made the call and travelled across county to see an Emergency Doctor, who after dipping my sample confirmed the infection  and  commented on the high level of blood too, I guess that's why it's so painful.  I am very experienced with this particular condition as up until I discovered Cranberry tablets I had a UTI virtually every month since my complicated surgeries in 2009, so I knew which antibiotics worked best ect.
Hopefully antibiotics will start working their magic by the end of the day and I will start to feel more human.

Karen was so thoughtful yesterday and as I was unwell she came up with a suggestion for this weeks challenge  and shared an amazing card to inspire you too.
The challenge  is to make a......
'Channel ' card.
Which basically is a card with a narrow channel in the top layer, this style is a favourite  with Sue Wilson.
I have added a sketch to help you see the concept of a channel card, it's basically a gap in your top layer, which you can add decorative paper into or glitter card, or leave it plain.
Your channel can go in any direction you choose, I think that we might have had this as a challenge before so I will have a look in the archives!
If any of you are stuck for ideas type Channel card into Pinterest to see some examples, mostly Sue Wilson cards to be honest as I think it's her that made up the name.

I hope you have fun with this challenge ladies and hopefully it will inspire some of you that are struggling with your 'mojo' !

Have a lovely Monday ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-lovely Card & a great challenge for us this week.

    The Church Ladies & the Vicar were quite impressed with my cards and immediately said I could have a stall at their fair. We agreed that I would make a donation to the Church rather than pay for the table. The fair is a Christmas Tree Festival & Fair-the local groups (brownies etc) all decorate a tree and then they switch on the lights. This takes place on Friday 1st in the evening then they’re on display all day on the Saturday when the fair is open.
    Think I’ll be needing more Christmas cards so my challenge cards will all be Christmas themed.

    Sandra-I hope you soon start to feel better.


    1. That's great news Michele, you will do so well with your wonderful cards. take care xx

    2. Really pleased you have got a table, I’m sure they were blown over with you beautiful cards. xx

    3. Hi Michele. Im not surprised that the church are happy for you to have a table and yes I think you r cards will sell quickly so you will need lots more ready 😊 x

    4. Hi Michele
      Great news that you were accepted by the church committee to have a stall. Yoyr cards are lovely and so they should ge impressed.

  2. Morning all
    I hope you’re beginning to feel better SANDRA and I’m only too happy to help I know how painful it can be
    I hadn’t realised we may have done this challenge before (whoops)
    The channel can be in any direction and cut with a trimmer, scissors or die cut. As SANDRA has mentioned, you can use patterned papers, glitter, die cuts. Anything
    I hope you all have a good day Congratulations MICHELE I knew they’d like your cards A church near us do something similar and invite local companies to decorate a tree
    I hope DOREEN gets on ok today PAT
    Take care all xx

    1. Love your cards Karen and this challenge is a good one. Loved how you used the butterflies for the hair on the card yesterday. You must come for a coffee next time you near MK xx

    2. What a star you are coming up with a challenge suggestion, especially when Sandra is feeling so poorly.
      Thank you xxx

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I will try that comment again so that it is readable!
      Hi Karen. Can I second what Brenda said. You are a star and your inspirationall card is lovely x

    5. She got on ok Karen
      Had an Dupkex Ultrasound. Saw dr Dan as ge asked to be called p,us his boss. Going to put something into her veins to try and clear the blockages in them. That's plan A. Plan B if that doesn't work will be a lower Limb bypass by taking a goidish vein from her right leg and put it in the left to help her. Mind you none of her veins are much good apparently.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Love the look of this challenge Sandra. It looks like it will be a simple enough job, hahaha....I will see.

    (((((HUGS))))) to all feeling under the weather today, I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Have a nice day Cheryl. Hope everything reg the panto is now sorted so you can get cracking with the sewing, hugs xx

    2. Hi Cheryl. How are the costumes coming on now? Have you got everything that you had to order yet? X

    3. Hi Cheryl
      I hope the costumes are going well and you received your patterns.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you begin to feel better soon, healing hugs on the
    Karen thank you for coming up with a challenge for us, I don't mind if we have done it before I can still use
    Michele well done on getting a
    Janet sorry to hear you are travelling home early, hope Jim copes with the driving, safe journey & hugs on
    Housework this morning, may have to take friend to Dr's if she can get an appointment then hope to do more cards.
    Cafe is open, leek & potato soup on menu lunch time to warm you up, thick frost here this morning.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. The soup sound good so I'd like a big bowl for lunch. hugs to you and Pop xx

    2. I love leek and potato soup, have you got a any left?
      Hope you are both OK xx

    3. Hi Mum. You know I love your leek and potato soup so I had a big bowl, thank you. Love to you and Pop xxxx

  5. Hello Sandra, sorry to read you’re really not very well. UTI’s can be very painful so you really have my sympathy.
    Didn’t get home until after 11pm last night. Just off For blood test now will pop in later love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. You know me so well Brenda. I did have a duvet day yesterday and my body was screaming, thankfully it is better today as I have to run the hover around the house a bit. Good luck with the blood test. Have a nice day, hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies in the cafe' today.
    Sorry to hear you so unwell Sandra, hope the meds will kick in fast so the pain goes away.Big hugs for you
    Val- hope you feeling better soon. Did you see Wendy yesterday ? Take care and healing hugs for you.
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but Brenda was right, with NEC on Friday and then fireworks party Saturday my Sunday wasn't good at all and I'm still suffering a bit but hope for a little walk out later as it is a gorgeous day with blue sky and frost on the ground.
    All the cards on show yesterday were all wonderful ! Thank you Sandra for showing some older ones too as some of us have really got problems at the moment to make any kind of cards up and I for one is stressing about getting the x-mas cards together at all this year.
    Lilian- sending you some warm ,big hugs and hope you soon feel better. Is R out working so you are home alone a lot too ? You know you can always send us a message and we are here for you anytime xx
    Lynda- hope your leg is ok-ish. It is a real struggle someday's so I hope you get some help from someone.
    Janet- sorry to hear Jim is so poorly so you have to go home early. Wishing him better and have a safe trip back home.
    Have a nice day as possible and take care,
    Love Maria xxx

    1. Hope you wrapped up warm for your walk as it’s a bit chilly outside today. xx

    2. Hi Maria. I hope you managed to have a short walk today but please take it easy to let your body get over the very busy weekend you had. Sending you big hugs x

    3. It was sunny here this morning Brenda. But boy is it chilly now.

  7. Hi all, lost two comments this morning so a quick visit.
    SANDRA hope the medication works soon.
    Great cc and lovely crd KAREN
    Hugs to all not feeling too good or unhappy.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val hope you are feeling a bit better today. xx

    2. Hi Val. Have the meds started to do their job now? If not maybe you need to see the doc again. Sending you hugs x

    3. Hi Cal
      I hope your feeling much better today.

  8. Hello All, dry but cold.

    Sandra do hope you are on the mend.

    Karen thanks for the card and inspiration. I’ll have a go, not sure what yet.

    Not much happening here, washing blowing on the line, even changing the bedding exhausts me these days,

    Healing hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hello Lillian,
      How are you feeling today, Are your still feeling exhausted ? I know AF can sometimes make even the smallest task feel like a marathon, don’t try and push yourself to hard, it will only make every task even more difficult. Take care. xx

    2. Hi Lilian. I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with changing the bed. Please do as Brenda says and take it easy. We all fight against anything that we could do quickly and easily a few years ago don't we. Have a good rant rave or sob, which ever you feel the need for. I find it helps me a little bit to do all three finishing with a good sob then I usually get some sleep and wake up feeling just a little bit more positive. It's worth a try as nothing else works for me 😏 Sending you big hugs x

    3. Hi Lilian
      Take things easy lovely lady. Everything seems so much harder when your under par.

  9. Hi Sandra abs ladies.
    I hope your feeling a bit better today once the antibiotics have kicked in.
    Great challenge card Michele.
    Took Doreen to the hospital this morning. She'll either have something put in her veins in her leg to see if they can be unblocked. If not she'll have to have lower limb bypass surgery which can take 3-4 hrs to perform, and a stay in hospital for 5-7 days. Let's hope the former works. Not to sure what they will do with the gangrene which is on her toes.

    1. Hi Pat. I hope they can help Doreen without having to operate. Hope you get on well tomorrow at Gastroenterology x

  10. Hi Sandra, sorry I was in a hurry this morning, the surgery gave me an early appointment for my blood test. Mind you I got there early and was in and out before my appointment time, great because it was a fasting blood test. After some breakfast we went over to Wimbledon to pick up something up for Debbie as she couldn’t get over to collect it herself.
    Nice challenge card chosen by Karen.
    Sandra, I hope you are taking things easy, keep yourself nice and warm?
    Janet, is Jim up to that long drive? Make sure he has plenty to drink and a rest every hour or so. Have a safe journey xx

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope your blood test comes back with a good result for you. Fasting tests are the worst ones I think. I really enjoy my breakfast these days so I'm glad you didn't have to wait too long for yours. Sending hugs x

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I do hope your meds are starting to kick in now my lovely. So painful and just when you are in extra pain anyway. I'm sending you big gentle hugs xx
    Karen, I love your challenge card. I have only ever made one proper channel card so it will be great to see everyone's take on the sketch. Thank you for helping Sandra out 😊 X
    Janet, I hope that you and Jim have a safe trip home. I bet you will be doing as Brenda said making sure he has lots of drinks and breaks. Hugs are on the way to you both X
    Lynda, did you manage to get a nice walk yesterday? I bet Baby enjoyed it. Hugs for you and CU are on their way to you X
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra and all in need xx

    1. Thank you Sue I didn't get any further on our walk blooming leg.
      Still better to do a little walk & none at all. Not sure why my comment has vvisheb.
      The cake was delicious.
      Love Lyndaxx
