
Tuesday 7 November 2017

Channel Cards

Lynda's Channel Card

Maria's Channel card

Good Morning Ladies,

Frustratingly I just didn't feel up to making a card yesterday, I tried to get up and have a go but I was so exhausted by the time I got to my craft room I needed to lie down. I think it must be a combination of the Infection and the effects of the antibiotics,  i remember that they made me feel terrible last time I had them, I think I ended up getting a 'Pro Biotic' to help me stomach cope with the after effects.

So I looked back a few months trying to find examples of your Channel cards from a past Challenge.
I found a few cards that fit the bill perfectly.....

Lynda made the first card, she has used some beautiful edger dies to create her 'Channel', using the channel to show off her sentiment.  A pretty Sue Wilson Flower die cut in blue and white with some white foliage behind them. A gorgeous card Lynda, thank you. xxxx

Maria made the second card, oooh I love those pretty background papers that you have used in the 'channel' of  3 pretty daisies decorate the front of the card, along with the sentiment.
So pretty Maria, thank you so much for sharing this card with us xxxx

I am hoping to feel well enough to sit in my craft room tomorrow, I am really missing sitiing and playing with all of my craft stash! 

Janet I hope you have a safe journey home xxx

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope you’re starting to feel better today.

    Two lovely examples of Channel cards, I’ll not have chance to get in my craft room as I’m meeting up with a friend this evening.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you have a nice evening with your friend.

  2. Two perfect examples of channel cards Thank you ladies
    I hope you feel better soon SANDRA
    I hope you had a safe and uneventful journey home JANET and that JIM is OK
    I hope you’re getting over that nasty cold VAL
    LYNDA I hope your leg isn’t as painful today
    I wish I’d had time to pop in for a coffee MARIA That would have been great
    I hope to craft this afternoon BUT I really ought to do some housework first
    Take care all If I haven’t mentioned you by name - it’s the brain It can’t cope but you’re all in my heart xxx

    1. Hi Karen thanks. You must have jumped over the top of me when commenting HaHa have a good day.xx

    2. Hi Karen
      I know the feeling, my brain doesn't cope very well sometimes either.

  3. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Sorrry your still feeling unwell Sandra hope you start feeling better as the day goes on.Sending you some gentle Hug's It was a surprise opening up this morning & seeing my card from months ago. Thank for showing it Sandra xx
    MARIA your card is so pretty I love the papers you have used.
    MICHELE enjoy meeting your friend tonight. Hope work goes well today xx
    I have the doctor ringing me today regarding my bone density scan I had last month. The only thing is I don't know what time she is ringing. So will have to stay smelly as if I go in shower( CU is out painting again ) she will ring.
    So will just do a bit of housework then go in craft room. Terry has to go doctors at 4pm for results of his ultrasound scan for his heart flutters We do keep the doctors in work with all our ailments. 😂X I will pop in later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope the dr rang and your bone density check was ok. I hope Terry's scans were ok as well. We know the feeling well re keeping the Drs busy.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am soo sorry you are still feeling ill, please look after yourself & do not worry about cards for the blog, we all want you well. Healing hugs on
    Lynda & Maria both of your cards are lovely. Lynda hope Dr does not keep you hanging about all day, finhets crossed fpr good results & also for Terry, hugs on
    Maria hope you are recoveringfrom busy weekend, hugs on
    Val hope you are feeling brighter hugs on
    Lilian hope you start to feel more yourself soon, very hard to get used to not being able to pick the phone up, I always used to ring my Mum up as soon as O got home & the number of times I went to do it then remembered, it will get easier, sending you gentle
    Janet hope you are on last leg of journey, sending you hugs, you will so relieved to see your front door I am
    Pat hope you get some answers today, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them, cafe open & tea & coffee pots on.

  5. Hi Sandra and all
    Sorry to see you still feeling so ill, hope the meds will not make you worse but better in the end.
    Don't worry about cards, it is lovely to see Lynda's again. Good luck Lynda, when you get the phone call and to Terry for his results today. hugs to you both.
    Pat- hope you get some answers today, hugs
    Val- hope you feeling better. gentle hugs.
    Mum trying to face time me so best answer :>) pop back later. Love Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all,
    Sorry you're feeling poorly Sandra. Hope you start to feel better very soon. I must admit my antibiotics have been causing me severe tummy problems. I've been eating as much yoghurt as I can but not worked this time. Maybe a pro biotic would help Sandra. So hope so. Lots of hugs are on there way to

    Lynda and Maria. Lovely examples of channel cards ladies. Going up to my craft room later and hoping for some inspiration.

    LYNDA hope the phone call gives you good news and good luck to Terry for his results today. Hugsxxx

    PAT hope you get on ok today. Thinking of youxxx

    Thinking of all not well or sad today especially Maria, Lilian and Sue. Sorry if I've missed anyone else
    Hugs to all Valxxx

    1. I hope you are still taking life easy. Your body needs time to heal and recharge. Oh dear that always makes me think of the Duracell advert, the one with the pink rabbits in. IF ONLY!!

    2. Hi Val
      I hope your feeling a bit better today. I hope that they find something at long last.

  7. Hi Sandra
    I hope your feeling a bit better now. I know you said you were still feeling under the weather this morning.
    Great channel cards on show today.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone who stops by today,

    Sorry to read you are still feeling poorly, I hoped be now you would be feeling the benefit of your antibiotics, I remember how ill you felt last time you had to take them. Fingers crossed the side effects will go away soon and your system will start responding to the medication. Sending special caring hugs just for you.xx. Please don't worry about the blog. We will just talk amongst ourselves, Very quietly of course!!!! xx

    PAT thinking of you, hope all goes well for you today, fingers crossed xx

    LILLIAN, I hope your days are getting brighter and the AF is behaving. xx

    MARIA and SUE, Please take things easy - listen to your body, everything will still be there when your feeling better. xx xx

    JANET Hope the journey is going well and Jim is copying with UTI, I'm sure he can't wait to get home and rest in his own bed. Take care of each other. xx

    Lynda and Maria, love both of your Channel Cards. Thanks for the inspiration.xx

    Time to get a wiggle on, love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Brenda
    I hope they find something as well Brenda.
    I don't cough so much now but still feel like I have something at the back of my throat.

  10. Hi ladies
    Well the dr seems to think I had a throat virus. However, it could take over a year for it to clear up. I said that my cough was a lot better than it was when it started. So in the not to distant future my throat should clear up, and my hoarseness should disappear.

  11. Hi Sandra and and all in the Café tonight. It's lovely to see these beautiful channel cards again from our Lynda and our Maria. Thank you ladies 😊
    Sandra, I'm sorry you are suffering, antibiotics are both wonderful and awful at the same time aren't they. Please get Paul to get you some Pro biotic drinks to at least help a little bit with your stomach. Sending you big gentle hugs my lovely xx
    It's been a chilly and wet day here but I hope you and Jim are having better weather and a safe journey on your way home Janet X
    Lynda, I'm sorry that your legs aren't up to.much of a walk but at least you got out a little bit X
    Maria, I hope you have had a quiet restful day today X
    Lilian, sending you gentle "just because hugs. We are all here for you x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra and all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hello All, wet and cold here today.

    Sorry to be late, thought I’d posted earlier.

    Sandra do hope you are not still suffering. The senior nurse at our practice always recommends using a probiotic drink when taking antibiotics. Must admit being a bit sceptical at first but found they definitely helped.

    Two lovely channel cards today, don’t remember seeing them before, must be old age.

    Hope those getting results today , are ok.

    Must get back to my knitting, making socks on 4 pins which I haven’t done since I was a girl, quite a challenge. Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      It's rained most of the day here as well. I'd like to see your socks when you've finished them. Gentle hugs for you as well.
