
Wednesday 8 November 2017

Maria's Silhouette Challenge card

Happy Birthday Brenda 

Good Morning Ladies,

I would like to start the day by wising our lovely friend Brenda a very happy birthday, I hope you have a lovely day my very dear friend xxxx

I am slowly starting to feel a little brighter,  I just have no energy, I think it could be the antibiotics, they are quite strong and make me feel totally drained.  Anyway enough of that, let's get on with today's blog.

I had an email from Maria entitled "My Shopping and a Surprise", as you can imagine I was excited to open it and inside I found Maria's shopping from NEC and this amazing card!
Maria has made a card for the Silhouette Challenge, it's absolutely amazing Maria, your stamped Wreath looks 3D as you have cleverly built up the layers of foliage, lighter in the background to give a sense of depth the the wreath, I also love how you have highlighted the centre of the wreath with Yellow, so it looks like the couple are shopping in the moonlight!
The pretty, soft blue around the outside works so well with your red greeting and I love the finishing touch of the die cut Pine foliage and Pine cone.
What made me smile more than anything was the fact that you said that YOU liked the card too!!! Your cards are all amazing Maria and I love to share them.
Thank you so much for taking part in the Silhouette Challenge

We are busy packing up our home right now, we applied a while ago to extend our lease as it was going to be difficult to find a bungalow that met my needs, any property on the general rental market would be unlikely to allow adaptions to their property as it might out off tenants that didn't require them.  As I haven't been able to work for the past 20+ years we aren't in a position to buy right now either.                  
 So as of Friday the MOD housing will start legal action to evict us, oh they charge you £400 for the legal fees to do it  too!  All of this despite us explaining in lengthy letters and lots of form filling, we have given them OT reports detailing my needs etc, but still they are unwilling to help.  
Paul has served 33 years in the RAF, it clearly counts for nothing!  
I hate seeing him so stressed, it's heartbreaking to see! 

I hope you all have a 'Happy Hump' day, it's super quiet in our house with the girls away in Devon for the week, they messaged me to say that they are sleeping like Harry Potter, in a room that's like a cupboard under the stairs, I didn't like to tell them to make the most of it as there could be a lot worse to come! 

Sending love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Maria-your Card is gorgeous, absolutely beautiful.

    Sandra-I cannot imagine what you & Paul are going through right now. Hold your head up high & keep smiling. Easier said than done I know-trust me, I know!


  2. Me again

    Just to say Happy Birthday Brenda, hope you have a lovely day today.


  3. Hello Sandra,

    I can’t imagine what a distressing time you and Paul are having just now. My heart goes out to you both. Just hold your head high and try to look forward to the future. I know housing societies (councils) adapt homes for tenants, something is around the corner, you just can’t see it right now. xx

    MARIA, I love your card today it’s a real WOW.

    Must get to on as my Sister is coming today. I just wanted you and Paul to know that We are all here for you.

    Hope your are feeling a bit better and the antibiotics are working.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Happy Birthday Brenda. I hope you have a lovely day today.

    2. Hi Brenda, many happy returns of the day, hope you have a super birthday

    3. ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽ‰ HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brenda ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’
      Sending you many very happy returns on your special day. But I must apologise and say that I have your birthday down on my calendar for next Wednesday. I'm am so sorry, your card will go in the post tomorrow. I hope you are having a lovely day celebrating. Sending big birthday hugs xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am so sorry to hear you are having to move, no wonder you feel so ill. What a way to treat somebody who has served our Country for 33 years. I hope you can find somewhere suitable asap. Sending you & Paul great big
    Brenda Happy Birthday hope you have a lovely day.lolxxx
    Maria what a stunner of a card it is beautiful, hugs on
    Hope all not feeling soo good feel better soon hugs on
    Cafe open early as it is freezing out so tea & coffee ready with porridge.
    Sending hugs to all particularly Sandra love

  5. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA - have a good day with your Sister.

    Well Jim's off to the Drs first thing armed with a sample and so we'll see what he comes back with.

    That's it just for now. I just wanted to wish BRENDA A HAPPY BIRTHDAY EARLY. I'll pop in later and see what's happening.

    HUGS for everyone xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope Jim manages to get his medication. Apparently at our surgery now you have to make an appointment with a nurse to get your sample dipped. Mind you that can take two ir three days so by that time your in agony. Not to sure whose bright idea ( not ) that was.

  6. Oh SANDRA I don’t know what to say I really hope that something turns up How Times seems to be changing When a distant cousin left the forces many years ago He was able to at least get accommodation from the Council very quickly I know that doesn’t help but a bit of persistence with the council might help

    Happy Birthday BRENDA Enjoy your day with your sister

    And your card MARIA is lovely No Wonder YOU liked it

    I must have been extra tired last night I managed to make not one but two “Australian” cards!

    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I've made a few of those as well. At least you can cut the front off and stick it on another card. Mind you that does make it heavier or posting.

  7. Happy Birthday Brenda, I wish for you to have an absolutely fabulous day with your sister.

  8. Morning ladies,

    Oh wow! Sandra, extra stress that you and Paul do not need. The Council have an obligation to find accommodation and alter it for your needs. The MOD unfortunately do not understand and recognise that you cannot move immediately and should be helping you in your application to the Council Hosing Department. It is probably just some bean counter jobs-worthy in their housing dept who is insisting that you move out. If you leave the forces they are supposed to give you time to adjust and find another home. But to evict you and charge you the fees is an absolute outrage. Contact your MP and see what they can do to help. Tell them you will camp out on their doorstep if need be!
    On the other hand, since all the Housing Associations campaigned against the Councils having a monopoly on the social housing needs, the councils had their hands tied and were refused any attempt to increase the council housing stock by the Government of the day, which created a shortage of suitable housing for a lot of people. The EU dictators also did not help the situation with their insistence on free movement of immigrants either. I believe this has now led to a chronic time bomb about to explode.
    I wish you all the luck in the world that something will turn up unexpectedly for you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Well said but I do hope Sandra and Paul do something to get this sorted.

  9. Hi Sandra and all.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA. Hope you have a fabulous day. Enjoy your sisters

    Oh Sandra no wonder you're not so well with this worry hanging over you. The same thing happened in the police force and many people were forced to move including my friend Licia's. We were lucky in that we had the opportunity to buy ours before Allan retired. As someone said it's no way to treat someone who has served his country for 33 years. I so hope you can find a sympathetic councillor to help you in your plight or even pay a visit to your local member of Parliament. I'm sure there's a place just waiting round the corner for you. Special hugs are winging their way to you and

    Maria lovely card you've made and no wonder you like it.xxxx

    Janet. I hope Jim gets proper medication

    Have a good day all.
    Love Valxxx

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA ,have a lovely day !! Party hugs :-)

    Sandra, no wonder you are upset, that is so wrong how you being treated. All the years Paul have worked for them. I really hope you get sorted with a house asap. many hugs for you and Paul.

    Happy you like my card ladies, thank you. I bought the stamps from Nec, got home and found I already have a pack of the branches dho so if anyone is interested in doing some business I'm open for offers Lol

    Off to Stamford for the day visiting husband's step-mum, wish we didn't have to......
    I wish you all a good day and take care whatever you are doing, Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      What a lovely card no wonder who liked it. See, we told you your cards were lovely. I hope you have a nice time today in spite of where your going.

  11. I hope you get sorted, re, somewhere to live, so sad to be treated like that after all those years service. xx

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Happy Birthday Brenda. I hope you have a lovely day with your sister.
    Oh my Sandra, what an awful thing to happen to you both. How awful as well that the RAF aren't more sympathetic to your situation. Plus, they're charging you to be evicted which beggars belief.
    Fantastic card from Maria as well. Great that you like it as well Maria as you don't usually like your cards.
    Hugs to everyone whose feeling under the weather today. It's actually sunny here today, long may it last.

  13. Hello All, lovely sunny day here, very cold this morning.

    Sandra, a letter to your mp is a must also telephone for an appointment at his next clinic, ditto your local councillor. You should have priority over many of the people who get help with housing these days.

    Have made my challenge card for this week, only trouble is texture paste doesn’t show up in photo, still looks good in the hand.

    Maria love your card, great colouring.

    Have a good rest of the day all, hugs Lilian

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafรฉ today.
    Words almost fail me Sandra. There are times when I'm ashamed to say I'm British, and somehow even more so near to Remembrance Sunday. What a disgusting way to treat Paul, you and all of the family after so many years of service he has given to this country! My love and hugs to you both xx
    Maria, wow your card is gorgeous. You should be so proud of yourself. We all told you at the show that your cards are all beautiful but this one is even better. I wonder how much it would cost if you were able to buy it in the shops? It would certainly be expensive ๐Ÿ˜ Thank you for sharing it with us. Whoever gets it will be giving it pride of place X
    I hope Jim has got the meds he needs Janet now you are home again X
    I must go now as it's time to take the girls to their swimming lessons now so I hope you are all as well as you can be. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra and all in need. Take care xx

  15. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA sorry I'm late in today thank you for your email.glad you liked your card.
    SANDRA. I'm so very sorry what you & Paul going through right now. I think it's disgusting how your being treated after Paul has served his country for 33 years
    That should count for some Form of compassion by letting you stay in your home untill you get the help finding a suitable accommodation for your needs.
    Sending you both LOVE & BIG HUG'S,
    MARIA WOW your card is gorgeous I love it. You should be proud. So no more saying your cards are rubbish they are definitely not. Hope you enjoyed your day out visiting Rick's Step mum xxx
    JANET glad your home safe & sound & hope Jim gets sorted with his medication.
    Love & Hug's Lynda & plenty of Hug's for all that need them. xxxx
