
Thursday 9 November 2017

Wendy's Silhouette Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly today I would like to thank each and every one of you very dear friends for your absolutely invaluable support.  I could not wish for better friends than you lovely ladies, you really did bring a little sunshine to a very dark day.
I really don't like to use my blog to whine about my life, that's not what I started my blog for, I'd like to think that on a normal blog day you wouldn't know that my life is any different to anyone else's.
Some days you can just say 'I'm fine' when someone asks how you are but other days you just can't hide it!
So I apologise for being miserable and thank you once again for caring xxx

Now onto today's card, its absolutely stunning, Wendy (aka Spanish Crafter) made this card for the Silhouette Challenge, I am so delighted that Wendy has taken part in our Challenge again this week and I couldn't wait to share her card with all of you.  
Wendy used some of John Lockwood's Stamps and also his Media plate and Izinks to create this amazing card, the Media Plate has been used to create the coloured/textured area in the centre of the card and Wendy has stamped her sentiment into the centre of this area, along with that lovely butterfly and then used some of John's new stamps, stamped in black to create the Silhouette.
An absolutely amazing card Wendy, thank you so much for taking part in our weekly blog challenge, I can't wait to see your next card xxx

I have made a promise to myself to go and sit in my craft room today, I have just not felt up to it so far this week, this flipping infection has affected the 'palpitations' I've been having, I had 3 episodes yesterday, one resulting in me landing on my bum on the lounge floor!  I had my ECG yestereday morning though, frustratingly I had an episode at 8.10am and my ECG was at 9am!! 
Blood tests today (I am dreading it, you ladies are so brave, I suffer terribly with Needle Phobia) 
Frustratingly my veins tend to collapse just as they get started!! I am not so bad when they use the little butterfly needles though, so fingers crossed that's what they will use today!

So there will be one of my cards on the blog tomorrow, there I have said it now, so it shall be! lol

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Thank you Sandra for showing my card, I do love Johns new stamps. Good luck today and hope all goes well for you. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Wendy-what a beautiful card, it’s gorgeous.

    Sandra-it’s nice to hear you saying positive things. I cannot imagine how worried you are. Good luck today at the GP & hope you have fun in your craft room later.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your having a good day at work and your not to busy.

    2. Hi Michele hope you have had a good day at work. Enjoy your evening whatever you do maybe craft room.🎨
      Hug's xx

  3. It’s good to hear you being positive SANDRA
    Enjoy your time in your craft room
    I have a young friend (I went to school with her mum) coming to craft/play this afternoon I’m really looking forward to it
    It’s lovely crafting in company because you bounce ideas off one another I’ve told her about this blog and it’ll be nice that I can actually show it to her You never know I might be able to persuade her to take part! But we’ll probably chat more than craft!
    Take care ladies xxx

    1. Enjoy your crafting and chatting this

    2. Hi Karen hope you have enjoyed crafting with friend today hope it was productive or was it more chatting.
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Karen
      I hope you gad a fun day today in your craftroom.

  4. Morning ladies,

    A stunning card Wendy to be proud of. Love the layout.

    First dress passes muster for the Panto! Hooray! We had a meeting at our Village Hall yesterday to lokk over plans for Hinkley A when the decommissioning fully finishes. The gentleman who gave my friend Rosie (who I met there) gave us a technical description of the storage facilities being built and we left quite assured that there would be no impact on our village. So we popped into the Cannington Walled Gardens café for a coffee and hot chocolate. we had a lovely chat and catch up and she has offered to take some of my load away and help with cutting out the dresses for me. At the same time I can concentrate on the rainbow skirts for the Munchkins and a larger one for the Dame. So this time next week all should be parcelled off for our sewing team. Phew! I feel so much more relieved now that things are finally happening.

    I have my annual COPD check, flu jab and mammogram next week the day after each other. The mammogram is at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton and my friend Doreen (also helping with costumes) is coming along for support, lunch afterwards and a spot of Christmas shopping. She was with me on my first consultant appointment in 2014. I with having had both breasts operated on now I am not looking forward to the pancake machine, it is so, so painful. I will have to grit my teeth and soldier on, it is a small price to pay to still be here.

    (((((HUGS))))) to all in need of one today...they are waiting to jump out of the basket to wrap themselves around you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good luck with all the procedures that are coming up Cheryl and enjoy your lunch an Christmas shopping. Xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl good luck with the pancake machine that's a good description I always call it Jed Clampit HaHa
      Good luck wit all your procedures.
      Sending squishy Hug's xx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Hope your procedures go ok next week. Like the phrase pancake machine. Sounds lije the Panto costumes are all systems go now. Hopefully if won't be such a rush now for you.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope your blood test goes ok & you get a chance to make a card today, you certainly sound more positive, glad our comments
    Lynda missed you yesterday hope all is well, hugs on
    Wendy love your card, great to see one of
    I will open the cafe for Janet hope she is recovered from long journey & Jim got some meds & answers, higs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret I did pop in & comment yesterday but it was a bit late or them pesky comment snatchers have gobbled it up 😂😂
      Thanks for missing me.
      Hug's on there way.xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    You sound a bit more positive today Sandra. I hope your blood test went ok today, and you don't have to wait to long for your ecg results.
    Wendy great card today. Lovely to see some of your work. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Glad you're feeling a bit better today And range. Hope the blood test goes well and your results come through quickly.

    Had to take Gracie to the vets this morning as she'd hurt her dew claw and poor little thing squealed so much when the vet had to cut it short. She lying here looking so sorry for herself with her paw all bandaged up

    My poor DIL is still in hospital. They're not happy with the way her foot is healingand tthey're trying to get her fit and well for her op next week. Anyway today they are going to use maggots to eat all he nastiness from her foot. I must admit it sounds so archaic to me but if it works it will be great.

    Hugs to all not so good today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Ooh that does sound archaic and yeuky But If it works then great I wish her well I think they are using leeches in some hospitals too
      I hope little Gracie is better soon too

    2. Hi Val aww pore Gracie hope she feels better Tomorrow.
      Sorry your DIL is in hospital again. Yuck the thought of maggots chomping away but I hope it works in time for her operation next week.
      Sending her some Hug's & Hug's for you &Gracie

    3. Hi Val,
      Sorry to hear DIL is still in hospital, I think they are using the old fashioned treatments more & more, somebody I know had a bad leg & they used honey soaked bandage.
      I hope Gracie forgives you soon, they do know how to look sad don't they, Star is in season at the moment & when she sees Sue she cuddles up to her as if to say " You understand how I feel don't you?".xxx

    4. VAL the last time I was in hospital (in CCU) a lady was transferred from another ward, she had heart problems also leg ulcers that were being treated with maggots. When the dressings were removed the results were amazing. No drugs involved at all, these maggots do a fantastic job. I hope they work for your DIL.

    5. Hi Val oh that sounds awful using maggots on her leg. I hope it works.
      Poor Gracie. Sounds like your in the doghouse excuse the pun. Hope Gracie and your DIL recovers soon so she can have her op. Your DIL I mean.

    6. Hi ladies,
      Gracies still feeling sorry for herself and wouldn't eat her food tonight. I'm sure a nights sleep will see her fine tomorrow.
      Just had an email from Helen and the maggots were laid on her foot in a sort of tea bag and tickle a lot. Amazing that all these old fashioned remedies are returning.
      Hope everyone is having a lovely evening.xx

  8. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA hope your blood test went ok I also had blood test as well today.
    Not it's not good hitting your bum on the floor that's my trick.hope you don't have to wait to long for your ECG results. You sound more positive today sweetheart . Hope you had a good day in your craft room did you get a card made.❤️️
    I was in my craft room most of the day made the Challenge card &I just did some cutting out for Christmas cards.i must get on with them might try & get the special ones done tomorrow as CU last day tomorrow painting for now but he has got more coming up. He dose need a rest now.
    Well must dish up dinner so see you all later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Must get on with my Christmas cards as well Lynda. Started off well then came to a full stop these last few weeks.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    Wendy, what a beautiful silhouette card, thank you for sharing it x
    Sandra, it was lovely to see you today, as usual the time bandit stole some time didn't it! So much for popping over just for a couple of hours 😙 I'm certainly not complaining though. It was good to see you and to see that you felt up to going into your craft room. We are all here for you just as you are for us so no more apologising for having a moan, like you rightly say sometimes pretending you are "fine" just isn't possible so moan away, you have every right my lovely. Try not to let the b......s grind you down, at least not some of the time!!!
    Val, I hope your DIL manages to improve with the maggot treatment, it may seem medieval but they do a fantastic job, so much better than artificial drugs. As Mum said more and more ,"old" treatments are being used as they work so well. I hope Gracie is ok, poor little thing. Star does like to play the real "oh poor me" with me then will bounce over to Chris without a care in the world, it is so funny, and her Mum was even better at the sad face with me too. Dogs are so funny at times aren't they 😊 X
    I'm sat here doing my favourite thing at this time of night, I keep nodding off then waking up and writing a bit more so I'm calling it a night now before I manage to hit delet by mistake!!! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I typed a long comment this morning saying a ‘BIG Thank you’ to everyone for making my birthday so special, your Cards and good wishes really did make it a very special day. You know what’s coming next - yes it’s somewhere out in cyberspace!!! To make matters worse we were in a hurry, we had some shopping to do and then have lunch and this afternoon we were piciking two the grandchildren up after school. Then looking after them (at there house) until mum came home. It was after 8pm by the time she got in. Fortunately we had our dinner with the children. We are now back home and I will TRY to remember what I said this morning........... Flying Pigs comes to mind !!!

    Sandra I hope your blood test went well and the experience didn’t freak you out. I witnessed a lady once with the same fear. She apologised afterward to everyone around, even laughing at herself - but maybe that was embarrassment.

    WENDY Your card is gorgeous, I have some of Johns Media plates and must get around to using them, Your card has made me want to get them out. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing xx

    Take care everyone, Sleep well 💤 Love Brenda xxx

    1. SANDRA, I forgot to say - why should you not get the soapbox out now and again to vent your problems and/or feelings..... we all do, sometimes it’s all we need. In your case you actually got some very good advice, which you may or may not have known. Either way I hope and pray that soon you will know what the future holds.
      Take care my lovely friend, xxx
