
Friday 10 November 2017

Festive Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and are relaxed ready to enjoy the weekend.

I had a lovely afternoon with Sue yesterday,
which was a welcome distraction from all of the worries, we were too busy chatting and looking at ways to solve a problem in my craftroom, we bounced some great ideas off of each other and Paul, so we'll see if anything works!

Now onto today's card, last week at the NEC I was looking for this Snow Globe for, made by 'Precious Marieke', I saw it at a couple of different stands at different priced but in the vast muddle I couldn't remember where it was at the best price, I also wasn't prepared to PAY for a guide to the show, which had advertising in so the cost would have been more than covered by that!  It makes me so cross when Big Companies too you off!
Anyway, long story short, I didn't get it but Sue did, so she bought it today for me to play with.
You probably can't tell from the photograph but this is a 'Shaker Card', I folded a piece of A4 white card in half and burnished the fold, I then placed the die very slightly over the fold, so that the cut line was above the fold of the card, this left a small hinge which gives us an actual card base.  I then die cut another Snow Globe just a single one this time and glued it over the card base, hiding the little bit we had cut off while creating the card base.  I then die cut one more and used the inside circle die to cut an aperture in the centre of the globe.
I die cut again using acetate to create a window, I glued this to the front piece of the card.  I took some foam tape and built up a couple of layers around the edge of the circle.  I then die cut another inside circle in Night Of Navy card, then I cut the Precious Marieke 'Bauble' which is a pretty Christmas snowy village scene, in white and popped it onto the Night Of Navy background, sticking this whole piece to the centre of the base card. I dusted over both the acetate and Christmas scene with my anti static bag to try and prevent the glitter from sticking, I then added a little wet glue to the foam tape to help it wiggle into place and stuck my two pieces together to form the 'shaker'.
I had a Brittania die that said 'Silent Night ' and thought that fitted the scene perfectly so i cut that in Night Of Navy too.
It was tricky trying to pick up the sparkle on the camera but it is definitely there and looks quite effective.
It felt good being back in my craft room and better still I got to uphold my promise!

Sophie and Lucy get home from Devon today, it's been so quiet without them, I am looking forward to a hug!

I hope you all have a good day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, I love the colours. I’m glad you managed to get in your craft room & even better that Sue came over. What a lovely distraction.

    I had a leisurely evening, phoned my Dad then packaged up a few simple Christmas card I’d made the previous evening. I’m calling at my Dads tonight as the local council haven’t bothered to send out new refuse collection timetables and my Dad doesn’t have access to the internet so I’ve printed them out for him.. After that I have a whole evening to relax-might read tonight rather than Craft.


    1. Hi Michele, hope your dad is doing alright. say hi to him from us. I like reading and get a book from the library sometimes. Have you got a favourite Author ? Have a good day x

    2. Hi Michele
      Hope you dad is going on okay. We have a completely new system now dustbin wise, so the council did sent us the new rota through the post. Otherwise it was print one off or call into the council offices to pick one up. Enjoy your book if you read it tonight. I'm reading one on the iPad at the minute. A collection of short stories.

  2. Morning Sandra and all,
    Stunning card Sandra , beautiful rich colour. So glad you had good company yesterday to take your mind away from your problems for a while. Hope Sophie and Lucy have a safe journey home.
    Craft Club later Yeh. I missed last week so looking forward to seeing the group again.
    I have made a cc this week Sandra and will photo it and send it shortly.
    Just cut off Gracies plaster and she's busy liking the sore place clean but don't think I'll take her for a walk this morning.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, oh poor Gracie. They are funny dogs with their eyes, they can look so sorry for themselves. Hope she soon is better. It sound a bit old school but it is amazing results with maggots on infected sores. Hope your DIL soon gets better and she can have her ops. Hugs to you all and some extra cuddles for Gracie xx

    2. Hi Val
      Your sounding much like your old self. So I'm hoping you are feeling better.
      Enjoy your craft class.
      Best not to rake Gracie out if her wounds are still a bit raw.

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful Christmas Card this morning. I love those snow globes.

    Sorry I'm been AWOL this week but it's been one of those weeks when I've not known where I am and what's supposed to be happening. I shall really be pleased to start a new week.

    Anyway the CAFE is OPEN - usual hours and the heating is on full blast so it's nice and warm for you all to pop in for a chat and a cuppa.

    HUGS on their way to you all with 'Emergency packs of extra for Dear Friends in need'. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hopefully you can both have a better week coming. hugs to you and Jim and I hope he got meds now to help him. Take care x

    2. Hi Janet
      Great to hear from you today. I hope Jim's infection is clearing up a bit new. Just a shame you had to cut short your little break.
      I hope you have a better week next week as well.

  4. A gorgeous card SANDRA in my kinda colours
    I’m glad SUE came over and helped distract you
    I had a lovely afternoon with my friend We talked loads and crafted a bit! She showed me how she covers greyboard letters in fabric I’m going to have a go at making some for my room
    I then finished a cc which I will photograph and send to you SANDRA

    1. Hi Karen, glad you had a nice day. We must arrange a date for a meet up before x-mas hopefully. hugs xx

  5. Good morning all.
    A lovely card Sandra, I like shaped cards and this have a very nice wintry front. Hope the blood test wasn't too bad to take. My veins are no show so often it has to be taken in my hand and it bruises nicely. Nice Sue could come over yesterday to keep you company, bet the girls coming back with lots of things to tell you what they been up to. Hugs being sent for you and Paul.
    Yesterday's card from Wendy is a real nice card. Glad to see you joining in and hope to see more of your crafts.
    Cheryl, good to hear things is going in the right direction reg the Panto and you sound happier that you got some help. know the "clamper" is a horrid thing but I will be there with you and fingers crossed everything is ok.
    Margaret, hope you and Pop are fine and can enjoy some nice days before the real winter setting in. hugs to you both.
    Lynda- how are you doing ? Have had a look in on your blog but you haven't been for a long time. I am going for my first session with the Pain clinic today so will see if anything new, I doubt it but will give it a go anyhow. You take care and many hugs for you and Terry. Hope Baby is doing alright,was she fine with the fire works going off ?
    Not dressed yet and no brekkie had so best get a move on.
    Have an idea for cc Lol will see if it gets together this afternoon. Sending hugs to you all and some extra for poorly and missing friends, xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card, well done the colours are perfect, I love navy & white. Pleased Sue made you think of something else for a change. Enjoy having Lucy & Sophie back
    Busy day today I am expecting Sue & Chris & I also pick my new glasses up, horray! It will be lovely to be able to read & do some cross stitch again seems ages.
    Val hope Gracie has forgiven you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra
    Love the shaker card. Like the snow globe be as well. Now Sue did ask me to either bring something over for her to use or do some Die cuts for her. However, my brains gone into forgetful mode so I'll have to email her and find out what it was. She was also going to do something for me as well but I can't remember what that was either.
    Great Sue was able to come over and give you a bit of light relief so to speak.
    Had a nice coffee and a chat with my friend Beryl she was pleased to have a bit of light relief from her problems at home as well. Her husband had a stroke awhile back and is quite stubborn and difficult to deal with.

  8. Hello Sandra and all,
    What a lovely card, it really makes a statement and will stand out in a crowd!!!
    I love the contrast between the Navy and White. This card ticks all the boxes.

    What a lovely distraction you had yesterday, I’m sure Sue was just the tonic you needed. xx

    Hope the girls have had a great time in Devon. I’m sure they will have loads to talk about, and you will be thrilled to have them home again ................. + the washing + the clutter and everything else teenagers do !!!!

    Must get a wiggle on. It’s one of those day where I’m getting nowhere fast. Mind you our autistic grandson (everything is black or white - matter of fact) made me a birthday card. His cards always have your age on the front. Indie the put Dear Grandma, now you have reached 3/4 of a century! BLESS HIM !!!

    I hope everyone is having a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I have days like that as well. Lovely that your grandson made you a card.

  9. Hi Everybody, lovely and sunny at the moment.

    Sandra, lovely card, love the snow globe design, glad you had a nice time Sue.

    Must send my pic of this weeks card.
    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad you've got sun today. It's nice and sunny here as well. Not to sure how warm it is though as I haven't been outside yet.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love your snow globe shaker card. The dark blue against the crisp white and that perfect sentiment make a beautiful card and being a shaker card too is a great idea. I'm so glad you felt able to make it my lovely. I'm sure the girls have lots to tell you about their training away. Thinking of you my lovely xx
    Brenda, what a thoughtful grandson. Maybe he is worried that you might forget how old you are!!! Sorry I'm only joking. You certainly don't look that old. Has your grandson seen the "Scrabble tile" age cards on Pinterest? More to the point does he understand them? I have known a lovely high functioning autistic boy since he was 6. He is now 17 and we often have a chat. He has shown me the Scrabble tile cards and does "get" those but doesn't understand many other humourous cards or jokes. I hope you have had a good day with the same amount of sunshine that we have had here x
    Pat, I know we both wanted the other to cut or emboss things but haven't got a clue what, sorry! I should have written it down straight away. If I remember I will let you know X
    I hope you all have all have had a nice day and are looking forward to the weekend. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      I'll have a look at what I bought. But I don't think it was anything in my bag. As we didn't get to see what we each bought. We might have a lightbulb moment sooner or later.

    2. Hi Sue, I must look for that on Pinterest I’m sure he would understand, as he often has to have ‘jokes’ explain to him, he will then say....... oh I get it now!!! He is now 15 and doing his mock GCSE’s. Not sure what the future holds for him, but as long as it involves numbers he will be fine. He is the only child I’ve ever known to look forward to a maths test!
      Take care xx

    3. Hi Sue. I just love the scrabble card tiles you mention. In fact whilst I was in The Works I bought 2 packs of Scrabble tiles for that very purpose.
      Hope you and Pat have that light bulb moment and remember what it is you've both forgotten.
      Love Valxxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I hope the girls had a nice week away.

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card.
    Sorry for being away so long. I’d been ill and was having tests etc done. Anyway news back yesterday that my cancer has returned but it’s traveked to my bones so although it’s not cureable it is treatable.
    It’s a big blow to us but it is what it is and ivf is now off the table which kinda upset me more. See u all soon xx

    1. Ps it’s tracy stitt.
      Having trouble with google leaving my name on. Any help to rectify problem would be fab xx

    2. Hi Tracy,
      So sorry to hear your news, there is nothing I can say other than we are here for you, sending you hugs

    3. How sad Tracy but as MARGARET has said we’re here for you xx

    4. Hello Tracey,
      I’m so sorry to read your news and the IVF is no longer an option. What can I say, please when you feel you need to talk or even if you just want to kick out, we are here for you. We have a soapbox you can use at ant time. How is you OH? Just be there for each other.
      Take care, I promise we are all here for you. xxx

    5. Tracy, I am so sorry to hear your news and it is nothing I can do to help other then to be here for you and listening when you need to talk. Sending many hugs to you and G. We are all here for you and we will see this through together xx

  14. Such caring messages when someone has been given a terminal diagnosis. What a lovely sympathetic bunch you are
