
Saturday 11 November 2017

Mixed Up Saturday, Featuring a Tutorial from Karen

Mixed Up Saturday

Before we start, take time to Remember those that gave their lives
so that we could live ours.
We Will Remember Them

Good Morning Ladies, 
Here we are at Saturday once again and OMG do I have a fantastic blog post for you today, it features just about everything from Hobbies to Shopping, amazing acheivement, oh and a little bit of craft !!
So here we go.......

Karen's Tutorial

This is the card that Karen has kindly done the Tutorial on.

I dotted a piece of card with artist masking fluid - very cheap from Hobbycraft using a paintbrush Allow to dry thoroughly.

I spritzed with water and then added Pixie Powders I chose dark colours to show up when photographed and spritzed again All to dry.

When dry gently scrape away the masking fluid I used the side, not the point, of a pokey tool

I turned it into this card - similar to last weeks with a different Merry Christmas die set and no mats I embossed the front half of a card blank.

Thank you so much Karen for taking the time to explain how you achieved that amazing 
background, I can't wait to have a go! 

Val's Shop Display

Val, you are absolutely blooming amazing, how you acheive all of those cards just
blows my mind, you must be in your craft room 24/7, the thing that amazes me is that you
never complain, we never hear you say 'I'm sick of making cards'.
I bet the rack behind are all yours too! 
Thank you so much for sharing your achievement with us Val,
you are an inspiration to us all.

Lilians Puzzle

Lilian what an absolutely stunning puzzle, I absolutely love doing Jigsaw puzzles,
we have a tradition of getting a new jigsaw every Christmas, I usually go for anything
over 1000 pieces, this looks like way more than that, its a truly stunning picture too,
so much detail, how long did it take you?  There is so much Blue,
 all the same shade too!
Actually I think this is just the sort of distraction I could do with right now!
It would break my heart to mess that up!
Thank you so much for sharing it with us Lilian.



Margaret has treated herself to the Stampin' Up!  Seasonal Bells stamp set
and matching punch, some Cherry Cobbler card and pretty ribbon too.
Margaret that stamp set has been in and out of my basket a hundred times,
I absolutely love it, especially the sentiments, they are in such lovely font,
the banner and flourishes are stunning too!  
I first thought 'its another Christmas set, will I use it enough?'
But the Bells can be used for both Wedding and Anniversary cards too,
I have seen some stunning cards on Pinterest for this set too.
I cannot wait to see your cards, Margaret, now you really do need to come for 
a craft afternoon, schedule me in ASAP !! lol 
Thank you for sharing your shopping.


Maria has shared a photo of the lovely goodies that she bought at the NEC
last Friday, you got some absolutely lovely stamps and dies Maria, I too love the 
new 'Julia' die from Sue Wilsons new release, its such a pretty circle die, 
there are some beautiful stamp sets to match it too.
The Cardio stamps are the ones that you used on your Silhouette card,
 such lovely images 
that are perfect size for creating a scene or a view through a window card.
I see you got one of those Precious Marieke Christmas frame dies too, 
they are so pretty
and are actually a really good price.  Some Die Storage and other essentials too,
 you bought more 
than I did, but to be fair I think that I did more talking than shopping!
Thank you for sharing your shopping my lovely, now get crafting! lol


WoW, Sue, I honestly didn't think that you had got that much, your 'magic bag' certainly
hides all of your shopping well! I will say that Sue got some amazing bargains with her
shopping haul, those two boxes in the middle photos, both contain card, card blanks, envelopes
and 8 dies (in each) and they were £2, yes £2 per box!! I am kind of kicking myself for not
picking one up, it certainly had to be the bargain of the day!
You got some great dies as well Sue, I love that Christmas tree, that Grass die will be so
useful too, imagine in cut in green with tiny die cut flowers dotted among the stems!
I know how you love your Snowmen so seeing another Cutie doesn't surprise me at all,
Sue's Snowglobe die is currently living at my house and it out on my craft desk as I type,
I absolutely love it and Sue you will be relieved to know that I ordered myself one tonight too!
That Wood effect paper pad that you bought is fantastic, as are the other papers and lots of
glitter card too, oh and some of Pink Frogs amazing 'Red Velvet' Card!
I can't wait to see your Christmas cards, so tell the family the Dining Table is out of bounds
and get all your craft stash laid out, otherwise you will never get around to it!
Thank you for sharing your shopping my Lovely.


This is the little Key Holder that Pat bought at Yarnton Craft Fair,
It is a lovely Pat, very useful too.
Although you must be careful if you have a 'keyless start'
On your car, as theives now place a transmitter by your window
and a receiver by your car and it will open,  they are advising that
You keep car keys in a metal box!
Thanks for sharing Pat

See, I told you it was going to be an amazing blog post,
Thank you to all of you that contributed, there would be no blog if it weren't
for all of you lovely ladies, so again a HUGE heartfelt
Love and Hugs 



  1. Morning Sandra and all,
    WOW what a wonderful display today.
    KAREN many thanks for the tutorial of your very pretty card. Really must buy some of that masking fluid. It works so well with the Pixie Powders.xx

    LILIAN your puzzle is amazing. Such an unusual shape and so intricate. Like Sandra said, I would hate to break it up.xx

    BRENDA love your Stamping Up goodies. Great for weddings as well as Christmas of course.xx

    MARIA my word you certainly had a good shopping spree. Love the Cardie stamps. One of the ladies from craft club was at the NEC last week and she bought a lot of Cardie stamps which she brought in to show us yesterday. They really are lovely. Also like Sue Wilsons Julia stamp. It's my favourite of the collection. Have fun using it all.xx

    SUE you've also had a great shop. Those sets for £2 are a real bargain and I love the globe that Sandra used yesterday. Enjoy playing.xx

    Off for coffee with my friend today. I usually meet her on a Thursday but she couldn't make it this week. She's such a chatty lady, never stops talking which is lovely but don't know how I'm going to keep her quiet for two minutes silence which happens at 12 noon here. Pauls just suggested I go to the ladies for a couple of minutes. Good idea.

    Have a lovely Saturday ladies.
    Hugs to all. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, What an amazing display of cards. How on earth do you keep up with always having to restock? I am seriously impressed.
      Thank you for the comment on StampinUp goodies, sorry they are not mine, they belong to MARGARET. I did get a new set of Dies but forgot to send a picture in. Must make sure I get it to Sandra for next week.
      Hope you had a lovely meetup with your friend AND managed to get a word in!!! I had a friend like that, by the time she took a breath I had often forgotten what I was going to say!!! xx

    2. Hi Val
      My word what a fabulous collection of cards you've done for the shop. Not to sure how you manage to do such a varied selection.
      My SIL is like your friend. I think her husband switches off. It got embarrassing though the last tine we went away with them as people started to avoid us. Mind you she has a very load voice as well so she really only had to say something once and the whole place heard her. On holiday you don't want to hear about someone's doom and gloom.

    3. BRENDA stupid me, I was sure I saw your name. Ha ha
      Thank you for your comment on the card display. Lynn gives me a list every week on what they've sold and I make them when I can. Mind you my mojo has dissapeared at the moment so I have a bit of catching up to do.
      Enjoy your weekendxxx

    4. Pat. Thanks for your comment on my cards.
      My friend is lovely but of so chatty. You can see her mind working on the next thing to say whilst I'm talking. Her hearts in the right place though and although she's married she's very lonely.
      I love your key holder. Is it brass or wood? Xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    WOW what a start to the day. All those goodies bought last week and what bargains you all managed to get.

    KAREN- a beautiful card and a wonderful tutorial. Thank You I'll be having to give it a go.

    VAL- you definitely get 'STAR OF THE WEEK'. What a fantastic lady you are. I really don't know how you manage to make so many beautiful cards. I would love to see them live in the shop as they look a real 'show stopper'.

    Well off to do some shopping this morning and prepare for another busy week ahead. The car has to go into the garage on Wednesday and we have just a few other things which need attending to. Ah well what would we do with nothing to do.

    Anyway enough of my ramblings. THE CAFE IS OPEN and waiting for you all to come through the door and have a chat and a cuppa.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good Saturday. xxxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Enjoy your shopping this morning. We've just finished doing that with Doreen. I have cream cakes for lunch as usual. Doreen wants Pete to go up a ladder and clear out her guttering. But he doesn't think he can manage that at the moment as his thumbs are so painful. He'll ask Craig his son if he can pop over and help when he's off school.

    2. PAT, I’m sorry but I had to laugh at your comment above addressed to me, I think you’re having a day today like I had yesterday. You should take it easy sit down with a cup of tea and relax. Hugs xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Karen-fantastic technique, makes an amazing background.

    Val-OMG, you are truly amazing. I cannot believe the sheer amount of cards on display.

    Lilian-your puzzle looks fantastic. It’s just the sort my Mumsould have enjoyed doing.

    Interesting shopping Ladies, I did send my photos to Sandra or at least I thought I did. Verna but stressful this week at work so who knows what else I haven’t done?!
    Off to meet a friend for a coffee-not seen this friend fir a few months so will be a nice catch up.


    1. That last part should read”been a bit stressful “!!!


    2. Hi Michele
      I hope you gave a less stressful week next week.
      Have a lovely tine catching up with your friend.

  4. I'm not sure why blogger changes the layout I arrange the blog in to this message, it's so frustrating!
    I will go and see if I can change it!
    Enjoy your coffee mornings Val and Michele!
    Janet I hope Jim is on the mend, take it easy my lovely!
    HuGs to all

    1. Hi Sandra
      Layout looks ok to me. I'm not updating the iPad though if Karen and Brenda are still having trouble.

  5. Hello All from a very wet and windy Cornwall, but at least it’s not cold.

    What a wonderful Saturday post Sandra
    Karen great tutorial, would never have thought of using masking fluid that way, I find the pebeo one the best as it washes out of your brushes easily.
    Wow, lovely lot of shopping, those boxes of cards and dies are an absolute bargain.

    Val, what a wonderful display of cards, put me to shame, I must get into card making again.
    My jigsaw is one I bought several years ago, it’s very large, and it’s says it’s more than 1,000 pieces, like you Sandra we always had a new one for Christmas, never had the time before, but needed something to take my mind off the loss of my greatest friend. It was very difficult as there were no straight edge pieces, and a lot of blue.

    Well we are hopefully going shopping this morning, if the weather improves, might just be to the range, need to get the grandchildren’s advent calendars.

    Have a good day all, Maria how did the pain management clinic go hope it helped. Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      What a fabulous puzzle. I bet it took an age to do though. My friend has a couple where the picture isn't what's on the lid but off what they're looking at. She found those difficult to do as well.

  6. Just lost a Long comment Grrh!
    What a gorgeous amount of shopping ladies and that box of card must be the bargain of the year!
    Your display of cards is amazing VAL Can I ask - is your “market” for both English and Spanish? My OH tried to buy a birthday card for me whilst we were in Spain and could not find one anywhere
    Puzzles It’s beautiful but puzzles and I do not get along! It maybe because I am colour blind...
    I saw TRACEY HORTON do this on HOCHANDA and it’s so cheap and easy to do
    It was good to see TRACY in yesterday Take care hun We’re all here for you xxx Leaving comments has been a pain since Do an update on phone I have to keep signing out and back in on Blogger or Google MICHELE has had same problems
    Take care all Must meet up soon I’ll send dates to MARIA Going now in case I lose this one!

    1. Hi Karen, thanks for your tutorial.
      It's not a Spanish custom to sell cards but I think some Spanish in our village are coming round to the idea. For that reason I have a section of Feliz Navidad cards as well as ordinary Feliz Cumpleanos and they all seem to sell. We have all different European people living here and a few Russians and fortunately most speak English so selling British cards is a doddle.
      Pain about blogger messing you about.
      Have a great weekend.xx

    2. Hi Karen, Thank you for you great tutorial and the inspiration. I have now got masking fluid on my shopping list. Have a good weekend xx

    3. Hi Karen
      I thought it was you and Brenda had the problem with blogger. But as you said it was you and Michele.
      Thanks for the tutorial on using the masking fluid. Great card you've made using it.

    4. That’s interesting VAL Actually at Salsa we play a song Feliz Compleanos When It’s someone’s birthday If It’s a guy the ladies take a turn in dancing with him whilst the song is playing and vice versa

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Great post Sandra, so much going on with your ladies and lots of nice shopping, I do miss going to craft shows. xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    My word what a great collection of goodies we have on show today.
    Thanks for the tutorial Karen, love the card.
    No Sandra, non of our keys are keyless entry so I had no qualms in getting this key holder. Just saves a mess of keys on the shelf. Mind you I could have bought loads of stuff on his stall.
    Tracey I'm so sorry to hear that your Cancer has returned and your unable to ge forward with the IVF. Must have been a body blow to you. In a roundabout way I can relate to how your feeling at this moment in time. Feel free to let off steam whenever you choose. We have a very well loved soapbox in the cupboard for anyone to use at any time. Have a good scream as well if you want. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    1. Hi Pat, Yes I still have problems with blogger. I have to remember to check the Reply as: under this comment box (I’m using the iPad) if it has Reply as: Brenda Lello (Google) It will publish. But if it only says Reply as: Google my comment goes AWOL. It doesn’t give me the option to change it to my name and Google. When this happens, the only way I can leave a comment is to go to another blog and leave a comment, then when I return my name is there with (Google) in brackets after it. Sorry that was a bit of a long winded explanation. xx

    2. Crikey Brenda what a long winded way to leave a comment. Must be so frustrating for you. No way to fix it either I suppose.

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a great Saturday blog we have today I have already commented on Val’s cards and Karen’s tutorial. I really don’t think there is another blog like this, where everyone shares with everyone else, you ladies are an amazing bunch!!! MARIA I love your shopping, have fun with the cardio stamps.xx
    SUE, didn’t you do well, some really fantastic buys there. xx
    MARGARET, Love the stamp set, and a bonus because it’s not just for Christmas.xx
    PAT What a great key stand, it’s always lovely to get items that you know have been hand made. xx
    LILLIAN, Love the Jigsaw. They are a great distraction. We love them. xx

    Sandra I hope Lucy and Sophie got home safe and sound, and your house is back to normal!!! xx

    I hope everyone is having a good Saturday take care dear friends.
    Love Brenda XXX

  11. Hi Brenda
    Yes, I loved the stuff the man had on his stall. He had a lovely model of a steam train with a clock in it. Plus an old fashioned blow torch that Pete loved as well. We do love travelling on steam trains.

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for reminding us of the importance of today. We will remember them.
    Thank you for showing us all the goods etc. Hope you have a lovely catch up with the
    Karen great tutorial never tried this at all, one day when I have nothing else to
    Val your cards look amazing, you should be very
    Maria looks like you had a good shop, was it all on your list? Hope pain clinic went ok. I actually was able to do some cross stitch last night which was great. Pop doing well started walking Star in afternoon now, which gives me more of an afternoon
    Sue looks as if you managed to fill your bag without me as well, I love those boxes for £2.00 & the snow globe. Hope you feel better today, love
    Pat lovely key holder you got from
    Tracy sending special hugs to you
    Hope yoou all have a good weekend, hugs to all who need them love

  13. Hi Sandra & ladies
    My comment from this morning has vanished.
    What a lovely lot of shopping done last week at N E C MARIA love all your shopping enjoy playing
    SUE you got some bargains for £2 well done. Love all your shopping. Hope your feeling better sending BIG HUG'S xx
    PAT love your key holder looks very nice.
    KAREN thank you for your tutorial I've used masking fluid before but haven't used it like you have done. Must try that if it's ok.
    VAL WOW WOW so many cards you've made No wonder thay sell quickly Hope Gracie is better now paw Hug's 🐾🐾from baby xx
    LILIAN your jigsaw is amazing hope your not going to break it up.
    TRACY sending you special love & hugs thinking of you both❤️️
    SANDRA hope the girls enjoyed their time in Devon.& have a good catch up with them.xx
    Love Lynda xx🤗🤗🤗

    1. Of course it is LYNDA I saw it on HOCHANDA by Lisa Horton and thought of you as you like using Pixie Powder

  14. Hi Lynda
    Hope that you and Capt Underpants are keeping well. Love my key holder I bought. Don't usually buy at craft fairs but a few things caught my eye one this stall. But limited myself to just the key holder.

  15. Sending special hugs to you Tracey today.

  16. Hi Sandra and all this evening,
    sorry being late but we have been out all day and got back about twenty minutes ago so now have a cup coffee and some mini stollens from Lidl, they are moreish.
    Val -I would love to go to your shop and have a proper look at all your fabulous cards you have made. There are so many ! Well done for making so many every year. Hope Gracie is doing alright. Hope you had a nice time with your chatty friend. hugs to you and the family.
    Karen, thanks for the tutorial. Love the technique you have used. Must get myself some of that Masking fluid.
    Margaret, good shopping and from your Sue as well. I looked at those boxes but didn't get any of them. You must be joking Lol my list never get to see the light of day really so everything I bought was on the spur of the moment. It was a bit scary to add it all up back home, I got to stop spending and use what I already have (wonder how many times I said that)
    Lilian, your puzzle is amazing, it must have taken you a long to finish it. Will you be sticking it together and have it up on a wall ? My grandmother used to make woolen socks on four knitting needles, she made them so quickly that way, Hope you doing ok, hugs
    Pat- fab thing to keep you keys hanged up on. Keep ours in a bowl so it is a guess work what keys you get hold
    of Lol hugs to you and Pete
    Brenda- hope you be ok with a meet up in Watford in a few weeks time before it gets too busy for x-mas ? hugs
    Tracy- love and hugs to you both, you are always in my thoughts. Take care
    Pain clinic was alright. Never liked sitting in a circle tho and talked about my feelings but good to know I'm not alone and this blog where Sandra don't mind we talk about most things. I'm so so glad you are my friends and you understand when you sometimes have a bad day. On that note I will wish you all a good night and hope mr sandman will visit at some time tonight. many hugs to you all,Maria xxx
