
Saturday 4 November 2017

Mixed Up Saturday/Michele Magazine Review

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,
A very slow day in our house today, I know remember why we hadn't been to the NEC craft show for a few years!!!
It's just too far to walk between stands, there was one craft stand followed by a couple of sewing stands then a another craft, then a few beading stands etc,etc.
I absolutely loved getting to finally meet Michele and just as I expected it was like meeting up with a very dear friend, not somebody I never met before, it was as if it was only a couple of days since we last saw each other, I loved every minute I got to spend with you Michele XXX

I don't think I will be going back to the NEC though, it was far too busy, there so many people on Huge mobility scooters that they had hired outside driving around precariously, we watched one almost take out a whole stand!  They were everywhere and with the volume of people it was a complete nightmare. 
I think there were fewer papercraft stands than Ally Pally but what there were were spread over an area 3 or more times bigger. 
I felt so sorry for Sue who really struggled with the journey to the car at the end of the day, like me her body had well and truly had enough. 
Farnborough seems to have the perfect balance of papercraft stands in a reasonable sized area, easy to manage a couple of circuits of during the course of the day, we always do a quick look round to see who is selling what and at what price,  you then go back to the place that you saw the best bargain. 
Another problem we had with the size a mix up of stands is remembering where you saw what! 
We didn't get anywhere near the other two exhibitions, you must have to buy a multi day pass for that, don't get me wrong i absolutely loved meeting Michele and Maria and sharing the experience with Pat and Sue, we also met Christine Emberson which was a lovely surprise.

Now we have loads to look at today so here goes........

Michele's Magazine Review 

Cardmaking & Papercraft magazine this month has a stamp/embossing folder & paper pack free plus some lovely Kaisercraft papers which are great quality. Inside there’s a great project-an advent calendar that folds up like a book.  

Papercraft Inspirations has a really lovely set of border stamps free this month plus papers from Kaisercraft. The thickness of these papers are almost like card and would be good for a 3D project. Inside there’s a few great projects including one using Mini pegs and another on how to make some really cute penguin cards using free downloads from the magazine. 

Making Cards magazine has included a great sentiment stamps set free this month and great quality papers. The ideas inside on how to use the free papers are always great and this month is no exception. 

I treated myself to this Special Edition if Diecutting Essentials as I thought the Dies/ stamps would be useful all year rather than just Christmas. Inside the magazine there’s some amazing ideas which use some or all of the additional items with this magazine.

That’s all Ladies until the next bundle of my magazines arrive.




Lynda has been saving her shopping to share with us, you have bought some fantastic stamps and dies Lynda, the dies are from China, you have bought some gorgeous dies, I love the Bauble frame, that vertical sentiment die is fab too. You have also bought some amazing Stampin'Up! Dies, a fab mixture of background, sentiment and flower stamps, I really can't wait to see the cards that you make with them. The highlight of the shopping though is the Tim Holtz Stamping Platform, it is a seriously fantastic piece of kit, you just know anything he puts his name to will do its job perfectly and it really does.  Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us. 

My Shopping

My shopping from the NEC, I really didn't buy very much, some Cosmic Shimmer glue, a mountain /valley mask and some Stampendous Glitter Mix from Inkyliscious, some Magnetic sheets and Acetate from the £1 stand, some black card from Limetree crafts and Memento and Distress Oxide from The Stamp Hut, Gilding Wax from Pink Frog and Cosmic Shimmer glue from Spike. 
How impressive that I even remembered the Stand I bought them from!! 


Just look at these amazing ATC's that Our Lynda has designed this last week, each one is an individual work of art, initially meant for Artists to share their work with each other hence the name "Artist's Training Cards'', I love them Lynda and I would love to do a 'Swap' with you, anyone's else that would like to join in with an ATC Swap, (justing sending an ATC) to someone, who will then send you one back, they are a great way to share inspiration.
Thank you so much Lynda for inspiring us all .


(Karen's daughter)

Karen's Husband

Karen sent me photos of the family Halloween Costumes, Karen's outfit was made from a cheap Asda Mask and some old clothes, you look amazing Karen!!
Karen's Daughter Charlotte did the make up for herself and her Dad, aka The Grim Reaper!  Such amazing costumes, Charlotte has done a fantastic job of the make up, I love her costume both pretty and scarey.
Thank you both for sharing your photos with us .

Thank you to all that contributed to today's blog, I am so grateful XXX

Thank you to my lovely craft show Companions for a lovely day out yesterday XXX

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-WOW, what an amazing collection of craft goodies. You’ve purchased some really lovely items. The ATC’s you’ve made are stunning, all beautiful.

    Karen-the three of you look fantastic. Scary but fantastic!

    I had a brilliant time yesterday-it was so lovely to meet Sandra, Paul, Maria, Pat & Sue. The few hours I had with them went far too quickly, I agree with Sandra’s comments about how difficult it was to actually see the paper craft stalls as they were so spread out. I’m sure I missed a lot of them but I enjoyed what I did see. I was very restrained with my purchases-will send s photo to Sandra later.

    I’m off out shopping for a birthday present this morning-should have bought something on Thursday but I didn’t!


    1. Great meeting you yesterday Michele. Such a shame it's wasn't a longer visit. I'm sure I missed stalls as well.
      Thank you for the reviews of the magazines.

  2. Me again-meant to say Thank You to Margaret for supplying the cake yesterday, it’s was absolutely delicious.


    1. Thank you Michele, I am only sorry that I could not meet you yesterday, will hear all about it when I see

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra it sound like a nightmare trying to get to stands at the NEC, makes us appreciate Ally Pally & Farmborough. I am glad you got to meet up with Michele & Maria though. Have a peaceful day today. Xxx
    Thank you all for your best wishes yesterday, we had a quiet day I managed to cut out lots of bits, hope to do more later.
    Val I hope you are feeling better today hugs on
    Michele excellent review as always xxx
    Lynda lovely lot of goodies, look forward to seeing what you
    Karen I am glad I didn't meet you 3 on a dark night!!!
    Cafe open tea & coffee ready needed on this very wet morning.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Sorry you couldn't come yesterday. we missed you but thank you for sending the cake with Sue. It was greatly appreciated.

  4. I am so pleased you got to meet up I was a little worried that because of the size of the NEC that you’d miss each other
    Great magazine review MICHELE- thank you
    OMG LYNDA what a great bundle of stash you bought and those ATC’s are lovely I still haven’t tried making one!
    Then there was the shock! Photos of me and my family! We do enjoy a bit of fancy dress I have a wardrobe full of fancy dress clothes There were some amazing costumes that night The male winner was a ghost wearing white top hat and tails He looked immaculate He even had white shoes on to create the whole effect
    The lady’s winner was a mother and daughter as Day of the Dead The daughter (age 10/11ish) did the most intricate makeup She’ also a lovely little Salsa dancer - mum lets her come during the school hols
    OH is off today but we have nothing planned and it’s raining! What’s a girl to do .... more crafting?...
    Have a good day ladies After the busy week you’ve had some R&R is in order Take care xx

    1. Hi Karen
      What fabulous costumes. You both look so scary. I'm glad I didn't have to meet you in the street.
      Great costume that Charlotte was wearing as well. But how fabulous was the makeup she did as well. One very talented lady.

  5. Morning all again, not sure if you seen my earlier post but didn't get much sleep and like Sandra I think I won't be going to the NEC for a while even if a lady on the train told me that the spring one is a lot quieter. It was lovely to see some of you and it made my day, I also managed to spend so will take some photos to send. Thank you to Margaret to thinking of us and sending us some lemon and coconut cake which is to die for.
    Thank you Michele for doing the craft magazine review's.
    Wow Lynda what an a fab bundle of goodies, great dies and you ATC's are lovely, well done.
    Karen- love your dressing up for Halloween, you all look great.
    Have things to do so best get a wiggle on and we are out this afternoon to probably gone midnight so we have to see how I feel later Lol
    Love to you all, Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Great to see you yesterday. As you said it was too spaced out. They should have had all the crafting goodies at one end and sewing, knitting and everything else at the other.
      We had a great ride home thanks to Paul seeing the traffic jams on the M42' so we went home vids Warwick.

  6. I meant to ask you LYNDA about your amazing vase of flowers Did you make them They are gorgeous

  7. Hi Sandra and all,
    Glad those that met up yesterday had a great time but wow it sounds so busy. No wonder you were all so tired at the end of the day. Hope you can all have a quiet day today.
    MICHELE many thanks for the magazine review. They all seem very wantable especially as usual the Making Cards one. I'm still dithering about getting an annual subscription as it's sooo expensive.
    LYNDA all your purchases are wonderful. Very interesting dies from China especially like the leaves and beautiful stamps. Also what an amazing selection of ATC's. Proper small works of art. I've never actually made one but they all look
    KAREN last but not least, just LOVE your photos. All three of you ok fantastic and I'm surprised you didn't win. The make up by your daughter is amazing.
    I still don't feel fantastic but I'm half way through the antibiotics so hopefully by Monday I'll be back to normal.
    My DIL is hopefully out of hospital this weekend. The operation has been rescheduled for 16th so hopefully it can go ahead this time.
    Have a good Saturday everyone whatever you're up to.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Valim so glad to hear your feeling better today and that your DIL will hopefully be out of hospital for the weekend. Such a shame her operation had to be rescheduled. I hope you have a lovely rest of the weekend.

    2. Hi Val
      Didn't mean to change your name to Valim. It's the dreaded predictive text gremlin again.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well I didn't get to comment yesterday. Bit a lovely card Sandra. After we took Doreen to the dr on Thursday where the dr we saw said she'd chase up the Vascular unit at the JR. Doreen had a phone call yesterday asking her to come in on Monday. Fantastic service I must say. Mind you that meant Pete had to cancel her appointment to have her toes dressed.
    It was lovely meeting Michele yesterday at the NEC. Would have loved to go round the Christmas show but as Sandra said it was so spread out it was hard going getting round,
    Thanks for the reviews Michele, it's great to have someone's views on what's on offer whose actually received them.
    Lovely ATC's Lynda

  9. Meant to say Lynda
    I love your goody buys. I especially love the bauble frame from China. I've bought a few Dies from there as well. Great ATC's.

  10. I wonder why at the top of the list of people who've visited the blog. It always to be Sittingboyrne when I open it. I never seen to know when I've visited at all.

    1. Also notice that although I comment it never says a visitor from Spain. Wield.
      That'sreally good service Doreen is receiving. Brilliant.
      Hope you and Pete are

    2. Hi Val
      Funny that, isn't it, that your not shown either. Well, where you live I mean. Yes, it really is good service. Might be because her toes are going gangrene though.
      We're countering along at the moment thank you very much. I go to the hospital on Tuesday to see another dr re my throat and cough. Although the cough isn't so bad as it was a few months ago. Pete doesn't go to the hospital until the 21st Nov.

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Great mag review MICHELLE . Thank you for liking my ATC cards.&shopping
    Glad you enjoyed meeting up with everyone yesterday.
    MARGARET thank you for liking my shopping & ATC cards.
    KAREN thank you for your lovely comments. The ornament is made of porcelain. Not a vaseThe lady we rent our house from I used to do cleaning for her. Her mil Passed away & i was helping her clean the house I just said how lovely it was & she gave it to me.
    VAL thank you as well for your lovely comments. Glad your feeling better.xx
    MARIA thank you too. I'm gad you didn't squash my butterfly wings very much
    hi hi. Glad you enjoyed yesterday xx
    PAT thanks for your kind comments. Glad you had a good day at NEC Yesterday.xx
    All the silver Dies I bought from China were all very cheep the most expensive was£2 they are good quality too. The SU stamps also from EBay I'm lucky with my bidding. I love the Tim Holtz stamp platform as you can change from clear stamp &rubber stamps. My son Sam & Harry have just turned up.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      How lovely that the lady gave you the porcelain flowers when you admired them.
      Your ATC's are lovely. I did make a couple once but didn't do very well. I also Zentangled a couple of small tiles as well.
      Great shopping as well from Chiina. I've bought a few as well and they've all been good quality.

  12. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I started to comment before midday put the iPad down for a second only to return and my dear OH was using it. Normally he asks am I using it, the one time I am, he didn’t ask, grrrr. I hadn’t the heart to to moan. He is feeling delicate.

    MICHELE Thank you for the magazine reviews, they really are useful and truly appreciated xx

    LYNDA Did you win the lottery? What a fantastic amount of shopping you have been doing. You won’t want to come out if your craft room with so many choices to play with. Great ATC’s xx

    KAREN Great fancy dress and makeup, you all look fantastic, I’m sure it was a brilliant evening. xx

    SANDRA Like your shopping, you said you didn’t buy much but what you did get are all items that you will use. xx

    PAT Wishing you all the best for Tuesday. Hope Pete is OK it seems a long gap before his next appointment xx

    VAL Hope you are still taking it easy xx

    SUE, Are you OK after your visit to the NEC yesterday? I think the day must have been exhausting for you all. xx

    MARIA, You night owl! Think you will need a duvet day tomorrow. xx

    Tomorrow we are going to our visit our daughter in Essex. Her middle son is 19 on Monday and not to grown up to have a birthday party with his family!!!!

    I will try and look in before we leave, that’s if I can get my hands on the iPad. I should never have shown OH how to use it! He doesn’t ‘do’ computers ( his words) but has become hooked on the iPad. He finds it so easy to use..

    Sleep well everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      He'll have to buy his own Brenda if he keeps borrowing yours. I wonder if Gastroentrology will find anything wrong. I hope someone can sort my throat out for me.
      Hope you have a safe journey down or is it up to Essex, and enjoy your grandsons birthday.
      Hope OH is feeling more like himself this evening.
      I'm sat watching the darts at the moment. Pete as usual is probably joining Terry in the land of nod.

    2. Hi Brenda
      No such luck in winning loto.
      Silver Dies are cheep China Dies dearest one was £2 I didn't buy everything all at once SU stamps on eBay I don't bid above £7 got some for £3 . I only buy from my PayPal account when I sell something I keep forgetting to send Sandra pictures haha.
      Love Lynda xx
