
Friday 3 November 2017

Festive Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is a result of me trying to combine Festive Friday with this week's Silhouette Challenge.
I used Stampin'Up! Merry Miseltoe ' Stamp set, which features the super cute Reindeer I have used above and the sentiment. I stamped both with Gold Sparkle Embossing Folder, the background of the card is made up of gold glitter paper, Garden Green card, then 'Be Merry ' Designer series paper. I added a piece of Cherry cobbler double stitched ribbon across the centre.
I hope you like my design.

I am very much looking forward to meeting Michele today,  it seems to have taken months to come around, especially after this last few days.  Today will be a nice distraction.

I hope you will all behave in our absence, Margaret will keep the cakes stocked and the coffee flowing!   Although I have to say that you will be sorely missed, particularly by Paul.

I hope you all have a lovely day, if any of you needs anything just message me, I am happy to shop for you!

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra.

    Quick visit from me as I need to gather some snacks together to get me through the train journey!


    1. Hi Michelle, I’m sorry I won’t be meeting up with you today, I did look into the possibility, but would have had to leave home at silly o’clock and not get there till late morning.
      Have a fantastic day, Can’t wait to hear all about it. Love and hugs XX

    2. Hi Michele hope you have met up with Sandra Sue & Pat by now.
      Sorry I'm not meeting with you. Enjoy yourself.
      Hug's xx

    3. Me too but like Brenda I’d have to leave at silly o’clock Have a great day

    4. Me too but think I’d have to stay the night!!!

  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely Festive Card this morning SANDRA.

    Have a good day all of you going to the NEC and I look forward to seeing your shopping lists.

    Another busy day ahead hear - market this morning and then more putting things to bed for the winter.
    I think Jim will need a holiday after this week lol.

    Hope you're all coping with aches and pains and that the weather is not too cold for you. HUGE HUGS are winging their way over the water to you all. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, sounds like poor Jim is working non-stop. I hope he does manage a couple of days rest before that long journey back home.
      Love and hugs XX

  3. Have a great day all of you that are meeting up I’m gutted I won’t be joining you I noticed a local bus company run trips there but on a Saturday Perhaps next time .... As to the shopping- don’t tempt me SANDRA there’s always something I’d like but I have spent soooo much recently including a new Halloween costume for next year! Take care all xx

    1. Hello Karen, I also looked into the possibilities of coaches going to the NEC but couldn’t find anything in the local area, the companies that do go are miles away with no local pick up point, they also only go on Saturday. Like you it’s probably best I didn’t go, I would only be tempted to spend money, also this months we have three grandchildren with birthdays so it’s an expensive time anyway. Hugs XX

    2. MICHELE Thought I had put the above comment under the one I left for you at 11.20
      I think my brain has gone on holiday today xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    Love the stag on your very Christmassy Christmas card Sandra.
    Hope all of you meeting up today have a lovely time. Safe journey everyone.

    Not going to craft today. Really don't feel like it and I'm sure my lovely craft club ladies don't want me coughing and spluttering over them. So I'm going to slouch all day in front of the tele and put on a lot of films.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all not feeling so good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      Sorry you’re still not feeling to good, I think time spent just how the mood takes you would be what the doctor ordered, Nothing worse than pushing yourself when you don’t feel up to it. Keep yourself cosy and relax as best you can. Caring hugs on the way to you XX

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. This is a lovely card in my all time favourite Christmas colours 😊 I have realised that I don't really know the real meaning of silhouette so another great learning curve 😊 Sending you both the biggest hugs my lovely. You know I'm here for you day and night my lovely.
    I'm sat in the car with Sandra, Paul and Pat not so far from the NEC now so getting excited to meet Michele and Maria. It is not the same without you though Mum 😢
    I will come back in on the way home so I hope you all have a good day. When we do meet up with Michele and Maria we will do enough chatting for everyone 😁😁😁 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue have a lovely day are you all sitting havering lunch by now.
      Enjoy your day
      Love Lynda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra have a lovely day give Maria & Michele a big hug from me. Your card today is lovely, I hope to make mine
    We have lemon coconut cake in the cafe today so hope you all enjoy it, the cafe is open drinks on the go so call in & join us.
    Janet hope you have sometime to relax as well, take
    Val so sorry you feel so poorly healing hugs on their
    Michele & Maria safe journeys to you both sorry will not see
    Hope to have a relaxing day it is our 55th Wedding Anniversary, where have the years gone?
    Lilian hope you feel better hugs on
    Sendong hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret & Allen Happy 55th Anniversary Enjoy youuf day
      Love Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Margaret and Pop.
      Happy Anniversary. Hope you're having a really special day. Love Valxxx

    3. Happy Anniversary to you both, a real milestone

  7. Margaret and Alan (A.k.a. pops)
    Enjoy your special day however you choose to spend it.
    Love and best wishes to you both XXX

    1. Thank you Brenda, a lazy dayI think hope to get some cards done. Love Margaret xxx

    2. Happy Anniversary and take care

  8. Hello Sandra,
    Hope you are having a great time at the NEC and not being pushed about too much. I’m sure Paul is doing a great job making sure you’re safe anyway. Have you managed to find Michele and Maria yet? The trouble is you probably want to sit and chat but also do shopping, it’s one of those days I’m sure you wished it was a little bit longer. Ha ha XX

    Love your card and the papers you’ve used, it all goes together so beautifully.

    I have left messages on the way down, but will pop in later we’re having a tea party this afternoon for Margaret and Alan‘s wedding anniversary (okay virtual). Wouldn’t it be fun if we could actually do that, Val could come and Janet, Lillian and Cheryl The distance would not be a problem....... Sometimes my imagination goes a bit wild, but I make myself smile anyway!!! LOL

    Hope everyone is having a good day, we have beautiful sunshine at the moment and I have a line full of washing blowing gently in the breeze.

    Take care everyone, loves Brenda xxx

    1. Linda Hope you and Terry (captain UP) can make it to the virtual tea party XX and anyone else who looks in, they would love to see you all. XX

    2. Hope I haven't missed the party. Please keep some cake for

    3. I’ll come love cake and tea.

  9. My brain is not functioning today, sorry LYNDA.
    Hugs for you both, Brenda xx

  10. Meant to say earlier that I love your card I really must try using patterned backgrounds As you can probably tell from my cc’s I very rarely do
    Those that need a hug they’re on their way xxxx

  11. Hello All, a bit dull here today, but we have had some lovely autumnal days.

    Sandra love your card, really Christmasy , hope you are all having a lovely day at the NEC, spend, spend , spend, they say retail is therapy.

    Well hope you all have had a lovely day, hugs to all, Lilian

  12. Great card real Christmasy. Laura O

  13. Well good morning all from a very awake me Lol
    I was meant to pop in last night but after having my Bagel and mug of tea I put my achy feet up to watch a film with OH and fell nicely to sleep.
    I had a fab day at the NEC and did some shopping yes, not sure why bother making a shopping list for 1, I cant find the sellers and 2, walking around all the stalls ,I always find something else I like Lol
    Had a bit of a hick-up finding the others but we got together for some lunch and natter. It was lovely to see you again Sandra ,Paul Sue and Pat and it was nice to at last meet our lovely Michele, I hope you found us ok and we haven't scared you away ? Did you find everything on your list ? Hope the journey back home was uneventful and you can have a rest today and maybe just play a little with your new goodies.
    Missed you others and I do think we must arrange a proper meet up some time next year so start saving the pennies for a few days away !!
    We are going out this afternoon for a firework party at my SIL youngest daughter house in St Albans so looking forward to that. Must clear my craft station as well, it look like a bomb have hit tin the kitchen and OH is not amused. Wonder if any of you will see this but I'll be back in a few hours on your next page. Take care all and good well wishes to all not feeling 100 %, many hugs
    Maria Xxxx
