
Thursday 2 November 2017

Michele's Pretty Floral Double Z Fold Card

Yesterdays Cracker Video 
(full Version)

Good Morning Ladies 

I hope that you are all well and that this chilly weather isn't causing any of you more pain, hugs on the way to those of you under the weather.

Today's stunning card was designed and created by Michele, I do love to see a 'different' fold to the standard side fold base card, I think it makes you look twice at a card.  The colour theme of Michele's card really ticks all my boxes too, such a soft shade of green and lavender purple.
Michele used the papers from an older issue of 'Making Cards' Magazine, one thing that magazine does well is top quality papers, printed on really nice quality paper, not the thin shiny paper that some mags use. This particular paper range features herbs including Lavender and Chives, on really complimentary background papers that have subtle patterns, letting the toppers shine.
A beautiful card Michele, I love every thing about it.
Thank you for allowing me to share it with everyone. xxx

Now I must apologise for yesterdays Video mess up, it all appeared fine when I first checked it but when I actually uploaded it only the second half of the video appeared!
I ended up re-recording it and uploading it again so all is now working fine, so please click the link above and go watch the video if you haven't already xx

I went to my GP appointment yesterday, she has referred me to a Cardiologist for the palpitations I have been experiencing, I have to go have bloods and an ECG next week.  Frustratingly in the meantime Paul and I have to find a new GP to register with, which makes me really anxious, I have seen the same doctor for the past 14 years and have built up a really good relationship, so moving will be hard.
We also experienced a HUGE family trauma yesterday, which I cannot go into on here, needless to say I have never felt hurt like it and I'm not sure how Paul or I will get past it, hence the reason for taking so long to sort the video out. We are both feeling empty and numb.

I am sending love and hugs to all of you my Dear Sweet Friends,



  1. Morning Everyone from Marigny
    We have a very cold morning here with a little ground frost but Mr Sun is trying to shine. At least it's dry.

    MICHELE- a beautiful card and a very interesting fold. I must try this one. I Love the colours and flowers.

    MARGARET- Thank you so much for opening up for me the last few days. I wonder if you could continue until I get back next week-end as I really need Marigny Dobbie here to help sort out the house and closing up for Winter.

    SANDRA-All my LOVE and HUGE HUGE HUGS are on their way to you both. I really feel for you having to find another GP. I know how you feel as my GP for 30yrs retired last year and I still don't know who to go to at my Surgery.

    I'll try and pop in later to see what you're all up to. HUGS to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope your all settled back in now and make sure Marigny Debbie pulls his weight.
      I saw the boxes you sent Sandra. What lovely card you've made them out off.

  2. Morning ladies,

    How strange that you should post a video on crackers after I had read my card magazine, in bed this morning, with instructions on how to make them. Coincidence or what?

    Michele your pretty double Z card is delightful, I like the floral pots. I think I have seen these before but cannot remember where, could they be Flowersoft?

    Marathon session, two hours, on trying to get Argos to replace my Kindle which had developed the same fault as my first one last year. Their store operative told me it was after 30 days and I had to contact the Amazon repairs dept myself to get it repaired. Armed with the knowledge of the new Customer Protection laws I said that I did not buy it from Amazon I bought it from Argos and they became the agent when they accepted my money so it WAS up to them to provide a replacement. She would not have that so I came home to do battle. After being on hold......zzzzzzzz.......I finally spoke to someone from the TECH dept. who transferred me to customer service. Granya would not deal with the problem and transferred me back to Tech who transferred me back to CS. I asked Marcus, CS, if the gentleman who had transferred had told him why I was ringing there was a short silence then he hung up on me! OOOOH! defo the wrong thing to do. So I contacted Argos on their Facebook page and complained of his rudeness and their inability to sort out a replacement Kindle. They gave me a link to Amazon which actually sent me to the USA not the UK. I chatted online and they gave me another link which, guess what?, yes it sent m straight back to them. Finally got hold of then by typing in the search bar, found the help page, clicked on my product clicked on fault and three boxes appeared at the bottom of the page I clicked online chat,as by then my home phone had run out of charge, and a lovely gentleman, Thomson D. asked a couple of questions and generated a replacement letter to take back to Argos, which will be delivered tomorrow. Whew! what a palaver that I could well have done without. I did receive a handsome apology from Lauren at Argos following my remarks that instead of giving me the runaround, they should be castigating Marcus for his rudeness and arrogance in cutting me off. I also said he might not be a prize prat but he certainly has an ology in bad manners that surpassed my expectations of handling an irate and upset customer.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. My my Cheryl
      It's a good job you know your rights isn't it. I hope this Marcus gets hauled over the coals how you've been treated, glad to hear your getting a second replacement. It's good to complain providing you know what's what Law wise,

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for showing my card. I really enjoyed making this for a friend. I think it’s my favourite style card. I agree about the papers that come with Making Cards magazine-they’re excellent quality.

    I’m glad you’re GP has referred you to a Specialist-insure they’ll be able to get some answers for you. I hope today is a more relaxing day for you. I’m going to pop into Southport this morning then I plan to spend the rest of the day in my craft room playing!

    Well Ladies-all I can say is”I’ll see some of you tomorrow “!!!!!!!!


  4. Hello All,
    Sorry not to be in for a couple of days, have had a rotten couple of days.

    Michele your card is great, love the fold and the papers you have used.

    Sandra hope you get to see your cardiologist quickly( I’ve been waiting since the end of March, are hospitals are in special measures ),and they sort your problem out quickly. Sorry for the family trauma hope it resolves soon and the hurt fades, have had a few in our family over the years, the hurt never stops but you have to put it to one side.

    Not doing much crafting at the moment, just a bit of knitting, a scarf which might be finished by 2020!!!

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      So sorry to hear your still unwell. It's awful having to wait for appointments isn't it. Bad as well that your hospital is in special measures. Makes you think doesn't it.

  5. Lovely card MICHELE I really must try different fold cards
    I’m glad you are being referred to a cardiologist SANDRA and obviously I don’t have a clue as to what has happened BUT you know that we are all here for you If you need to have a rant rage cry you know where aI am
    Take care
    Tonight is our little craft meeting which I’ll probably take knitting to
    Have a good day ladies x

  6. Hello Sandra and all,

    Michele your Z fold Card is lovely. I love the colours you have used and all the detail panels are so pretty. Thank you for sharing.xx

    I am so pleased you have at last seen your GP. Hopefully you will not have to wait forever for your hospital appointment. But you have at least set wheels in motion. I wish I could give both you and Paul a big hug right now, family traumas can be so hurtful. xx

    I did manage to look at you video yesterday, left a message on the blog. I was really impressed, Will definitely be giving these a try.

    This morning we are off to ...the tip then, cemetery, garden centre, Asda, and Makro in that order. Hopefully when we get back (if I have any energy left) I will send you my CC as I’ve realised you are at the NEC tomorrow.

    Have a good day everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Sounds like you had a very busy day today.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today Michele. I might just try to make a card like this.
    I'm glad that you at last managed to see the Dr. Just a matter of waiting now for a Cardiogist new. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of your palpitations. I don't suppose yesterday did you any good either.
    All depending what goes on today, either Pete or Myself will be taking Doreen back to the hospital. Her own Dr isn't in today so once again she'll see another Dr. They say you should in theory see your own Dr. However, that's nigh impossible if your in pain and need an appointment asap. That's why her leg is so bad I think, as each Dr she saw had a different idea of what's wrong. Eventually being sent to the Vascular unit at the JR hospital.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra wish I could give you & Paul a big hug, you know we are here for you. Pleased to hear you have seen Dr. & they are referring you, it is never nice changing Dr's but sometimes it does no harm to see somebody different, good
    Janet of course I will open cafe in the mornings, you make sure Marigny Dobbie earns his
    Busy day today food shopping this morning then embroidery this afternoon.
    Cafe is open tea & coffee pots on just waiting for you to join me.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Sandra love

    1. Thank you Margaret for letting me know you have received the boxes cuts. I hope that Sue likes her colours I did for her too. xxxx

    2. I am sure she did believe it or not have not spoken to her since Sat. which is nothing

  9. Morning all.
    Gorgeous card Michele, you are so good at making different card folds and I like the toppers you have used. See you tomorrow !
    Sandra- glad you managed to get to see a doctor and don't worry too much that it is a new one, hopefully he is a good one. Sending you and Paul some big hugs, whatever happened you know we are here for you. Hope to get a point for a meet up tomorrow, speak on FB or phone later (((o)))
    Brenda- what a lovely tradition and how fun. When I was little I made a ginger house with my nan, it never lasted long hihi hopefully your grandchildren will keep the tradition going.
    Janet- good to know you on place in Marigny. Hope Jim is alright and you have some nice days over the coming weeks.
    Pat- wish everything goes well for Doreen, hope the doctors can help. Have a rest today.
    karen- hope you ok and work not too stressful. The die I used on your card, pretty sure it was one of Sue's Striplets. Will look it up if you want ?
    Shopping and cardmaking today hopefully and then early to bed( ye right Lol) Have a nice day all whatever is happening, take care. Love Maria xxx

    1. Yes please but no rush
      Have fun tomorrow xxx Wish I could be there but too impractical to even try Shame it’s not Saturday because a local bus company runs a trip there

    2. Hi Maria
      Yes, the Dr is going to chase up the Vascular unit at the hospital, saying the gangrene has spread to another toe now. She took a swab to send off of the gunk that's coming from her toes. Gave her some antibiotics today. However, we had to take her to see the nurse to dress her toes at 5.00. The Dr came in and said don't take the ones I gave you this morning and gave her two lots of stronger medication. So watch this space re a hospital visit. We take her back Mon lunchtime fir her dressings to be changed.

  10. Hi Sandra and all,
    MICHELE your card is lovely, what a great fold. Must try this out. Enjoy your day tomorrow.
    SANDRA thank you for getting the video up and running. Will watch when I've finished commenting. Pleased that you got to see your GP and she's sorting you out. I'm sure your new doctor will be fine. So sorry you're having a family trauma. Hope it rights itself or you can be at peace with it. Hugs to you both.

    Feeling rough today. My chest is really sore. I have started on antibiotics so hopefully will feel ok in a few days. Sorry Sandra haven't got round to making a cc again. Think I'm going upstairs for a nap.
    Hugs to you all.
    Hope all those going to the NEC have a great time.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Wish you speedy recovery Val and hope you soon feel more like yourself. Gentle hugs coming flying to you xx

    2. Sorry you feel poorly, hope the meds kick in soon. Thanks for asking after Pop he is doing really well, not in pain & walking well indoors with no sticks. Take

    3. Hi Val
      Sorry to hear your still feeling poorly. I hope the antibiotics kick in fairly soon. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  11. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    MICHELE lovely card from you today. I love making the double Z fold cards
    Have a Fantastic day tomorrow sorry I won't be able to meet you but enjoy meeting some of our lovely friends which I have also met & you will love them too sending you all Hug's xx have a brilliant time xxx
    CHERYL WOW I'm exusted just reading your post well done Lauren for saving the day. But how rude was Marcus I hope he gets reprimanded &sent for training
    How to help customers with out being rude. Pleased you are getting a replacement.
    Big Hug's coming your way xxx

    1. Sorry pressed publish to soon.
      MARIA hope you manage some crafting done today. Have a fantastic day at NEC tomorrow I will be a little butterfly on your shoulder 😂 so don't squash me hihi 😂 Big Hug's xxxx
      VAL sorry your still unwell with chest infection hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Plenty of rest & keep warm ( I know you live in Spain 😂 )
      Healing Hug's for you. Xx
      SANDRA thank you for your video. The crackers look gorgeous & easy to follow. Glad you got referred to a cardiologist hope the appointment comes soon. Sorry you have had a family trauma Sending you & Paul
      Massive HUG's & love ❤️ Xxx
      SANDRA have a brilliant day at NEC tomorrow enjoy meeting with MICHELE. Wish I was with you all.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. I'm not promising anything, if you get to heavy I might have to give you a little move along :>)
      You take care. Hugs for you and Capt. U xxx

    3. Sounds like your going to push Lynda the butterfly off Maria. We'll try not to hug you to tight when we meet up in case we squash Lynda as well.
