
Thursday 16 November 2017

Shadow Box Card

Shadowbox Card

Pops back into shape

Panel for writing your greeting

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card came about after yesterday's crafty session with Pat, she saw this style card on Pinterest and wanted to have a go.  So I looked at a couple of different styles and made some notes, I then went on to make Pat a shadowbox card to take home and some instructions to make another.   
After Pat left I thought that I would have a go and make one for today's blog post.
I used the 'Stampin'Up! 'Carols Of Christmas' stamp set to create this card.  I stamped 'Deck The Halls' stamp on a piece of the 'Merry Music' DSP, using Cherry Cobbler ink, I added the pretty swag underneath using Garden Green ink, I placed this in the back part of the shadowbox, I then used two 'Stitched Square' dies to die cut an aperture and create a frame to surround the aperture.  I then stamped and die cut the poinsettia and Holly from the same stamp set to create the decorative elements on the front of the card.
I then stamped a white panel of card with a greeting and added some more Poinsettias and leaves to decorate.

The fantastic thing about these cards is that they fold totally flat to pop into an envelope to post and then pop back into shape. 

They are super simple to create too, if any of you would like me to do a tutorial I would be more than happy, just let me know in the comments below.

Now I told you that we are having major 'renovations' done to our bungalow, I took a quick snap of one of our neighbours, who's bungalow had just been started, it highlights what I meant about them taking the whole front of the building out......

These photos show the front door on the left of the photo across to the lounge, the partition wall that you see on the left is the wall that separates the porch from the lounge.  The workmen had the front of the building out, the backdoor off and the back window is virtually the same as the front.  The metal frame that they have put in is to hold the new radiators, as they had to be removed too, I think we are going to be absolutely freezing cold for a few days!

Well I am off to make the most of my warm craft room!

Sue, sending love and hugs to you and Chris at this very tough time xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra-I love that style of card. I haven’t made one of those for a very long time-need to add that to my long list of cards to make.

    The photos really show just how disruptive the building work will be-fingers crossed they start after Christmas.

    Spent a bit of time in my craft room last night but I’m not happy with be Cards I made. They need something else adding so will leave them for now and think about what to add.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful Christmas Card this morning SANDRA.It definitely is a bonus that it folds flat for posting.

    It's going to be a very quiet day here so that Jim can get some rest and recover from yesterday.

    I just might get my CC finished off and photographed, sent off to SANDRA along with a couple of other pics I have.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day so pop in and have a seat along with a cuppa.

    HUGS are on their way for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I think I missed what happened yesterday with Jim. But I hope you both had a restful day today.

  3. Love your card Sandra, I love this style and can go flat for posting too xxxx

  4. OMG What a mess the building works is going to create How long does the bungalow stay like that!
    Great card idea Can these be known as shutter cards?
    Whatever’s happened SUE Take care xx
    For those in pain I hope you have an easier day
    Off to work Got craft club tonight I have finished my knitting So will have to find something to take OH bought his mum a cheap card making kit from ALDI which actually looks really good so ai might just help her create a card because she’ll have to be told every single step of what to do but I know she’ll enjoy taking part as she feels guilty at not being able to join in

    1. Hi KAREN have a good time at craft club tonight & helping your MIL with her card. We might have another budding crafty lady join us in the café. 😁Have a good day.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope you enjoy craft club today. Hope MIL enjoys her dad making kit.

  5. Hi Sandra and all,

    Very pretty and unusual card Sandra. I would love a tutorial if you have time.
    Glad you had a good time with Pat.
    The demolition looks horrendous Sandra. I can just imagine the upheaval and all that dust. Let's hope they keep being delayed and you've well and truly moved by the time they

    Sue hope everything is ok with you Hugsxxx

    LYNDA sorry you're in so much pain. The pains down your leg sounds like sciatica but I guess they've ruled that out. Sorry you missed your outing yesterday but interesting that The Range are stocking different dies. Take carexxx

    I m meeting my chatty friend for a coffee later. Last week she brought her wedding album to show me, black and white and over 40 years old. I said I'd take mine this week but OMG had the place apart and can't find it. It's here somewhere I know - well its not the sort of thing you throw out is it? I'm sure I'll come across it when I least expect it.

    Well Harvey has just come in and is standing by the kitchen door meowing. I think it must be mid morning snack time!!!

    Hugs for all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi VAL I thought it might be sciatica as have had in the past. When I went doctors she said I had pulled a muscle in the top of leg then all the other pains started. I will go back doctors next week if no better. Doctors don't like being told what you think is wrong with you.
      Thank you Val love Lynda.xx

    2. Hi Val
      The trouble with building dust is it keeps coming back.
      Our sitting room used to be two smaller rooms and was knocked into one. The door into the living room was a sliding door halfway up the room with a hallway. Wed always said we'd knock the wall that was put up down and make the hallway a small sq as it was before.
      So we went away to Harwich at Easter time came back and the wall had been knocked down and a new wall put back against the stairs. I'd just bought a new cloth three piece suite 2 weeks before, and it hadn't been covered, well nothing had been covered over. The dust seemed to last forever.

  6. Morning everyone.
    I like to know how you made this card Sandra, it's great it can be flat for sending. Yesterday's card was also very nice, love the dahlia stamp.
    Sending warm hugs to you all and extras for you who need some. love Maria xxx

    1. Hi MARIA glad you popped in today missed you hope your ok
      Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      How's the pain clinic going Maria you haven't said if it's doing you any good.

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    0MG How can they get away doing such renovations without temporally rehousing families. Health and safety come to mind. There are so many issues that seem to have been overlooked. For instance - are homes that are being worked on provide by the landlord (MOD) with additional heaters? You shouldn’t be expected to carry the extra cost of keeping warm. They have chosen the coldest time of year to carry out this work. Sending extra warming hugs to you xx

    Love the card that you made with Pat. I have seen these but I’ve never actually made one.

    Busy afternoon for us, picking Callum up from school, then meeting Ciara off the bus. We will then take them home, staying until daughter gets home around 9pm
    She will pop in about 6pm then out again, she is looking at 6th form collages.

    Have a good day, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    I did remember to check - my name is in the Comment as Box - SO imy comment should post 🙏🏻 xx

    1. PAT, After I left my content last night I went into my craft room and on my work area were lots of little houses I had cut out ready to be used for cards. YES I have the stamps and dies, they are called ‘Hearts Come Home’ Sometimes I forget what I have got. My excuse is - It was late! xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I only mentioned it as the shadow box I'd seem had houses in it. Sandra didn't have them but said you'd bought them. The houses had gold glimmer paper gehind them to look as if they were lit up.

    3. Yes Brenda. The renovations look fairly daunting. The men seen to come and go into your garden at will.

  8. Hi Sandra and Ladies
    Well what a late start for me today. Went with Pete to have his bloods done ready for next week. Then off to Swindon with friends to gave lunch for her birthday at the Toby Carvery.
    Then dropped them off at home and picked Doreen up to take her to the hospital in Oxford in readiness for her op tomorrow. Then straight over to Farringdon to look after 2 of our grandchildren while Craig and Jenny go to the pictures. Well, their seeing a play at the cinema so your guess is as good as mine.
    Fantastic card today Sandra. How different it looks from the one you did for me. Sandra wrote the instructions in a little notebook for me. I'll have a go at making a couple. My one has a round circle in the middle, and a frame around the edge of the circle.
    Lynda I hope your back and legs are feeling a bit better today.
    Hugs to all who needed one today.

    1. Hi Pat I think you are Pat's secret cab company 🤣🤣 lot of running round you do. Hope Pete's bloods are ok for next week.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Sandra meant to say is your shadow box bigger then mine, only it looks it.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I love ur card never tried one of those they tend to scare me a bit I’m more a plain n simple girl.

    Would just like to thank u all for ur lovely thoughts, hugs and prayers it means a lot from a happy bunch.
    Have been catching up on the cards etc and a big well done to Michelle ur card was fab!!

    Lynda ma wee pal thank u for ur stunning card and thoughts. I just love that butterfly it’s so pretty. May I share it with Sandra and the ladies I was sooo chuffed with it. Really loved the stamping too I’m pretty crap at that lol.

    Lots of love To u all xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today & love the fact it folds flat. I do not understand how they expect you to stay in your bungalow while they do renovations, as Brenda said health & safety where are they. All I can good luck & send warm
    Had a busy day hope tomorrow is quieter.
    Lynda sorry you are in soo much pain please see Dr nect week, hugs on
    Maria good to see you in today, hope you are not on toomuch pain, hugs on
    Val we have this problem in our house all the time, you will find it in
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    I love your card, a really lovely one that is different, but still good for posting. I will certainly be trying it when I get to my craft stash.
    I'm glad that you aren't having the work done tomorrow, fingers crossed they continue to be running late so they don't start until the New year. Thank you my lovely, nothing new today. Love you xx
    I hope everyone is keeping warm and finding time to craft. Our windows went in yesterday and are so much nicer than the old ones. They have to replace one of the new ones as it a different style to all if he others. How they didn't spot the difference before fitting it beats me!!! I'm falling asleep as I type so must get to bed. Love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
