
Wednesday 15 November 2017

My Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I finally made time to get into my craft room and make a card last night, have you ever sat and made a card and then thought "how did I end up with this"?  Well that was me last night, I decided to use a background stamp and decided to go for a 'burgundy' tone, I thought I would keep it simple too.  Well this card was the result, it looks brighter in your hand I have to say.
I stamped the 'Definitely Dahlia' background stamp on to Very Vanilla card using Rich Razzleberry ink, as it is quite a large stamp I used my Tim Holtz Stamping Platform, so that I could add more layers of ink.
I then matted and layered the stamped image onto a tiny black background then a Rich Razzleberry card and then onto a black card base. I then added a piece of black ribbon that has little bits of gold woven into it and stamped my sentiment in Gold to pick out that detail, I die cut the sentiment and it's Matt with SU Label thinlits (sadly retired) in Rich Razzleberry and then Black card.  I added a few Gold Sequins for a touch of sparkle and to carry on that touch of gold theme.
It's a different look, I hope you like it. 
By the way I chose categories: Background Stamp/ Happy Birthday/Die cut.

We were busy packing and organising for the builders to start on Friday, we have to have all curtains /blinds down, all furniture moved away from inside of windows etc.  Something made me suggest to Paul to pop round to the site office to check dates and access details etc, I'm so glad he went as there had been a change of plan due to lack of manpower and they will now be starting on the 15th December, yes that's right 15th December, just 10 days before Christmas!   Hopefully there will be further delays and it will be after Christmas! 

I am looking forward to seeing Pat later today, it seems like ages since we last crafted together.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card for this weeks challenge. What a good job Paul went to check on the start date of the work-I can’t believe they hadn’t informed you. I’m hoping there’s another delay as the 15th December is way too close to Christmas to be starting a job like you described to us.

    Thank You Ladies for all your lovely comments yesterday on my card-it was a real boost to see it in print.

    I managed to get in my craft room last night-finished a few simple Christmas cards for the Fair and two calendars but that’s all I managed.


    1. Hi Michele
      Sandra showed me a photo she'd took of another bungalow they'd started to do. No front on it all all. So your completely open to the elements. Besides not having any heating. I noticed that above the front door was missing. Oh said Paul they just came and took it off. They popped up in Sandra's garden as well while we were crafting.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a wet and very dark start to the day here.

    SANDRA- a beautiful CC. I love the colours you have used.

    I had a go at my CC yesterday and they all ended up in the bin. I really am struggling this week. Having another go today.

    The CAFE is OPEN and just waiting for you all to pop in. HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi JANET snap I tried a couple of c/card yesterday & they also went in the bin. Must try harder today 😱🎨
      Crafty Hug's xx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA - perhaps, maybe you’ll have been lucky enough to have moved out by then....
    I’ve done my cc Will now photograph it as it’s daylight - not that there’s a lot of light It’s very dismal here
    I’m making yet another baby garment This is for a friend I knit baby garments all through the year They either get used or go to League of Friends at Harefield
    Must go Will be back later xx

    1. Hi Karen
      The league of friends also sell knitted garments for the hospital. Not much daylight here either.

  4. Hi Sandra and all,

    Very pretty card Sandra. I thought the workmen had started on your house but good news that they're delaying it and hopefully on 15th they'll make it after Christmas and so

    I finished Olives jumper last night. I did it on size 9mm needles and thick wool and I've just got to got some velcro to fix under her tum. It did say a button in the pattern but I think velcro will be better. She was the runt of the litter and although she's 12 years old now she's the size of a kitten so not much knitting involved.

    Off to play crib today. The last one for a few weeks for foot operation and cataract op. Not me I may add.
    Just a few bits to iron before I go.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi VAL pleased you have finished Olives jumper she sounds so sweet what bread 🐾is she. Good luck at crib.
      Hug's on the way xxx

    2. She's a tabby with some ginger in her. She's a real timid little thing. Only goes out to use the car litter tray but since she contracted Aida she's premanantly got a cold and she feels so cold to the touch, hence the jacket.
      Hope Baby is ok bet she looks so cute in her jacket.
      Hope also that you're in less pain but I don't suppose the cold weather helps. Take care. Hugsxxx

    3. Well done I bet she looks so cute

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Raining again but the wind has dropped so not so bad.
    Unfortunately I won't be going out with Margaret today as my lower back is really painful & what with the pain in my left leg i don't think I can manage to get in & out of her car it's very low. Shame as I was looking forward to browsing round the shops any way she is still coming round.
    SANDRA how frustrating that the work on your home has been delayed till the 15th December & not being informed about it. It's disgusting how they are treating you. Good Pat's coming round today give her a Hug from me.
    Will be nice for you crafting together as well as chatting. Have a good day. X
    Well Margaret is here now so pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Hope your back is a bit better this evening. Such a shame you couldn't go shopping with Margaret. Did I read you had a scan on your back. Do you know the results yet?. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Oh Sandra, how frustrating for you all, after getting ready for the builders, only to find they’re not coming until after 15 December, Maybe Paul could pop back and talk to the site manager/coordinator ask how they are doing? just be chatty and explain your situation, they might be able to give you a little more time. .Builders traditionally don’t work between Christmas and New Year. So maybe they will give you a few more days without invading your space, especially at this time of year. LOL

    Have a lovely crafting and chatting time with Pat. I’m sure it will be a good tonic for both of you.

    LOVE your challenge card it really is inspiring. Although I have a few ideas, like others some of them are in the bin, so your inspiration is really brilliant. I did have a quick look on Hero Arts website, but couldn’t find this challenge but then I was in a hurry at the time, so will have another look.

    Hope everyone’s having a good day, love Brenda XXX

    Forgot to check the box below I think I’d better try and post this as anonymous!

    1. Hi Brenda
      Sorry your still having to be annonomous when your blogging. It was great meeting up with Sandra. Just a shame she can't come to me now as she could do with a change from her 4 walls.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card, change of colours but it suits. Sorry they have messed you about again, hope they delay till after Christmas. Hope you have had lovely day with
    Lynda sorry your back stopped your shopping trip, did the scan show anything? Hugs on way to you &
    Val hope Olive is feeling warmer in her coat. Hope you enjoyed you
    Sending hugs to all who need them, Sue hope the windows are going better than doors, love

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card today Sandra, even though you weren't to keen on it.
    I was telling Sandra about a card I saw on Pinterest. Making a sort of box card using a set of stampin up houses dies. Apparently Brenda you already have these. Great houses inside a circle. Anyway Sandra said she'd do me a template and ended up making a card for me. You could have anything inside it really. Sandra used the inside Die she'd used in her snowglobe card.
    Had a lovely day just catching up and crafting. I made a card with stamped I'd bought from Gina K Designs. However, the customs duty on them was horrendous so won't be going down that road again.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Oh dear Pat, ill have to check, can't think which die set you mean..
      Sweet dreams xx

  9. Hi All,

    Sandra lovely card, unusual colour, shows up the flower really well.

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday. I just forgot.

    Glad to you have a few days respite, from the workmen, let’s hope they put it off until after Christmas.

    Bought one of IndigoBlu mannequin kits, but now it’s come not sure I feel like doing it, must get myself back into crafting.

    Will try and make a challenge card tomorrow, several already in the bin.

    Hope those who are suffering will soon be better, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I was wondering what a mannequin kit was. I always think of a mannequin as a dummy in a shop window.

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Well Margaret came round she went to the Range first & said they are selling Tonic Dies as well as Creative Expresions ( Sue Wilson ) Dies.
    Hi MARGARET I had a bone density scan which showed some detention but doctor said nothing to worry about. The pain in my back is coming from the pain in the top of my leg & butt now down my leg too. I'm going to make appointment with the doctors next week if it isn't any better Sorry pain soap box kicked back in corner.
    Went in craft room I made a cc but not sure it actually matches the correct combinations of Tic Tac Toe so might try another one Tomorrow. I also have a special birthday card to make why do I leave it to last minute πŸ€”.
    MARIA missing you are you ok HUG'S xx
    TRACY HUG'S too.xx
    Just been given a lovely cup of builders tea, so will see you tomorrow.
    Good night God bless. Lynda xx
