
Tuesday 14 November 2017

Congratulations Michele !!

Michele's prize winning card

The magazine feature

Good Morning Ladies,

It's not very often that we get to really celebrate anything these days, so when Michele messaged me last night to tell me that her amazing card had made Runner Up in the Papercraft Essentials Magazine, I just couldn't wait to share the news with all of you.  I was going to leave it until Saturday but knowing that Michele is going through a bit of a tough time at work, which as I'm sure you all know, effects all of your life not just the 8 hours you are there, I thought that she could do with a little bit of a Celebration to bring a smile to her face! 

Michele you card is stunning, I absolutely love that 'All-Occasion' Embossing Folder that you have used, so much in fact that after the last time you used it I went out and bought it myself !! 
Your design is clean and crisp and as always the finish is absolutely perfect, everything about the design works from the combination of patterns to the 'Dot' theme carried throughout the card, (black gems on flowers, sparkle gems on wavy border and polka dots on bottom embossing folder).
You must have been 'Over the Moon' when you heard the happy news!, Do you get a prize? I do hope so.  I know this isn't your first magazine feature Michele but it's the first one we have been around to celebrate with you, I just know that all of your friends here in the cafe will be as proud and happy for you as I am !!!!

Michele's card is featured in Papercraft Essentials issue 153, which will be out for sale on Thursday, so if you want a closer look at the article grab your copy soon.
The All-Occasion Embossing Folder and matching die set is available on the Craft Stash website, you can buy a combination of folders so that you can create your own design, they have so many different combinations.  Michele's particular folder is called 'Dotty Floral', you can get Birthday, Christmas & patterns to use all year round.
Here is a image of some of them........
All Occasion Embossing Folders and Dies

As you can see they have really expanded the range since that first Embossing Folder was given as a Freebie on a Magazine, soon after it was the most demanded E Folder around, in fact it was selling on eBay for the most ridiculous prices. 

Thank you so much Michele for allowing to share in your happy news XXX

I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your outstanding support for Karen's Challenge last week, I think Karen was absolutely amazed at all of the cards 
that were shown yesterday.  Thank you Ladies, you are all amazing friends.
Thank you to Karen too for choosing the challenge and making cards to inspire us, I look forward to your next idea Karen XXX

I would love for any of you to do as Karen did, even a suggestion would be welcome.

Sending love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you fit featuring my card and the magazine piece. I was shocked when I saw a picture of my card in print, to be honest I’d forgotten all about sending my entry to the competition in as it was s few months ago.
    A friend who also subscribed to Papercraft Essentials messaged me last to ask if my copy had aero& had I looked at it...!! Now I know why.

    Friend called last night for a drink & a chat-she only left about 9pm so I didn’t get any chance to craft so maybe tonight. My friend is a good artist (as a hobby) and we were discussing how she could use a sketch of a dog to make into personal Christmas cards. I’ve left her to start the sketch then we’ll see what works best.


    1. Hi Michele
      Congratulations on comng second in the competition. Did you received a prize?. Hope work isn't to bust today.

    2. Congratulations MICHELE I bet you got a real buzz when you saw it in print

      On coming second in a magazine entry. Your card is gorgeous.
      Hope work isn't to stressful today. Xx

    4. 💐Congratulations Michele💐
      Yiur card is beautiful so I'm not surprised that it was a runner up. I do hope that you did get a prize. Once again it proves that you have to enter competitions to be in with a chance of winning, just as we were discussing at the NEC. Once again congratulations. Sending you hugs x

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a very very windy start to the day here so it's a 'stay in' day for me.
    Perhaps I can make a start on this week's CC.

    MICHELE- CONGRATULATIONS on your entry into the magazine. You must really be pleased.
    It is a beautiful card not over worked and so eye catching.

    SANDRA- I hope all is going to plan with you and that you're all managing to keep warm.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day. I've tried to cheer it up a little by placing little pots of leaves on the tables as the colours on the trees at the moment are just so beautiful. I've also locked the back door to keep Herman from trying to eat them hehehe.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. They should be arriving just about now. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Your pots of leaves look lovely Janet. I hope no one leaves the back door open. Had my flu jab this afternoon.

    2. How unusual to see pots of leaves Very pretty and so effective

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    CONGRATULATIONS MICHELE ON YOUR ENTRY IN THE MAGAZINE COMING SECOND. I bet your over the moon and it lifted your spirits no end.
    Off to school soon looking forward to it. This will be my second week. Couldn't go before as Pete had the trials, and then having treatment on my hand etc.
    Sandra I hope the improvements your having done don't impact to much on you all. I know you have concerns over the cats.

    1. Looking forward to school? So did I on the days I helped in the classroom either listen to them read or cook with them

    2. Hi Karen
      Yes, it's very rewarding, especially when I'm always told how much my contribution helps with the reading. With some children I'm just reading stories to as they don't get read to at home. Use rewards if they do well to boost their self esteem as well.

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    MICHELE Many congratulations on coming second in the magazine and being published. You must be very proud It's a beautiful card and I hope being published has cheered you up a

    SANDRA I hope they're hurrying along with the work on your house and you're managing to keep warm.

    I Skyped my DIL yesterday and they're finally operating tomorrow. I think she's pretty frightened as the scar will be from her groin to her knee but at least Iit will be over with.

    I was looking for a particular craft magazine yesterday and came across a large box full of Christmas craft stuff. Some great things in it. Disgraceful really as I have so much stuff I didn't even miss it.

    I'm just going to look on the internet to see if I can find a tiny knitted coat for a cat. She really small and so cold to touch. I thought of using velcro to keep it on her. Any ideas ladies in case I can't find a pattern.

    Have a good day everyone whether you're staying in or venturing out in the cold.
    Love Valxx
    Meant to say a thumbs up for the cool heat gun. The glue is only warm not hot like the original gun and although I still got it all over me it didn't

    1. If you don’t find one do you knit? There must be a pattern around for a toy/small dog And if you don’t knit I will willingly do it for you

    2. Hi Karen, many thanks for volunteering to knit a small coat for Olive. Its really kind of you.Fortunately I found a knitting pattern on the internet and I've started it this afternoon. I can't do a lot of knitting as a time as I have problems with my hands but it's very small and shouldn't take too long.
      Good luck with YOUR

    3. Great Have Fun I can’t knit for very long either My hands and shoulders complain! But it is my first crafty passion

    4. Hi Val you sound just like me. Looking for one thing and finding something else. I'm always loosing or can't find things. Hope the knitting goes well. Haven't knitted for a long time.

  5. Morning ladies,

    Congratulations Michele, what a wonderful surprize for you to see your card in print.

    Went for my COPD annual checkup earlier this morning, no changes to worry about.
    Had a big chuckle in the surgery car park though. I took a second look at the message on one of the disabled parking spots. Below the Blue Parking logo...for disabled parking only...below that it said....No parking No waiting No loading.
    Does that mean disabled personages have to take their car into the surgery with them? The mind boggles

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Chery
      I'm glad to hear your COPD results were good. Sounds like fun in your Drs car park. Anyone seems to park in our disabled parking bays unfortunately. Hope your otherwise keeping well.

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    CONGRATULATIONS MICHELE on being runner up in the magazine competition. I love it when I hear of someone I know (okay virtually!) Actually winning prizes. So pleased for you.xx

    I hope the Riley family are all managing to keep warm, I listened to the weather forecast this morning, temperatures today should be higher than yesterday. But just the fact that windows etc. are coming out is enough to make you shiver.

    I’m out to lunch today so must get a move on. I’m getting a lift, It will be a nice change not to drive.
    Hope everyone’s having a good day, love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you enjoyed your lunch. Very nice when you don't have to drive.

  7. I’m a bit late today Just had problems leaving comments and needed to get to work
    I have left a few comments on the way down
    Yes SANDRA I was absolutely amazed at how many joined in and how (again) they were all gorgeous and all very different Lots of inspiration
    I hope it’s not too cold for you SANDRA
    Off to finish cc now And I need to finish a piece of knitting So that’s this evening sorted

    1. Hi Karen
      What are you knitting may I ask. Hope you had a good day at work.

  8. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    It's been a horrible day weather wise heavy rain & strong winds & very dark.
    I did lot's of ironing late morning it seems to take me longer nowadays as I have to do it sitting down because of the pain in my lower back & leg it's a lot worse if I stand to do it. I had a shower &I put clean PJ's on. Terry made lunch. So lazy afternoon CU is now 💤💤so think I will go in craft room try to do challenge card. As he is snoring. Tomorrow I'm going with Margaret to the Range / Hobby craft/ pound shop. As she hasn't been out since her opp. Bit apprehensive as she still Can't get her glasses on but says she is ok.😱
    Nothing very much happening in my you can see.
    MARIA how was the pain clinic?
    ❤️ Lynda xx

    1. SANDRA sorry ment to say I hope you are all keeping warm while your bungalow is being pulled apart. Is there going to be much mess in your front room.Hope your managing to keep the cats inside & safe.
      Why on earth are they doing this sort of work in winter.
      Sending you Paul & twins lot's of love ❤️& BIG HUG'S Xxxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Hope CU is awake by now. Pete might have joined him in the land of nod but I wasn't here to see. I was at school again this morning. Are you taking pain killers for yoyr back and legs?. Hope ou get to the shops tomorrow with Margaret.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are coping with upheaval & not too
    Michele congratulations on being a runner up, I must admit I keep looking at this EF, you certainly made a lovely
    I played Petanque for the first time in weeks this morning, good to get back to normal.
    Cheryl good to hear your COPD results were good. I must have a look next tim e I park in car park to see if they are all the same.xxxeSSESSending hugs to all whneed them love Margaret.Co

    1. Hi Margaret
      Sounds like the dreaded predictive text has been at your letters.

  10. Me again don't know what happened there it should read " Sending hugs to all who need them" love

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. A quick pop in to say hi and to see Michele's beautiful prize winning card, very deserving indeed. I love the ef and the monochrome style X
    Had a busy day and just about to move my craft stash away from the window as we have new ones being fitted tomorrow. They will be arriving at 8am so I'm not looking forward to it. At ours are just replacement windows not walls and radiators too like yours Sandra.
    Sorry, I must get on now so will say that I hope you are all as well as possible. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. As always I didn't read my comment before publishing so it should read
      At least ours are just etc. X

  12. Hi all.
    Congrats Michele for being runner up in the magazine and for making such a beautiful card made with the pretty EF. Might have to look into to get some myself, they seem to be very popular Lol
    Hope you all had a nice day.
    Had a good walk again this morning then OH was out for the day so thought I would get a good productive day but everything went wrong and I wasn't feeling too good so in the end I gave up and have taken it easy. Hope for a better day tomorrow.
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you feel better tomorrow. How is the pain clinic going.
