
Monday 13 November 2017

Tic Tac Toe Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I wait with baited breath to see what this week throws at us, a job for Paul and somewhere to live would be a great start to the week but I am not holding my breath.
We have a very busy week as the people that manage our current home are coming to do major renovation works this week, which involves them taking the whole of the front and back of our lounge wall out, its hard to explain but I will try, the bungalow that we live in is a prefabricated building, with the whole of the front of the lounge being a plastic wall with windows and a radiator hanging on the plastic wall, well they were just going to replace windows but they can't without moving the radiator, which is so old that it won't last being moved so they are replacing those too,
which means that as well as having no walls in the front or the back of the main part of the house, we will have no heating either as they need to drain the system to replace the radiators.
They are then replacing the windows and external doors throughout the rest of the house.
Then on the following Tuesday the do the same to the other end of our house.   I have no idea how we are going to A) keep warm, B) keep the cats contained.  So all fun  and games over here!!

Now onto this weeks challenge, a Tic Tac Toe, I think that all of the categories are all self explanatory for this one, so just choose three and have fun!

This particular Tictactoe is from Hero Arts, so if you type that in to Pinterest you may get some inspiration there.  I was attending a Stampin Up event yestereday so didn't get a card made in time, but I will make one today ready for tomorrow's blog.

I hope you all enjoy the challenge and I very much look forward to seeing your cards.

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge for us this week Sandra-not sure which row I’ll use yet.
    I hope the renovations go according to Plan & the weather stays mild-it sounds quite major work.

    I did go into the garden yesterday but only to collect up some leaves-gave up after 20 minutes but it was nice to get some fresh air.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope work wasn't to hectic today. 20mins was plenty to spend in the garden yesterday as it was really cold and windy.

  2. Morning Everyone from a very cold morning here in Sheffield.

    I love the look of this week's CC o thinking cap on and everything crossed that I can cross that I've made a card before the end of the week.

    We have a busy week as Jim is taking our Friend for a bone marrow scan on Tuesday and going to hospital for himself on Wednesday to have a small lump taken off his left ear.
    We seem to have done nothing this year but journey too and fro for hospital appointments. Ah well I suppose it keeps him out of mischief lol.

    It was so cold yesterday here that I gave in last night and my hot water bottle came out of hibernation and went to bed with me. That's it now it will be keeping me company for the next few months.

    The CAFE is OPEN. It's already nice and warm and cosy so just waiting to welcome you all.
    HUGS on their way to you all. Have a good day.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Bone scans take forever to go. You have to wait 3 hrs for the radioactive stuff to go through the body, then you have the scan. Petes had quite a few of those. I think he'll be having another one soon to see what's happening inside him. Hope Jim's op goes well.
      It's very cold here today as well.
      I have patches a rabbit hottie. ( well that's what I call her ) which I warm up in the microwave and take to bed with me.

  3. Brrrh! It is so cold! Just reading the newspaper that it’s colder here than Russia!
    I hope the building works go OK SANDRA and a great challenge I need to make a birthday card for an aunt, so will probably use tic tac toe as inspiration
    We didn’t go to Brick Lane yesterday Instead, we went out with daughter and partner We took Oscar to a soft play centre and then all of us went dancing at a local venue finishing off with a takeaway A perfect day, spending time with our grandson
    Well off to work in a mo - busy day for me and then dancing tonight as daughter is teaching Salsa and Rueda tonight and NO her lesson will not be featuring Debbie McGhee lifts! That’s a bit cringe worthy in the Salsa world Must say I’m not enjoying Strictly this year
    Hope you all have a good day as the the poster on my desk says “Don’t let the B/ards grind you down” So true, beit pain, heartache or otherwise xx


    1. Hi Karen
      I must message Ozgur, a Turkish student we had staying with us for awhile. He's living and working in Russia now and see what his weather is like. He's married to a Russian lady and has a little boy. He's an engineer, works 12hrs a day and has 1 day off every 2 weeks. Sounds like slave labour to me though.

  4. Morning ladies,

    A cold sunny start to today, the oak tree at the bottom of my garden looks glazed with the sun at just the right slant to bathe it's leaves with golden light.

    Oh bother, what a nuisance to have your home open to all weathers. I wonder how long this job has been in the pipeline? Or is it a ploy to get you to move out quicker methinks? It's such an odd time of the year for such major works to be done, they appear to be so callous when the temperature is dropping by leaps and bounds.

    Made a good start on my batch Christmas cards yesterday, 22 before the Remembrance Service. The weather here was very gusty winds after a night of cold heavy rain.
    Lately I have been watching the service on BBC1, this year I was very disappointed they did not film. The bands outside at the Cenotaph were brilliant but could match the poignancy of a service. Was that because the Queen was not laying her Poppy wreath this year?
    For the first time I could wear my late grandfather's medals with pride and affection for him. He never spoke of his experiences during the war to us as children, partly because they lived in Australia and mainly because we were so young before they emigrated in 1957. His medals show he served in Burma and I know from history that that was not a pleasant experience for any of the fallen and surviving soldiers.

    Whatever you are doing today...enjoy. You never know what is around the corner to scupper even the best laid plans.

    (((((HUGS)))) in the basket by the door to collect on your way out or coming in. They cannot wait to wrap themselves around your shoulders.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all,

    I like the look of this week's challenge. Something for everyone.

    Can't believe they're pulling your house apart Sandra. Why can't this be done in the summer or if they're expecting you to move why not wait until its empty. If these people had brains they'd be dangerous.

    Making some Christmas pop up boxes today and will use my cool heat gun for the first time. I'll let you know how I get on.

    Hugs to everyone and keep warm, it sounds pretty cold over there.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Morning everyone from a very cold MK as well but we did have a beautiful walk earlier and it made my day seeing the sun for a while, it has now gone and it look very raw so I might have to put the heating on soon.
    What are they doing to you Sandra..... can't believe they are taking the walls and windows now when winter is here.
    Really hope you get the works done quickly.
    Like the tic,tac,toe, thinking cap sitting a bit askew but we will see.
    Have a lot of cutting outs to do so best get going.
    Have a nice day all, if going to doc or hospitals I hope it all goes alright. Love and warm hugs, Maria xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and all,

    Lots of good choices in this weeks challenge. I haven’t decided yet which row to go for, I have been playing the what-if game! I have lots of die cut bits and have been thinking maybe I could use them........we will see!

    Sounds like you would be warmer in the caravan Sandra. Any heat you put on will be lost. I wouldn’t mind betting your house is earmarked for some bigwig, who couldn’t possibly have work going on while they live there. You really have my sympathy. I just hope the builders get there finger out and complete the job ASAP. I hope a job comes Paul’s way soon, any employer would be lucky to have him on there payroll. His years of service will tell them he is steady and reliable. I hope and pray your week just gets better.LOL

    Time to get back to the housework.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I hope you enjoyed the Stamping up event yesterday my lovely. Sending you supportive, and warm! hugs.
    I know I didn't get into the Café yesterday but I now realise I missed Saturdays visit so must apologise.
    Lilian, your puzzle looks lovely. I'm like Mum and Sandra in that I love a good puzzle. This one looks really interesting, what make is it and do you like doing them or is it just a very occasionally past time? Congratulations on making it to the shops again
    Phobias can't just be brushed aside and to get out at all is a great thing for you to do so be very proud of yourself. Sending you great big congratulations hugs X
    Yesterday's channel cards are all beautiful. Lots of lovely inspiration, thank you all 😊
    Tracy, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. As the others have told you we may not be able to help except to send you my love and support x
    We had Phoebe, Paige and Chris jnr for the weekend so was busy with them all. On Saturday we took them to the cinema to watch Paddington 2, it was Chris jnr 1st visit to the cinema and we can safely say that he loved every minute of it all, to the point that for the first 40 mins of sitting down he was actually speechless, he just sat there with the biggest grin on his face and after that all he said was thank you to Phoebe when she passed him pieces of popcorn 😊
    There was a very cold wind during our Remembrance Sunday parade but the girls and all of the other Beaver Scouts did me proud, as they always do at this special service. I have had a very quite day today, but have a meeting tonight so I'm going to wrap up warm before I venture out! I hope you are all keeping yourselves warm. Sandra, I will be thinking of you and on Wednesday we are having new windows fitted so will be in the same boat, but apparently they will be done in a day, I'm not holding my breath in that one as when they fitted new doors a few weeks ago the w fitters struggled with getting them to fit and had to go to "the yard" to get some packing "to make them fit" and what should have been a 3- 4 hour job turned into a whole day one so we will see!
    This comment has taken ages due to lots of interupptions so will go now before I get stopped again. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Tracy and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Like to tic tac toe challenge. But I might do some Christmas cards this week in between Drs appointments. It looks like Doreen's veins are going to be done this week. She's to ring on Thursday to see if they have a bed for her or so the letter she received said. She was a bit confused as Dan the dr rang her on Friday to say he hoped they'd be done this Friday if they had a bed. He'd ring her to let her know on Thurs,so watch this space.
    I was surprised to hear that your windows etc are being done this week as you originally though it was going to be done around Christmas time.
    Pudsey came to visit school today. My word I've never seen so many children being so excited. The mouse levels were off the scale.

  10. Hello ,late again, it’s been lovely and sunny today.

    Sandra great challenge, will see what I can do. Sorry they are doing renovations before you even move out, me thinks this is just a ploy to get you moving. Hope it’s not too bad.

    Well time to get supper, see you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian
