
Friday 17 November 2017

Festive Friday

Good Morning My Dear Friends,

It's Friday again so that means we need to have a 'Festive' card, so this week I thought I would have a play and do something different with the 'Precious Marieke Snow Globe' die.

I took a piece of white card and scored it in half, placed the die so that just a little of the cutting edge of the die at the top hangs over the scored line, this makes a hinge, making a 'Bauble' shaped card base.  
Idie cut another two Snow Globes, 1 in Cherry Cobbler and 1 in white, I used a Spellbinders Scalloped circle to die cut the centre out of the white Snow Globe, (rather than the plain circle that comes with it) as I wanted a little bit of the red layer showing around the centre white circle.  So I put all of my layers together, White Bauble card base, red layer, then the top white layer with scallop centre, I added some foam pads to this layer too, for a little extra dimension. 
I die cut the 'Impression Obsession Merry Christmas' die twice and stuck them together, i then added them to the centre of the snow globe.  
To embellish the card I die cut a few 'Britannia Poinsettia die' a few times and layered them up, I added some Fir sprigs to the top and bottom sides of the card, placed a large and small Poinsettia (die cut in Cherry Cobbler card) in the centre.  I thought that the sentiment looked a little bit odd stuck in the centre on its own, so I die cut some tiny poinsettias from the 'Stampin' Up!  'card front builder' thinlits, also in Cherry Cobbler, I added some tiny bits of Fir foliage and added SU Faceted Gem stones to each of the poinsettia's.
To finish I tied a bow using Cherry Cobbler ribbon.
What do you think????

Paul is off helping Josh with some painting work for the next couple of days, so I will be in my Craft room today.  He is just pleased to have some work, even if only a few days, he likes to be busy working and I can see how frustrated he is that he isn't getting any replies, although most of the jobs have only just 'closed' for applicants so there is still time.
Luckily Josh (Becca's Fiance) and his Dad have their own Painting and Decorating Business and are extremely busy, so they are glad to have Paul on board, it will keep his mind busy if nothing else.

Although the major works aren't due to start for a few weeks there seems to be a constant stream of workmen popping up all around the place, today I was sat reading on my bed after taking my early morning meds, suddenly the most horrendous noice started and they were using a pneumatic chisel thing to remove the old porch and gutterings etc!  They don't even bother to knock on the door and say 'we are about to start on your porch' so that you are prepared.  I am going to complain to the site office I think, they wouldn't pitch up to a 'paying clients' house and just start without notifying them.
Fingers crossed for a quiet day today.

Lynda, I hope that your pain has eased a little today, sending gentle hugs xxx

Tracy, sending hugs to you too sweetheart, there are no words that will help but please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers my lovely xxx

Maria, I hope you aren't in too much pain today either, sending hugs your way xxx

Love and Squishy hugs on route to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card-it’s stunning.
    I can’t believe the workmen would just start drilling without letting you know they are there. Definitely complain to the Site Manager and Aldo explain they need to leave clear access for you/your wheelchair.

    Well-all I can say is thank goodness it’s Friday! Been a busy & quite frankly..horrible week. We found out that my Sister in Laws Dad (brothers wife) has an inoperable brain tumour so we’re not sure what’s happening at Christmas as I’m sure my S in L will want to spend some time with her parents.


    1. Hi Michele
      So sorry to hear your SIL's devastating news. Thinking of you all.
      Hope today isn't to bad at work.

    2. Really sorry to hear this news

    3. So sorry to read your sad news Michele. Also sorry you've had such a bad week. Enjoy your weekend. Xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Friday again - the weeks are flying and seem to be gathering speed towards the end of the year. It doesn't seem two minutes since it was this time last year.

    SANDRA- a beautiful festive card today to cheer us.
    The snow globes always look so fab.

    We're hoping for another quiet day here and will be waiting for the garage to ring to say the car can be picked up. Another large bill on the way.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I think we might have cupcakes this afternoon what do you thing?
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope the bill for your car isn't to hefty. Cupcakes sound lovely, I'm looking forward to sampling one with my cup of tea later.

    2. Yes please Lemon one’s are my favourite

    3. Just love cup cakes. Thanks. Hope your car bill wasn't too expensive.x

  3. Lovely card SANDRA and how rude I would definitely complain I agree with BRENDA's comment yesterday - where's the Health and Safety in all of this
    I'm going away for the weekend. I'm going approx 10 miles to a friend's to craft for the whole weekend! There's 3 of us were planning on going to Leeds for a John L workshop but decided that after travel expenses and hotel, workshop costs we decided it was too expensive esp at this time if year So, as her OH is away and mine is staying in Harlow tonight she asked us to hers We even have an itinernary/agenda! It should be a lovely lazy fun filled weekend I hope to still pop in and see what's occurring
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Sounds like your going to have a fantastic weekend crafting. The only problem is deciding what to take with you. Or have you already decided?.

    2. Still faffing I’m bound to forget something

    3. Sound like you're in for a great weekend Karen. Have fun.x

  4. Morning ladies,

    A beautiful card, so glad to see you using your dies again Sandra. I was beginning to think you had lost them.

    Yet another twist to your horror story, how do they think you are going to be able to leave the house I with your wheelchair?

    Had my 3rd follow up mammogram on Wednesday, waiting now for the letter to arrive. Making a review on Trip Advisor re waiting more than 45 minutes for our lunch. Although we were told there was a half hour wait, which we accepted as it was lunch time, nobody came out to inform us and the other 4 tables in our vicinity that the wait would be even longer. We decided to leave after another 10 minutes wait. Got my refund for the meals but they would not offer us our drinks as a courtesy gesture because we had already drunk them. Hahaha, never heard such claptrap in all my years of catering before. Then the barman said it would be 54-72 hours before my refund showed up on my statement, even though I had to reinsert my card for them to refund it. Other shops can do an instant refund, seems like they are trying to squeeze every little bit of interest out of their customers too. Will not be visiting this establishment again.

    Had a message on our Panto group page asking for all hands to help clear up the mess and destruction of some of new props that occurred when a group of youngsters from a party held in the hall last Saturday had run amok in our storage area. Once we have done that, then I hope the bill for the replacement of clothing and props will be sent to the parents who booked the hall for their daughter's 16th. They would have been told which rooms NOT to use and it is their responsibility for any breakages. What is the problem with the parents these days? they not teaching their youngsters to respect someone else's property?
    soapbox back in the corner.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. How very irresponsible The kids are old enough to know better let alone the parents Make sure you take photos of their damage BUT the fact they went into a room they weren’t allowed is evidence enough

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Yes, it is nice to see Sandra using her Dies again. I like to see a mixture of Dies and stamping rather than all stamping.
      How irresponsible of the young adults to leave a room in a mess that they're not even supposed to be in. Shame they couldn't come back and clear it up themselves.

  5. Hello All, another lovely day here if a little chilly.

    Sandra beautiful card, love these snow globes they are so Christmasy.

    Really bad about starting work without even saying they were there, we have an electric pole in our garden, and they have right to come on to our property , they always ring the bell to say they are about to start, just good manners, definitely you should complain.

    Well washing is ready to go on the line, see you later, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Hope your washing dries, ours did today.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today, the colours are beautiful. It beggars belief what is going on at your home, please complain to site office. Sending hugs to
    Very sharp frost this morning but sun is shining.
    Got some jobs to do first but hope to craft this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      A sharp frost here also. It was warmer outside then inside apparently. Well that's according to Pete when he hung the washing out.

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies. Lovely card and def festive. Can’t believe it’s 6 weeks away and ivf none sssembled as I’m too. Blooming tired with pain in ma belly. It hurts to breathe. Going back to drs on mon if it’s still like this over eeekend as I can’t stand it.

    Anyways Moan over. Sandra I def agree they could’ve rang the bell and said they were there I just assumed most companies did that. I’m guessing in ur case not!

    1. Hi Tracey
      I'm sorry to hear your feeling unwell. I hope your feeling better soon. If not, as you say you need to speak to your dr. Gentle hugs are on the way.

  8. Ladies, have you all seen that Crafters Companion have launched a 'Gemini Junior'!!!
    Haven't see the price yet i have to say.
    Its on Hochanda !!

    1. I have seen on Crafters Companion that its £139.99 !!!
      £20 less than than full size one, thats ridiculous!
      They are marketing it as an add on to the original Gemini, who on earth would pay that !!

    2. Hi Sandra
      Yes, I've seen if but it's expensive £139.99. Although craftstash are selling it for £124.00.

    3. Too expensive and really do I need five die cutting machines?

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card today Sandra. Love the snow globe and how you've used it. Great poinsettias as well.
    Shame that the workmen didn't let you know they were going to do some work. Although on Wed they did ring and say they needed to look at something indoors but still hadn't been to look by the time I went home. But we're flitting about in the back garden.

  10. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    I can't believe where the time's gone the light is nearby gong too.
    Terry's out again painting again. So I've been in craft room for a couple of hours made 2 challenge card not sure about them though but hayHo they will have to do.i have already put Two in the bin. I have had to come & sit in my recliner chair as aching.i hope you are all having a good Friday..
    Lovely to see you TRACY I hope your belly isn't so bad over weekend. Big Hug's on the way.xx
    MARIA hope your in less pain today sending Hug's for you my friend.
    SANDRA gorgeous card today one of The nicest snow globes I've seen
    I've sent Sandra a picture to share with you all.
    Have a good evening love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    What a gorgeous card. I love it all , and the cherry cobbler colour is simply beautiful. I am looking forward to making some snow globe cards as there are so many examples that I have pinned. I hope you manage to get lots of time in your craft room while Paul is out at work my lovely. What a ridiculous price for a machine that isn't that much smaller than the original Gemini!!! Love you xx
    Lynda,so sorry to hear that your legs are so bar
    I hope the docs can find a way of helping you with the pain X
    Tracy, I hope you can lose yourself in your crafting over the weekend x
    Maria, how are you at the moment? I hope you are in less pain today X
    Michele, I'm sorry to hear of the sad news about your SIL. Try and relaxa much as possible under the circumstances X
    Janet, I hope the garage bill wasn't too high! X
    Karen, have a lovely crafting weekend with your friends 😊 X
    Mum, I bet you didn't get any crafting done today did you. I bet you had a lovely time with RJ, Gemma and Chris j instead. Missed seeing you today. Fingers crossed we get to see you at ours next weekend 😊 Love you xxxx
    Hers hoping that you all manage to get a little crafting done over the weekend.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Evening everyone,
    lovely card, I do like when they are made in different shapes but don't do it myself very often. Very nice Sandra.
    Sorry you have so many problems with builders and everything ,hope yours will be later, neither of you need all this stress. hugs
    Michele- sorry to hear your news, sending you all hugs and hope you get an ok weekend.
    Cheryl- hope you get reimbursed for any damage these youngsters have made. Where were the parents when this was going on, you do wonder sometimes how the kids are being brought up today. Hope your results comes back clear.
    Karen, have a fun time and enjoy being away for a few days crafting. Speak next week.
    Sue, hope you ok and mum and Pop are behaving, have a good weekend.
    Brenda, hope you have some time out and not doing too much week coming and next. Take care.
    Lynda, hope you take it easy and you ,Terry and Baby are alright. hugs to you all
    Tracy, it is nice to see you popping in again. Hope your pain is getting better soon. You are in my thoughts, hugs.
    Janet, hope Jim is doing better. You both take care.
    Val, did you win at crib ? Hope you little fur-baby is doing alright dressed in her little cardi.
    Lilian, how is the knitting going ? Hope you had a nice day.
    Pat, another busy week for you and Pete. Hope you can get a rest over the weekend.
    I went for the pain clinic but the group I have been allocated won't start properly until January so in the meantime I have appointments for some acupuncture and they can't come too soon. This week started bad and have not gotten much better so haven't done anything and I just want to scream. Anyhow tomorrow is another day so will see
    Have a good night my friends and if you out there in the cold looking in, old as new, hope to see you pop in
    Love Maria xxx
