
Saturday 18 November 2017

Mixed Craft Saturday

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Saturday Morning ladies,

Well here we are again at the weekend, these weeks are certainly whizzing by, I believe we now have 5 weeks and 3 days until Christmas day, right now that scares me and I am trying not to think about it too much, we may have our Christmas in June! lol
The photo above is of 2 little gift bags that I made using the Envelope Punch Board, one is made using a whole 12 X 12 sheet of paper and the small one is made using a 6 X 6 sheet of paper. The larger one is a really good size, you could fit quite a lot inside, the small one would fit a piece of nice jewellery inside or a treat size chocolate bar.  I like the idea of giving vouchers in the larger one with some chocolates or make up.
If you would like me to do you a step by step tutorial for them just let me know in the comments.

Now we have Michele's Magazine Review, Lynda's shopping, Crafting and New Family member!,
Janet's stockings too, so without any further delay here we go........

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies,

First up is Simply Cards & Papercraft with a gorgeous set of stamps & a lovely embossing folder. The free gifts will be useful all year round.

Quick Cards Made Easy comes with a great free gift-Christmas Pop Up card kit. The kit makes 4 cards.

Love Cardmaking has a great free gift-perfect for lots of styles of Christmas cards. It contains an Embossing folder, stamps & a foliage die.

Creative Stamping has the most wonderful set of cute stamps that can be used all year round. There’s lots of inspiration inside the magazine.

Papercraft Inspiration has a really lovely stencil & stamp set plus an extra magazine. My card was featured in the All Occasions magazine.

That’s all for this review.

Thank you Michele for another fantastic review, I don't remember seeing Creative Stamping before,
You have given us all a great overview of this months magazines.

Janet's Stockings

Janet has been busy making some gorgeous Christmas Stockings, these particular ones are 'Threaders' which is another arrow to the 'Crafters Companion' Bow, bringing pretty materials and sewing essentials.  Janet ordered hers from Hochanda, I have to say that they look really top quality, the Fabric is so beautiful, the fabric also looks like it would work for little boys or girls, were all the elements included in a kit Janet? if so I might try having a go myself, a kit would be a good way to get started with sewing, having everything that you need included.
Thank you so very much for sharing your stockings Janet.


Lynda has made an absolutely amazing Mixed Media card, Lynda I love your Mixed media cards
so much, you put so much work into each card that you make, so much work, you pay so much attention to detail and everything ties together beautifully.  I would love to sit and craft with you some day, I find your work so inspiring. 

Here is Lynda's description......

My mixed media card I made I matted a piece of card then put some silver guilding on then on another piece of patterned paper tore the edges & put some gold guilding wax in places round the edge.Then added the final paper of pens printed. I rolled peices of same paper cut then rolled up cut three in different sizes then put gold guiding wax to make them look old glued cogs on wrapped some thick twine added all sorts of embellishments key's springs dragonfly lantern Angel wings hession stamped onto a price of same paper stamped Create ;& Art I enjoyed making it hope you understand my dissertation. Easier to make than doing a discription lol x

Lynda has been buying some new stamps.......

Two fantastic Woodware stamps, a fantastic 'Happy Christmas' and a super cute Penguin thats wearing a snowflake jumper! Well why not?!

and a Hero Arts 'Cling' background stamp, I have seen this stamp used loads and it is stunning, I can't wait to see how you use it Lynda.

The last of Lynda's shopping is a set of fantastic background dies, I have some similar Tim Holtz background dies and they are so useful, these will work perfectly with your Mixed Media work.

Now I have had to save this 'Happy News' till last........

Meet Lynda and Terry's latest family member.....Marley, he and 'Baby' have had puppies together
previously so they are old friends, it looks as though he is already making himself at home.
It will be lovely for Baby to have some company too.  

Thank you so very much Lynda for sharing your shopping, amazing crafting and most importantly your Happy news, I couldn't be happier for you both.

Well thats about all I can fit in for this week, thank you so much to Michele for the fab Mag review,
Janet for sharing her beautiful Christmas stockings and Lynda for everything else.

Paul went with Rebecca to watch Lucy receive the year 12 Award for both Biology and Spanish,
Rebecca recorded the moment for me to see myself.  It was the first one I have missed, it was nice that Rebecca had the opportunity to go and be proud Big Sister, she enjoyed catching up with her old teachers too. So once again we are very proud parents.

I hope that you have a nice relaxed weekend planned,

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous gift bags Sandra. A tutorial would be wonderful.

    Janet-love those Christmas stockings, really lovely.

    Lynda-gorgeous mixed media card & I love your crafty purchases especially the Dies. It’s great to see a photo of Marley & Baby-they look adorable.

    I bought the Creative Stamping magazine as a challenge to myself-hopefully I’ll get chance to use it!

    Off to the hairdressers this morning then straight back to my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      Thank you for the reviews today. When I pop to the shops I'll have a look at them in the flesh so to speak.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well what a wonderful start to the week-end.

    MICHELE-thank you for your mag review. I shall be popping into WH Smiths this morning to have a look.

    LYNDA- once again you wear the 'Queen of Mixed Media' Crown. I love your piece of Art to bits. It's one of those pieces of art that every time you look at it something different appears. I just LOVE IT.
    I also love your pic of your latest member of the family.

    SANDRA- nearly everything was in the kit for the stockings.
    The actual stocking panel is printed on beautiful cotton material (intended to make 2 stockings) but being a 'thrifty crafter' and needing 3 I used the two main panels and then used one of the back panels and bought some extra Christmas material from the same show. The wadding/lining and a video on how to make the stockings a Christmas wreath and an Advent Calendar along with the material stamped to make the Calendar were also included.

    Infact the only things I needed were needle/thread and some Christmas buttons which I embellished the stockings with.

    I don't have a sewing machine so hand sewed the stockings embellishing around the toe/heel and around the stripes at the top. I also put the children's initials on the toe piece at the back.

    I'll take a close up of one of the stockings so you can see what I've been waffling on about.

    We're off to Meadowhall shopping this morning. Apart from going to fetch the car back from the garage (and parting with £300 payment) this will be the first outing for Jim since having the lump removed from his left ear on Wednesday. At least it's inside and out of the wind and cold as he was told not to go out in the cold/wind or rain as he hasn't a dressing on the ear and he hasn't to let the wound dry out. They couldn't put a dressing on as it's much too awkward a place.

    Anyway there will be goodies this afternoon in the CAFE as usual for all to pop in for a chat and a cuppa along with cream scones.

    HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      3 gorgeous stockings, I love them. How clever of you to have Gand sown them as well. I hope that Jim's manages going out and it's not to cold and wet, which it is here. It does cost a lot of money to keep our cars on the road doesn't it. Mind you we've been lucky with our Notes touch wood. I love the Nissan Note as it has so much leg room in the back for passengers.

  3. Great magazine review MICHELE
    Those stockings you have made JANET are glorious and to have hand sewn them too - a real labour of love
    MARLEY and BABY look so cute together They’ll keep you entertained chasing/playing with each other and your mixed media piece looks gorgeous
    At a friends just finishing breakfast and then it’s craft craft craft! It’s my turn to show techniques this afternoon
    Ooh nearly forgot I’d like to see a tutorial on those bags please Have a good day all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope your having a lovely time with your friends.

  4. Morning Sandra and all,
    Sorry I wasn't in yesterday. I could reply to comments but when I tried to comment myself, twice, the screen went blank so hoping it's back to normal today.

    Sandra loved your snow globe yesterday, very pretty and I so hope you have a word with the site office as it's not good workmen just walking into your property without a by your leave. Very rude.
    Love today's bags and yes a tutorial would be great.

    Michele, thank you for your amazing mag review today. They all look lovely and I think it's a good job I don't live in the UK as I'd just have to buy them all. Have a good peaceful weekend.xx

    JANET your stocking are beautiful and the lucky recipients will absolutely love them. What a hefty bill for mending your car.yuk.xx

    LYNDA your mixed media card is stunning. You have such a flair for these type of cards. Great stamps and dies. Particularly like the Happy Christmas one.
    Oh so happy for you having another addition to the families what little cuties they both look. I bet they give you so much pleasure. Hope you're feeling a lot better today and in less pain xx

    MARIA sorry you've had such a bad week and annoying that the pain clinic doesn't start til January. Hope the treatment you're having works for you. Xx

    Hugs to all that aren't so good today or feeling

    Off to meet a friend for morning coffee and then (now don't laugh) I'm starting on Valentine cards.

    Hope this publishes.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Good job I wasn't having a drink when I read your comment that your starting to make Valentines cards. But I suppose you have to do cards quite a way in advance of when they're needed.

  5. Hello All, another wow Saturday.

    Michele, good to have reviews on the latest mags, as our Smiths put them on a high shelf, so being height challenged, I can never get to look through, and they never have any staff to help.

    Sandra your bags are so good, first glance I thought you had sewn them.

    Janet lovely Christmas stocking, and the fact that you hand made them, I find holding sewing needle almost impossible these days.

    Lynda, great card and your new stamps and dies, love those dies, I have the T/H ones, but those look better, are they from China?
    New member of your family looks very at home already, I’m sure they will give you much pleasure.

    Most go and see if I can make something for this weeks challenge, I know late again. Hugs to all Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday your card was absolutely gorgeous.
    MICHELE thank you for the magazine reviews they are always so helpful.xx
    LYNDA Beautiful pictures of BABY and MARLEY. Im sure they will be great friends xx
    JANET The stockings look gorgeous. I'm impressed all done by hand. WOW xx
    SANDRA the bags are lovely. Great idea for putting gifts xx

    I am on my way to ExCel (London docklands area) to a craft and stitching show. I won the ticket, it didn't arrive until Thursday. Today is the last day. But I couldn't have gone on the other days anyway.
    I am trying to type this comment on the train, something I do not find easy. So please forgive me if it is rather disjointed.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you enjoyed your day at the Excel.

  7. Morning everyone.
    Fabulous paper bags, they look so real and such a nice thing to use like wrapping a present.
    Thanks Michele for doing the magazine reviews, one or two I like there.
    Janet, Lovely stockings. You are so good with your hands.
    They will love them.
    Lynda, welcome to your new little family member. They are so cute together :>) Like the stamps and dies you bought and you are the queen in making mixed media cards.
    It's a grey and rather wet day here so going in the kitchen to see if I can do anything today. I hope you all have a good Saturday. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I read that pain clinic doesn't start until January. That's a mighty long tine to wait though. Hope the pain isn't to bad in the meantime.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Love those bags yes a tutorial would be of assistance lol. Last night I was naughty and bought Sue Wilson one day special on hochanda the industrial chic collection. The internet was slow 2 hrs it took me to get it. I see it’s sold out now.

    1. Hi Tracey
      Hope your not feeling to low today. Just the lift you need treating yourself to a set of Dies. Loved those Dies when Sue showcased them on her blog.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday your card was absolutely gorgeous.
    MICHELE thank you for the magazine reviews they are always so helpful.xx
    LYNDA Beautiful pictures of BABY and MARLEY. Im sure they will be great friends xx
    JANET The stockings look gorgeous. I'm impressed all done by hand. WOW xx
    SANDRA the bags are lovely. Great idea for putting gifts xx

    I am on my way to ExCel (London docklands area) to a craft and stitching show. I won the ticket, it didn't arrive until Thursday. Today is the last day. But I couldn't have gone on the other days anyway.
    I am trying to type this comment on the train, something I do not find easy. So please forgive me if it is rather disjointed.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Okay Brenda
      Somewhere on the blog I said I hope you had a nice day at the Excel. It either got lost or I've put it somewhere it shouldn't be.

    2. Hi Brenda
      Phew I didn't put my comment where it shouldn't be. Your comment is on here twice. So just for once my brain isn't to blame.

  10. Hi Sandra
    Love the magazines Michele and thank you foe the reviews.
    Love the stockings and Lynda's stamps and Dies.
    Well, a very unproductive day today and a wet one to boot.
    Doreen was supposed to have her operation yesterday. However, after feint postponed in the morning due to an emergency, she eventually went down in the afternoon. We visited yesterday after tea to find they couldn't do the operation they wanted to do as they couldn't get whatever they wanted to use wouldn't go through the block ckage in her views. Plan C next which will be a lower limb bypass. Which apparently is a much riskier operation. So we've to ring the hospital if the dr hasn't rung her by Friday. I think the plan is to operate a week Tuesday. But dr Dan needs to speak to the head consultant on Monday. Seems funny calling Drs by their first names, but that seems to be the norm now.
    Spent over 3 hrs waiting for some new meds from Pharmacy for her. So by the time we got to her house took her to do some shopping we got home at 4.00.
    Now we're to have a late dinner as we had a roll at 4.15.

    1. Sorry to hear they doing the runaround with Doreen, bless her. Not easy for either of you. Take care xx

  11. Hi Lynda
    Thought you might have commented by now. So here I go.
    Love your mixed media card, you certainly are the queen of these. I'll go and gave an in depth look later on this evening.
    Love the dies and stamps as well you've bought. Did the Dies cone from China?.
    Good news on your second edition to your family. Not to sure if you've put how you came to acquire Marley as well as Baby on the blog.

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely bags today, yes please to tutorial, when you can. Well done to Lucy on her 2 awards shame you had tomiss but good that Rebecca wanted to go in your
    Michele thank you for yet again a good
    Janet the stockings are lovely & the fact you did all by hand very impressive, well done. Hope Jim survived in the cold &
    Lynda your mixed media is great as always & you have some lovely stamps there but star of the show are Marley & Baby, they look soo cute, how lucky they are to have such lovely & caring new owners xxx
    Maria sorry to hear pain clinic is not till Jan. Pop had same problem here had to go to Oxford because no appointments at all here, but he found it useful & it was just him & Dr. not a group thing. Sending
    Karen enjoy your crafting
    I managed to do CC this afternoon still got alot of cards to do.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  13. Sandra, meant to say in glad that Becca recorded the event for you to watch at home.

  14. Great bags also. A tutorial would be good when you have the time.

    1. They are made with envelope punch board Pat xx

    2. Yes, Sandra I know but although I love them just won't be buying one I don't think.

  15. Good evening Sandra &a Ladies
    I Apologise for late comment we have been without Internet all day.
    MICHELE great mag review again your a star.xx
    JANET your socks are gorgeous your very cleverXx
    PAT thank you for your comments & yes the Dies are from China they are so cheep. I still have some more coming. They do some like SW ones the most I have paid so far is £1 - £2.50. Each.
    MARGARET thank you. Glad Pop found hospital helpful. Good he got a one to one session withDr. Xx
    VAL Good luck with Valentines cards before you know it it will be Christmas 2018 again 🤣🤣.
    TRACY I love those industries chic Dies of Sue's look forward to seeing what you make with them. It must have given you a well deserved lift Enjoy them.
    Big Hug's xx
    MARIA sorry your still in pain & the pain clinic doesn't start till January.
    Do you know what they do at P C I would hate a group sessions. Take care.xx
    Well I had better close now. I don't suppose any one is up now so
    See you tomorrow love Lynda xx

    1. Hi my friend, you made me laugh out loud reg little Bailey's name as Marley sound good too hihihi
      Hope you get a good night xxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Well I'm up as I've been watching the football and we've been talking to Pete's brother in the land downunder. I wonder how on earth Terry got Baileys name so wrong. Hope he remembers who you are.
      Love you loads.
