
Wednesday 22 November 2017

Michele's Magical magazine die cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I do hope that you are all ok, some of you have been missing and I hope that you are all doing OK.

I am so excited to be able to share Michele's 'Die Cutting Essentials' magazine Die cards with all of you today.  It is really kind of Michele to do our Magazine Reviews each month but its even better when we are able to see the cards that Michele has made with the very things she has shared with us.
This collection of Christmas cards are absolutely amazing Michele, that die is perfect for 'batch making' cards, you have demonstrated that perfectly,
simply die cutting the two parts of the die in batches, maybe do a few each night, then get your card bases ready, maybe stamp the sentiment inside, your could sit and assemble them in front of the TV if you choose as you have done all the hard work already.  You can choose any colour combinations that you like and as you can see Michele hasn't needed to add any extra embellishments as the die is detailed enough, so this card is also brilliant for posting.
The other bonus with this set is that the outer two dies can be used all year round.
Thank you Michele for inspiring us all once again. xxx

Above is the link that will take you to Craftstash  who still have this back issue on sale at £9.99,
hope it helps.They have also got some fantastic deals on magazines, some start at £1.50, covering everything from stamping and die-cutting to knitting and crocheting, so well worth look.

Thankfully Paul is home today, so the endless onslaught of builders and their very loud power tools won't seem as bad, Paul is like my safety blanket, I know that sounds soft but its true, when he is around everything seems calmer.

I am hoping to see Pat later today for some crafting, then Sue tomorrow, which is great as Paul is working again. 

I hope that you all have a fantastic day and that those of you that have been in pain or unwell are feeling better,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Thank you Sandra for showing my Christmas cards. They were so easy & simple to produce, the die cuts out really well. I’ve seen some cards made with different colours behind the trees/reindeer etc which looks very effective.
    These are for my Christmas Fair and I hope to make more cards tonight possibly using a different Die though.

    Glad Paul is home today & you have two days of crafty fun planned with Pat and Sue.


    1. Meant to say They’re lovely cards MICHELE

    2. MICHELE lovely cards I'm sure you will sell out. Good luck with making more tonight. Hope works going ok & stress free.
      Hug's xx

    3. Oh I so want to get this die, your cards are great and perfect for batch making as you say and if not to many extra bits and bobs on to the card it should help with the postage. Thanks for sharing Michele xx

    4. Love your cards Michele, hope your evening is productive xx

    5. Hi Michele
      A lovely set of cards. Great that you've done them in different colours. They should sell well.

  2. Morning Everyone
    It isn't anyway near daylight yet but at least the wind has died down.

    MICHELE- a lovely set of Christmas cards which should sell very quickly at the Christmas Fair.
    They are a real bonus for batch making.

    Well it's a very busy day here. Jim is on duty taking our Friend for his Chemo and he has his own appointment to check on his ear and the graft site. It's a good thing that it's at the same hospital. We have two very large 'general' hospitals here but they are on opposite sides of the city to each other so it's a bonus that they are going to the same one.

    For me it will be a few hours at my craft table (I hope).

    The CAFE is OPEN and all is ready for everyone to pop in and have a look at the beautiful display boards we have.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hope Jim's friend isn't feeling too horrible after his Chemo. Bless him.
      Poor Jim, his sore ear must be so painful and in such an awkward place.
      Take care xxx

    2. Hope everything gone well for Jim and his friend today. Warm hugs for you xx

    3. Hello Janet I hope Jim is alright his ear sounds very uncomfortable and painful. Yet he is soldiering on, making sure your friend gets to his appointments, what a trooper.
      I hope all is well with you. xx

    4. Hi Janet
      I hope that Jim's friend isn't feeling to bad after his Chemo.
      I hope that Jim's check up on his ear went well also. As you say it was a good job both appointments were at the same hospital.

  3. Morning
    I did try and comment yesterday but it looks like it didn’t work
    Toady will be a better day SANDRA especially as Paul is Home Say Hi to PAT and SUE for me
    How are the tablets doin LYNDA or is it early days You were right about things in threes At 4pm Mon afternoon there were sirens and blue lights My neighbour’s house was on fire Fortunately she is ok but there is a lot of damage to the house
    I am still working at home as the cough is brutal
    I hope your DIL is ok and it is a shame that she has to stay But like you said they don’t keep patients in for no good reason- I liked yesterday’s card too
    Take care all xx

    1. OMG Karen how terrible for your neighbor it must have been so frightening for her glad she's ok though. Not good for her house though.
      Do you know how it started. Lucky it didn't spread to your house.
      Hug's on the way.xx

    2. Oh your poor neighbour. What a horrible experience for her but thank goodness she's not hurt.
      Hope your cold is

    3. Oh Karen, that must been scary. I hope she is alright and the house not too badly damaged. You take it easy and if the cough persist, back to doc you go, promise
      hugs xx

    4. Hello Karen, Your poor neighbour, is she still able to stay in her house.
      Sorry you are still struggling with your cough, I hope you will start to feel better soon. How is your little man after the scare he gave you last week? xx

    5. Hi Karen
      I'm sorry to hear your cough is still bad. Looks like another trip to the dr if it doesn't clear up soon.
      How awful for your neighbour to have her house on fire. Is she able to stay in her house?, or has she had to move out,

  4. Love this die, so easy to make loads of cards, I have made about 3 using it and packed into handmade handbags to sell on Saturday. xxx

    1. Hi Wendy, did you use a die to make the handbag or ?
      Did try a few times when we got some measurements by Sandra but I never managed to put one together. Haven't got the brain :>) Hope you do well on Saturday xx

    2. Hi Wendy
      As Maria said did you make the handbags as well?. I made a couple of them before but can't find the measurements now.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great cards Michele. I nearly bought this when it was in the shops ( wish I had now ), and Sandra and I nearly bought it at the NEC.
    Pete starts on Radium 223 in the New Year and his PSA and ALP levels are sky high.

    1. I hope it all goes well PAT xx

    2. Hi Pat hope all goes well for Pete sending you both Big Hug's xxxx

    3. Hope everything goes well for Pete. Hugs to you

    4. Many hugs for you and Pete xx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Very windy today but it's sunny so not so bad. Not sure if the stronger painkillers but I keep nodding off 💤 I did tidy my underwear draws this morning. Then cleaned kitchen cupboards out with Terry's help with the bottom ones. Then had
    lunch.Thought I would say Hi first before I nod off. I will go in craft room & do my challenge card Hope everyone in pain feel better soon,
    SANDRA I hope today is better having Paul home & seeing Pat as well today sending Hug's xx Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi well done on tidying and cleaning. All things I should be doing.I usually dose off around 5pm for about 10minutes. Does me the world of good.
      Hope you're in less pain today. Xxx

    2. Good job Lynda, something I need to do. Have a kitchen cupboard we didn't put the pull out shelves in so you can't see whats hiding, just hoping there is no spiders living in the dark Lol hundred hugs xx

    3. Didn’t you do well getting all those cupboards and drawers sorted out. You deserve a snooze after all that work. Hope the pills are helping xx

    4. Crikey Lynda didn't you do well cleaning out and tidying them up. Pete can vouch for medication making you sleepy. He sleeps at a drop of a hat.

  7. Hi Sandra and all,
    Glad Paul is home Sandra for some e.xtr support. Have fun with Pat today and Sue tomorrow.

    Lovely cards Michele. What a great dies for batch making. Hope work is easier for you this week.xx

    Been to get my nails done this morning and called in Lynns shop. So many Christmas cards have been sold. Happy in one way obviously but it means another busy few evenings again.

    Went to the optician yesterday for my annual check up and I need stronger lenses. I was looking around for new frames when it was whispered to me to go back Friday and choose as it's Black Friday and they'll have special offers on. Any money saved is better than nothing eh.

    Hugs to all, have a good evening.

    Is anyone watching I'm A Celebrity?

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hope you find some nice frames on Friday val.They can be so expensive ,can't they ? Black Friday here seem to go for weeks.
      I am a I'm A Celebrity watcher,recording it tho so only watching the tasks. Thought Imran could have done better on the first one hihihi Doubt I could do the tasks myself Lol
      hugs xx

    2. Hi Val, Good luck with the Christmas cards. Do you have designs you use every year? Sorry I’m being nosy, I can’t imagine making the quantity of cards you make. I am totally in awe. xx

    3. Hi Val
      Great news re the sale of your Christmas cards. But not good news that you've to make some more.
      Hope you manage to get some nice frames on Friday. But how nice that they told you to wait for the Black Friday sale.
      We had that once with some bedroom furniture. We were buying them on a Friday. The owner said wait till Monday to buy them as they go into the sale then. We were going away on the Monday, so he opened early so we could buy them before we went away.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely cards Michele, What a great die. I haven’t seen this issue of the magazine. I did manage to get a copy of the one with the shop/house die , haven’t used it yet, to many things happening at the moment. I’m sure your cards will sell well at the Christmas Fair.

    Sandra I hope your day is better than yesterday, it has to be you have Paul home and Pat coming. xx

    We eventually have had a new electric meter fitted. It was fitted one and a half hours after John complained. I had popped out, John was in the garden, fortunately he had taken the phone out with him, because the fitter rang and said he was by the front door! The complaint list just gets longer. It’s a good job John didn’t decide to go out with me.

    I’ve got two machine loads of washing blowing nicely on the washing line. Didn’t get it out until 10am. But it’s blowing so at this rate it will be dry by lunchtime. That’s the way I like it.

    Have a good day everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    It’s now just after 5pm. I have just picked up the iPad and my message is looking at me .... I forgot to press publish.

    1. Lucky you didn't lose it into the yonder. Glad you got the electric meter sorted but not nice when you have to wait for them like that, can understand you got annoyed. Hope your day was good otherwise, hugs xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you managed to get your new meter fitted.
      Had a lovely day with Sandra, but she did more cutting out for me than herself. We wouldn't have got any washing dried here as it's been spitting on and off all day. However, now it's chucking it down.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have had a good day with Pat & Paul being home you were able to relax
    Michele love your cards they will sell
    Karen sorry to hear your cough is still bothering you, & your poor neighbour what a shock, glad she is
    This is 3 rd attempt at sending this so will send hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hi Ladies
    Thanks for the good wishes and the hugs. We will have an appointment in a months time for Pete to sign up for the treatment and for him to sign to say they can use his biopsies. Hopefully his pacemaker check will be ok although the heart dr said there was a problem with one of the wires going into the pacemaker.
