
Tuesday 21 November 2017

Val's challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am so happy to be able to share Val's fantastic Tic Tac Toe challenge card with all of you.  
Val chose the Categories: Stamped Background/Die Cut/Circles
to create her Challenge card. 
The background was stamped using 'Timeless Textures' Stampin'Up stamp set, Val has then Die cut a 'Happy Birthday'
and added it on an angle on the top of her card, then finished the design off with a few matching gem stones.
A fantastic unisex birthday card Val, thank you so much for taking part XXX

Well I have got the soapbox out from under the stairs and dusted it off, you ladies haven't used it in a while!  
But boy am I going to put it to use today........
So, Paul took up the chance of another days work yesterday so I was going to keep my mind busy by filming a couple of tutorials for my YouTube channel, one for the pop up box from last week and the bags from Saturday, so I got all prepared the night before, cleared my desk, got Paul to help me set up the camera etc.  Paul and the girls left at about 7:45am, I decided to have another hour in bed as I didn't get to sleep until 3:40 am.  
I was woken about 15 minutes later to the sound of a chainsaw, a really loud one at that, I instantly felt sick, got up grabbed my dressing gown (,luckily) and headed to look out of the windokw, I pulled back the curtains and saw two pairs of legs, they were on a low scaffolding, I quickly shut the curtains again and headed to kitchen, yes you guessed it another pair of legs, I abandoned the idea of tea went to walk through my craft room to use my bathroom and they were there too! I have never tried to use the loo so quietly in my life!  By this time my heart was racing, I went back to my bedroom to try and calm down. We once again had no idea that they were coming to work on our home today. 
I managed to peek out at lunch time to discover that they had cut down every Bush and shrub around the wall of the whole property, right down to the soil!!  I went into kitchen while ft he coast was clear and made myself a cuppa and something to eat, planning to go into craftroom afterwards, but sadly it wasn't meant to be, those pesky workmen were back in front of my craft room window, shouting over each other, the only word of English language I heard was a 4 letter word beginning with 'F' 
Strange that they know that but not please and thank you!
So I could do no filming, in fact I couldn't sit in there at all.
I am praying that they have moved on tomorrow.
Soapbox returned, rant over!! 

I hope that today is brighter than yesterday and that you all have a lovely day.
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Val-I love your card, very modern & could be used for all ages, Male+ Female. Lovely.

    Sandra-OMG, that’s awful. It must have like being trapped in your own home. How totally thoughtless and destructive that the “builders” have destroyed all the shrubs & bushes.
    I had another play in my craft room last night-it helps me switch off from work.


  2. Morning Everyone
    VAL- a very modern and lovely challenge card. I love that 'Happy Birthday' die you have used.

    SANDRA- I can just imagine how you felt yesterday. Surely the builders have a schedule of works so that they could at least let residents know when they are going to work on each house. Perhaps Paul could go and have a word with the site manager and explain your situation or failing that could he have a word with the Housing Officer on camp.
    I really do hope that today is better Dear Friend. Chin up.

    It's K&N this afternoon so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and having a catch up. I haven't a clue who is doing 'take and make' so it will be a surprise. I'll take something off my craft table just in case I have time.

    The CAFE is OPEN -heating on/tea/coffee pots full and waiting for you all to pop in for a chat.

    HUGS are on their way. Extras for PAT and PETE this week. xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Pretty card Val, love the colour scheme.

    Right Sandra, did you take a film of these men? That would have been more evidence to show your local MP and the council of the way you are being treated.
    I know it must have been harrowing for you but you need all the videos you can muster up to support your claim for rehousing. Sorry if you think I may be not sympathising but this is my practical side coming to the forefront.

    We have at long last a suitable plan from our County Council to protect our village from the hordes of racing drivers and road cloggers that have plagued us for months. I hope it all goes through.

    (((((HUGS))))) to all our poorly friends who need one or just because.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Hope everything goes to plan. Excuse the pun not intended I assure you. Stay safe on your congested roads.

  4. Morning Sandra and all,
    First of love I feel a bit embarrassed that you've shown this card.To be honest when I made it, it was destined for the bin as I just don't like it but I knew I wouldn't have had time to make another so reluctantly send it to Sandra.

    Sandra I'm appalled that the housing people are treating you so shabbily. I think a strongly worded letter on manners is needed. Sending you lots of hugs XXX

    Off to Slimming Club then Opticians then shopping at Iceland hen visiting my frien who go out of hospital yesterday after a foot op.

    Hugs to all.
    Hope today goes well
    love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Hope slimming world goes well and the optician doesn't need to change your glasses. Thanks for the hugs for this afternoon.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am soo sorry you are having to put up with such a bunch of rude & ill mannered cowboys, nobody should have to put up with that. Are your neighbours receiving the same treatment I wonder? Hugs on
    Val your card is great so please don't feel embarrassed. I am sorry your DIL is having to stay in, my sister had lymph nodes taken out the same but the drain kept filling with fluid & she had to travel 40 odd miles back & forth to hospital in Oxford to have it sorted, so perhaps it is as well she stays
    Karen hope you have no after effects from your mishaps yesterday. xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra no ladies
    Lovely card today Val. Nothing wrong with it as far as I can see. Great for either a man or woman.
    My word Sandra how inconsiderate this workforce is. And to cut down your shrubs as well is unforgivable. Hopefully you'll be able to get into your craftroom today. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Val- it is absolutely nothing wrong with your card ! I like it and it is great for both women and the pesky men. Mine is so grumpy today, not sure whats wrong but he just muttering away so I will leave him be and try to make some cards Lol
    How bad are those workers around your place Sandra, go and talk to the foreman, it must be someone around how can help you. Please don't stress about it too much. You need to get away for a few day's, maybe you could go and see your mum ?
    Hopefully you can come down to Watford for the day on the 6th Dec. Anyone else out there are welcome to join us, we won't bite ,I promise
    Been out this morning to see a physio so now have some strengthening exercises to do for my legs (5 different ones x 100 every day) also got exercises to do for my shoulders with stretch bands. Must just get my head around and do them...
    Sending many big hugs to you all and hope today is a alright-ish day for you. Take care, love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I know why mine was grumpy today. But I hope Rick is in a better mood this evening.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you for showing Val's card Sandra. Love how you have used the 'Timeless Texture' stamps. This design would work for male or female cards. Don't put yourself down Val, this card has earned its place in the the limelight (aka the blog) xx

    Oh Sandra I can imagine how you felt yesterday, I'm sure your blood pressure went sky high. How thoughtless of the work men. But the site coordinator should have made them aware of your problems. It doesn't matter that you are on notice to vacate the property, you are still the tenants and tenants have rights! As for cutting down the bushes, I would question have they got the right to do that? I also think that Health and Safety should be in place, a sit clearly isn't!

    We have waited in all day as our Electricity meter needs replacing the counter has been going crazy for a week or so now. Today is the second day we have waited in. Today's appointmen was between 8am and 12 noon. They still haven't arrived OH is on the telephone trying to find out what's gone wrong this time .....Grrrr

    Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Apparently our appointment was cancelled. It's a shame no thought to inform us. John has been told the complaints department will ring him tomorrow between 11 and 12 noon. As the person he was talking to couldn't transfer the call.... I think they hope he will calm down by then ...... No way !!

    2. Hi Brenda
      I do hope they ring and speak to John tomorrow. Our friends brother has been by her son that his meter isn't working. Not to sure why the elec company hadn't picked that up in nearly two years of meter readings.

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies
    I made appointment for doctors this morning rang fist thing kept saying we have a hi volume of phone calls please ring back later. Finally got through at 9.50am
    Said my doctor wasn't in all week could see another doctor at 10.50am so I had mad rush as wasn't dressed any way I made it. Explained what was wrong. He just said it could be to do with a number of thing being Diabetic RA/OA he noticed I am going to a Osteoarthritis clinic on first December. So he just said take painkillers 4 times a day he has given me stronger ones 30mg/500mg of Codeine phosphate/ paracetamol. So hopefully I will wake up tomorrow pain free HAHA . Went Tesco to get prescription popped into the Range not much in there so by time we came back for Rea (baby) &Bailey took them up small park I stayed in the car they were both good off the lead. So by time got home my back was breaking. Had late lunch. Terry is now cleaning carpet.
    SUE hope your ok missing you. Sending some Hug's xx
    VAL I love your card it definitely does not need to go in the bin that's my type of card.I have that stamp set love it.
    MARIA hope your exercises 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🏋🏻 Are going ok xxx
    KAREN hope your head is ok after yesterday.Hug'sxx

    SANDRA so so sorry to read your post earlier. How disgusting the workman starting work on your house at 8am without any warning how inconsiderate of them surly they could have let you know yesterday what was planned for today.
    & What time.Also disgusting how they have cut all your shrubs & bushes down.
    PAT hope hospital appointments are going ok Hug's for you & Pete xx
    Well must bag up my spaghetti Bolognese ( in bulk ) up I cooked yesterday.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I do hope your back feels better this evening. Tablets might just take the edge off when they start to work.
      Saw the big boss today. Petes PSA and ALP reading are through the roof.
      Pete can start some radioactive treatment but not until the new year. He's on a waiting list. They also want to use his biopsys to do gene mutation testing on. He's been given paperwork to read for both. However, I don't think he'll read any of it.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a great card Val. I would be delighted if I could make one like this and whoever received it will love it too. Sorry it's so cold inside for you X
    Sandra, what a lot of rude cowboys you have. I'm not surprised you were all over the place after being woken up with such as rude shock yesterday. I really hope today has been a quieter one for you my lovely. Sending you big hugs xx
    Lynda, thank you for my hugs. They mean a lot. Sending some back to you and CU X
    I bet I'm not the only one that hates these horrid grey days. It got dark so early today here.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra and all in need. Take care xx
