
Thursday 23 November 2017

18th Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all stayed safe in the strong winds last night.  We had a very loud night as the builders have left our drain down pipes unattached to the walls so they were clanging and banging in the wind,
the scaffolding was making some curious noises too, Paul did consider moving the car out onto the road during the night just in case.

Today's card was a last minute make on Tuesday night, Sophie asked me at 9.45pm If I had a card that she could give her friend for her 18th Birthday the next morning!!! 
So I re-purposed a card that I had already made and made a new topper using the 'Number Of Years' stamp set from Stampin' Up! I then die cut it using the 'Lots Of Labels' die.  I stamped the insert to match the outside of the card.
Sophie then decided that it really needed a box to make it extra special, so I added a box with matching ribbon and even found out some matching tissue paper. I looked a very special gift when it was all boxed up.  I couldn't go too fancy with the card as I was reliably informed that the recipient isn't a 'Girly Girl'!!

I had a lovely crafty day with Pat yesterday, we had a productive afternoon cutting out cards, I look forward to seeing them all made up Pat.  Pat kindly left me her Poinsettia dies so that I can get some cards made with them.  
Sue is coming over today which I am extra pleased about as Paul is out all day, I will so nice to have some company. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card & Box Sandra-not sure I could have managed to make something so lovely with so little notice.

    I had quite a productive evening-got 8 Cards Made, they just need sentiments on them now.

    My Dad phoned last night to tell me someone had driven into his car last night! He was on his way out to his Model Railway club and at a busy set of traffic lights, a young bloke took the corner too fast and hit myDads card. Luckily ithe damage is mainly to the front bumper but it’s being collected today and he’s getting a courtesy car in its place. He’s only just replaced his car so this isn’t great.
    Let’s hope today is relatively drama free at work!


    1. I hope so Something like that really shakes you up though

    2. Oh poor dad. It really shakes you up.
      Hope he's

    3. Hi Michele
      Oh your poor Dad. I hope the young man stopped to give your dad his details. I hope it hasn't shook him up to much.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very windy and wet Sheffield.

    Boy oh boy did we have some high winds last night. Fortunately no damage done. Still very windy this morning so it's an indoor day for me today.

    SANDRA- a beautiful birthday card and I love love love that colour you have used. What a good thing you had something to start with particularly at that time of night.

    Jim came back from hospital looking a little cleaner around his ear. The nurse had done some cleaning up on it although it still looks rather 'yukky'lol. I had taken a photo of it so that he could see exactly what it looked like and he asked a question about some 'bobbling' inside. He was told that it's where the surgeon had stitched the graft and it's called 'quilting' so he has joined the 'crafty set' lol.
    We now have to wait for the result of the biopsy which will take anything up to 6weeks.

    My jobs for today are to take a photo of this week's CC and get it sent off to SANDRA.

    The CAFE is OPEN and just waiting for you all to pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Glad Jims been cleaned up. Hope its less sore. Seems such a long time to wait until the result. Glad the weather has calmed down.
      Enjoy your day.xx

    2. Hi Janet
      It was also very windy last night and still is I must say. It poured down last night and our road was flooded, but at least it was running down the road. Nice and sunny hear at the moment so I've put some washing on.
      I'm glad to hear that Jim's ear has been cleared up a bit. Hope it's not quite as sore now.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Pretty card Sandra.

    (((((hugs))))) to all in need of one today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. A beautiful card and I love the colours
    Going to go into the office today instead of working from home I feel OK in myself It’s just this awful cough My Dad used to call it the “Rawlings Bark”
    Congratulations VAL on selling the cards but yeah on the other hand it’s created more work for you
    My neighbour’s fire was caused by a chip pan She got distracted by a phone call and that was it The kitchen is a write off and all the other rooms have smoke and water damage She’s staying at her daughters for now
    She’s fine and that’s the main thing
    So I’d better go and get ready for work Take care everyone xx

    1. A chip pan fire in really common sadly but wow what a mess it can make. So glad she's ok.
      Hope you're taking something for that horrible cough. Xx

  5. Morning Sandra and everyone from a wet but thankfully a bit calmer day wind wise. The noise all through the night have been horrendous so it must have been pretty bad around your house Sandra with the things hanging lose around. I hope you have a nice day with Sue and you can get some time and think of something else for a while.
    Gorgeous card, lucky you had some near finished ones when you get asked for one and you got a box together for it too. Love the colour.
    Planned a trip into town this morning and then got food shopping to do so best get going but didn't sleep much so feeling rather sluggish Lol
    Wish you all a good day and take care, hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, sorry you're not sleeping so well, I think we should start a club.I only seem to sleep every other night. Really strange but at least catch up on tele programmes ha ha.
      Did you see I'm A Celebrity last night? How anyone eats such revolting things is beyond me - yuk. Enjoy your shopping trip.xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & love the colour. Hope you have a more peaceful day today, hopefully withh
    I had quite a productive afternoon yesterday, I had found alot of bits already cut out for Christmas cards, so spent the time putting them together & was pleased with the results. Food shopping this morning then Pop wants to go into town to Waterstones or Smiths so busy day.
    Sending hugs to all who are in pain or have coughs or anybody that needs a hug love

  7. Hi Sandra and all,
    Lovely card and box Sandra and wow I'm impressed you made it in such a short time. It's really love.
    Glad those horrible winds have died down. Your night sounds really scary. Have a lovely time with Sue tonight. There's nothing like friends to take your mind of your problems.xx
    BRENDA no I don't seem to do the same cards every year but I do sort of batch make. I make 6 cards of the same design but in a different colour and when they're mingled in the different categories no one hopefully notices ha ha.

    Off to meet my chatty friend for a coffee this morning. Our local bar is closed for their two weeks holiday so her husband is giving us a lift there and back to the next village bless him.

    Must tell you I had my first Christmas card delivered yesterday. I know we're told to post early for Christmas but wow!!!

    Hugs to everyone. Have a good day.
    Love Valxxx
    Off to meet my chatty friend today.

    1. Nice one Val. Although still in awe. You really are a star xx

    2. Hi Val
      Hope you enjoyed coffee with your chatty friend, how lovely that you make different cards each year. Fancy having your first Christmas cards, that's very early even by our standards.
      Mind you my SIL in Australia sent us a calendar, which took 3 days to get to us. We sent one back and it took 16 days. So much for early posting as it takes for ever.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely 18th card today. Great when you can rejig a card as you were given so little notice. Hope you have a lovely day crafting with Sue. Hope they come out to fix your phones soon,

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely 18th Birthday Card. Love the colour. What a supermum you are, to come up with something so stunning at sure short notice. I just know her friend will feel very special when she gets her beautiful card.
    We had an early start to our day. Both having appointments at the Doctors. Now I have to get another blood test As my blood sugar is high.
    We have just picked up Callum from school and on our way to collect Ciara.
    Must go think she is sending a text.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely 18th Birthday Card. Love the colour. What a supermum you are, to come up with something so stunning at sure short notice. I just know her friend will feel very special when she gets her beautiful card.
    We had an early start to our day. Both having appointments at the Doctors. Now I have to get another blood test As my blood sugar is high.
    We have just picked up Callum from school and on our way to collect Ciara.
    Must go think she is sending a text.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you managed to pick Caira up. Hope the blood results aren't to bad.

    2. Meant to say we also had an early start as Pete had a pacemaker check up. Then had to go and have an ECG. All seems to be ok in that direction.

    3. You sound as though you have such a busy life, you never seem to stop. Hope the blood test results are

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    What a terrible windy & heavy rain all night i kept waking up with the noise.
    Has rained most of the day too.
    SANDRA a gorgeous card You have made at such short notice & with a box too.
    Your a star. I bet Sophie's friend.loved it. Hope you had a lovely day with Sue xx
    I have made Challenge card & two Christmas cards so not bad.
    VAL well done on selling lots of cards in the shop.& don't blame you doing some batch ones. Do you have to put a verse in them or just a stamp a Christmas stamp. Hug's xx
    MICHELE hope your dad is ok must have been a shock for him. Hug's
    JANET Jim's ear sounds very painful Sending you both some Hug's xx
    BRENDA do you ever stop & take a breath. You have such a busy life always rushing about. Hug's xx
    KAREN glad your neighbor is ok after setting her house alight bet she is still in shock. She should get frozen oven chips from now on xx Hug's
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      We had the awful rain and wind last night. But today has been lovely and Sunny.

    2. Your weather sounds awful. Been watching the poor people in Anglesey and lakes with flooded homes.Looks horrendous.
      Yes I do put appropriate verses in all my cards and print it out again and put it in the cellophane bag so people know what's inside
      Hope you, Terry and th two little cuties are

    3. Hi Val
      Crikey you do a lot of effort into your cards Val. I wouldn't know where to start with typing verses to put in a card. I'd get them round the wrong way and in the wrong place. I'd waste more then I used.

  12. Pete had a phone call from the Churchill re his Radium treatment at 5.30. It Starts on the 23rd Jan, but he has to go up the week before so they can explain what happens and the precautions he has to take afterwards.

    1. Glad Pete's got a date Pat. Hope you're both ok after your busy week of hospital appointments. Xxx

    2. Thanks Val.
      Apparently if someone drops out or they find the treatment isn't working for them and have to stop, Pete will start earlier. Such a shame if it doesn't work for someone. It's like being given hope and it's been dashed away from them.
