
Friday 24 November 2017

Festive Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are  at Friday again, another week gone in a flash!

As it's Friday I made a 'Festive' card, I'm slowly getting a pile put together for the Family and Friends Christmas cards I need,  hoping not to have a last minute Christmas card making frenzy when I discovered that I quite a few short. I am trying to decide whether to buy a cheapish box of cards for those that won't appreciate a handmade card or to design a simple stamped card that would be ok with a normal stamp rather than the usual large letter stamp charge because you added a pearl.

So I had a gift box idea in my head when I was thinking about this card, I love this ribbon so much I was trying to think of ways of using it as the main element on a card rather than an accent or embellishment. The shiny silver edge on this ribbon is stunning.  I started by cutting a piece of the 'Year of Cheer' foiled, Designer Papers and mounting it onto a piece of Silver mirror card, which highlights the silver foil in the paper and the ribbon, I then added the ribbon as you would if your were decorating a box, having one piece going up and down the card and the other across, at the point that they met I created a flower out of the Stampin' Up! Foil Snowflake embellishments (pictured below)

My snowflake flower

The Foil Snowflakes

Stampin' Up! Year of Cheer Suite

I cut into the flower, taking out more as the layers became smaller, I had to remove the centre too, I cut a little disc of card and added glue and as I manipulated the snowflake into shape i pressed onto the glued disk which holds it in place and gives you something to glue the layers together with too.
I finished it with a die cut snowflake and a Faceted gem.  I added this on top of the ribbon and added four loops of ribbon to create and illusion of a bow.  I decided to add the sentiment like a tag on a gift box too, so I stamped the sentiment and embossed it with silver embossing powder and die cut it with a flag die. A few tiny gems added to the centre of some of snowflakes was all that the card needed to finish the card.
What do you think???  I quite like it, something different I think.

We have an early start today as we need to be in Banbury by 9am as I have an appointment to see a back surgeon to look into the deterioration of my lower spine to see if it is my back causing the worsening pain, I have actually been through this situation about 50 times, they seem to want it to be my back instead of my hip for some reason.  Having said that my back pain has gotten a lot worse over this past couple of years so it will be good to get things looked at, I will then see a hip surgeon depending on the result, I haven't had Xrays since 2009 so I am sure that there will be some changes.
Fingers crossed for a positive outcome. 

Karen it's quite scary to think that your neighbour is still using an old fashioned Chip pan, they are an accident waiting to happen, its so easy to get distracted isn't it.  Hopefully the damage can be repaired quickly, the smell must be awful though, I was happy to read you felt well enough to return to work, take it easy though my lovely xxx

Val, I hope you had a nice lunch with your 'chatty' friend, how are you getting on with the 'top up'
Christmas cards, I am  not surprised that your cards sold out so quickly, it must be frustrating to have to making so many more when you thought you had finished.  Wow your first Christmas card before December !! that is early! xxx

Michele I was sorry to read that your Dad was involved in an accident, was he on his way to his Model Railway club when something like this happened before?  so relieved he wasn't hurt in anyway, hopefully he will have his car back in no time. xxx

Maria I hope that you are feeling brighter and less 'Sluggish' today, like you I have  very poor sleep, I very rarely get to sleep before 3am, so I can totally sympathise with you feeling tired and sluggish, pain affects you in so many different ways, when you are tired it seems so much harder to handle too.
Sending huge hugs my lovely friend.

Sue I hope you have a safe journey to Devon, I think that I will do you Chris and Bob good to get some fresh sea air! Have a lovely weekend xxx

Have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs




  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous Christmas card, it’s beautiful.

    Yes-my Dad has a similar problem earlier in the year when someone drove into his car. Both times he’s been in his way to his Model Railway Club. His driving is still fine- he’s been really unfortunate both times. Needless to say, I spent most of yesterday evening on the phone to him & online filling in paperwork for the car hire so they could process it all in time to deliver a car today.

    I’m on a training course all day today which is on the other hospital site so even though I’ll have a longer drive the course is only 9:30-4pm which makes it a shorter day for me.


    1. Ni Michele, hope the course was fine and you soon on your way back home. Have a nice evening, what will you do ? crafting, reading or watching CSI :>) hugs xx

    2. Hi Michele. I'm glad your Dad is ok. I love your cards we have seen this week x

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope you Dad is ok and his courtesy car was dilivered today for him.
      I hope the course went well and you managed to have a shorter day.

  2. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Beautiful card for us today Sandra and oh what a lovely box. Lovely snowflake flower.
    Out early today to get to Specsavers for when they open to order my new glasses. Looked at their sight last night and there's 50% of the complete glasses today so a good saving. Not so pleased that I placed an order with Joanna Sheen yesterday afternoon and they started 20% off everything at 6 pm! !!

    Got a phone call yesterday to go on Monday to have the fatty lump on my back removed. I was hoping they'd wait until after my hols but best to get it over with I suppose.

    Off to Craft Club straight from shopping so better go and collect my bags.
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I haven't seen them eating the yuk yet but will do so tonight. omg they are brave or stupid but still we watching it Lol
      Did you manage to get some nice frames today ?
      I ordered a few thing from Julia two days ago and of course she too have 20 % off today. I am seeing her tomorrow for a workshop, playing with some of Sue's new dies. Hope you had a nice time, hugs xx

    2. Hi Val. I hope you are pleased with your new glasses. How lucky that you managed to get them half price, annoying about Joanna Sheen order!

    3. Oops, finger trouble! I hope your lump removal goes well on Monday. We always used to get our first Christmas card around now from a great Uncle until he passed away x

    4. Hi Val I'm glad you managed to get your glasses at a discount. Not so good that Joanna Sheen had a discounted sale just after you'd ordered.
      Petes son Craig's partner had a fatty lump removed from her back a few weeks ago. Hope it goes well.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Ohhhhh it's cold here this morning. The heating is going full blast and has been since before 07.00 and I still feel cold.

    SANDRA- a beautiful Christmas card for Festive Friday.

    Aren't Fridays coming around faster and faster.
    Have to now type that very nasty word 'HOUSEWORK' is on the agenda today so I'd better make a start.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a warm and a cuppa.
    HUGE HUGS on their way to you all with loads of extras today for you all. xxxx

    1. Wrapping my big arms around you Janet and hope you by now have warmed up. It suddenly gone very cold here too but we had a nice sun out most of the day. Cuddle up with Jim tonight but mind his ear, hope it feels a bit better xx

    2. Hi Janet. I hope that rude word starting with H warmed you up. It is getting really chilly here now so it's going to be a cold one tonight. I'm glad Jims ear is healing nicely x

    3. Hi Janet
      No heating on here as we've had brilliant sunshine all day. Our front room gets nice and warm when the suns out. Not so warm in our kitchen diner though, which is at the back of out house.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Good idea for a boxed card Sandra, I have done the same in the past and they always been very well received.

    Panto costumes still consume most of my time, I did say right a the start that I was not going to be sewing during December as I have other things to do.
    Most notably it is Milly-May's first ever visit to Wookey Hole Wonderland! I booked family tickets last Friday and they have now been delivered along with a personal letter to her from Father Christmas. And a gingerbread hose to colour in a to win, hopefully, a Wookey Hotel weekend with tickets for all the attractions. Can't wait to see the excitement oh=n her little face. She loves seeing all the decorations and shops filled with goodies. Last year in Wilko's she picked up a bauble and carried it around with her before leaving on another table laden with little decorations. This happened all over the shop til we finally persuaded her that we had to leave. Bless her.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      It is a long time since I have been to Wooky Hole, I am sure Milly-Mae will love

    2. Hi Cheryl. It sounds like Millie-Mae will have a lovely time at Wooky hole. The first thing that Little Chris asks every morning is "Is it Christmas today?" When we saw him.last weekend he went to Chris and told him that "Daddy has got you a hammer drill for Christmas Grandad" and to his Mum "Daddy got you makeup for Christmas and hid it in the bedroom. Come on, I will show you where" bless him. Don't the little ones give us so much pleasure 😊 x

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds a wonderful treat for Millie-Mae, I'm not to sure if I've ever been to Wooky hole. I've been to Cheddar Gorge but many many years ago. I hope you all have a wonderful time.

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Cheryl, hope your day have been good and you not overdo with all that sewing of the costumes. what play are you doing this year ? I would love to see a new photo of Milly-May if possible. Remember her little face looking at the decorations last year, she is adorable. hugs xx

  6. Late today as Blogger was playing me up this morning
    I’m so glad your dad is OK MICHELE but still a fright
    I hope you managed to get some glasses. VAL
    Don’t work too hard CHERYL I’d love to see Millie-Mai’s face
    Work was slow today but it least it’s the weekend! Out dancing tonight
    And I love your card SANDRA- very elegant

    1. Have fun tonight Karen, hopefully your cough won't stop you dancing. Hope to see you in a couple of weeks ,hugs xx

    2. Hi Karen. I echo Maria's words about your cough not stopping you dancing I hope. I bet your little Oscar is going to love Christmas this year isn't he 😊 Tim and Roz made us laugh when they gave us a list of things the girls might like as for Penny, 7 months old, they had simply written Cardboard boxes and wrapping paper 😊 x

    3. Hi Karen
      Forgot about your cough. I hope it doesn't stop your enjoyment of your dancing. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a beautiful card, so expensive looking & elegant, you should be proud. I hope you got on well with Consultant & got some
    Val hope all goes well on Monday, will be thinking of
    Michele glad that Dad is ok. Hope your course was good, enjoy the
    Karen how is the cough? enjoy your
    Maria & Lynda hope you are not in too much pain, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all in need love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Mum. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and the girls are really looking forward to seeing you, going to the panto and your tradition of making the Christmas cakes/puddings together. It will be lovely to see Chris jnr joining in with you all too. See you in the morning. Love to you both xxxx

  8. Hi all.
    Love this card Sandra and think if you don't mind I make a take of it for my cards as at the moment I am really panicking about getting any cards together.
    Well today I feel like I'm in a bubble, not sure if that better but not in so much pain as I have been lately. A big problem though is that I can't muster to get anything done and I'm out tomorrow and Sunday I'm usually out until gone 1pm and we have my SIL coming Monday so best get the hover a runaround and the duster a flick.
    Tracy- you are in my thoughts, hope you ok. Big hug
    Brenda- hope you taken some me time today and not doing too much. Hugs for you and John
    Lynda- sending you, Terry and your little four paws many hugs. Hope your leg is ok. I'm doing the exercises in two parts for doing 100 in one go is a bit much and being on the floor makes other body parts to hurt.
    Time to start dinner here so must go so I wish you a good evening everyone, love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. I'm glad that you're not in quite so much pain but sympathies with your feeling of being in a bubble and unable to motivate yourself to do anything. Your brain wants to get on but your body refuses doesn't it! Please don't stress about making Christmas cards. Why not just make a special one for hubby and son and buy all of the others. I know I wouldn't care if you did that and were able to enjoy yourself rather than stressing about it all. Hugs are on the way to you x

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope your bubble bursts soon and you can get a bit of motivation. I'm glad your not in so much pain today, perhaps the exercises are doing some good after all.
      Don't stress about making Christmas cards Maria. You can always buy some this year,

  9. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Well another day gone don't know where the time goes. Margaret came round today for lunch & didn't leave till 5pm. Terry was out all day had a day's work.
    So didn't do any crafting πŸ˜–πŸ˜– done. Terry is out again tomorrow so will be in there all day 😁 I have taken picture of my cc so must send then in to Sandra.
    Weather was quite nice today been sunny all day but cold..
    MARIA glad your excercise are helping a bit. Good job I'm not doing them as I don't do the floor ( only when I fall from a height 🀣) Excercise. I wouldn't be able to get upπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ sending Hug's Xx enjoy your workshop with Julia xx
    VAL shame you ordered from Joanna Sheen too early. Enjoy your buys though.
    Sending Hug's xx
    BRENDA hope you had some me time today sending restful Hug's xx
    CHERYL love to see a picture of Milly Mae please Hug's xx
    KARREN enjoy your dancing hope your coughing holds out. Hug's xx
    SANDRA lovely card from you today lovely colour Hug's xx
    Good evening everyone love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. I hope you have a lovely day in your craft room tomorrow. I hope your legs are being a bit less painful for you. Do you find the cold weather makes them worse like the damp and rain seem to affect our joints? Hugs on their way to you and CU xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Hugs to You, Captain Underpants and your two furry friends. I hope you have a productive day in your craft room tomorrow. I must get Xanders birthday card put together tomorrow, my grandson.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great card today. Love the foiled snowflakes. I hope you had a productive appointment at the hospital. A nice sunny day today. Had to ring the Dr at the JR for Doreen as they hadn't rung her during the week. I got through to the consultants secretary. She said she's chase him up and get him to call her. He did this but he's still to talk to the boss and he won't be in until Wed. He's in theory going to ring then.

  11. Sandra and ladies,
    I love your card Sandra I think it's a great idea.
    I hope your appointment went well. Thinking of you xx
    Today has been a very busy day, now calm has returned - thank goodness. Tomorrow we are going to daughter In Essex. It's grandsons birthday, he is home from Uni. Well Just for the weekend, it's always lovely to see him.
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Take care, Love and Big hugs, Brenda xxx
