
Sunday 8 October 2017

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all having a relaxed Sunday, I can smell the roast dinners from here!
Not much happening in our house today, we are all feeling a little 'wrung out' so I think taking it easy is on the cards today.  
Paul is preparing to go away again early tomorrow morning, I'm not looking forward to it I have to say, but never mind, hopefully this week will go as fast as last week!
I have to make a GP appointment for when Paul is back as I am having more and more episodes of my heart racing out of control, while it is happening I find it hard to get my breath (but it's different to a panic attack), yesterday I had one that lasted 20 minutes and left me totally exhausted, it's racing too fast to count.  I have started to keep a note of when it's happening and what I am doing at the time.  Does it sound familiar to anyone? 

Anyway on to today's main event, your amazing challenge cards.......


Lilian has made a gorgeous birthday card, using Stampin'Up! 'Jar of Love' stamp set and very cleverly cut out the elements using her Scan &Cut!! Very clever Lilian, that was one of the main reason I bought mine but still forget to use it! 
I love your card Lilian, thank you so much for taking part.


Michele, I absolutely love this heart shaped wreath,  you have coloured it beautifully too, such delicate shades. Thank you so much for joining in once again, all the way from the USA.. 
I hope you have a safe and trouble free journey home today my lovely.


A stunning Ivy Wreath Christmas card from our Janet this week, the background is Creative Expressions Pin point Embossing Folder, the 'Joy' die cut is also a CE die, designed by Sue Wilson. Everything ties together beautifully Janet, such a lovely Christmas card, thank you .


Margaret chose 'Autumn' colours for her challenge card this week, using some lovely Autumnal leaf stamps and  the very popular 'Stampin Up! Lovely As Tree stamp as the focul point. Thank you Margaret for taking part in this week's challenge.

Karen's craft room is under construction so I thought I would include this Wreath card that Karen made a couple of weeks ago.  Using Martha Stewart punch for the snowflakes and a lovely Embossing Folder for the background.
Thank you Karen 😉


Lynda I love this card that you have made, your stamped wreath is beautiful,  using a butterfly was a brilliant idea, the lace flower appliqué works perfectly as the centre of your wreath, that cute little bird is adorable in the centre.
Thank you so much for taking part Lynda.


Thank you so much ladies for your support every week, I really do appreciate the time you put into taking part in these challenges each week. 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Everyone
    This is the second time I'm trying to leave a comment so here we go.

    What a beautiful display board we have this week and once again I'm so pleased that we don't have to choose a favourite. I'm hopeless doing that sort of thing as I can never make my mind

    It was a busy day here yesterday and so we're off out for Sunday Lunch today. Not sure where at the moment but we'll find somewhere.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual but no lunches on today's menu.

    Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet Enjoy your lunch out wherever you end up.
      Love your card today. Have a good Sunday
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you both enjoyed your lunch out today.
      Seems like everyone is having problems posting over the last few days. Lovely card.

  2. Hello It’s Karenlotty I am having to post a comment anonymously My Google account seems to make it disappear
    Thank you for showing my card SANDRA It is so easy to do with good old Pinflair glue gel The room is nearly finished.... I love to see everyone’s take on the challenge For instance MICHELE’s heart shaped wreath.
    Taking MIL out for lunch and OSCAR is coming too!
    Take care all xx

    1. Karen have you tried logging out and back into your Google account, that’s what I did and seems to be ok no, sorry if I’m saying something you’ve already tried.

    2. Hi Karen
      Wow, seems everyone is out to lunch today. I hope you enjoyed yours, plus everyone us having problems with google. I don't think I'll be updating my iPad anytime soon.

  3. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    I'm early today as we are going to Lisa's today.she has invited My Brother David his daughter & Judy his wife Darren Sam & Harry me & Captain Underpants & of course Baby ( dose anyone think Baby is a silly name for a dog ) Only Margaret said it's not proper name ) well I do.& she now responds when I call her.
    SANDRA dose your heart just beat fast only I had a irregular heart beat which used to beat very fast & heavy stop & start at different times. You need to see your doctor. I know it's difficult as Paul is away. Perhaps you can ask to speak to your doctor & explain your symptoms.Please take care ❤️& BIG HUG'S xx
    Well must go & get ready we hope to leave by 11ish or earlier.
    So better wake Mr underpants up for breakfast.
    Pop in when we get home love Lynda xx

    1. I think BABY is a great name I’m one of this people (Sorry MARGARET) that only certain “proper” names can fit for pets I have a friend whose dog is called David (no offence to any dogs called David) which I don’t like Our dog was called BUSTER and my SIL’s dog was DING DONG - they did run a pub called The Bell! Karenlotty

    2. Hi Lynda
      Baby seems a perfectly good name for a dog to be. I think it's down to your preference as well. Some names suit dogs and some don't. Baby seems to fit yours. Amber called her dog Minnie and it suits her as she's tiny,

    3. Meant to say Lynda, love the card you've made. How lovely to make a wreath using just butterflies.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely selection of cards again today, all different as usual, well done to you all. Hope you are relaxing
    Lovely sunny day here & feels warmer, hope it continues.
    Lynda enjoy your day with
    Maria & Pat hope you are not in too much painxxx
    Michele hope you had a good flight & feel
    Val hope you are enjoying your visit & not feeling too
    Sending hugs to all need them love

  5. Hello All, dry at the moment, washing out so hoping it stays that way.

    Love all the cards today, must admit mine looks better in the hand, have the dies, but thought it would take too long to cut, so out came my s&c, which in my opinion I’ve wasted a lot of money on, still all wise after the event.

    I’m out to plant up some pansies that came by post yesterday, so I’ll wish you a good Sunday, Lilian

  6. Replies
    1. Hello Sandra and ladies,

      I’m posting under Anonymous because I have just lost a long post, I had completed it, pressed publish and off it went .............. into cyberspace I think. The same happened yesterday, after my third attempt I gave up.

      I hope this coming week passes quickly for you Sandra, and Paul will be home before you know it. Please be sure you make that appointment with your doctor. It maybe nothing but better to have it checked out and put your mind at rest.

      Love all of today’s cards ladies, the inspiration there is so much appreciated. Thank you xx

      Now I’m going to see if this message will post. Fingers crossed ��

      Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely selection of cards today, love the colours of Autumn, flowers and heart wreath. Very nice, well done.
    Lynda- have a fab day with the family. The name Baby for your little dog is perfect, don't change it.
    Sandra - promise to make an appointment with the doctors. Sound like you could have a bit of AF but it need to be cheeked and it could take some time before you get some answers or perhaps it is a different type of anxiety,try not to worry too much. Big hugs
    I hope you all have a nice Sunday. Love and many hugs to you all ,Maria xxxx

  8. Hello me again, I was going to say I thought your problem Sandra, was AF but wasn’t sure if I aught to say, you definitely need to get it checked, you do get used to it, but as each episode seems to be worse, I’d get it checked. Hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian, I had thought that it could be a possibility, my Father had a few heart related issues so I will mention it to my GP.
      I started having episodes very infrequently but they have become more and more frequent.
      I appreciate your concern.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well what a lovely selection of cards today. We've been out all day as we've been over at Craig's (Petes son ) for lunch as it's Romillys birthday tomorrow.
    How long is Paul away for Sandra?. Hopefully you can make a Drs appointment for when he comes back. Hospitals again this week.
    Hope you had a safe journey home Michele and the jetlag doesn't take to long to go.
    Totally Tina which we saw last night was great. The lady singing looked and sounded like Tina Turner. She had all her mannerisms as well. Great group as well that accompanied her. Never to sure about the dancers they gave with them though.
