
Saturday 7 October 2017

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all well, we are hoping for a relaxed weekend this weekend, it feels like we haven't stopped since we got back from our holiday, we are all exhausted!
It was lovely having Paul's parents to stay, the time went super fast.
Lucy returned from her Biology trip to Wales absolutely full of cold bless her, she has virtually no voice. She is determined to go to work today though.

What are you all up to this weekend??
Now onto today's line up............


Lynda made her first Christmas card yesterday, WOW Lynda, what an awesome card, I LOVE your 'Northern Lights' effect Lynda, you have that spot on!  I also love how you have created perspective with the different sized trees and the Deer on the front. an absolutely stunning card Lynda, thank you so much for sharing it with us.


Janet has also sent in a Christmas card for me to share, in some ways similar in design to Lynda's, but Janet your background looks illuminated, such a stunning background paper, it looks like a snow covered forest in moonlight, It is just genius Janet, your Deer in the foreground are perfectly in proportion to the background trees.  Absolutely stunning card, thank you so very much for inspiring us.


Sue had the absolutely fantastic idea of making a series of 'ATC's' for me, for my birthday. Eight perfect miniature works of art!
ATC is abbreviation of Artist Trading Cards, they were originally a way of Artists sharing samples of their style of Art.
I love each and every one of them, if I had to pick a favourite, hhhmmm.....the bottom outer two have my favourite papers on and I love how Sue has embellished them with simple design but that's all that is needed with such busy paper. I love the bird too, but I think my favourite is the poppies, maybe because it looks like a proper work of art, with a delicate watercolour background and the beautiful poppies (each has a 3d head on).
I absolutely love these Sue, such an awesome gift, thank you so very much.


Michele has been doing some bargain hunting while on holiday in Florida, the first photo is Michele's 'Hobby Lobby' haul, I can't quite see the prices but knowing Michele they will have been a bargain!! The second photograph is of two reels of ribbon, the spotty ribbon is 60c and Pumpkin is 90c (wow)!
The third Photo is Michele's 'Michaels' haul, everything cost between $2:50-$3:50 which is an amazing price.
You must be excited to get back into your craft room to play with your new goodies! Not long now, although I think you may be too jet lagged this weekend.  
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us all the way from the USA. 

Another fantastic line up, thank you so much ladies for taking part.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    It's extremely windy here and I'm really not looking forward to going out in it but it's our week-end to meet Jim's Niece and her two children and I have her birthday card to give to here for next week so needs must.

    LYNDA- I love your Christmas card. It's so atmospheric it sends tingles down my spine. It's much more than a card it's a Work of Art. Love it.

    SUE- your ATCs are just fantastic. I love these little Work's of Art as they can cover any gendre. I cannot pick a favourite though.

    MICHELE-looks as though you've had a really good shopping spree whilst over the pond. Looking forward to seeing results from these goodies.

    My card has the base of a 'Create a Card' from Crafters Companion called 'Christmas Cheer' I glittered just the Tree. The background paper is from a pack from Craft Creations Ltd, 12x12 in size and all the papers are various shades of blue with a hint of snowflakes/snow on them. The die cut of the Deer and Trees is one I bought from China and is so useful and cuts like a dream. The price was right of

    Have a good day everyone whatever you have planned. The CAFE is OPEN for it's usual SATURDAY HOURS so just pop in for a quick cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are winging their way on the winds to you all. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, love your card, must start making mine.

    2. Hi Janet
      Fabulous card today. I love the create a card Dies from Crafters Companion. I've done a few Christmas cards but must get a wriggle on soon.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    I must mention your fantastic Festive Friday card. Such a rich and elegant card with those beautiful pops of sparkle, I love it 😊
    The colds that are around at the moment certainly leave you washed out so I hope Lucy manages to get through work today. I bet she had lots to tell Sophie after their time apart. It must be hard for them now they are starting to do things on their own.
    Maybe you could branch out and write that "Guide to Teenage Identical Twins" book that is missing as you can't be the only ones trying to help them through this difficult time of their lives? I hope you have a relaxing weekend, you must need it after the last couple of weeks my lovely xx
    Lynda, what a fabulous card with that gorgeous background, a real beauty 😊 Margaret will be marking off the days until those stitches come out so she can get her glasses on won't she? I'm sorry that your legs are still painful, have you tried a great treatment called only crafting? You are only allowed to craft, no housework or cooking, and you can take it for as long and as often as needed πŸ˜™ Wouldn't it be lovely if that really did work, and that Captain Underpants was happy to do everything else? Seriously I'm sending gentle hugs for you both. xx
    Janet, what a wonderful card. I love the beautiful wintery scene. You can almost feel the chill in the air and the stillness that comes with snow 😊 X
    Michele, it looks like you got some great bargains. Was it hard to decide what to buy? X
    Pat, sorry your leg is still sore but at least your hand is not so bad X
    Sandra, I wanted to make something special for your birthday this year and after a lot of deliberating on past conversations I remembered the chats we have had on several occasions about trying ATC's so thought I would give you a selection of different techniques. I must admit it was so much harder than I expected working on such a small card and I had many many frustrating attempts before finally managing to make these ones for you my lovely 😊X
    Phoebe and Paige are here for the weekend so I'm hoping we will get some crafting done today while Chris is at Mum and Pop's helping them with a few jobs.
    I hope you all have a nice day, and that you have better weather as it is very dull here today, so different to the beautiful blue sky yesterday! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue, love your acts , have done a few but as you say small is not always easy.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Loving the Christmas cards Janet and Lynda.
    So vivid is my imagination I dreamt I had already made mine... reality set in when I awoke this morning hahaha
    Michele's bargain buys look so appealing...will have to wait to see her creations. whilst in America for our Family Reunion I visited one of their Archivers shops in The Mall of America. My goodness me, no wonder we are so influenced by their products, all my sister and I could see was wall to wall craft products...I felt like I was back in that corner sweetshop trying to make decisions. They certainly have a vaster range than most shops here do.
    Like you Sue re: the ATC's. I haven't attempted them yet but am absolutely amazed at all the ones I see on the web. I don't do miniatures but I might try at some stage as in one of my £25 goodie boxes from Fernli there was a large matchbox which is now done ready for tags to be made for an alternative birthday this space.
    With all decisions finally made regarding panto costumes I can finally crack on with what I have got at home whilst still waiting for the grey and black material for the opening scene. I have made a conscious decision that all things panto STOP at the weekend to give me time to (I will swear the housework!) do my own thing and craft.

    My first job this morning is to make a belated 70th birthday card for my cousin Elaine. I did not realise until she posted her thanks on Facebook that she is only 5 years older than me. When we were far younger our visits to Nan were a treat as Dad was posted all over the place so we missed out on a lot of contact with our cousins and they always seemed to be that much older than us.

    (((((HUGS))))) to all our poorly friends.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you Cheryl for liking my card
      Enjoy your weekend sending πŸ€—πŸ€— xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you managed to get the Panto costumes sorted yesterday. Hopefully, unless plans change it won't be such a rush for you this year.
      I've to do finish off a birthday card for my granddaughters 13th Birthday. Jenny her mum should have had a lump taken off of her back so her party was supposed to be next Sunday, but as the hospital postponed until next week it's now tomorrow.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I'm glad you had a lovely time with Paul's parents. I hope you didn't get to stressed out though, as it would have spoilt the visit.
    Lovely cards Lynda and Janet.
    Michele you bought a lovely haul back from America. Not to sure if your home now or on your way,
    We're off to the Theatre again this evening to see Tina Turner show. I'm not to sure what that entails as there's a new production opening in London in March that we're hoping to see as well. So it's dinner time eating today.

    1. Thank you Pat for liking my card. Hope your leg is in less pain
      Have a relaxing weekend
      πŸ€—πŸ€—on their way xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I did not comment yesterday but your card was lovely, I do like that die soo versatile. Hope you get to relax over
    Lynda such an beautiful card love everything about it. Hope your leg is easier, hugs on
    Janet love the blue & white, makes you shiver, love it. Enjoy the
    Michele looks as if you have some good buys, look forward to seeing what you
    Sue your cards are great I can understand you struggling with small cards, well worth it in the end. Have a lovely crafty time with the girls give them my love, hugs on
    Maria sounds as if you had a lovely time in Venice but £ 10.00 for a coffee!!! hope it tasted good. Hope you are not too
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret for your kind comments on my card I was really pleased with it. & the background was so easy.have a good day.

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    We have strong winds today & very cold,hope the rain holds off more washing to put out
    JANET your card is beautiful the papers & colour are very pretty love the Dies as well My dies from China are a dream to cut as well & really cheap too
    Have a lovely day with Jim's Niece & children. Thank you for your lovely comment on my card Take care πŸ€—πŸ€—xx
    SUE WOW your lovely ATC's all beautiful. I have made them before as you said more of a challenge doing such a small card but I enjoyed doing them.Thank you for your kind words on my card ❤️xx
    Michele love your shopping looks lovely have a great time playing with them when you get home. Hope you have had a really lovely holiday.πŸ€—πŸ€— xx
    Well we have a Tesco shop to do this morning.& hopefully I can get in craft room & play Margaret has given me a clarity gelly plate & some different
    peobo paints So itching to play.
    Better get a move on will pop in later.
    SANDRA thank you for showing my card. Hope Lucy gets better soon.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hello Lynda, WOW, what a great card, love that background.

    2. Hi Lilian
      Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my card.
      Background is very easy. I used different colour sparkle pens just on water colour card went across the page with the pens one colour at a time then get a paint brush & blend across the card brushing with water when happy dry with heat gun. Hope that makes sense.

  7. Morning Ladies-it's only 7:45 here!

    Still in Florida, we leave tonight. Firstly we're going out for breakfast then on to watch Max play soccer at 9:30. We'll come back to the villa to pack then go to my Brother in Laws for some lunch. I expect we'll shed a few tears then we need to set off by 3pm to drive up to Orlando.
    I've got a horrible feeling that I'm coming down with a cold-I've been using my First Defence spray most days. Guess I must have missed a few doses!


  8. I've lost count at how many times I've tried to comment It says it's publishing and then disappears Looks like my comments are disappearing on other blogs too
    Has been happening since I did a phone update Let's see if iPod works
    Great photos today I love them all - short and sweet as running out if time

    1. Hi Karen I had the same (think it was Wednesday or Thursday) I did an update on the iPad. Every time I pressed publish it looked as if it was going to do just that, only for the message to disappear into oblivion. I have since had to sign onto Google..... and so far so good. 🀞Let’s test it. xx

    2. Hi Karen, I had the same thing after did update on my new iPad, seems to be ok now

  9. I’m still playing!

  10. Hello All, raining all day here and the same for tomorrow.

    Love all the art work today, I’ve taken my Christmas craft stuff out of the loft, had a look through and then put it into a box under my table, don’t know why I don’t enjoy making Christmas cards.

    Not much happening here, been sorting my craft room to make room to do some sewing. Have good Sat hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Such a shame you have rain today and it's forecast for tomorrow as well. I always think of sunshine when I think of Cornwall. But you seem to have had your fill of rain this summer.
      My Christmas dies and stamps are on top of the unit in my craft room and at least I know where those are. My craft room would need a week of tidying before I could use it.

  11. Hi everyone !
    Love your card Lynda, the background is fantastic. Well done you. Hope you have a better day.
    Janet, a gorgeous card. A beautiful Christmas one. Hope meeting up with the family was fun.
    Sue- love your little ATC's you made for Sandra. Have thought of trying to make some but they did look so fiddly but if you can make some maybe I will give it a go Lol Hope you have a nice girls with the girls.
    Michele- nice shopping, have fun playing when back in the UK. Hope your flight goes well and you have no delays.
    Tracy- everything crossed for you and G, big smiley .
    Pat- hope the leg feels better soon, hugs.
    Sandra- wish Lucy better, colds are doing their rounds again. Woke this morning with needles in the throat, going for the flu jab Thursday next week just in case.
    Glad everything went well with Paul's parents visiting.
    Have been very lazy here today, feeling a bit flat after the days away and it is so dark and wet outside. Managed to move my Consultant appointments forward two weeks for the pain in my leg is no better so seeing him Tuesday.
    I wish you all a nice evening and hope you have a good night xxx

    1. Hi Maria thanks for liking my card. Glad you had a nice few days away. Sorry your leg is still painful hope you get some help Tuesday.
      A couple of legalese friends as my leg is still painful too.
      Sending Hug's frome me & Big Hug's from CU.xx
