
Friday 6 October 2017

Festive Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

How can it be Friday again, I swear I'm disappearing through a black hole every Tuesday and reappearing Thursday nights!
Our Lucy comes home today, it seemed very odd without her here and I could certainly tell that Sophie couldn't settle down to do anything either, but they have spent 24/7 with each other pretty much their whole lives so I guess separation will be strange, it took them long enough to get used to sleeping in their own bedrooms and they could still chat to each then.  You can buy books on parenting Identical twins as babies/young children but it's really hard to find books that explain how life affects them in their teens and into early adulthood and if you think about it they are the most difficult times in their relationship with University choices and starting more serious relationships are on the cards.  
There are a lot of things to think about and trying to explain them to them is difficult in itself.  
Anyway enough of our family fun and onto today s card.....
I used Creative Expressions Poinsettia Frame Embossing folder with some Ventura pearl card and then matted a Oval onto some Champagne Glitter Card, I matted the embossed card onto it too. I then Die cut Sue Wilson's 'Pinecone &Greenery Dies from both Green and Champagne  Glitter Card and arranged them onto the oval.
I added a Gold Ribbon Bow to the top of the oval adorned with a tiny Pinecone charm and the die Cut my sentiment , Creative Expressions 'Tidings of Comfort & Joy' die out the same Champagne Glitter Card and added to the bottom of my card.  
Something a little different, I hope you like it. 
I hope you all have a lovely day, 
Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Everyone
    We have a little SUNSHINE here but it's cold. The trees are shedding their leaves at a great rate of knots now but the colours are so beautiful.

    SANDRA- a lovely Christmas Card this morning.

    Friday again and so that horrid word 'housework' is on the agenda today and I so want to play at my craft table. Oh well sooner it's done sooner I get to

    We were thinking of popping over to Christina and Robert in Hognaston this weekend but I spoke to her last night and they are planting 1600 Christmas trees this weekend in the field they bought earlier this year. Fingers crossed that it stays dry for them to do this huge task. They have one or two friends going across to help them so it should be 'fun'lol.

    The CAFE is ready and waiting for you all to pop in for a chat and a sit down. HUGS are on their way with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We have sunshine this morning and it's not to cold either. Long may it kast but probably not. I need to mow the lawns but they're to wet at the moment to do it. Perhaps after lunch. Wow, Christina has a mammoth task on her hands planting all those Christmas trees. But hopefully with the help of friends they'll get through it.

  2. Good Morning everyone,

    Pretty little card today Sandra. Love the glitter card.
    I've just bought some of Xcut's adhesive glitter sheets. They go through any die with no problems at all, I love their metallic sheets too and use them a lot when I die cut cogs, wheels and clocks etc. for my male cards.
    Finally recovered from my weekend away at Potters Resort in Hopton on Sea, Norfolk which was a reunion of some of our fellow tour travellers from last year's trip. Mainly on M5, M4 and the M25 the route then took us onto the A12. Apart from getting lost in Outel Broad and going through the centre three times, (I remember this as we crossed the same level crossing three times hahaha) and after we followed the signs which led us back to the same roundabout each time, we finally decided to ignore the signs and go straight across. What a relief to be back on the right road. My sister would not have the TomTom on as it conflicted with the map she had planned out for us. Eight hours later we finally arrived, thank goodness and a fantastic weekend was enjoyed by all who attended.
    Out of curiosity, I used the AA route planner on my PC after I had got home and found out if we had gone their route we would have been there in 5 + 1/2 hours. (So much for maps then) We have learnt a good lesson through this trip.

    Having a meeting tonight with the director of the Panto, hopefully she has finally made her mind up on the costumes needed and I can finally cut them out and parcel them up for all our machinists to work their magic. I am never, ever going to put myself through this again... it's too much hassle for my anxiety levels to stay calm.

    Onwards and upwards, birthday cards to make this morning and net petticoats to line and elasticate this afternoon to take with me to the meeting. Another couple of items of crossed off my list of 'Panto Things To Do'.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you had a lovely weekend away with your holiday friends. I always look at the AA routeplanner before we go away. Then programme the TomTom which usually goes the same way. I always thought the A12 went straight past Hopton. We did that road although not to Hopton a few times with Tom and Bet who live near Harwich.
      I'm going to have a look at the Xcut adhesive glitter sheets as you've used them.
      Good luck with your meeting with the Panto Director tonight.

  3. Hello All, another dry day here, rather cold, still resisting putting the heating on.

    Love your card Sandra, real Christmasy card.

    Hope everyone is ok, I’m hoping this will post, had terrible trouble yesterday, All since I did the latest update. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Perhaps I won't do the update. A lot of us seem to be having problems posting over the last few days. I hope your keeping well.

    2. I also had problems after I did the update but everything seems to have settled down now, fingers crossed 🤞🏻 xx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Another lovely card today. Lovely to see you've used some Dies again. I know the feeling re where do the days go. We had a lovely lunch yesterday with our friends at The Old Fusherman in Shabbington near Thame. Danny drove so I was able to have a glass of wine with my lunch. Otherwise it would have been me driving and I'd have had a soft drink.

  5. Hi Sandra and all from a rather cold MK but with blue sky and sunshine.
    Lovely x-mas card Sandra and I also have had a look at all the lovely cards from the last few days. All the cc's were great, love the poppy Lilian and yesterdays card from our Pat,love the nesting bird stamp. Very good colouring in Pat. Sorry to see your leg is so sore, hope you healing soon.
    Hope our val have a nice holiday in the UK.
    Margaret and Lilian, hope you both had a fabulous Birthday and got some lovely surprises.
    Cheryl-glad you had a nice time but what a journey you had by driving so many more hours then needed Lol Hopefully you will know what's what after the meeting today. You do not wan't to be rushed of your feet like last year !
    Tracy- hope work won't be too bad and people are friendlier and happier when buying some flowers. Any news about the IVF ? I'm just nosy, you don't have to tell anything if you don't. Take care.
    Lynda- hope your leg feel some better, hugs for you and Terry. Is Baby alright ?
    Sandra - try to just enjoy the visit from Paul's parents and ignore some little dust speckles if you can. They are there to see you and not to inspect the house but know what you do ,like me when my SIL coming around it is all hands on deck and down stairs loo is out of service Lol
    We got back last night from our 4 nights in Venice. It is such a beautiful place, lots to see and all the bridges over the canal ways are amazing so it was a lot of walking done up and down stairs, loads of people everywhere. SIL and her husband they went on a Gondola but I had enough problems getting in and out of the water Taxi or Busses Lol. Had a £ 10 a coffee' ! sitting in St Marco's square listening to nice music for a few hours and people watching. One more thing off the bucket list.
    I hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing, here I got washing to hang and shopping to do so best get a move on. Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xoxx

    1. Wow Maria I'm glad you enjoyed Venice. But what a lot to pay for a coffee. I'd heard that St Marks Sq was the most expensive place to get a drink. I'm so glad we didn't when we visited. I'd to have problems getting in and out of a Gondala. Hope your legs aren't to bad after all that walking.

  6. Hello everyone.

    Loving the bling today on the card. Really pretty

    Maria. I’m going for consultation at end of month and see where I go from there so fingers crossed. No one at work really knows apart from manager and Janice of course lol xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      I hope your consultation goes ok at the end of the month. I'll have everything crossed for you.

    2. Hi Tracey, Like Pat I’ve got fingers (and everything else) crossed for you. I really hope everything works out for you. xx

  7. hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I love your card, so clean and fresh looking. XX I hope Lucy got home safely, I’m sure she and Sophie have got a lot of catching up to do.

    This is my second attempt to try and leave a message, I kept getting oops screen from Google in the end my message just disappeared into - wherever they go to when we could no longer see them or publish them.

    Today has been a beautiful sunny day, I did a machine load of washing but didn’t peg it out until late morning, it’s all beautifully dried and has that lovely fresh air smell about it. Silly isn’t it but I always love the smell of washing fresh off the line.

    I hope everyone’s having a good day, sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I also got washing dried. I put two lines out and got them all dry. Though I'd get some of the lawns mowed today but didn't manage it today. I now have two big piles of ironing to do.
