
Thursday 5 October 2017

Another Beautiful Birthday Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is another of my beautiful Birthday cards, this one was made by Pat, I absolutely love the stamped image Pat, is it a new stamp? I love that you made me a 'Stepper Card' too. Everything works together so well, your colouring of the stamped image is amazing Pat. A truly stunning card that I will treasure. XXX

I chatted with Michele (on messenger) yesterday, she is having a lovely holiday, she was off out Craft Shopping after we spoke, I wished I was able to shop with her, the Craft stores in USA seem so much more exciting than ours, I believe that Michele got some fantastic bargains.  She is going to share the photos with me so I will add them to Saturdays blog post so that you can be envious too.

We have Paul's parents arriving this morning for a couple of days, which is lovely, especially as Paul doesn't get to see them very often, I just find it hard to relax, but that's just my anxiety, so I'm usually exhausted by the end of day one.

Lucy is away in Wales on a Biology trip, would you believe it cost more for 2 nights in a bunk house in Wales than it did our hotel in London!!!  She spent last night catching Moths, something I never imagined Lucy spending her evening doing. They strangest part of it for her will be being separated from Sophie, they were messaging constantly last night. 

Right I'm off to supervise the mopping and dusting.....

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very cold morning here in Sheffield

    PAT- I love love love your card to SANDRA. Your stamping is just beautiful.

    Today is going to be a busy one so it's a flying visit this morning to set up the CAFE so you can all pop In for a warm and a cuppa.
    All is ready so I'm off for my breakfast and
    I'll try and pop in later to see what your all up to.

    Have a lovely day with PAUL's Parents and I'm sure they wouldn't mind if there's a little dust

    HUGS are on their way xxxx

  2. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thanks for showing my card today. I've had this stamp for quite awhile and have only ever used it once. Do you remember I bought a stepper card Die as I was useless at getting the scoring lines straight. Must get my stamps out and have a go. I haven't done any crafting for weeks. My hand isn't very painful and healing well, but my leg is a bit painful and isn't healing very well. It's still looking quite raw. Mind you they did tell me that my leg would take a lot longer than my hand to heal. I'm thinking I might need to have some more treatment on my leg as before I had the second treatment it didn't look as good under the light as my hand did.

  3. Sorry Sandra
    Meant to say I hope you gave a lovely time with Paul's parents. As Janet said I'm sure they won't mind a bit of dust. Please try not to get to stressed and enjoy. Easier said than done I know.
    We're off out for lunch today with friends and being picked up as well. So I can have a glass of wine as well today.

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    PAT What Beautiful card you made for Sandra‘s birthday, Love the stamp used and your colouring is really lovely. I’m not surprised Sandra absolutely loved it.
    Oh Sandra when will you ever learn to relax? Paul’s parents are coming to see you not to inspect the property! They just want to enjoy some of your time and your family‘s time. I’m sure they’re both very proud of Paul and yourself have you have raised their beautiful grandchildren. When they visit they just want to soak up a little of ‘your family life’ and of course see their favourite son!!!!
    ( PAUL am I correct in thinking you haven’t any brothers - Ha,Ha) XX

    Whatever you are doing have a good day everyone,
    Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I quite agree with what you said. Paul's family have come to spend some quality time with you all, not to inspect the house.

  5. Lovely card Pat, Sandra hope time with the in laws goes well.
    Sorry this is short it’s the forth time I’ve tried to post, hugs Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card from Pat it is beautiful, I love the stamp. Hope you can relax with Paul's parents & enjoy their
    Pat I love your card your colouring is spot on, well
    Val I assume you are in England have a lovely
    Had a busy day out & about gettimg flu jab & haircut for Alan in readiness for next week, then Embroidery this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all suffering love

  7. Hi everyone.

    Love the card. So pretty.

    Has been a busy day. Xmas lines coming onto store thick n fast and halloweens not even out the way yet lol. I absolutely hate this time of year working with the public is so difficult at this time lol xxx

    Love to all xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    It's no surprise that you love Pat's card Sandra it is wonderful. I love the nesting bird stamp, you have coloured it beautifully Pat.
    I hope you are enjoying time with Pauls parents and not rushing around too much my lovely. It's silly how we put so.much pressure on ourselves when we have visitors isn't it! We know they just want to see us and won't even notice any dust etc but you are like me in that we both think back to the times when our houses was always reasonable tidy and a mornings house work each week kept it all up together!!! xx
    I hope everyone has had a good day, it was chilly again this morning wasn't it and I won't get started on how early it is getting dark already!!!!
    I'm off to bed shortly so will send love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA OH SANDRA you do get yourself so stressed as the others have said Paul's parents have come to see you Paul & their grandchildren,& I expect they would love to see Becca's engagement ring not see if you have some dust.
    Just enjoy spending time with them ❤️️.
    Made my challenge card today &sent it to Sandra,also sent my bargain stamping up buys.from eBay. I have been to see Margaret today as she was a bit down. She went to hospital yesterday to have staples removed on her forehead where they took the skin graft it looks red raw but she said it wasn't.
    She asked if he was taking stitches out on her nose but not for at least two more weeks. She has another two more operations & probably won't be finished by December. Because she can't drive as can't get her glasses on she feels trapped. Terry didn't pick me up till 5.30 I said 4 o'clock as wanted to finish tidying room off. Anyway always Tomorrow.
    PAT love love your card you made Sandra it's beautiful. Glad your hand isn't quit so sore but sorry your leg is still hurting. Take care.
    Love Lynda xxxx


    1. Thanks Lynda
      Yes, my legs a bummer. Mind you they did say my leg would take a lot longer than my hand to heal. Apparently the blood flow going up your leg isn't to hot,
