
Wednesday 4 October 2017

Wreath of Leaves and Happy Birthday Lilian xx

Happy Birthday

Good Morning Ladies,   

I know that you will all want to join me in wishing Our Dear Friend Lilian a very happy birthday, I hope you have a day filled with fun, maybe a little crafting, sending love and hugs to you on your special day.

Another Autumn Wreath card for you today, I stamped the leaf stamp from 'Painted Harvest' stamp set in Versamark ink onto Soft Suede, Calypso Coral, Peekaboo Peach, Crumb Cake and So Saffron card, then brushed over with matching colour Mica Powders, I love the shimmer it gives.  I then punched the leaves out with their matching punch.
I traced a circle in pencil around a ribbon reel and then added some foam dots to the back of my leaves and started laying them around the circle, so that each one overlapped the other.  I stamped the sentiment in the centre (I did this before layering my leaves) and embossed with Gold Embossing powder.
To finish my card I wrapped a sparkly ribbon around my card and then layered onto Calypso Coral and then on to Soft Suede card, finishing with a cream base card. 
We have a busy day today preparing for Paul's parents arriving, they are coming to stay for a couple of days.  Which means Paul will need a magic wand as the spare room is full of Becca's  things for her new home, including a washing machine and coffee table, hall table, mirrors you name it it's all I  our house so you can't even see the guest bed let alone make it up for someone to sleep on!  On top if that I have a really sore throat and shivers, hopefully it will pass quickly.

I hope that everyone has a lovely day, 

Love and hugs 
Sandra xxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh I definitely do not like these windy and damp mornings.

    LILIAN- A VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY I hope you have a lovely day and that you are spoilt just as you should be. HUGS Dear Friend xxxx

    SANDRA- I love your Autumn wreath and the beautiful colours.

    Good Luck to PAUL with the guest room but I'm sure his parents won't mind after all don't we all love our Grandchildren and will do anything for

    Now I don't want to sound as though I'm blowing my own trumpet but I finished putting inserts into my Christmas cards yesterday and so today I'm hoping to sort out all the stuff I've used and put it away so I can have a play with a couple of my new dies I bought a little while

    Extra HUGE GENTLE HUGS to all Dear Friends not feeling too well. I hope today is a better day

    I also hope that all on holiday are having a wonderful time wherever you are.

    The CAFE IS OPEN and just waiting for you all to pop in for a cup of something warm.
    HUGS are battling the winds to get to you all. xxxx

    1. Well done Janet getting all your card inserts. Hope you get craft room sorted. Hug's xx

    2. Wow Janet
      I'm very envious that your doing cards let alone inserts. I can never get the writing in the correct place to make inserts. Was very sunny here but blowy. I met two friends for lunch today, which was very nice.

  2. Happy Birthday LILIAN I hope you have a lovely day
    Today's card is lovely SANDRA I love the colours As JANET has said PAUL's parents won't mind at all
    Ended up taking MIL to our Urgent Care Centre yesterday day afternoon (surgery closed) On ansaphone she'd asked if we'd take a couple of sticking plasters Well when we got there and saw wound I insisted we get it properly dressed At 92 her skin is paper thin They were so good with her Very gentle and reassuring
    My craft room looks like it has been totally "dismantled" It has been distributed all over the house!
    Take care all Big hugs to everyone I hope that sore throat soon clears SANDRA

    1. Hope MIL is feeling better this evening Karen. What a cheek asking you to take plasters, good for you sticking to your guns and asking for proper dressings.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love your card, colours are lovely. Good luck to Paul finding the spare bed & hope your sore throat disappears soon, hugs on
    A very Happy 70th Birthday to Lilian may it be a healthier
    Lynda sounds as if you are feeling
    Maria hope you are enjoying your days away & not in too much
    Pat good luck with hospital appointments this
    Karen sounds as if you will not be crafting for awhile, good luck with sorting it. Your MIL sounds like my friend I take her to have her dressing changed again today & that happened in
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thanks for the good luck Margaret re hospitals.

  4. Hi Margaret yes I'm feeling better thank you. Just my leg still aching after the doctor said I had pulled a muscle but not getting any better. I don't like this 70 lark.HaHa.Margaret did your card arrive?
    Hug's on the way xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY LILLIAN have a lovely day Hug's xx
    Gorgeous card this morning Sandra love the Autumn colour's you have used.
    More tidying upstairs & I'm tidying my craft room & try to get my CC done.
    So another busy day. That's if my leg doesn't ache too much not getting any better We have a little sun this morning with strong winds. A few black clouds so hopefully it doesn't rain just put washing out & a wash in machine.. Anyway better get a move on.
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Fab card as always.

    Happy birthday Lillian. Hope u have a fantastic day.

    Lynda. Yes g is loving his new car and I'm happy to have my own buggy back no more bus lol xx

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracey I'm glad G lives his new car. At least you can now drive your own.

  7. Happy Birthday Lilian. Hope you're having a lovely

  8. Morning Ladies-still only 11am here.

    Lilian-wishing you a very Happy Birthday today, hope you have a wonderful day.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your enjoying holiday Michele.

  9. Hello All, firstly may I say thank you all for my very lovely cards, my postie remarked on the number of cards.

    We have out for the day, first to Hobbycraft, as they sent me a £5 voucher for my birthday, also had my retirement voucher from work, a bit disappointed with the stock they hold now, not very thrilling, bought some fat quarters and some new paints, plus a few bits and pieces very pricey , compared to the works or the range, still nice to spend the voucher.

    We also walked around Truro so now I’m home with very tired legs!!!!!!

    The children gave me a new iPhone, so am busy trying to figure it out.

    Hope you all have a lovely rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sounds like you had a lovely birthday, although it's a shame about Hobbycraft.

    2. Meant to say how lucky are you having a new iPhone for your birthday.

  10. Hello Sandra and friends.
    I’m just having a little test run. Lost count of how many times I’ve tried to publish my comment only for it to disappear into oblivion! So will try it now XXXX

  11. Hello Sandra and Friends,

    First up before the clock strikes just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILLIAN Hope you’ve had a lovely day, you certainly had some great presents XXX

    I’ve not had a good day I’ve tried numerous times to comment on the blog and every time I press publish it you sails off into oblivion. Don’t know what’s going on. We did have an upgrade on the iPad and I was blaiming that - but hey ho who knows .

    I hope Paul managed to get the spare room sorted out for your VIP visitors. I’m sure they will be very understanding and as long as they have a bed they can slide into, all they want is to see you all. Have a great time enjoy their company. LOL xx

    LOVE today’s card, my colours are Autumnal shades so this one sings to me.

    I’m going to quit while I’m ahead.
    Take care everyone, sleep well, hugs Brenda XXX

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    I love the beautiful autumnal colours on this pretty card. I hope you have managed to find the spare bed my lovely 😊 xx
    LILIAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you have had a lovely day being spilt, just as you deserve 😁 x
    Im having trouble staying awake here so its off to bed for me. I hope everyone else is as well as possible today. May the very strong wind due over the UK tonight don't cause your home's and gardens any damage. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
