
Tuesday 3 October 2017

Lynda's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is Lynda's Challenge card, she chose the Categories: 
Ribbon /Flowers/ tag
I love your randomly background Lynda, the colours you have used are so pretty and so are the dies, that large flower is stunning. 
The sentiment is so lovely, it's nice to see something different for a change.
All in all an absolutely stunning card Lynda, thank you so much for taking part. XXX

We picked Becca up ok yesterday morning, it was a very smooth journey.  She was so excited to show me her ring and then she started showing me all get Pinterest ideas for the wedding, she's even started making her guest lists!  I have to say that I used to love Pinterest but I think the 'romance ' will soon be over, if I hear the words "Mum, I've seen this lovely idea on Pinterest, can you make me one for the wedding" any more, I'll scream!! 
She had a huge list, mirrors with table plans on, fancy place setting cards that guests change to a 'polaroid' 
Beautiful vintage postbox made from either bird cage or a vintage suitcase!! 
All these ideas have sprung up in a few days, I think I may just have to change my number! Lol.
Don't get me wrong I am very excited about designing the wedding Stationery etc, I think Becca thinks that I will be doing everything think from Cake (because we made ours) to flowers and room decorations.!  I feel a sit down 'real' chat' may be required!  Oh and she casually mentions 10 Bridesmaids, which is made up of her best friends, Josh's Sister Georgia and Sophie and Lucy who she wants as 'Chief Bridesmaids'.  I did tell you she has always been a Disney Princess at heart!  
It's lovely to hear her so excited though even if she does get a bit carried away.

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Everyone
    It's still very windy here but fine at the moment.

    LYNDA- I love your Challenge Card. It's so pretty and I agree with SANDRA it's a lovely change to see a different sentiment. Hope you're feeling better.

    SANDRA-I can appreciate how excited Becca is but can I just ask 'when are you going to grow another 10pairs of arms' to carry out all your tasks. hehehe
    Have the happy couple decided on a Wedding Date yet? I hope you're going to have a few years to get everything done lol. I think I agree with you that a 'sit down chat' is in order. Good Luck Dear

    Well I managed to get 38 inserts into Christmas Cards yesterday and so only have another 26 to go.
    It's a good thing that apart from close Family I batch make Christmas Cards. I just couldn't cope if I didn't. I wonder if you can guess what I'll be doing today lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and I must say that it's looking very warm and inviting. I've put one or two vases with Autumn leaves in on the tables this morning. Have a good day.
    HUGs are winging their way to you all. I only hope they don't get blown off course lol.xxxx

    1. Janet, You are amazing getting so many cards sorted out so early. I'm still thinking about mine, have a few ideas, so might try and do some samples. xx

    2. Thank you Janet for your lovely comments on my card.
      Hug's xx

    3. Sorry Janet congratulations on doing so many card inserts yesterday.
      Love Lynda xxx

  2. Morning everyone,

    A truly beautiful card Lynda, I love the bright cheery colours.
    A lovely meetup over the weekend with some of my past tour buddies was the icing on the cake for me this year. A fantastic time was had by one and all.
    Time for me to catch up with all the posts and comments from the weekend is in order.

    Good luck in sitting down with Becca to discuss what you would be willing to assist her in her plans for her and Josh's wedding arrangements Sandra.
    From past posts on other blogs I have read of the mother has been snowed under and no offer for others to help. Perhaps Josh's Mum would like to be included in the plans too. (Sometimes brides do get carried away with 'my' wedding not OUR wedding).

    My former stepdaughter's son might, just might, be coming over today around lunch time. He does not know where Granddad is and would like to pay his respects. This is a meet-up that has been planned and not carried out on his part for over 4 years now so I am not holding my breath as we have waited in all day for his arrival before.

    (((((HUGS))))) for all to day however you are feeling.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. So hope he finally turns up Cheryl.
      Glad you had a lovely meet up with your

    2. Hello Chery, I hope he turned up and you are not left waiting in feeling let down again.

    3. OOPS
      Pressed publish to soon.
      Take care (((((Hugs))))) XX

    4. Hi Cheryl hope your step Grandson turns up & your not left waiting in all day again.
      Thank you for your lovely comments on my card.
      ((((( Hug's)))) xx

  3. Good morning ladies
    Gorgeous card LYNDA and well done to you for finishing it off when you were feeing unwell
    You made me smile SANDRA as my daughter when she first got engaged was exactly the same No wedding yet is on the cards but eventually there will be She'll calm down, pick a theme or colours and after the sit down chat it'll be fine .....!?!
    The craft room is ready to paint and so I'll have a quiet day either painting or staying well out of the way

    1. Hi Karen. Some girls are funny these days aren't they. Lynn and Paul have been engaged for 6 years and Lynn says she's quite happy as she is so no wedding soon I think.
      Hope the painting goes well. Xxx

    2. Thank you Karen for your kind words.
      Hope you get your craft room painted ASAP looking forward to seeing it finished.
      Hug's xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra oh dear does Becca think you have a money tree in your garden? I am sure once she comes down to earth she will listen to you. I also made ours my sisters & Sue's wedding cake, not the icing though got somebody else to do that. Good luck!!!xxx
    Lynda I love your card it is beautiful & you were feeling so poorly at the time. Hope you are feeling better, hugs on
    Have Sue, Chris & Christopher are coming today so must get on.
    Sending hugs to all feeling poorly particularly Pat & Maria & all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret. Thanks for your email. Glad the card arrived. Hope you had a lovely birthday and it sounds as though it's another day of celebration.
      Have a lovely time with your

    2. Hello Margaret, have a lovely day with Sue, Chris and little Christopher. LOL XX

    3. Hi Margaret thank you for the Hug's & your kind comments on my card. Enjoy your day with Sue Chris & little Christopher
      Love Lyndaxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Didn't manage to get in while we were away as I'd left my handbag on the floor in the living room which I'd put my ipad in. Good job Pete had taken some money with him as I'd have had to come home for it. It was lucky as he doesn't usually take any money out with him. Anyway the hotel and grounds were lovely as were the grounds entertainment and food. The room was rather special as well.
    Love your card today Lynda and I'll go back later to see what was said and cards shown over the weekend.
    Hopefully you can sit Becca down and have a chat regarding the wedding. Or at least she'll scale down her requirements over time. Pete was ill while we were away as ge had pains in his sternum. Had a letter from the hospital and his next appointment is not until the 21st November. Worrying when your Cancer is spreading and your not having any treatment.

    1. Hi Pat. So glad you had a good time away despite forgetting your bag and poor Pete being unwell. Hope you're feeling a lot better now Pat. Disgusting having to wait so long for a hospital appointment. It's sad they don't take your stress level into account but I think you become just number to them. Sorry if I sound bitter and twisted. Love to you

    2. Hi Pat glad you enjoyed your few days away bit of luck Pete having money on him would have been night going home for you bag.
      Sorry Pete was unwell though hope he's feeling better now. PAT how are you doing & your not in so much pain especially doing the driving
      Sending you both some special HUG'S love Lynda xx

    3. Sorry Pat ment to say thank you for your lovely comments on my card.
      More Hug's xx

  6. Hello Sandra and friends,

    Oh dear Sandra, I'm sorry I had to smile, I could feel Beccas excitement from your text. It is all so exciting, She will have a reality check soon I'm sure. Well I hope for Paul's wallet sake she does! I think once they get the keys to their house her priorities will change. She will still be a princess for the day with or without 10 bridesmaids, and that's .....10 dresses,
    10 bouquets,
    10 dresses,
    10 pairs of shoes ...... not sure how many cars would be needed to transport them to the venue. Almost forgot will they be needing professional makeup. It soon adds up to an alarming total ...... sorry didn't mean to give you palpitations!!!! I will all work out and be an absolutely brilliant day. xxx

    LYNDA your card is gorgeous, Love how you've created your own background paper, and the sentiment is great, not one I've seen before. Like how that cheeky little bird has jumped from the background on to the sentiment tag, it brings it all together. It's amazing you manage to create something this lovely, while you've been feeling so very poorly and low. xx

    PAT, glad you're back home safe and sound, sorry to read Pete was poorly while you were away. Hope you've been alright. LOL xx

    I'll pop back in later to see what everyone has been up to.
    Take care love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Oops I put 10 Dresses in twice. Sorry 😄

    2. Brenda thank you for your lovely comments on my card. I will check which SU Stamp set I used.( I got some nice cheap ones from EBay )
      Take care love Lynda xx

  7. Hello All, it’s a lovely day here washing out in the sunshine.

    Lynda love your and that sentiment is lovely.

    Pat sorry Pete was not too well while you were away, hope you are on the mend soon.

    Sandra , wow you are going to be busy, I made all the stationery for our daughter's wedding it’s surprising how long it all takes. Luckily she paid for all apart from her dress, which was my gift to her.

    Hope you all have a lovely rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you Lillian for your kind comments on my card
      We have sunshine as well but quite cold though
      Hug's xx

  8. Hi Sandra& ladies
    Thank you for putting my card on today I was trying to find the names of my stamps used but will have to send you a picture of my Stamping Up bargains from EBay. The ones I used didn't have names on as they are wood mounted.
    We are having a big sort out of one of the bedrooms so just been summoned
    So I better go. I have commented on way down. Will pop in later
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Love ur card lynda it's very pretty. Loving the flowers on it.

    Sandra omg I'm killing myself laughing I can just picture ur face whilst I'm reading ur story.
    10 bridesmaids??? Really?? Lol
    Think u might need to chat about budget lol.

    Graeme and I paid for most of the wedding and honeymoon. I had two bridesmaids and a flower girl.
    My mom paid for the cake as her n stepdad don't work
    And my dad paid for the kilts and the cars we did everything else. I made my own invitations to keep cost down but even by the time we totalled everything up it was a hell of a lot of money I won't tell u how much as I don't want u having a heart attack lol
    It's quite scary!!! Xx

    But bless her heart she must be so excited. Tell her have a long Engagement plenty time try before u buy as my mom says lol xx

    1. Hi Tracy thanks for liking my card your so kind.
      Hope your feeling better now. How's Graeme liking his new 🚗 car.
      Sending Hug's 🤗🤗xx
