
Monday 2 October 2017

Monday Challenge

My Challenge Card

xx Happy Birthday Margaret xx

Good Morning Ladies,

First up today I would like to wish our Dear Friend Margaret a very Happy Birthday!
I hope you get to spend the day doing something you love. 
Sending lots of love on your special day xxx

I do hope that you are all ok, there have been so many of you missing on the blog this past few days I have been really concerned, (for you as friends I mean). I am sending hugs to all of you xxx

Now on to this week's challenge, there is no specific 'Sketch' for you to follow this week, I thought that as we are now in October this weeks theme should be 'Autumn' also 'Wreath'

Now as with other challenges you can choose either 'Autumn' or
You can combine the two as I have done with today's card.
So you could make a Christmas Wreath, Floral wreath, absolutely anything, or you could just go for an Autumn themed card.  I have to say I absolutely love the colours of Autumn.

I used Stampin'Up! leaf stamp from the 'Painted Harvest' set and some little stamps from both 'Happy Birthday Gorgeous' and 'Beautiful Bouquet' to build the wreath, I then topped with a Spellbinders Scalloped Circle topped with a SU Doilly and the sentiment which is also from "Painted Harvest', I quite like the simplicity of the card, I hope you do too.

We are off very early this morning to collect Becca &Josh from Heathrow, we have to be there at 6am! I can't wait to see them though, it seems like they have been away for months.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    Yesterday's CC's were all beautiful, I've only just seen them but so worth the wait 😊
    Sandra, I love your Challenge card inspiration. The only thing I love at this time of the year is the fantastic colours of the leaves and you have got them spot on on this beautiful card. The doily type die is so pretty too. I hope Becca and Josh had a fabulous holiday and that you don't suffer too much from having to get up so early! xx

    Wishing you a lovely birthday. Speak to you later. Love you 😘😘😘😘

    Lynda, I'm sorry to hear you have been ill, I do hope you are starting to feel better. Sending gentle healing hugs dear friend X
    Val, I hope Hector improves each day, poor thing. Animals are amazing how they manage to hide any illness. I hope you have a good flight and manage to fill you suitcases up with lots of lovely new stash to take home with you 😊 X

    Pat, I hope you and Pete are having a well deserved few days away X

    Brenda, like Mum said yesterday your body is making you get some rest after a busy time and a cold on top. Please sit back and let the world flow by for a while until you really feel better. Sending gentle hugs dear friend X

    Maria, I hope you are enjoying your break away and that you're knees etc. aren't too bad X

    Michele, I hope you are continuing to have a great time with your family. I wonder how much space you will need in your bags to put any lovely stash you manage to buy 😊 X

    Sorry if I've missed anyone. We had a quiet weekend, coughs and colds are still in the house but seem to be clearing up at last 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely windy Sheffield this morning.

    The Challenge for this week looks good so hopefully I can get something out of my 'one little grey cell' in time for Sunday lol.

    We had a quiet day yesterday well inside outside we had wind and rain.

    Today is Mr Tesco's morning and then I'm hoping to get some more inserts put into my Christmas cards. I always leave this job till the last as it's the job I like least. I think I could do with Marigny Dobbie here to do it for me hehhe

    The CAFE is OPEN and the Autumn/Winter breakfast is now permanently on the menu so please help yourselves.

    HUGE GENTLE HEALING HUGS are on their way to all Dear Friends who are not feeling too well. xxxx

  3. Hello again
    oh my I've definitely not fully awake yet.

    MARGARET - A VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you have a lovely day being spoilt just as you deserve. xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all.

    Sandra, love your card. Looking forward to seeing the beautiful colours of thetrees when I get over there. I don't know whether spring or autumn is my favourite time of year. I love them both. I don't think I'll have time to make a card this week but I'll do my best. Hope Becca and Josh had a lovely holiday.

    MICHELE hope you're having a great

    MARIA AND PAT. Hope you've had a great few days away.

    My window cleaner has just left so got to get ready to go out with my friend I usually see on a Thursday.

    HAVE a good day everyone.

    Special hugs for Lynda and Brenda and every one else not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Are you all packed and ready?? Hope you aren't flying with Monarch, otherwise you may have along swim! You have to feel for all the people that turned up at airport today ready for a lovely holiday only to be told to go home, it would be devastating!
      What with airlines, hurricanes, volcanos and terrorists British tourism should expect a boost!
      Have a lovely time with your friend and a lovely holiday xx

    2. Hi Sandra, I too feel so sorry for people all packed ready to go and then told they've got no flight. Must be horrendous. Fortunately I'm not with Monarch but Ryan Air. Fortunately I've checked and my flight there and back is ok, for now anyway!!!
      Bet it was lovely admiring Becca ' s ring this morning. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe, Thank you all for your lovely cards & best wishes it means
    Sandra challenge is a great one this week may get card made earlier. Hope Becca & Josh arrived safely, no doubt alot to tell you & show off the
    Lynda hope you feel better today, hugs on
    Hugs on way to Brenda, Maria & Pat & anybody else who needs them love

    1. I hope you are having a lovely day my lovely, card is on route!!
      Do you have a favourite cake? I imagine it's a bit of a 'Busmaans holiday' for you as you bake delicious cakes all the time! I hope you get some crafting time in xx
      Ps. Check your SU website as they have a fab deal on Designer Papers, if you but 3 packs you get one free, they have also announced an early release for some brand new markers! Xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I hope you are going to be taking things easy today after getting up at the crack of dawn to pick up Becca and Josh at Heathrow. I'm sure they had so much to tell you and of course look at the beautiful ring. So many exciting things going on in their life as well. Hope everything is going well with the purchase of the first home, bless them they both must be so excited with everything going their way, I hope it continues XX

    Lovely card today, you really have got me thinking because I hardly ever use circles and I don't know why because I have got some circular dies and stencils..... must give that some thought!!!

    MARGARET HAPPY BIRTHDAY hope you have a lovely day, sorry card will get to you, albeit a few days late. I hope you are feeling a bit better than you were a few days ago and of course not sharing your cold with Alan. XX

    MARIA, PAT, LYNDA and anyone else feeling under the weather, I really hope you'll be feeling better soon. XX

    We have some sunshine at the moment and a lovely breeze blowing, my little helper has pegged two machine loads of washing out and it's blowing beautifully in the breeze.

    Sending everyone Best wishes, especially your birthday girl Margaret.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  7. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthdsy Margaret-hope you have a wonderful day.


  8. Hello All, very windy here, and it’s going cold, nearly time for heating on I think.

    Happy Birthday Margaret, hope it’s a lovely one.

    Sandra great card, and good challenge, just what I need to start my Christmas cards.

    Lynda do hope you will soon be better, and your mojo returns swiftly.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  9. Boy this is late for me Guess who spent most of the morning at the doctors with cystitis again! On antibiotics and told it may be an acidic food trigger AND to avoid ALL teas and coffee, not even decaf versions
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET Hope you're spoiled rotten
    How's HARVEY VAL I hope he's much better Hope Ryanair deliver you safely
    TRACY LYNDA PAT I hope you're all on the mend and that your few days away PAT helped
    I bet you haven't stopped admiring BECCA's ring SANDRA
    I love the challenge The colours of trees in Autumn is my fav I don't think I'll be able to take part this week My room has been wrecked in that so much stuff has been moved out ready for painting!!!!! Perhaps OH won't take too long in painting it BUT it hasn't been decorated since it was Gary's room and there is a black wall that needs covering!

  10. Hello everyone.
    Sandra lovely card as always.

    I'm doin ok still crappy but getting there lol.
    Happy birthday Margaret have a smashing day!!!

    Love to all xx

  11. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies just lost a long comment GRRRRR
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET πŸŽ‰πŸ°πŸ’πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽπŸŒ»❤️️Hope you have had a lovely day your card is winning it's way too you.xx
    Horrible day rain wind very dark all day I need some sunshine please πŸŒ…☀️
    Thank you SUE MARGARET VAL BRENDA LILLIAN KAREN for all your Hug's most welcome all your arms keeping me warm. Like Brenda I keep nodding off
    Started tidying my craft room this morning then Terry got some lunch then after I was gone in slumberland & nodded off. We did go out earlier just to Tesco I popped in Hobbycraft I wanted to see if they had Tim Holtz Oxides ink pads with no luck they only sell the ordinary ones.
    VAL hope Harvey is better.Have a lovely holiday & you stock up on craft goodies also get some nice Christmas presents. Safe journey.xx
    MARIA hope your enjoying your few days away be carful of your knee.xx
    PAT & PETE hope your both enjoying your time away & The weather gods are kind.for you.xx
    MICHELE I TRUST YOUR HOLIDAY IS GOING WELL. Are the two craft shops your going to have some good rummaging πŸ˜€ Xx
    SANDRA hope BECCA & JOSH have come down to earth but must still be on cloud 9 I expect you have all got plenty of talking & looking at Bacca's engagement ring. I wish them all the very best & i hope their house is going ok.
    Well must dish dinner up try pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Ladies,
    Just to say I have had a lovely day, a friend took me out to lunch, had a lovely bunch of flowers from another lovely friend & had lots of lovely cards. Thank you all for your best wishes & cards.
    Live & hugs Margaret xxx

  13. Happy birthday Margaret I hope you had a lovely day.
    Would you believe I went off on my break and left my handbag with my ipad on the floor by the sofa.
    Such a good job Pete gad some money on him as ge doesn't usually carry any. Had a lovely few days away. But back to hospitals and a funeral this week.
