
Monday 9 October 2017

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's Challenge should you wish to accept it is........

To use a die/stamp that you bought years ago and haven't used for a while, you know the ones, mine were packs of Spellbinder that Sue Wilson was Demonstrating years ago on Create and Craft. 
You can just use the sketch above.
You can combine the two, which is the reason I chose a Simple Sketch.

We ended up having a really busy day yesterday so I didn't get time to sit in my craft room long enough to make a card and I wanted to spend the evening with Paul as he goes away early this morning for the week. 

I have plenty of time to spend in my craft room today so I hope to get a few cards made to inspire you all.  Although the sketch is quite simple so I'm sure you won't need my help.  I chose the sketch because of its simplicity, you can change the die shape to anything you want.
Most importantly I want you to enjoy the challenge, I look forward to seeing what you make.

I hope you have a lovely start to your week ladies.

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Not quite light here but dry so that's a bonus.

    Love the idea of today's Challenge. I'll have to get digging into my die box and make sure I go down to the very bottom of it lol.

    Mr Tesco this morning and then who knows!

    The CAFE is open with the usual Winter Warmers on the menu to start the day.
    HUGS on their way to everyone with a few extras thrown in for those Dear Friends in Need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, have a nice who knows day. Love to know what you did and hope your day is good. How is things with your husbands friend, does he still take him to hospital ? Sending you hugs xx

    2. Hi Janet, I have a vision of all of the ladies diving into their die boxes. Hope no one falls in Ha Ha xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Hope the weather stays fine for you on your who knows Day. As Maria said is John still taking his friend to the hospital?.

  2. Hello all I hope you're all getting along OK and those in pain that as each day passes it gets easier
    Today's sketch is a lovely idea SANDRA Now do I get out my deckle edged Spellbinders or my Sizzix labels I dread to think how old they are
    Lunch was fun Of course OSCAR was entertaining us all After taking MIL home we all went dancing Then home at 6pm to watch some tele - a very good day
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Karen, have a good day. Sound like you had a lovely Sunday. Speak soon. hugs xx

    2. Hi Karen, It sounds like you had a lovely Sunday and Oscar was on good form. xx

    3. Hi Karen
      Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. Oscar sounds like he had a lovely time as well.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant challenge for this week Sandra-I wouldn't know where to start with the non sketch part as there's so much to choose from!

    I brought back a cough & cold from Florida which is not great but apart from that I Gaia fantastic time.
    I plan to spend all day relaxing in my craft room, looking through all my new magazines & sorting out everything I bought from Michaels + Hobby Lobby.


    1. Hi Michele. have a nice ,quiet day and hope you feeling better soon. I too have come down with a cold and I'm sure it was people coughing and sneezing on the plane which didn't help. Glad your time in Florida was good though visiting family. Take care xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you had a lovely time visiting family. Shame about the cough and cold though. Hope you manage to find a home for the goodies you bought back.

    3. Hi Michele, Have a good day in your craft room. Hope that cold goes away soon. Take care xx

  4. Morning ladies,

    A very refreshing & relaxing weekend was enjoyed with panto not mentioned at all. Saturday was a PJ day for Jamie and myself once I'd cleared up kitchen form lunchtime cooking. A lovely hot shower, clean PJ's and then we settled down with boxes and bags of munchies with bowls of healthy fruit to watch Scream S1 & S2 on Netflix. Great series to watch as not a remake of the original film franchise. Robin and Tiegan joined us later in the afternoon, she is staying with us for a fortnight whilst Rob attends his Advanced Scaffolding Courses in Cardiff.
    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend too.

    (((((HUGS))))) to all our poorly friends.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Sound like you had the most perfect weekend Cheryl, not so sure about the films though as I don't like horror's Lol Hugs xx

    2. Hi Cheryl, Your Sunday sounds wonderful, just chilling out with people you love - Oh and not forgetting the Munchies and fruit xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' . If you are walking past and looking in, do not be afraid to pop in and say Hi. We love meeting you all and you are welcome to join in the fun for the CC which I think is a good one today Sandra. Must give it a go and perhaps making some christmas cards too as the time goes way to quick for my liking. I have come down with a stinking cold so things I wanted to do just have to wait. Got a bit of a shock seeing my sister on holiday in Spain on facebook. Think she lost about 4 stone, I'm proud of her. Spurred me on a bit after being on the scales yesterday, No More Cake Lol So lucky they are calorie free in here.
    Pat- hope things goes alright this week. I'm with you and sending you hugs.
    Lynda- hope you pain is better today so you can take Baby for her walks.
    Lilian- how are you doing, any update from the doctors ?
    Sue- hope you ok ? had fun with the little ones over the weekend ?
    Margaret- will be thinking of Pop and you tomorrow. Hope everything goes alright. Sending hugs to you both x
    Have a nice day everyone whatever happens Love, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, hope that cold has been given it’s marching orders and doesn’t hang about. Gosh hasn’t your sister done well, I know you will get there too, you have done really well so far. xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love all yesterdays beautiful CC's. So many great ideas. You are all such inspirational ladies 😊
    This week's challenge is another good one. We all have dies and stamps that haven't seen the light of day for a long time so it will be interesting to see what lovely cards you all come up with.
    I must say thank you for your kind words about my ATC's. Sorry I didn't say it yesterday.
    Sandra, I'm sorry to hear you are still suffering from the rapid heartbeat. It has been happening for quite a while now so time to get some answers my lovely. Its easy to say don't worry but until you know what is causing the racing heartbeat you think all sorts of things don't you
    ?? Nd I don't mean just a you my lovely. We are all the same until we get the answer then we can deal with
    it. Keep yourself busy in your craft room to help the week go by. Big hugs are on the way xx

    Maria, I will be thinking king of you at the hospital tomorrow. Let's hope they manage to sort your legs out soon x
    Lynda, I don't see what's wrong with calling a dog Baby and I'm sure Baby doesn't care what she is called as long as she is loved and cared for so don't worry what Margaret thinks. I hope you and Captain Underpants are as well as you can be xx

    Mum,I hope you keep Pop and Chris busy today so Pop doesn't have too much time to worry about Thursday 😊 love you xxxx

    Michele. It's good to know you are home safe and sound, sorry you have brought a cold home though. It seems like everyone I know has had it or has it at the moment! I'm looking forward to seeing you use your lovely new dies/stamps etc 😊 X

    Karen, it sounds like you had a wonderful time over the weekend too 😊 X

    Janet, I hope you have a good day no matter what happens X

    Lilian. Do you make lots of Christmas cards, is that why you aren't so keen? Or are they just your cup of tea? I love making them but we are all different aren't we? 😊 x

    Brenda, I hope you and John had a nice relaxing weekend X

    Tracy, good luck with your doc appointment. Am I right in thinking it is this week? X
    Sorry if I have missed anyone out
    Yesterday just flew by. We had a busy day with the girls playing games then we went up in White Horse Hill for the afternoon. The weather was wonderful, very little breeze and a beautiful sunny blue sky. We didn't get home from Tim and Roz's until 8pm and then the next thing I remember is waking up at 6.30am!!! It was a lovely weekend though but feeling tired today but I have got a basket of ironing to do then hope to get on with a couple of cards are needed for the end of the month.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, Thank you, yes we had a nice weekend. Ciara came for a sleep over Friday night. Mum was doing a Car Boot Sale on Saturday morning and Ciara didn’t want to get up at the crack of dawn. Dad was away, he was one of a 100 Black Cabs taking terminally ill children to Disneyland Paris. So we had the pleasure of her company and after breakfast we went to the Boot Sale. We had to laugh, her bedroom was immaculate, the bed was all neat and tidy. Now her sister can spend a few hours in that room and it’s like a bomb site.
      Your weekend sounds busy, but busy in a nice way, with your grandchildren. It is lovely to spend quality time with them and create lasting memories. xx

  7. Hi Sandra was just chatting with my friend Di Cutter we decided we might try this challenge this week ... great card sketch ... best get my thinking cap on !

    1. I can't wait to see what you both come up with xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    This is a very interesting challenge Sandra, We will all be busy delving deep into our die collection, I know I have some that haven’t seen the light of day for years. Watch this space! I hope you can Keep yourself busy this week while Paul is away. xx

    PAT, thinking of you and hoping you and Pete are both alright xx

    LYNDA hope your leg is getting better xx Forgot to say I think Baby is a lovely name for your little dog. We used to have a neighbor who had an Alsatian called Chaos !! He was as so loving and gentle. Not the guard dog he was supposed to be.

    Think I better stop now, as most of my messages lately have gone into cyberspace. Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely sketch Sandra. I hope you manage to get some crafting done this week. I know you don't like it when Paul's away as your stuck in the house.
    Drs this morning for Pete, hospital tomorrow and hoping we will see a dr while we're there. Eye appointment for him on Wed. Must get my Gemini and embossing folders from Sandra this week as well.

    1. Hi Pat, fingers crossed for your appointment tomorrow, hope Pete’s appointment went well this morning. Take care xx

  10. Hello All, dull but dry, managed to plant out my little plug pansies, and R cut grass yesterday.

    Sketch looks good, will have to look out my old dies, think they were spellbinders square and round, thought they were marvellous, so was really thrilled when the scalloped ones came out. Stated by using a pasta roller, and when I had wizard I thought it was heavenly, little did we know what the future held.

    Pat hope the appointments go well for you both.

    Michele sorry you have a cold, seems to be doing the rounds again, hope it not like last years, that kept coming back.

    Been sewing storage pods today, oh how I miss my industrial machine, keep forgetting to put the foot down, as I’m used to knee lift.

    Hope you all have a good evening, I’m doing ironing, hugs Lilian

  11. Sorry forgot to ask, some one sent me a very pretty decoupage cards, but no signature inside, also no post mark, so wondering if it’s from one of you ladies, if so thank you.
