
Tuesday 10 October 2017

Blast from the past

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I really did dig to the bottom of the cupboard for the die set on today's card, it is an old Spellbinders Antique Frames and Accents.  I even used one of the first Embossing Folders that I bought, which is the very popular 'Tied Together' Embossing Folder by 'Couture Creations'. I have to say I had forgotten how lovely it is and when put through my Gemini gives a really good deep emboss.
I added a bit of modern however by using Stampin'Up 'Berry Burst' Card stock and matching Seam Binding Ribbon, I just can resist the colour. 
I added a few pearls here and there and some matching coloured roses, the foliage die was also a Spellbinders Foliage die, the first one I ever bought and boy have I got my money's worth out of that die, I remember being so excited about having a Die to cut out leaves. 

Spellbinders Foliage die set

Spellbinders Antique Frames and Accents

One thing that surprised me when I was looking through my old Spellbinders was how many of the dies in the sets that they were sold in on Create and Craft were almost the same, I have a lot of 'Fleur de Lis' circle frame dies, all very similar but some are called frames and some 'accents'.  On reflection I feel like I was robbed, hahaha, I swear they are the same dies with different names, the Fleur De Lis' border dies are the same too, I was chuckling to myself as I was sorting through them, I also couldn't find a photo of a single card that I used them on!

Did any of you buy the Bundles that Sue Wilson sold on Create and Craft (I am talking about years ago). ?
I hope you all have as much fun as I did digging through my old die folders, some of them I have put to one side as they are timeless and would work beautifully on cards today, so I'm glad I haven't sold them.  I really can't wait to see what you all dig out to use!!

I will say that my first die cutting machine was the Original Sizzix machine, it cost a lot of money too, it used to cut both thick or 'Big' dies as they are now known as well as the thin dies.....
The Original Sizzix

After a few years I upgraded to a Cuttlebug, what a brilliant machine and still is, I gave mine to my sister but kind of regret it now as I could use it for small flower dies etc.  While we were at Ally Pally we saw a Brand New Cuttlebug, obviously had a colour change to blue, how much do you think it was selling for?????
£150 !!!! £10 less than my Gemini!  I was gobsmacked, as it looks identical to the original design.

I also had a couple of small machines ......

The Sizzix Sidekick

Sizzix Texture Boutique

The sidekick was the first Mini die cutting machine, created to work alongside the bigger machines, the Texture Boutique, designed to look like a handbag was purely to use with Embossing Folders.  As we know now, these machines were ahead of the game, when you think that these are early Versions of the Spellbinders Sapphire and the Baby Blue machines.

After these Machines I started my journey with Spellbinders with the Grand Calibur, sadly nowhere near as long lasting as these early machines, in fact I think I bought one Grand Calibur and had 3 replacement machines due to faults! 
Then came the Platinum which was sold with the promise of a powered handle attachment, to this date they still haven't produced one, which leaves me feeling very let down as this was the key reason I purchased the machine!  They have however launched newer machines since the platinum, which I find VERY frustrating!

I hope you have enjoyed this little journey back in time through die Cutting machines.
Did any of you have any of these old machines? I still do, somewhere in my craft room!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies,

    Yes Sandra, I too watched Sue and was so impressed with her enthusiasm and inspiration for the dies. I watched all her shows that first day she demoed on C&C, Pete got fed up and asked if I was going to buy any of them and I said 'Well I would have to buy a machine too to use the dies and I am really considering it but I felt it would be too dear all at once' He said 'here's my card, buy them'.
    At that time my depression and agoraphobia were so bad and Sue's shows were the first time I had shown any interest in anything that Pete knew this was something that could help me improve. Bless him. And he bought every other bundle that came along.
    After I while though I did become more selective in my SB purchases, only buying the ones that I liked.

    Tiegan's up now for breakfast so cheerio til I pop back in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Like you, Sue was the inspiration for he to get started. Didn't use them much as I was into stamping. Use them a lot more now thanks to Sandra's inspiration when we first met. Say hullo to Teigan for me.

  2. Morning Still using my iPod I really wish I hadn't bothered doing iPhones latest update now
    My journey started with a small SIZZIX and then I progressed to a GRAND CALIBUR which when it broke I teplaced with a PLATINUM and like SANDRA I bought it on the understanding there would be a powered handle Since the reminder I have written to Spellbinder asking for a refund or at least a bit of compensation - watch this space!
    A capped tooth fell apart last night SO I look like I am ready for Halloween! I hope I can get an appointment for the dentist today
    I hope the appointments are helping PAT PETE MARIA SANDRA
    Take care Need to get ready for work and find a scarf I can cover my mouth with

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you managed to get to the dentist today. Good luck with the compensation from Spellbinders. I don't think I'm going to do an update for the iPad anytime soon.

  3. PS I love the card SANDRA One of my first sets of dies I bought was a mega bundle of Spellbinder D-Lites from C&C

  4. Morning Everyone
    We have rain to start the day here.

    Beautiful card SANDRA and yes I bought SW dies as she was my inspiration to start me on the path of Die Cutting though my first machine was the 'SISSIX TEXTURE BOUTIQUE' which Christina bought me for my birthday. I then ventured further as I have said into Die Cutting and bought a 'GRAND CALIBAR' which I used until I couldn't cope with the turning of the handle and purchased a 'CRAFTERS COMPANION ELECTRIC MACHINE (sorry cannot remember it's name but the one before the GEMIN I) and then my 'GEMINI'.

    It's K&N this afternoon so I'm off to have a laugh and lots of chatter.

    It's been hectic here since last Wednesday when our Friend was admitted to hospital straight from his clinic day to see his Consultant. He has picked up an infection and they don't seem to be able to sort it so it's hospital visiting everyday but as I say I'm off to K&N this afternoon so it's a day off and then back to visiting tomorrow.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in for a quick chat and a cup of something warm. The heating is on so it's nice and cosy and dry.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Enjoy K & N today. I hope your friends infection clears up soon.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today using some old Spellbinders Dies. Love the Berry Burst colour and hope to get mine tomorrow.
    My first machine was the Cuttlebug which I gave to Sue for her Granddaughter after I bought the Grand Caliber, which I still have and use sometimes. I also had problems with that dropping oil on my plates which then transferred to my card. I've then upgraded to the Gemini which I love.

    1. You ordered Cherry Cobbler my lovely, I am ordering today would you like some Berry Burst??

    2. Hi Sandra
      No, as long as I have a red I'm fine with what I ordered thank you very much.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card today Sandra, I have this EF its my all time favourite, it just works so well, also it can be dresses up or left just as it is. It really looks FAB with a small Pearl at each crossover section, definitely adding a WOW factor to any card.
    My first Die cutting machine was the Red Sizzix (I still have it ). next I got the Grand Calibar then the Platinum. But I have to say it’s the Gemini is THE best
    I also have a small Spellbinders Artisan X-plorer it’s a great go-to machine for all those small dies.

    I hope you are all enjoying a good day.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Everyone seems to have a good few machine in their possession.
      No news from the hospital today. Just wait until we see the consultant in 6 weeks time.

  7. Evening Ladies

    Finally I can comment-after my phone update I had to re log into Bloglovin!

    Gorgeous card Sandra-love the rich colours. That set of foliage Dies was one of my first purchases too.

    I bought my Cuttlebug on 20/09/08 for £59.95 and it’s dtill in perfect working order. Not sure when I bought my first Grand Calibur but the current one was bought from Hobbycraft on 12/08/2013 for £79.99 then I bought a Platinum machine on 20/02/16 based on the promise from Spellbinders that the motor would be available soon after! I’ve emailed them twice now and the last response was pathetic-i was pretty much told to be patient!!!!!!!!
    I think we should email them as a group!!!!


    1. Good idea MICHELE I have emailed them too Similar response Perhaps we should email as a group
      I can’t comment after my last update I Wish ain’t hadn’t bothered I will try Bloglovin and see what happens Karenlotty

    2. Hi Michele
      Sounds like a standard response from Spellbinders. I wonder why they are promoting other machines rather than doing what they said they were going to sudoku. Making the platinum electric.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry missed yesterday, Chris was here helping Alan alter the height of sofa so I had the lovely job of looking after little Chris & then I had book club meeting here so busy day. The Cc looks good & I love your card
    When I started cardmaking Pat lent me her cuttlebug then Sandra lent me her Grand Calliber? but found I struggled with the handle so decided tp get the Gemini, & I love it.
    Maria & Pat hope hospital appointments went well hugs on
    Lynda hope you are in less
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello All, wet today.

    Sandra lovely card, have looked through my old dies, not feeling much like crafting today. Been told have to wait at least 6 months before I get to see cardiologist, our hospital has been put into special measures, so will just have to wait.
    Hope you all have had a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sorry to hear you've had a wet day again today. Crikey that's a long wait to see a cardiologist and that your hospital is in special measures,

  10. Hi all,
    Sorry being late, has been a weird sort of day and it could have been better. Enough of that and looking at your beautiful card Sandra I wish I had gone in earlier as that would have made me feel happier. Also like reading what machines you all started off with. I still got my trusted Cuttlebug, sitting useless mostly on a shelf. I am using the teal Grand Calibur and have been lucky so far other then getting a new handle it is still working for me but the Gemini sound good for the future if this cranking the handle be too much one day.
    Wishing you all a good night. hugs Maria xxx

    1. Goodnight Maria. I'm sorry to hear you gad a bad day today.

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Not sure why my comments disappear I lost one yesterday I did it at 9.30 ish & the one I posted this morning about 10 am where do they go !!!!!!!! So frustrating. !!! Had my hairdresser round this morning. Then took Baby up the park I made it to the café for a sit down my leg still painful. Then we had to walk back to the car I was glad to get home & rest my leg.
    After lunch I went in craft room for a play with the Gelli plate I manager to get some prints but wasn't pleased with them.
    My first Die cutting machine was a cuttlebug then a G C then E Bosser which was ok but wasn't good at cutting Dies first go. Now my Gemini is the best.
    Just got a cupper so better go as might loose this comment
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm sorry to hear your leg is still very painful. I hope you get some relief soon.
