
Wednesday 11 October 2017

Playing with Distress Oxide inks

Good Morning Ladies,

I had a lovely afternoon crafting with Sue, we did get in a mess though, but my goodness we had fun.  We were playing with the new Tim Holtz Distress Oxide inks, making different backgrounds, not all a success I might add! I got two usable background pieces  (today's card being one of them). Sue made a lovely card too, she took it home to finish it off, I can't wait to see the finished card Sue! 

My card was made using Worn Lipstick, Fossilized Amber and Spiced Marmalade Distress Oxide Inks, blended across a piece of Whisper White Card, I dried the ink and spritzed the whole piece with water and dabbed it with a piece of Kitchen roll which gave it a lovely textured look.  I allowed it to dry before stamping my sentiment  and the beautiful branch from the Stampin Up! 'Hopeful Thoughts' stamp set, which I think works perfectly as silhouette. I used my Tonic Stamp Platform to help me position my stamps. 
To finish the card I added a narrow black matt to tie in the black ink, I then mounted it onto a white card base.
I hope you like my card.

It's Pats turn to come and play today, oh I wonder if she will bring Cream Cakes this week, very naughty but very nice.  I do have some nice shortbread if not though, so it's a win either way ! Oh and we get to craft too! 
I can't believe it's Wednesday already, Monday really dragged but yesterday flew by. 
I hope that you are all ok, there are a few missing friends, poor Val messaged me yesterday to say that her flight home was cancelled (it was supposed to be today), they can't get her on another flight until Sunday, which is terrible , Val said it was due to French Air Traffic strikes!  
She was at her friends GP yesterday trying to get a prescription for her meds as she only had enough for today, I'm hoping they were able to help her, such a frustrating situation, sending hugs Val XxXXX

I'm off to get ready for Pat coming over, have a lovely day ladies. 

Love and hugs

Sandra xxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, pretty colours.

    Another night not sleeping-between coughing & jet lag I’m exhausted. I have a meeting first thing-hope I don’t fall asleep as it’s one of those “waste of time meetings”!!

    Val-hope you get sorted re medication until your flight home.

    Karen-glad you have managed to comment again. I think the new update throws you out of Bloglovin so you have to re-register for some strange reason. It hasn’t happened with anything else.

    Sandra-have fun crafting with Pat today.


  2. Morning ladies,

    Simple but pretty card with a lovely sentiment Sandra.
    When did you change to the Tonic Stamp Platform from your faux Misti? And is it any good? Not being a stamper unless I use my trusted Rock-a-Blocks for simple sentiments, I am not up to speed with new equipment.
    Another question ladies following on from yesterday's comment of SB dies and Sue Wilson. If you had to put a replacement value on ALL your crafting items for Insurance purposes would you know how much equipment (machines,inks, dies, stamps, paper & embellishments etc.) you have?

    Off for the school run shortly, it has been a nightmare lately trying to even get out of our village. They have installed temp traffic lights alongside Cannington Straight where a new cycle/footpath is being built. I counted 4 men controlling one set of lights the other day!!! Yet they turn them to automatic for nights. What is that all about?The cost £800,000, staggering isn't it? And for how many cyclists? Not that I see many but the ones I do see, cycle in the road!!! And we cannot even get traffic calming solutions in the village as they claim because we have two bypasses there is not much traffic coming through. They need be here at the start of the rat run before trying to even guess! It is bumper to bumper through the village morning and night. It took me ten minutes to get out of my drive once and the traffic following me is so close to my car boot, I cannot reverse into my drive.
    And the lights are going to be there until they finish in 2018. Frustration from every village at the lack of progress.
    Stool back in the corner.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Cheryl
    I can never understand how/who decides what needs doing re roads. I'm supposing that it's someone sitting behind a desk and probably someone who hasn't a clue about geography and the needs of residents. Hope the last jiffy bag arrived safe and sound. xxxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    from a very very windy Sheffield but at least it's dry at the moment.

    SANDRA- a very pretty card and a successful background. Enjoy your day with PAT.

    Had a lovely afternoon at K&N and it's back to hospital visiting today. Hoping to get my CC done this morning.

    The CAFE doors are OPEN just waiting for you all to pop in. Have a good day whatever is planned.

    HUGS are riding on the wind to you all xxxx

  5. Well I’m trying again to see if it’ll publish
    Got dentist appointment today to try and get crown/cap replaced and then GP
    I hope you are successful VAL I had a situation when my son was in hospital We couldn’t afford to leave him and I was rapidly running out of insulin The local hospital was very helpful but that was in this country So try pharmacy, a GP or local hospital or even the airline
    Your card is lovely SANDRA I keep looking at the distress oxides because when I played with them I found them so much easier to blend around edge of cards
    I’d like to know what you think of the Tonic press As you know I rarely stamp but am always keen to know what people’s thoughts are
    Take care all xx

  6. It’s worked!
    Enjoy your day with PAT
    I hope the meeting isn’t too boring MICHELE
    I hope MARIA LYNDA MARGARET BRENDA LILIAN Well all of you needing an extra thought are getting there xx ๐Ÿ‘

  7. Hi everyone.
    Loving the background you made for this card Sandra, very nice. I too like the new distress but have nearly all of the other ones and pens so must use them more often before buying any more but saying that, never know what I coming home with from the NEC. Hope to see some of you there. Have a fun day together with Pat, gentle hugs to you x
    Michele- hope the meeting goes alright and your cold etc getting better soon.
    Karen- good luck at the dentist and doctors. OH had a tooth out yesterday and walking around with a sore head, don't think it is the bear kind Lol
    Janet- have a good day.Hope everything is ok with the hospital visiting. Hope your friend soon gets better.
    Cheryl- I would be scared of just thinking how much money there are in all the stamps, dies, papers and machines together and I'm sure you all got much more then me so but can you include that on the house hold insurance ?
    Hopefully the roads in your area gets better one day but if they are like around here they are never happy unless the redirect the roads somewhere.
    My doctors visit yesterday did not go as I hoped, it's nothing else he can do for me at the moment and should give my knee a couple of month more to heal but he can't say whats wrong with my calf ,so back to my own GP
    aaaargh , I am so fed up some days !
    Lynda- hope you take it easy and don't overdo walking, hope you get some help for yours soon. Cuddles to Baby :>)
    Margaret- hope your eye is ok. Taking it easy and no jumping around Lol
    Tracy- hope you ok and your back is alright, take care
    Anne, Sonia, Sheila, Littlelamb , if you ever looking in do take a minute to stop by and say Hi, I miss you guys x
    Have a nice day all, hugs Maria xxx

  8. Hello All, lovely card, love that background, still managing to resist the Oxides, as I have so many ink pads now.

    Hope all in pain will soon be feeling better, have a good day all,Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I have ink pads as well but couldn't resist them at Ally Pally.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love the background you have created using your Oxide’s Sandra. The completed card is lovely. I need to make a sympathy card for a neighbor yours has inspired me. So might just do my take on your card. Mind you my Oxied’s haven’t seen the light of day yet, they still have the wrapping on. We bought ours at the same time at Ally Pally. Although I only got 4 just to try them. PAT have you used yours yet?
    I hope you have had a good day with Pat. I’m sure she was pleased to be able to spend some time with you away from her constant visits to hospitals. Did you have cake or biscuits?
    I started my day with an early visit to the dentist, just a six month check up. No work required I’m pleased to say. Although if I wasn’t on Warfarin I think he might have considered some work. After the dentist we went to Wetherspoons for a breakfast then did some shopping, Boots and The Works then back home, I started to write a post about 1.15 I had just about finished when I dozed off only to wake up with iPad still on my lap but my message had disappeared. So I have started over again. So now I think I will go and take the cellophane off my Oxides and see what I can create.

    Sending hugs to everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you didn't gave to have any work done at the dentists. Like you Brenda my Oxides still have the cellophane on them. We had both cakes and biscuits, blogger is only letting me post 1 comment and then I have to log off. Our new recycling system has me flumaxed as I seem to have put all the correct stuff in my bin, but they've still left most of ir.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today. Love the colours you've used and the sentiment.
    Cream cakes were on the menu again as I had to go to Sainsbury's for bananas, so they sort of fell into my basket.

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Gorgeous card today Sandra love the Oxides colour's you have used.
    I must get some of them. I had blood test this morning a RA one they stopped my medication 4 weeks now as my Liver was high so not sure what's happening there. Tomorrow I ha two hospital appointments at Canterbury hospital one at 9 am so early start takes hour & half for new hearing aids second one is 1 15 pm For Nuclear bone density scan on my lower back & hips so that will be fun think I need the whole of my back & neck done as well. So a long day. We will go into the town for a walk round the shops.
    I was so tired after we got back from ๐Ÿ’‰Test we had a cupper & I fell asleep some kind person rang my Mobil at 2 o'clock it rang twice & hung up then it rang again at 3 o'clock rang twice hung up both came up withheld I wasn't a happy bunny. PAT glad you had a lovely day with Sandra looking forward to seeing your card. Well dinner is ready to dish up. Hope you all had a good day
    Love Lynda XXX

  12. Hi Lynda
    How funny that this person hung up each time. A witheld number usually means the hospital or Drs.
    Hope your tests went well and that you get an answer soon re your bone density test.
    Had a lovely day with Sandra today. Hope your feeling better soon.

    1. Thank you Pat I don't think the doctor would ring at 2 am & 3 am at that time of the morning..Hope your leg is less sore now & your hand.
      Hope hospital appointments are going ok for you & Pete how's he doing. Sending you both Hug's xx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card, Sue was here today with Chris & Little Chris, & was telling me all about the fun you had. Oh dear there are so many lovely things to use I would like them
    Maria sorry you did not get any answers from consultant hope Dr can help, hugs on
    Lynda there is nothing more annoying than phone ringing a couple of times then stopping. Sorry your leg is still painful, hugs on
    Val sorry to hear you cannot get home, hope you have managed to sort meds out, hugs on
    Pat pleased you had good day at Sandra's, hope your pain is easing, hugs on
    Michele hope you managed to stay awake in the meeting, hope you sleep better
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
