
Thursday 12 October 2017

Good Morning Ladies,
Two more of my birthday cards to share with you today.
The first card made by Sue is such a pretty card, the watercolour background is so delicate, a beautiful soft green that blends perfectly with the sky blue, Sue has stamped 3 birds and the rising Sun into the background of the card, they look like they are behind a misty haze. Then you get that stunning bunch of daisies in the foreground  all made be hand and finished with a pretty bow.
Sue thank you so much for such a gorgeous card, I will always treasure it XXX

Margaret card is up next , I love that you have used green Margaret with it being my favourite colour and it makes a perfect background to your stamped images.
Margaret has used Stampin Up!  Birthday Blooms stamp and coloured it beautifully with gorgeous pink shades, that work perfectly with the green background. 
Thank you so much for my stunning card Margaret XXX

Paul popped home for the night last which was so lovely, it felt like he'd been away ages! He will leave super early this morning  to get back but those few hours make all the difference. 

Pat and I had a lovely afternoon of crafting, Pat got a whole card made and then did some die cutting .  I finished a Christmas card too, which I will share with you all on Friday. 

I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love & Hugs



  1. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I can't believe I'm the first one in today. Lovely birthday cards Sandra
    Had a lovely meet up with Sandra yesterday. Not only did I get a card made but did a bit of stamping with an old Clarity stamp that I hadn't used for ages. Must say they spammed better on Sandra's smooth card from Stamping up that mine. I should have some smooth card somewhere so must look that out.
    Hope everyone is keeping well and that your not to stressed out Val with your enforced stay in the U.K. I hope you managed to get some extra medication.

    1. Hi pat, thanks for the lovely day yesterday, I have to say that I didn't ever think that decent card can make a difference to stamping, I thought it was a sales thing!!
      But having used the Stampin Up Whisper White and Very Vanilla cards for stamping I really can see the difference, the ink seems to just stick to the paper better, the results between stamping on ordinary white card and the SU card were very different.
      Not sure what is happening with Blogger, it's so sad to call I and see so few comments!
      I know you are all here some where though!

  2. Must be a problem with blogger or google as at 1.07 I'm still the only one whose posted.

  3. Crikey I wrote at 1.07 that there must be a problem with blogger or google and my comment disappeared into cyber space.

  4. Crikey then it re appeared. What on earth is going on.

  5. Hello All, dry here today, so washing on the line.

    Sandra two lovely cards, both are beautiful.

    Have made my c card, so will have a go at sending it later , using my new phone.

    Very quiet in here today, hope your all ok? Will pop in later to see you all.
    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad to see someone else has commented. Must be a problem somewhere along the line.

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone........ Well Pat, Lillian and anyone else who drops in later! Lovely to see Paul managed her last night, Only one more sleep now. XX

    Sandra beautiful card from Sue love how you’ve created the background Sue, Margaret your card is equally lovely, you really have taken to card making like a duck to water. Beautiful cards from both of you.
    We been out early again today, went to my hairdresser friend and haven’t long been home so about to have some lunch and then see what the rest of the day brings.
    I’m going to try and post now and hope I don’t have any problems.
    Hope you’re all having a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  7. Seeing PAT’s comments I’m pretty sure I’d published a comment!
    Two very pretty cards SANDRA
    I hope you are OK Val and managed to sort your meds out
    Tooth fixed! Hopefully it’ll last for a good while
    I hope to get craft room back in action over the weekend! I might be able to get a cc done

    1. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you managed to get your tooth sorted out. No more hiding behind a scarf.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a beautiful card from Sue & thank you for showin my card, I must use my SU Watercolour Pens more often they are lovely to use. I am trying to make my CC while I wait to hear Pop has had his hip replacement, took him in at 11.30 it can be any time between 2.30 &
    I will try & see if I can publish.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hello Margaret, I hope you hear soon. the waiting is horrible isn’t it. I’m sure you are all on tender hooks waiting for news. Take care xx

    2. Hope you hear that Pops op has been done soon. Lovely card by the way.

    3. Hi Margaret I am hoping that you have heard something by now, it will be so lovely for Pops to be pain free after suffering for so long.
      It will be lovely for you to have the 'Old Alan'
      back. Fingers crossed for a super fast recovery.
      Sending you lots of love

    4. Thank you all for your best wishes, I still have not heard anything. RJ, Gemma & Chris are on their way to keep me company which is lovely of them. Will keep you

    5. Hi Margaret, hopefully you have heard something by now and the op have gone well. Sending big hugs to you both. Glad you have some company xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. It's always a (nice) surprise when you open up the Café door and see your own card on display. I was a little disappointed at how faintly the he birds and sentiment are in my photo as it is clearer "in the flesh" but I just had to use stamps on your card my lovely as you were the one that inspired me to use them in the first place. It did make me realise that although I have a box full of stamps most of them were freebies from magazines and are not really ones that I would use so must start building up a decent range, especially flowers as I don't have any nice ones.... I feel a serious look at the Stamping up catalogue is needed 😊 I'm glad Paul came home last night at least you only have one more sleep now before he is home xx
    Mum, this waiting for the call to say Pop is all done and dusted is hard isn't it! Roll on the phone call. Love you xxxx
    Maria, I'm sorry you didn't get better news from the hospital doc on Tuesday. I hope your GP can help. Looking forward to seeing you at the NEC X
    Lynda, sorry that you are still in so much pain in your leg. Can you get some stronger pain killers. Hugs to you and C. Underpants X
    Karen, I hope your new tooth stays put for a long time now! X
    Michele, I hope you are managing to recover from the jet lag and the cough X
    Where is the time going? It's only a couple of hours before I will be off to the Scout hut for Beavers and as always I have some bits and pieces to do before then so must get on.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi All,
    Just to let you know Pop or Alan has just rung me all went well. Thank you for your best

    1. Hi Margaret
      Glad to hear e op went well.

    2. Hello Margaret, so pleased to read Alan felt well enough to phone you to say all was well. Great news. Sleep well xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all.
    Two lovely cards from Sue and Margaret, really like the background you have made Sue and the colouring in on the stamped flower is very good Margaret,well done. Glad Pop is doing alright.
    I posted before going shopping this morning but it is not here any more so wondering what is going on, is someone out there able to delete our comments ? Hope it get sorted soon.
    Val- hope you managed to get your medication and you are happy to stay a bit longer in the UK.
    Michele- hope you ok and the jet lag and cold/ cough are not too bad.
    Brenda- hope you had a good day. Hope your hairdresser friend is doing alright.
    Karen- hopefully the dentist fixed the tooth fine so you won't have any problems. Fun getting older isn't it :>p
    Lynda- many hugs for you. take care
    Pat- thinking of you and Pete, gentle hugs
    Have a good night all, love Maria xxx

    1. Thank you Maria, Yes we did. Hairdresser friend is getting her life and house sorted since her husband died in January. She wanted John to help her move furniture out of her dining room as she is having a new carpet fitted tomorrow, one of her sons will help her put everything back on Saturday. Hope you are feeling better xx

  12. Lovely cards.

