
Friday 13 October 2017

Festive Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

We have an exciting day today, firstly, Paul is coming home!!! (yay)!!! and secondly Becca and Josh get the keys to their New Home, I couldn't be more proud of happy for both of them.  She called me yesterday and said 'Mum I pick the keys up at about 11am, we need to clean all cupboards, carpets etc before I bring my things in, but don't worry I got two pairs of Marigold Gloves!!!  (I'm not sure white what she has in mind)!  I am looking forward to helping her make her first shopping list, filling her cupboards with all the essentials.  She asked me to make her a recipe book containing all of the things I cook and how to make them, which I thought was really sweet. 
I think the independence will do them both good. I will take some photos to hopefully share tomorrow, the one thing that stood out to me about this house was it's name, Paul's father was a 'Para' (that's how he met Paul's mum who was a nurse in the army). After he left the Paras he worked for Customs for many years but taught Survival and Surveillance 'in the field', it earnt him the name 'Digger', so Paul's parents named their house 'Diggers Den' and by bizarre coincidence Becca's new home is called 'Diggers End' ! How bizarre is that?!

Onto today's cards now, the stamp I used for both of these cards is a 'Clarity' stamp, I think it's called 'Snow Scene' but to be honest I couldn't find it online so I'm guessing it's an old discontinued stamp.  It belongs to Pat, she let me have it to play with for a couple of days, this is what I created....

The first card was made by stamping the Clarity Snow scene stamp onto Stampin Up!(SU) Whisper White Card using 'Night of Navy' ink (SU), I then cut my piece of card to size and scored around the stamped Image to make it stand out.  I then took an Inkyliscious 'Happy Christmas ' stamp that has a beautiful scripty Font and stamped onto another piece of Whisper White Card and die cut it with a Stitched Rectangle die.
I then matted it on to a 'Night of navy' Matt and added it to the bottom of my card, under the stamped scene .
I then matted this whole piece onto a Night of Navy matt that was 1/4 inch bigger and then again onto a Whisper White card base. I added a piece of Narrow Navy ribbon across the centre of the card a d then added a bow with a little Snowflake. 
I hope you like it.

The send card was super easy, I stamped the image on to Whisper White Card, I then cut it to fit the image, I then matted this onto 'Night Of Navy' mat and then repeated the matting and layering,  finishing with a Night of Navy card base.
I stamped a little Happy Christmas stamp to the foreground of the image. That was it finished! 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend 
Love and hugs 


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Wow, two fantastic festive cards my lovely. What a gorgeous stamp, I love it especially the tree in the foreground as it gives a lovely depth to the scene. The sentiment is in a beautiful font too. Thank you for sharing 😊. How exciting for Becca and Josh, and what a lovely coincidence that their home has a family name. I would take that as a good luck sign. I wonder who Becca has in mind to help her do the cleaning?!😊 It's only a few hours now until Paul gets home then you are in for a busy weekend what with one thing or another xx
    Mum, I bet you slept better last night now Pop has his new hip. I wonder how long it is before the nurses turf him out 😊 See you later. Love to you both xxxx
    I must go back and see what you all got up to yesterday, looked earlier on but minds gone totally blank?!!!
    I hope you all have a good weekend. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very windy Sheffield.

    SANDRA- two beautiful Christmas Cards and I really cannot say which is my favourite as I love them equally.

    MARGARET- so happy to hear that 'Pops' is OK and that everything went well yesterday. I'm sure he'll be home soon.

    VAL- I hope you managed to get a prescription and that all is well for your return on Sunday.

    Well Friday again (the week's are really flying by) so it's that swear word 'housework' today despite being exhausted.

    The CAFE is OPEN - sorry for the late opening but all is now ready for you all to pop in.
    Have a good day everyone. HUGS are on their way to you all with lots of extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      It's a bit blustery here today as well. Looks a bit like rain but I hope it doesn't as I've just put a line full of washing out, with another one in the machine. The weeks are flying by I agree. No sooner is it Monday then Friday creeps up from nowhere.

  3. Love love love the cards I Really love “less is more”
    How exciting for you all that Becca and Josh get the keys today and the lovely apt name How sweet that she wants “your” cookery book too
    I’ve just realised the time I’ll pop back later

  4. Hi Sandra
    How exciting that Becca and Josh pick up their keys today. I'm not to sure who she has in mind for the second pair of marigolds. Don't you go making yourself exhausted if your the person she has in mind. Just remind her you can't do it please.
    Two lovely cards today. I saw the second one being made, but the first one doesn't look like it's done in the same ink does it,
    I can't remember what the stamp was called as I never used it after my initial try as it didn't stamp so good. Well not on my card anyway. But it stamped lovely on your white card from Stamping up. But I'm determined not to get any more white card as I'd bought some at Ally Pally and found I already had a brand new pack when I got home.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I love your cards,just as I like them. You are going to have a busy weekend by the sounds of it, how
    Going in to see Pop about 11am so will see for myself how he is, luckily hospital is only about 5mins away by car so can pop in when I feel like it.
    Maria, Lynda, Pat & any others in pain hugs on way.
    Will pop in later love

    1. Hi Margaret, Hope Alan isn’t to uncomfortable after his operation. I know he will be really happy to see you and no time at all be showing you how he able to get about with ease. Take care xx

    2. Hi Margaret
      Hope Alan isn't to uncomfortable after his op as well. Lucky you can pop in this morning as our hospitals have set visiting hours 2-8. Well apart from the cancer wards that is,

  6. Hello Sandra, Two lovely cards today I love the Night of Navy colour and the stamp is lovely for the seasonal cards.
    What an exciting day for Becca and Josh, I know how proud of them you both are, they have both worked really heard to be able to buy there first home together. Have they a lot of work to do in this property? Can’t wait to hear all about it. XX Wishing them Love and and Happiness in there New home XX

    Hope everyone has a good day, Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Morning all.
    Congrats to Rebecca and Josh to their new home. Sweet story about the name.
    Two very nice Christmas cards Sandra, love the stamp. Hopefully now Pat you can get it made with the new stamper help we bought. Tried yesterday to make one coloured from the back to front but the stamp didn't want to stick so had to leave the idea, maybe it was magic at Ally Pally Lol.
    Hope Pop is doing alright Margaret and he soon be back home. Lucky the hospital is so close so you can visit anytime. Hugs
    Plans for doing a lot this morning have not happened so best give myself a shake and wake up so I at least can get the cc done and posted.
    Wish you all a happy Friday the 13th! love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  8. Meant to say I love the Presscur stitched rectangles. However, it's a shame they're like Sue Wilsons that the sizes are to big for our cards. Begrudge paying for dies that I can't use on my cards.

  9. Two gorgeous cards.


    1. Lovely to see you in Michele, even if you are anonymous now.

  10. Hello All, wet and misty here, how the days change, spent yesterday out in the afternoon sitting in the sun it was warm and lovely.

    Sandra two great cards, night of navy is a lovely colour, so much kinder than black. So lovely to have some good new that Becky and Josh have their first home, so exciting for them, what fun two pairs of marigolds!!!!

    Hope you all have a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Our weather is so unoredictable. It's supposed to be sunny and warm Fri, Sat and Sunday even down to you. It's quite overcast in Oxfordshire, windy but not to cold.

  11. I’m struggling again Grrrh! to leave comments Karenlotty

  12. I only seem to be able to comment when someone else has started the comments!
    Frustrating & I have absolutely no idea how to fix it.


    1. Hi Michele
      Is this since you did the update on your iPad or iPhone.

  13. Hello ladies,
    I have to say that both of the cards are stamped in the same ink on the same paper/card, the only difference is that the bottom photo was taken with my phone and the top with my tablet, I am surprised at the difference!
    I am so sorry that a few of you are struggling to comment, nothing has changed my end but I can have a look at settings etc.
    Love and hugs to all of you
    Sandra xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra I did a comment yesterday but looks like those aliens in cyber space have nabbed it yet again.
    I love your two cards today Sandra same stamp but so different.
    I had my new hearing aids yesterday at Canterbury hospital they make a big difference than old ones. Then WA had a walk round the town as my next appointment was 1.15pm I popped in the works I got four small Christmas stamps buy one get one free but the didn't have much craft the time we got back to the hospital my leg &feet were aching a lot. I have to wait a week for scan results being sent to doctors
    .Margaret hope you found Pop comfortable when you visited him today. Thank you for your Hug's. I'm sending you both Big Hugs back. Xx
    Karen & Michele sorry your having trouble blogger trouble it's so frustrating for you both. MARIA hope your knee is on the mend & your are in less pain.Hug's xx Well it's tha time of day have dinner to dish up. Sending love & Hug's for everyone & extra for our poorly friends.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm so glad your new hearing aids are making a difference for you. Hope the Drs can sort out your legs for you. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  15. Sandra sorry congratulations for Becca & Josh getting the keys for their new house BIG HUG'S FOR YOU BOTH
    Love Lynda xx
