
Saturday 14 October 2017

Michele's Magazine review

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's blog is another of Michele's Magazine reviews, this is a 'bumper ' review as we missed one while she was on holiday.

So we have a lovely selection of magazines to look at today, it must have been lovely coming home to find this lot on your door mat Michele.!! 2

Hi Ladies,

Bumper review this time.... 

Papercraft Essentials with a lovely embossing folder, dies + stamps. There's a great paper pack with this issue too. The embossing folder & Due can be used for non Christmas card which is great. There's some great ideas inside the magazine using the free gifts.

Diecutting Essentials -a lovely seasonal Die is this months free gift. There's two separate borders Dies with it which makes it quite versatile. There's some fabulous inspiration inside the magazine using the Christmas Die.

Simply Cards & Papercraft
Lovely border Dies free with this magazine. These can be used for many occasions not just Christmas/winter themed cards. There a great article inside by Christine Smith (Crafti Potential) that shows cards made for all 4 seasons using the free Dies.
There's a feature on Recessed panel cards which look great & don't seem too difficult to make. Might have to try making this style card.

Cardmaking & Papercraft magazine
This months free gift is a pack of foiled toppers & designer papers. I'm not a huge fan of these packs but a friend has challenged me to see how many different projects I can use these on so this will be interesting to see what we both create

Papercraft Inspirations magazine. Free stamps & an embossing folder that coordinates with the stamps inside there's a feature in using Washi Tape, I might try some of the ideas as I seen to have quite a collection of tape but rarely use it.

Making Cards magazine.
Cute set of stamp & papers that coordinate with them are this months free gift.
There's a lovely feature using cute cat & dog stamps inside this issue.

Quick Cards Made Easy magazine comes with a free Gift Box maker plus papers + toppers.
Inside the magazine there’s a 2 page feature on budget Christmas cards using twine. All the cards look lovely so I might have try some of these ideas.

That's the round up of this months magazines, hope you've enjoyed them.
Love Michele.

Thanks Michele there are a couple of great magazines there, Simply Cards and Papercraft has a great gift, I used a die just like those on my Christmas cards last year, they are fantastic dies.
Your review was brilliant, thank you for putting so much work into writing it. XXX

Another busy day today, we have a lot of jobs to do, my baby sister is coming to stay over as it is Becca & Joshes Engagement party tonight, still lots to move into Becca's new home too. So I had best get organised
Have a lovely weekend ladies

Love and Hugs
Sandra xxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    We are still being blown from all directions this morning and the wind is a strong one so I just might need my stabilisers on when I go out

    MICHELE- A very interesting review of Mags. Thank you. I'll be popping into WH Smith's this morning to have a look.

    SANDRA- Have a lovely time this week-end.

    Well I'm off for my usual Saturday morning shopping trip to Meadowhall so there'll be Cream Scones and some sort of Cake for afternoon tea in the CAFE today. Don't forget they're all CALORIE FREE on here to we can all

    Have a good day everyone. HUGS are fighting the wind to get to you all but they will xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    I actually managed to get some sleep last night-hurrah!!

    Quick trip into Southport this morning then I have some cards to make. I really haven’t felt up to doing anything after work-between coughing & Jet lag, I’ve felt exhausted.


  3. Firstly Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review I hope you feel better soon Now let’s try and publish this!

  4. Hooray! It’s appeared The problem of losing comments has been since aI updated iPhone PAT
    I hope ALAN was doing ok when you visited MARGARET
    The craft room is nearly finished but I was hoping to start moving stuff back into this week end - that ain’t ‘appening! I did sneak some stuff out and did a cc though I was beginning to have itchy fingers It has meant though that I can get on with some knitting 😀
    Very sunny here
    Enjoy your weekend SANDRA and toast the happy couple from me xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Lucky you having some sun today. It's been warmish today but not very sunny.

    2. I don't think I'll be updating my iPad anytime soon as both you and Michele are still having problems.

  5. Morning ladies,

    Lovely reviews Michele, they are so entertaining and I bought the simply Cards and Papercraft book last week simply because I liked the die.

    With Tiegan here, my crafting has been put on the back burner whilst I have been learning all about 'factorising' and 'reducing' algebraic equations. Things I don't remember ever learning from when I was at school many moons ago. Pleased to say though I got them all right! And Tiegan was so chuffed that I can now help her with her homework? Youngsters honestly, they have me in stitches at times. Bless her.

    Busy day today, cutting out costumes then labelling them and parcelling them up for my team of lovely helpers.

    (((((HUGS))) for all our still poorly blog friends, I hope you improve soon.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Crikey Cheryl I don't remember learning about factorising nor reducing algebraic equations. Good on you getting them all right.
      I thought weekends were going to be a non Panto jobs?.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wish Becca and Josh all the happiness in the world on their engagement and move into their new home. Hope you have a lovely time this evening and try not to get to stressed about your sister coming.
    Michele great reviews of the magazines today. I'll have a look at them while I'm in Sainsbury's shopping this morning. Well that's if I can get Pete off of his scrabble. I think we're going to pop up to see Bet during half term. Need to look at Petes meds to see if he needs more pain killers before we go though. Her dementias quite bad and last time we were up she spent nearly 3 hrs in the loo. As Pete still has problems after his Bowel Cancer, he's not to keen on going in case we have a repeat of that. I'm still trying to get up to Liverpool as I'd like to see the men on Crosby beach.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you enjoy Becca & Josh party this evening & having your sister
    Pop when we saw him yesterday afternoon was alot brighter than when I saw him in morning, he was walking a little with a frame, I cannot see that he will be home before Monday. Thanks you all soo much for your thoughts &
    Thank you Michele for your in detail review might have to have a look. Hope your cold improves soon take
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Great to hear that Alan is up and about after his op.

  8. Morning ladies.
    Thanks Michele for the magazine reviews, some nice freebies there. Hope you start to feel better.
    I hope you all have a nice weekend whatever you are up to.
    Hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Take care of your leg and don't overdo it with the walking.

  9. Hello Sandra & ladies
    MICHELE Great magazine review. Hope you feel brighter today.Hug's xx
    MARGARET I'm pleased Pop's is a lot brighter & walking a little. Hope he comes home on Monday sending BIG HUG'S for you both. Xxx

    1. Sorry pressed publish too soon Der brain.
      MARIA hope your feeling in less pain today. Enjoy your weekend & don't get overdoing it Hug's xx
      KAREN pleased your back in the loop 😊 With your comments. Have a good weekend Hope your craft room gets finished soon. Hug's xx
      SANDRA Have a lovely evening celebrating Becca's & Josh's engagement party. & Don't stress about your sister staying Just enjoy.
      BIG HUGS XX Hope you all have a good day.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope your feeling better today. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  10. Hello All, it’s been dull all day, but the sun has just come out.

    Michele great review of all the mags, don’t get to see them much now as I’m not driving, so have groceries via mr Tesco.

    Sandra hope you have a lovely party tonight and send my best wishes to the happy couple.

    On my own today, so have spent most of it pottering in the garden, hope you all have a lovely Saturday or what’s left of it, hugs to all, Lilian

  11. Hi Lilian
    Crikey that was late fir the sun to come out wasn't it. I also tried pottering in the garden trying to tackle the brambles and ivy that's growing right and the bottom of the garden. Gave it up as a bad job and had a go at tackling the weeds.

  12. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    MICHELE - Thank you for the Magazine Reviews, some of the freebies look quite good. You really are a star going through all these magazines when you are not feeling 100% with your cold, Jet-lag and work, I hope you will soon be feeling a lot better. xx

    Sandra, I hope Becca and Josh have a great engagement party, it is great when friends and family get together for sure a happy occasion. This is just the beginning of all the many happy events they will share. xx Now have you gained a spare room back yet?

    VAL, I hope you were able to take your flight today, also that your medication got sorted out. I'm sure you will be glad to get home again. xx

    CHERYL, Well done with the homework. I'm sure Tegan was really impressed. xx

    MARGARET, I hope Alan is improving with each visit you make, I'm sure he can't wait to be back home with you. xx

    I hope everyone has had a good day. Sleep well, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
