
Sunday 15 October 2017

Your Challenge Cards

The sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and are having a lovely weekend.  We went to Becca & Josh's engagement party last night and had a lovely evening, she is a real social butterfly, it was so lovely seeing her so happy!

Now onto today's Cards,


Janet has dug deep and found her Heartfelt Creations die to create this stunning card, edging the die cut with pearls really highlights it, that background paper is gorgeous Janet. Thank you so much for creating such a gorgeous card for this week's challenge.


Karen has made a fantastic Christmas card for this week's challenge, using Spellbinders Label die for the focal element with a TL Reindeer, the corner detail die cuts are Spellbinders Lace Doily Accents. An absolutely fabulous Christmas card Karen, thank you so much.


Lilian has used an old Spellbinders Label die to create the focal element of her Christmas card, the Poinsettia is the Spellbinders original die too, I have that same die and I still use it today. A stunning Christmas card Lilian thank you so much.


An amazing 'Fishy' themed card for this week's challenge Michele, everything works perfectly, including the font the greeting is written in!
Thank you for making time to get a challenge card made.


Lynda made two cards for this week's challenge, using Sue Wilson's first dies, the Heraldic Square on the first card, such a gorgeous card in almost National Trust colours, that work so well on this card, such a lovely green (I love it)! 
The second card uses the Californian Collection, which I have too, but haven't used in ages! The die is the perfect background for your stamped Christmas tree.
Thank you so very much for taking the time to make two cards for this week's challenge.


Maria has used a Spellbinders Beaded Oval die to frame that amazingly cute stamped image, I just adore that cute little puppy Maria, everything you have used works perfectly together. Such a cute Father's Day card Maria, thank you so much for taking part.


Brenda used the largest of the Spellbinders Label Seven dies to frame her 'Beautiful You' stamped lady, coloured with Flirty Flamingo ink, Flirty Flamingo card was used as a mat for the label die and the embossed layer. 
A beautiful card Brenda, thank you so much for taking part.

Another fantastic line up of cards ladies, Janet will be displaying them all this morning for everyone to see.

We are helping Becca move in to her new home today, they are both so excited, they have quite a few people calling round to see their house too, so I best pick up some cakes to serve with a cup of tea. Although I think I only unpacked four mugs on Friday!  My sister came for Becca's party yesterday too and she is coming to see the house too. 

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love & Hugs



  1. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a great selection of cards, sorry I did not make one for some reason I ran out of time.
    Pleased you had a lovely time at the party, sounds as if you are in for a busy day, please take
    Pop was alot brighter yesterday I am pleased to say & not in soo much pain.
    Star is waiting for her walk so must have a quick shower & take her out.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, Val hope you get home safely, love

    1. Hi Mum. It's good that Pop has the pain under control, I think we will see him doing even better today. Enjoy the peace while you can 😊 See you later on this morning. Love you xxxx

    2. Hi Margaret
      I'm glad to hear Alan isn't in so much pain today.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a really dull but dry start to our Sunday morning here.

    I have loved my journey through the past dies this morning. It's lovely to see that most of us bought the same dies (even if we haven't used them this week) in our early days of 'die cutting'.

    The board is full of cheerfulness and really makes the CAFE inviting so pop in for a look see. The lunch menu today is Roast Beef so place your orders asap.

    Not quite sure what we're doing today but something will turn up it always does. HUGS on their way to you all.

    VAL- I hope you're all set for a safe journey home today and nothing stops the planes from flying.
    MARGARET- so pleased 'Pop' was much better yesterday.

    1. Hi Janet. I love your cc from the beautiful delicate backing paper through to the gorgeous butterfly 😊 Please may I book a seat a for me at the a dinner table, beef is my favourite roast. I hope you have a good day whatever you end up doing x

    2. Ooh yes please roast beef for me too Smith Yorkshire puddings horseradish sauce too Or I’ll have to make do with sausage and mash I didn’t do a proper food shop this week

    3. Hi Janet
      A dull start to the day here as well, but the sun came out at lunchtime. So went down to sit by the canal. Everyone had a great laugh watching 3 men trying to lurn a very long boat without using the engine. Trying to turn it using ropes only. It went sideways on in the canal before it got longways. It took them at least 3/4 hr to get it longside on declining the help of one of the boatmen.

  3. I think Blogger is playing me up agai Let’s try.....

  4. Oh I did lose a reply to MARGARET It was to say that I’m glad ALAN is in less pain
    I love Sundays and seeing everyone’s cards and all so varied too from cute Fathers Day to Christmas
    I hope you get home safely VAL My daughter’s future sister in law had a similar problem but coming back from Spain
    We may go dancing this afternoon but as the sun is shining OH may just want to chill in the garden - suits me I can safely stay inside and watch tele whilst knitting

    1. Hi Karen. Your cc is great. You have used modern colour to make a wonderful Christmas card. I usually stick to the traditional colours(which I love) but also because I'm never sure if different colours work, you have shown me that they can, thank you. Have a good day either knitting or dancing 😊 x

    2. It was totally dictated by the (very) old piece of paper from Lidl I usually go for shades of the same colour I’m useless at putting different colours together I ought to get a colour wheel

    3. I know Sandra has a olour wheel Karen but I don't see her using it very often. She seems to have an eye for which colours go together.

  5. Hello All, dull but dry, it’s the lull before the storm which is heading our way.

    Lovely lot of cards today, All so different, must admit my mojo has completely left me, I used to make cards for my friend , now apart from the ones I use they just sit in the box so no inspiration to make more.

    Glad the party went well, hope the house move goes well, remember how excited we were when we moved to our first home.

    Have a lovely Sunday , hugs Lilian

    1. I understand where you are coming from I think that’s why I use the challenge more and more to make Christmas cards
      Take care xx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Just llost a long comment! Challenge cards look great..
    Housework then crafting for me today.


    1. It’s being a real pain again I had to re-log in to Blogger again

    2. Blogger is certainly causing you and Karen problems. As I've said before I won't be updating my iPad anytime soon.

  7. Morning all.
    Fabulous cards all around ladies. Good you told me what mine is because have no packaging with it. It's so old it haven't even got the holes to poke the triangles out hihi
    Take care during the move, wish them all the best !
    Got to go out in a minute but just wanted to wish you all a nice Sunday . Glad Pop is getting there and hopefully not in too much pain. If I could take my leg off I would, cue more pain meds. Val ,hope you manage to get back home today. Hope to see you later for the roast beef,mmmmm
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Take care my friend with the walking. Hope the pain meds kick in soon. Pete will have to order more this week or he'll run out.

  8. Hello Sandra & ladies I just lost my comment so here we go again.
    We have lovely sunshine today a line full washing out & another in machine.
    SANDRA glad you had a lovely time at Becca's & Josh's engagement party.
    Hope they get moved into their new home today. I can feel their excitement.
    MARGARET Glad Pop is not in too much pain &she gets to come home Tomorrow BIG HUG'S for you both.xx
    Lovely CC today Janet you have displayed them beautifully in the café.
    We have to pop to Tesco this morning for few things. Then take Baby for a walk
    Then I'm going in craft room for a play..
    Hope you all have a good Sunday. Hope this one gets published.
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Morning Ladies-again

    I'm experimenting with a new blogger identity to see if I can keep commenting.


  10. Hi Janet,
    Please could you book my. place for roast

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely selection of cards today ladies. Must pull out my old Dies and have a play. Must try and make a start on my Christmas cards soon. I'll pass on the roast beef today Janet as we're out for lunch as usual with Doreen. Hopefully we'll have roast beef on the menu today. Last week we went to Craig's Petes son, so Doreen asked if we could go to Yarnton on Sat. They had rissoles on the menu which made me cringe.

  12. I'm glad you had a lovely time at Becca and Josh's engagement party Sandra. Hope the move goes well I can understand their excitement. I hope whoever comes round gets roped in to help as it's quite a big operation. I expect you'll have to move all their things from your house as well.

  13. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Another great Sunday display, your cards are so inspiring, I love them all.
    AND Janet has roast beef on the menu. The day just gets better.

    Pleased to hear the Engagement party went well. I can imagine Becca as a social butterfly, although she will probably be tired today I'm sure she will rise above it and be excited to have friends and family visit their new home. Have they moved all of the furniture etc. they have been storing in your house ?
    Now don't go exhausting yourself, doing cleaning and household chores. xx

    MARGARET, hope Alan is managing to walk about - with a little help. xx

    MICHELE, You fooled me for a minute, I thought we had a new visitor! xx

    Have a good day whatever you are doing, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  14. I seem to be on a roll at the mo
    I hope the move goes well When we moved to our first flat in WGC friends popped around on our first Sunday and as they walked through the front door they were handed a paintbrush because we weren’t expecting their surprise visit It was great fun - 40 odd years ago

    1. Hi Karen
      Liked yoyr style. Not to sure why friends would come round to see your house while you were just moving in.

  15. Hi everyone.
    Sorry I’ve not been into the cafe. I’ll look back n catch up on the goss. Been busy and stressed with one thing or another. Will be back soon.
    Special hugs for all the poorlies as always sending love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      Lovely to see you in the cafe again. Gentle hugs coming your way.
