
Monday 16 October 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

The sketch

Good Morning Ladies, 

I decided on a good old fashioned 'Sketch' for this week's challenge, they are great because they take the struggle out of designing your card, particularly on days (like yesterday for me) where you are so tired your 'Mojo' doesn't want come out to play. I think it's a sketch that works perfectly for either Christmas, Birthday or any other occasion cards. 

I chose to make a Christmas card this time, using Stampin'Up!
'Berry Merry ' Designer Series Paper and 'Merry Patterns' stamp set, because who doesn't love a deer in a Christmas jumper!  The die cut Snowflakes were from 'Seasonal Layers' Thinlits set.

Merry Patterns Stamp Set

Becca & Josh were mostly moved in yesterday, it is so lovely to see her pottering around in her own kitchen, she's not the most confident cook but she's eager to learn, Josh enjoys cooking and is loves experimenting with new flavours. I look forward to having our first meal with them in their home, although I have to say it's quite hard to stand back and let her learn by her mistakes.  Josh had his  Grandparents visiting yesterday afternoon and I could see how nervous she was about making them tea etc, she has never liked tea or coffee so has no real idea of what it's supposed to look and taste like, so we had tea/coffee making tutorial, very quietly, nobody was any the wiser and their guests had a perfect cup of tea and slice of fruit cake.
I think that she is wanting to do her first food shop today, she asked us to take her, I'm quite looking forward to it, it will have to be late in the day though as my body needs to recover from the weekend.

Margaret, I do hope that 'Pops' is finding it easier to move around, once you get past the pain of the surgery the relief of no longer having the chronic pain from the joint is amazing, I'm sure he'll be running rings round you in no time, it must be a huge relief for you to see him on the mend, sending hugs to you both. XXX

I do hope that those of you that are experiencing problems leaving comments have an easier time this week, it's so frustrating when you leave a long comment and it then disappears!  

Tracy it was lovely to see you pop in yesterday, I hope you are feeling better and less stressed my lovely.  XXX

Have a lovely Monday my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great sketch & a lovely card Sandra. It will be interesting to see how many of us make this weeks challenge card as a Christmas one.
    Yesterday went quickly-I spent all morning ironing, hadn’t realised how much there was to do.
    I did make it into my craft room after lunch & I managed to make one card! Only two more to go.


    1. Hi Michele
      I must really start ironing the pile of washing I did at the weekend sometime soon.

  2. Morning Everyone
    It's still not quite daylight here so it looks as th- ough we're heading towards dark mornings and darker at teatime.

    SANDRA- An interesting Challenge this week and a beautiful Christmas card as an example. Looking forward to seeing what I can do.

    It was a very quiet Sunday for us which we both needed but it looks as though it might be a busy week. We'll see.

    I have three more November birthday cards to make and then hopefully I can make a start on making three Christmas Stockings (I bought the material etc ages ago and so really must get them done).

    THE CAFE IS OPEN (usual hours today) and I've changed all the table linen so we have beautiful 'Autumn'themed tables with the table cloths having a leaf pattern on them and decorated with little pots of twigs which have beautiful Autumn coloured leaves still attached. I have to admit it's getting more difficult to get twigs with leaves still attached and they're falling rather quickly in the garden.

    Have a good Monday everyone. HUGS are on their way to you all with a few extra's for Dear Friends not quite feeling 100%.xxxx

  3. Good morning everyone Your weekend sounded magical Enjoy shopping later! Before my daughter moved to her first house she used to do the food shop at home It was her way of paying “bed and board” once she started earning I don’t drive so it was worth its weight in gold
    My room is finished and I’m slowly moving stuff back in I need to get it all sorted this afternoon Great sketch BTW
    Take care all Karen

  4. Morning ladies. Well finally I'm home. Delayed a few hours last night so didn't get into the house until 2ish this morning. Haven't even unpacked yet.
    No internet at my friends so will catch up on your escapades later on and write a proper comment tomorrow.
    Bye for now Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, so pleased you are safely home. Take life easy for the next few days.xx

    2. Hi Val
      I'm glad you arrived home safe and sound.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love your C card. The Berry Merry papers are gorgeous and the snowflake doily is so pretty. I really must get on with some Christmas cards or I am going to be making them at the last minute, again!
    I'm glad to hear that Becca and Josh are settling into their new home. I don't envy them with the food shopping bill today. Having to buy all of the food and cleaning staples makes it so expensive! And no matter how much you buy there is always something that you find you have forgetten isn't there? At least they have a local shop they can use if necessary. I hope you're not feeling too tired after helping them my lovely. I hope apart from the shopping trip you are able to get some rest X
    I realised this morning that I hadn't pressed publish to my main comment yesterday so once again I must say how beautiful all of the challenge cards were 😊
    Val, it's good to see you home at last, I bet you are exhausted after another delay last night and starting to wonder if you would ever get home again! X
    Maria and Lynda, I hope your legs are a little better today X
    Mum, it was good to see Pop improving each day. Once they give him a stick he will be fine, he really doesn't like the walking frame does he! Try to get some rest if you can. Love you xxxx
    Janet, the Café looks so warm and welcoming with the beautiful autumnal colours of the tablecloths and the leaves in the vases. Thank you 😊
    We have a really grey sky on one side of the house and pretty blue sky on the other so we will have to wait and see what it does today. We are little Chris today again so will probably end up wasting most of the day watching and playing with him.....that will be so hard for me won't it 😉 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Love,
      I decided to visit Pop this morning, Dr. has seen him now he has gone down for xray. He will not be out today that's for sure see what tomorrow brings. Have fun with Chris. Love you xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great cc this week & your card is lovely. Thanks for your best wishes for Pop, he has gone for xray so step closer to coming
    Val pleased you are at last home you must be exhausted.
    Sending hugs to all in pain, hope you all keep safe in the wind love

    1. Hello Margaret, better he stays in for another day or so, you will only be worrying about him once he is back home again. Will he have nurses or Physio visit him when he is discharged? You take care now. xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      They certainly don't do physiology ir home visits in this area. Just kick you out with an exercise sheet and that's that. They don't have the resorted now.

  7. Hello Sandra and Ladies ,

    I'm not doing very well today I've lost 5 messages so far to cyber space - or wherever they go. But I will try once more ... If at first you don't succeed try try again. I'm fast loosing the will to carry on though !!!

    Sandra nice CC this week, I think my shrinking brain can cope with this.

    I think it's lovely Becca has asked you to go shopping with her, she obviously values your opinion and your input will be really appreciated. Have fun xx

    Wishing you all a good day- whatever mischief you are up to.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. I am hoping I will be ok to go with her as I have had three of my racing heart episodes this morning and haven't made it off the bed for more than an hour so far, it's so frustrating.

    2. I hope you have made an appointment to see your doctor, this can't be caused by the excitement of going shopping. It's getting far to frequent. Please don't ignore what is happening, even if they say it's nothing it's always better to get checked out. xxx

    3. I quite agree with you Brenda, I don't understand why Sandra hasn't gone before. Paul was away last week and he has to take her onto the base. So hopefully she's rung today to make an appointment.

  8. Hello All, All battened down here and it is really blowing, so noisy, very glad we spent yesterday putting all moveable things away.

    Lovely card today and the sketch looks good, may have a go later.

    Sandra go see your go, he should be able to give you some medication to help.

    Hope all have a good day, not sure if any of you will catch the storm, if so take care. Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Windy here as well and the sky has been the most peculiar colour. I've seen loads of people taking photos of the red sun and yellow sky we've had.
      Do you know when you can start driving or aren't you allowed to drive now at all.

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Lillian, I hope the storm blows over and doesn't cause any damage, it has been windy here since about 1pm and around 3pm the clouds stated rolling across the sky then (and it still is) everything turned a deep yellow, it feels really creepy, the cars have there headlights on it is so dull. BUT I have to add it's nothing like your and other areas have been told to expect. Stay safe xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely sketch for the challenge card today.
    I'm glad that Becca and Josh seem to getting straight. Although I expect it will take awhile to do that. You always seem to put something somewhere and after awhile decide it would be better somewhere else. I hope they managed to do a bit of shopping.
    I hope you've rung the dr and made an appointment with the dr and hopefully tell them about you hip as well. I don't understand why you didn't do that as soon as you kept getting these attacks. I know you get stressed about it and perhaps you getting stressed is an underlying cause. So this needs sorting asap.
    I went to the hospital this morning and they're not happy with my leg. They'll wait until I go in Jan to decide what they're going to do. Have a powwow between themselves to decide what to do.
    Took Doreen this afternoon to the vascular dept re her toes. They sent her for a scan and has critical something or other. No blood is getting to her foot at all. So her arteries are disintegrating apparently. She was supposed to get medication from her dr asap. However as it took us over 2 hrs to get home the Drs were shut. So I'll get them first thing in the morning.

    1. Hi Pat so sorry the doctors not happy with your leg. But it seems a long way off before they decide what to do in January surly they should do something before then. Take care my friend. ( you snug in from me hehe )
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Apparently the PDT I had on my hand and leg takes about 3-4 mths before they know if it's cleared all the cancer up. My back apparently still inflamed as well. But unless I have any problems they'll see me in Jan.

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    BRENDA I have also lost two comments today. I would love to know where they go. SANDRA have you made a appointment for the doctor about Your racing heart beat. Did you manage shopping with Becca. Good CC for this week Sandra thank you at leased iget some Christmas cards made following a CC.
    LILLIAN I hope you don't get the high winds where you are please take care Sending you Big Hug's xxx
    SUE thank you for your Hug's much appreciate them.hope you had a lovely day with Little Chris. Sending some playful Hugs xx
    MARGARET sending you & Pop's Big Hug's hope he comes home soon.xx
    KAREN it will be lovely having your craft back. Hope the organising is going ok.
    MARIA hope your in less pain with your leg take care my friend. Hug's xx
    PAT hope all well at hospital appointments goes well.Take care Hug's For you & Pete dear friend xxx
    VAL glad your back home at last hope you enjoyed your stay in UK
    Any crafty goodies bought. Take care you was missed Hug's xx
    Hug's for everyone Love Lynda

  12. Hello Sandra,
    What a beautiful card you’re showing us today, thank you for the extra inspiration.
    I’m so pleased you manage to go shopping with Becca yesterday, I’m sure it meant such a lot to her. And what a wise move not helping her put the shopping away. She’s the one who is going to be using the items, so if she puts them away she will remember where to find them. You have both given her a very valuable lesson in shopping so she should be very grateful. Have you noticed sometimes the supermarkets have make a big display of items on offe, but when you look at the shelf where they are normally stocked, you can get two smaller size (the same overall amount) for less, This we have discovered on a number of occasions. You really need to keep your eyes wide open when shopping. xx

    I have had problems again leaving a message today. WELL I don’t know if this will work for everyone. I noticed in the Comment as: Box it just had ‘Google’ which I clicked on, then you get the drop down box with Google and a blue tick. I pressed publish and my comment was away with the fairies. So I had one of those what if moments, went to SW’s blog left a comment came back to Sandra’s blog and the Comment as: box had my name in it and Google in brackets. What I am trying to say is - go and leave a message on another blog you visit then come back and see if the Comment as Box has your name in.

    Take care ladies, big Hugs Brenda xxx
