
Tuesday 17 October 2017

A different take of the challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is a different version of yesterday's challenge card, Christmas yesterday, 'Thank You' card today.
I used the Stampin Up ! Colour Theory papers for this card, with the 'Flourish Thinlets ' for the flowers and that awesome flourish. I used a Stampin Up! Doily behind the flag, cut in half and then offset. A 'Berry Burst' seam binding ribbon bow adorns the top of the flag die cut , finished with a tiny flower from the 'Flourish Thinlets' die set.
The label was punched using the Stampin Up! label punch, stamped using 'Label Me Pretty' stamp set.
I hope it gives you a little inspiration for your challenge card.

We took Becca to do her first food shop yesterday, it was quite an experience for all of us, I remember the excitement of doing our first food shop, I didn't have my Mum helping me though. She would just pick up the first pack of things like Mayo , Ketchup, salad cream etc, until Paul explained the 'price per kilo' figure, she soon wised up , learning that she ucould get almost 50% more for just 20p in some cases.  She sensibly wasn't prepared to skimp on things like washing powder and softener as she has very sensitive skin.  We got most of her shop in Aldi but finished off in Morrison's for Baked beans, Ketchup, mayo. I think all in all she spent £130 but that included a couple of extras in Aldi and essentials like tin foil, cling film and freezer bags.  She panicked a bit as she thought she would be spending that each week! We set her straight though and she went home relieved, she tried to persuade us to go help her put it all away but we explained it was best if she did it herself. It was a fun experience that had us both filled with pride.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs,

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Another lovely card Sandra.
    Sounds like you had another busy day yesterday.
    Work was really busy & today looks horrendous. I’ll be glad when it’s 5pm as I’m off out for a meal with my crazy friend. Its to thank her for checking on the house/sorting out the post while we were away. She’s chosen to go for a curry-fine with me!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you and your crazy friend enjoy your curry. I'm off for a meal tonight with 13 other friends. Yippee.

  2. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Love the Christmas card and today's Thank you card Sandra, such a lovely colours. SU is good that way so you can get it all neatly together.
    Shopping with Rebecca sound interesting, not until they moved from home they realising how much things do cost. Remember C (son) coming home with beer, cakes and cereals and not much else the first time but he have learned since Lol for even if he live at home he have to get his own food etc shopping and he pay us for the rest so he learn.
    It was C's (son) birthday yesterday but as he was working late we had a nice Chinese meal Sunday and a movie at home, he is not much for going out to eat.
    Wish you all a nice day whatever you are doing and take care.
    Waiting for the surgery to open so can make an appointment, back to the drawing board so to say.
    Love Maria xoxx

    1. Good luck I hope you can get some help

    2. No luck Karen, only two locums on so have to try again tomorrow morning :<(
      Don't forget to take a photo of your new room, love to see it xx

    3. Hi Maria
      Sorry to read you couldn't see a Dr today. Hope tomorrow is more fruitful.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Well what a night that was!! We had very high winds starting just after tea and carried on through the night. The trees were really being battered and we have very few leaves left this morning.
    Fortunately no damage has been done only one or two pots blown around in the back garden. We have the sun shining this morning and it's still windy but not as strong. The sky really was a funny colour all afternoon -very yellow- and according to the news it was the wind bringing dust/sand with it. I've not seen that colour before.

    I hope you're all safe and no damage has been done and that you have a better day today.

    SANDRA-another beautiful Challenge Card. I really must try and get mine done today.

    VAL-it was lovely to see you yesterday and I hope you're rested and ready to sort out your craft room. Did you have a wonderful craft shopping spree?

    The CAFE is OPEN for business so pop in for a sit and a chat. HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hugs back Janet I’m so glad you didn’t have any damage Those poor people in Ireland So sad

    2. Glad you are alright Janet. hugs xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Sending you both hugsack. And I'm glad to hear you didn't have much damage. It was windy here but not to bad. And I agree the sky and sun was the funniest colour.
      Ireland looked very battered about.

  4. You made me chuckle about the shopping trip and I totally agree with you about leaving BECCA to unpack I hope you have sorted the dr appt out SANDA I thought you were going last Thursday?
    Good to hear that you got home safely VAL
    I hope MARIA and LYNDA Spain’s are easing
    The craft room is nearly there I have found my Cor’dination card in the process AND my Chameleon pens which I’d put in a really safe place that I couldn’t remember!
    I have so much space that I could do Salsa lessons in there!
    Take care all Those with nasty colds I hope they’re going away and not lingering
    Today’s card is lovely I might use a really old Die - a mandala from Spellbinders to get the doiley effect

    1. Hi Karen
      The dreaded predictive text mistake made me laugh Karen. My craft room could do with a mega tidy as I can't see my desk. Plus I know precisely where nothing is.

  5. Morning Ladies,
    hope everyone is safe after the awful weather affecting the UK yesterday. So relieved I flew home Sunday not yesterday.
    SANDRA sounds as though you've had a busy time with engagement party, Becca new home and first shop. What a lovely time in her life. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling so good and really hope you've made that appointment.
    MARIA so sorry to read your having health problems as well. So hope you can get a GP appointment
    LYNDA SORRY to read you're not so good either. Hugs on their
    PAT hope you and PETE are doing ok with your awful round of hospital appointments. Hugs on the way xxx
    MARGARET glad POP had his op and seems to be getting around ok. Hope he's soon back home with you xxx
    MICHELE. Glad you had a good holiday and back at work, which sounds extra busy. Has you're dispute been sorted out yet? Enjoy your curry tonight. Xxx
    KAREN Looking forward to seeing photos of your lovely craft
    SUE, CHERYL, BRENDA, TRACY (hope I haven't missed anyone out) hope you're keeping ok.

  6. Sorry pressed publish by mistake.
    JANET Glad you read that although the storms hit you, you are safe and no damage around youxxx
    I'm so relieved to be home. Felt so exhausted yesterday just sat around and dosed all day. Come back with a bang now though as Lynn would like all the Christmas cards on the shelves at the weekend. I'm in for a busy few days ha ha.
    Take care everyone.Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      My word you will have to work hard making Christmas cards. I hope you'll be fully recovered after your journey home.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card Sandra today Sandra. Do like this colour card and papers.
    Went to ask the dr for the medication that the Dr at the hospital wanted her to start ASAP. Apparently they can't do that as the Drs need the motification in letter form. Rang hospital and got through to outpatients who tried to put me through to the Consultants secretary. In the end I had to ring ger direct. I wonder how ASAP this process will take.

  8. This was Doreen I had been talking about.
    Glad you managed to go shopping with Becca.

  9. Hello All, wet but at least no wind.

    Lost one side of the plastic green house, and 36 little plants tipped out of one of our little plastic seed houses, the empty pot scattered all over the garden. Still no serious damage here, al though trees down in some places.

    Sandra beautiful card, such lovely colours, hope you are feeling better today.

    Hope all not well will soon feel better, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      We had sun this morning, then if turned cold this afternoon. Now it's raining.

    2. Hi Sandra & everyone
      Sorry if anyone had any damage from the storm feel so sad for the devastation in Ireland for those who died & injured my heart goes out to them.
      I done some bulk spag bowl this morning just got to bag it up tomorrow. Then went for a walk Terry took Baby on the beach for first time he let her off the lead &I was very good didn't govern far from him & came back when called her. I sat on a bench as hard walking on sand.
      Then went in craft room I have done a mixed media canvas & nearly finished a card too.
      Sandra lovely chatting to you tonight thank you you cheered me up.
      You also made me smile getting Becca's shopping it is frightening how much shopping cost first time they do it.
      Be back later got phone call from daughter
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Not sure if my comment published or not xx

    4. Hi Lynda
      Sounds like you had a lovey relaxing with Terry and Baby. Gentle hugs are on the way.

  10. Hi Sandra, I am having a bad day, keep loosing my comments to cyberspace.
    But will try again. Love today’s card, thank you for your inspiration.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Yippee - Can’t believe it worked.

      So pleased you got to go shopping with Becca. I know she will appreciate all the help and advice you and Paul gave her. I’m sure she managed to put it all away, better she does it, at least she will know where things are and not be ringing up saying “Mum where did you put?”

      Going to quit while I’m ahead. Sleep well everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad that you've managed to post a comment without loosing it to cyberspace this time.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today, had hoped to get some cards made while Pop was in, but time ran away. I fetched him home about 4.3pm so mo chance now, pleased to say he is doing
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Lynda & Maria, good to know you are safely home Val, love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I'm glad to hear that Alan is now at home
