
Wednesday 18 October 2017

I just love Pine Cones!!

Good Morning Ladies,

I think I am just addicted to pine cones this year, I love this 'Creative Expressions' 'Pinecone and Greenery' die set, designed by Sue Wilson.  I used the Crafter's Companion 3D Embossing Folder 'Holly & Ivy Frame' to create the detail background part of the card, which was the perfect background for the spray of Greenery which I adorned with the Gold Pinecones and topped with a 'Cherry Cobbler' ribbon bow. I used Stampin'Up! 'Teeny Tiny Sentiments' stamp set for the 'Merry Christmas' which I then punched out with the matching punch, I die cut the end of a Sue Wilson 'Holly Sprig' die to decorate the sentiment. To finish I added some Cosmic Shimmer Gilding wax around the rope part of the frame and dotted a little 'Cherry Cobbler' ink around some of the berries. 
I hope you like my card X

I had a lovely day crafting with Sue yesterday, we didn't get much made but we experimented with different things.
I am thinking of challenging you all to making a 'Stamped' card, I know some of you aren't stampers but up until the end of last year neither was I and I can't tell you how liberated I felt after I overcame my fear of stamping and just enjoyed it, because that was all that was holding me back, a fear of failing and I will admit I have had my fair share of 'ball's ups' but at the end of the day I wasted a few pieces of card.  I will add that the 'faux misti' gave me confidence and I have since purchased the Tim Holtz stamping tool, which is fantastic, but I mostly stamp freehand, having good quality stamps and decent card make a huge difference too.  Stamping has opened up another huge part of the craft world for me and I only wish I had the courage to start it sooner.
So how do you feel about being challenged???

Val, I'm so glad you are home and relaxed, I can't wait to see some photos of your Christmas cards that you have made for the shop so please take some photos xxx

Margaret, I hope Pops is home and comfortable, there is nothing like your own bed and home comforts to help you recuperate, being in charge of your own medication helps too, I know the nurses are up against it but having to wait an hour past your usual medication time can make you feel a whole lot worse, sending hugs for a super speedy recovery XXX

Paul did go to med centre yesterday but there were no appointments with our usual GP so I will try again today.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, really lovely.
    Glad you & Sue had fun playing & experimenting.

    My meal last night was lovely-perfect after a very busy day.


    1. Sounds as if your meal was just what was needed after a busy day.
      Hope work is going well and you are left in peace to do your job. xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you enjoyed your meal last night. I had a lovely night out with 13 other friends.
      I wasn't to impressed with the choice of food and the price of it. Although the prentation was lovely.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Everything has calmed down here and back to normal.
    My heart and prayers go out to Ireland.

    SANDRA-a very pretty card you have for us this morning. I love that embossing folder in fact I love all their 3d embossing folders. They really can be the only item used to make a card.

    MARGARET- so pleased 'Pop' is home. I'm sure he'll come on in 'leaps and bounds' now he's under your care.

    VAL- good luck getting all your cards into the shop this week.

    I had a very productive day yesterday and managed to get my CC done so my job today is taking pics and getting them sent off to SANDRA.

    The CAFE is OPEN - usual hours- so pop in for a while and take a look.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Today's card is lovely, the EF works so well with your dies. I just love it all.

    I'm in early today, thought I would try and beat cyberspace gremlins ha ha .

    Like The idea of a stamped card, I do struggle with stamping, lately I've been playing with some of my stamps and EF. I really need the practice.

    Yesterday I was looking at a few blogs, I went to Pam Simpsoms blog.
    pam-simcrafts.blogspot. She has a beautiful card she made for her granddaughters wedding. It's a real work of art. Sorry I didn't leave a comment Pam, it takes me ages to post on Sandras blog. But I do love to peep in. xx

    Sandra I will look in later. Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. I love all of Pam's cards Brenda, I particularly love her blue, white and red cards.
      Glad you got in ok today my lovely
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I love all of Pams cards as well. Sometimes I see Dies that I like that she's used. However, they're usually out of stock or no longer sold. Which is a shame.

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    Love today's card Sandra. I have the EF and the Pine cone set and love them. I see Sue has brought out yet more sets of dies. I don't think any of them rock my boat this time.
    I really haven't felt well since I got home. Lots of aches and pains, permanent headache and just don't feel right. I hate feeling like this, I've really got too much to do to be unwell. Off to crib today so hope it brightens me up.
    My DIL has had bad news. The lymph nodes they took from her groin for testing show cancer and she's now going in at the end of the month to have the rest of the nodes taken out. Her and my son have had an awful 18 months one way or another. Can only hope and pray she's ok.
    Sorry about the gloom and doom, just feel down at the moment.

    MARGARET so glad POP is home. I'm sure you're both relieved the op is over and he can start to recuperate. Sending Hugsxxx

    Hugs to all not feeling so good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      Soo sorry your DIL has more bad news, no wonder you feel down. Sending you lots of hugs & do you good to see your friends. Thanks for your best wishes for Pop still in bed at

    2. Hi Val, So sorry to hear the news about your DIL. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers xx
      I hope you start to feel better soon, this latest cold virus really seems to drain every ounce of energy from your body. I know in my case it has taken almost a month to get back to normal (what ever that is!) please don't push yourself to hard. Take care. xx

    3. Oh Val I am sorry to hear this news.

    4. Hi Val
      So sorry to hear the news about your DIL. They seem to be having a raw deal of it at the moment. No wonder your feeling down and out of sorts. These viruses sure take it out of you.
      Hope your friends cheered you up. Mine certainly did yesterday.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    This is such a pretty card, I love it and it's easy to see why the dies set is a favourite for you, love the beautiful embossing folder too. An all stamped card wouldn't have been even thought of this time last year would it. It will be really interesting to see what everyone makes after seeing some beautiful examples on Pinterest etc. that don't need lots of stamps to make a great card 😊 I've got my fingers crossed that you manage to see your doc soon my lovely xx I may not have been very productive yesterday but it was lovely chatting. We really do cover so many different subjects don't we 😊 Its lovely to hear Becca andJosh are settling in to their new home, after that first shop! I remember when Tim left home having a phone call asking what clothes went on which wash. He had sorted the obvious lights, darks and boil wash but was stumped with clothes that had both dark and light colours in it. Good old fashioned experience leads us to know what goes on what wash but it's really hard to explain over the phone. In fact Chris says I deliberately put some items into the "wrong" wash just to keep him on his toes πŸ˜‚
    Mum, I hope Pop is behaving himself now he's home 😊 love to you both xx
    Maria, I hope you manage to get to see the doc today. Sending you hugs X
    Lynda, how good to hear that Baby enjoyed her run on the beach and came back to Terry when he called her. Sending you hugs x
    Janet, you had a good day yesterday. I hope today is as good for you X
    Michele, it's good to hear you had a lovely meal with your crazy friend last night. I hope today is less busy for you at work X
    Val, I hope you are settled back in at home now. Good luck getting the cards ready for the shop by the weekend X
    Wishing you all a good day.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. I'm late in today, time disappeared. Did have a lovely tapas meal with OH at lunch time though
    Out dancing later with daughter
    I'll try and catch up with everyone after I get back. I'm home alone so I won't be going to bed until the early hours!
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you have a lovely evening dancing with your daughter.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card, simple design but effective. You know I would love a stamping challenge, I enjoy it especially SU
    Today has flown by Pop felt very tired so slept most of day, I saw eye surgeon this afternoon, given me the all clear, so can have eye test to get new glasses, hooray can not wait.
    Maria hope you saw Dr. today hugs on
    I feel ready for my bed but will wait awhile otherwise I will be awake at silly o'clock.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi Sandra & anyone who is still up
    I commented this morning before I went round Margaret's have just popped in to see if any one is up. MY COMMENT IS NOT ANYWHERE 😭😭 bl...dy cyber people
    Sandra your card is lovely I'm up for a sramping challenge too. My new best craft thing lately not very good but ha ho I will give it a go.
    MARGARET glad PoP is home & pleased you have the all clear re your eyes πŸ‘€
    VAL so sorry your daughter in law has bad news fingers & toes crossed for opperation. Hope you feel better very soon sending Love & Hug'sxxxx
    MARIA hope you got some help at doctors take care & rest my Friend.
    PAT big Hug's for you & your leg &take care πŸ€—πŸ€—
    SUE glad you had a good day with Sandra. Thank you for the Hug's sending some paw Hugs from Baby 🐾🐾 xx
    Fingers crossed comment stays put xx
    Love Lynda xx
