
Thursday 19 October 2017

Blue Christmas

Good Morning Ladies,

I decided to change up the traditional Christmas colours for something a little bit more modern, so I chose blue and silver.
I used the 'Carols Of Christmas' Stampin'Up! Stamp set, I stamped the 'Deck The Halls' in 'Dapper Denim' ink, I stamped the two sets of baubles with the same ink, I also stamped the baubles in perfect medium and embossed with Silver Embossing Powder and 'Marina Mist' ink.  I then die cut these and added foam pads to the back and popped them on the card over the original stamped ones.
I coloured some white ribbon with Dapper Denim ink to match the card, added it to the top and then added a triple bow, which I decorated with a Glitter glazed gem.
I matted the card onto some silver card and then onto Dapper Denim card, I added this to a white card base.  
Well Becca's first full day in her own home was a little 'troublesome' bless her,  she got herself quite confused over the doing the washing, she had managed a 'Dark Wash' ok, putting jeans, Josh's work clothes etc in, her confusion came with what to put in a 'White/hot' wash and a 'mixed' colours wash, it was quite funny to listen to her getting her knickers in a twist, Sue and I were both listening to her as she was getting exasperated because Josh had a black t shirt with white arms! "Is that dark or light' she asked, so I told her that I put things like that in with my towels that have a fairly neutral colour along with Paul's work shirts and grey things like jogging bottoms.  I went on to explain that I put bedsheets and towels, tea towels  and underwear and whites on a hot wash, but she said my knickers and bra are pink Mum not white!! Where do they go?! In the end I told her to leave it and we would go over and go through it with her. She worked a day shift and then went back home to cook dinner and then got ready to go to her evening job, she finished at midnight, exhausted got home but Josh (who had the only key) had fallen asleep and she couldn't wake him, so at 12.20am we got a call from a very frustrated Becca, who ended up coming here to sleep, although she wasn't very happy about it!  They now have a key each so fingers crossed that situation shouldn't arise again. I bet poor Josh won't forget it in a hurry ! Lol 

Val I was so sorry to read your sad news yesterday, aside from that you have had a stressful few days so you are probably exhausted which is making you feel a little down, we will all send you a huge group hug, in hope it brightens your day sweetheart xxxx

Maria I hope you got to see your GP today, sending hugs your way too xxxx

Lilian I hope you are ok too XXX

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning everyone,

    A few quiet moments for myself, after a very busy fortnight, before the house wakes up. I have a large amount of CC posts to catch up later on.
    I like the simple outlines of your card Sandra but I cannot
    see blue only green.

    Poor Becca in a tizz over the washing?
    Most of my first washes were trial and error. I soon learnt what not to do again. Puzzles me why only one house key, is this normal now for new builds? When we had the keys to our house there were two sets, one to use and one for spares.

    Alarms now going off, must away to awaken Tiegan, it takes half an hour just to put her make up on, minimalistic.
    Last but one day of the school run, I must admit it has been very draining on my stress and energy levels getting ourt of the village due to the idjits thinking it's MY right of way and not merging in turn with us villagers who just want to get to work too.
    Next week will be interesting, they are closing the main through roads which means we will have to drive to the other end of the village to get in an even longer queue to get onto the A39. These people with their degrees and letters after their names certainly do not have an ounce of commonsense between their brains.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I agree re the ejits working in the councils etc. We have more and more houses being built it Witney but no infrastructure. The A40 from Witney to Oxford was going to be upgraded, I assume to a dual carriageway. That was 31 yrs ago and it's still the same as it was when we moved in.
      Like you, I learnt by trial and error re washing and everything else I did. Like everything in life you learn by making mistakes. I had a Mum to ask but preferred to learn as I went along. I never did any major damage to anything at all. Even if I did have a couple of colour changes along the way.
      New builds do have 2 keys if not more. But Becca house isn't new. But I didn't understand why they only had 1 key. But saying that, that would have been my first job to get another key cut. But then lifes a learning curve isn't it. We're always learning along the way.

  2. Morning Ladies

    I gave just lost a very long comment!
    Gorgeous card Sandra-love those colours.

    Work was busy yesterday, let’s hope today is quieter.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope work isn't to stressful today for you.

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a pretty Seasonal Card. Like CHERYL I can only see green. I must admit that I'm a trad colourist for Christmas.

    VAL- I really hope you feel a little better today Dear Friend and I was sorry to read the news about your DIL.

    Back to hospital runs for Jim today/tomorrow and all next week so it's going to be busy.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a sit and a chat. HUGS on their way to you all. Stay safe and warm. xxxx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Janet.
      I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees green, now I know it's not my ipad or my eyesight.
      Hope Jim manages to get a rest inbetween his hospital rubs. I know how stressful they can be.

  4. Hi Sandra and all,

    Many thanks ladies for you kind thoughts. It's really appreciated and means a lot.
    I enjoyed playing crib yesterday but I couldn't really concentrate with disastrous results. Anyway it did me good and we had a laugh as usual.
    We're getting on well with the card factory. All 200 cards are spread on the dining table in their proper categories. Most are in their cellophane bags, so finishing that off today then pricing them and they can go. I'll be glad to see the back of them
    Love today's card Sandra. The colours are some I haven't used but like Janet I tend to do traditional colours. You did make me smile about Beccas first wash. I can remember some washing disasters so well. Like the time I left a red sock in the machine and washed Allan white police shirts. OMG I used 2 bottles of bleach on them and thank goodness it worked.
    Hugs to all not so good today.
    Sandra and Maria hope you manage to get doctors appointments today xxx
    Margaret. Hope Pop is recuperating
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I'm glad you enjoyed crib yesterday even if you did have disastrous results. Crikey I'd be glad to see the back of 200 Christmas cards. A job you could have well done without while your not feeling so good.
      I've done that as well left something red that crept into a white wash. Luckily it didn't run.

  5. Hello All

    Sandra very pretty card, like Janet I like traditional colours for Christmas.

    Val sorry to your DIL had not so good news, hope things go better for hear.

    Sorry did not get in yesterday, heard my very good friend from Oxford died on Tuesday, we had been friends for 35 yrs. When we first moved to Yarnton from Cornwall, she made us so welcome and as a real Cornish country girl she made the move easy for me. It’s a happy release for her, but as for many years we spoke to each other everyday, I really miss her.

    I hope you all have a good day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. I am so sorry to hear about your friend Lilian, such sad news but as you said she is no longer suffering, not that that makes it any easier.
      Sending love and hugs

    2. Hi Lilian. So sorry to hear your sad news. She'd obviously been a good friend for such a long time. The only small consolation is that she's free from pain now.
      sending special thought and hugs to

    3. Hi Lilian
      I'm so sad to hear that your friend from Oxford passed away. But as you say she's free from pain now. I'm sending gentle hugs to you.

  6. Hi Sandra
    Well I'm glad you said this card was blue and silver as it looks green on my screen. However, whatever the colour I love the simplicity of the card. Shame they don't do these stamps on there own as I like the stamp but don't want to pay for a set of stamps I wouldn't use. Much like the rectangles stitched dies that I love but can't find any that will do for UK sized cards. Even Sues new dies coming out do not find our sized cards. As she's selling these in the U.K. I wonder why not.

    1. I think they're made for the American market more then us. You would think they'd get their act together though after all these

    2. You certainly would Val. Lilian put me on o Crealies which work with 5x7 cards. So I bought them on Amazon.

    3. I've never heard of Crealies. I'll look them up. Thanksxxx

    4. Pat-The Wotks do a set of stitched rectangle dies at £6. Have you looked at the Apple Blossom range or dies from China ??


    5. Hi Michele
      I looked in our works when you suggested it last time. They didn't have them in ours. But I've bought some made by Crealies. Will look at Apple Blossom. I did buy circles and squares from China.

  7. I am really struggling to comment Screen freezing and all sorts Wouldn’t even let me do it anonymously
    Anyway Sorry to hear your news VAL and LILIAN Big hugs xxx

  8. Hi all,
    Doubt any of you are still in the cafe' but the neighbour called and said that Herman was in his flower beds again making a mess of the borders so thought I pop around to sort it out and also tell you Sandra how much I like your cards. I also got the pine cones so they might be on some cards this year. Like the simplicity of this card.
    Lilian- sending you hugs, sorry to hear your news.
    Val- sorry to hear about you DIL. hugs to you all.
    Pat- hope your leg and back feel better soon and Lynda- take care too when walking, don't ever do it
    Wishing Rebecca good luck with everything and she will learn by mistakes on the way as I'm sure we all did and sometimes still do Lol at least she got you to turn too if anything goes real wrong
    I hope you otherwise had a good day all.
    Sorry Sandra not being in earlier but haven't felt like doing anything the last few days. Managed to see the doctors yesterday and she arranging some more acupuncture and I got a letter today with time at the pain clinic for middle of November so more hospital appointments here too.
    Have a good night, if you can
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
