
Friday 20 October 2017

Fantastic Festive Friday treat from Janet

Good Morning Ladies,

We have a stunning Christmas card designed by our lovely Janet today.
She has made a Gatefold card and die cut the Creative Expressions  'Wise Men' Striplet die into the front of one half of the card, adding a backing of Mirror card, which looks green on my screen, it works fantastically whatever colour it is.
The other side of the card has the 'Creative Expressions' 'Peace' die, die cut in the same Mirror card as the backing for the Striplet die. Cutting it in mirror card works perfectly Janet, showing off every bit of detail.
The Clean and Simple design really makes the card loom 'high end' Janet, pop it in a cello bag and you could sell it for a fair profit!! Honestly though it looks like a really nice department store card.
Thank you so much for both inspiring me to use that die (as I think I have only used it obce) and for allowing me to share your card to inspire our friends too xxx

Paul and I are going out for afternoon tea later today, my sister bought us an 'Sparkling afternoon tea' at Patisserie Valerie, because she was sad to hear about our disastrous afternoon tea at the Hilton.
I was so surprised when I opened it, such a sweet gesture.  I only hope I can get the Dark Blue ink off of my fingers before we leave.  We have a Patisserie Valerie in Oxford so we are going to try there, frustratingly you can't book, which seems odd.  I'm sure it can't be any worse than the Hilton.

We went over to Becca &Josh's yesterday as she wanted Dad to help with a few jobs and Mum to help sort the washing, we managed to get it down to two piles, I couldn't get through to her the ideas behind a 'Hot ' wash, she insisted on doing everything at 40° but she will learn I guess, I know the design detergents to clean at lower temperature these days but I personally don't trust it.  I am transported back to the days of Mum getting the twin tub up to an absolute scalding heat to do sheets, table linen, shirts and other whites, she always used Daz which I remember being great for whites but not do great for colours, blacks always ended up grey looking.  Another thing I remember her doing was washing her net curtains with a little 'Blue Bag', it used to do the trick whatever was in it, I wonder if they are still around?!

I hope you all have a lovely Friday ladies,

Love and hugs to All
Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-gorgeous Card, I love that style of card.
    Sandra-sounds like you had another busy day.

    I’m hoping today won’t be quite so crazy & that my two bosses don’t have another disagreement-it make it uncomfortable to work when they’re snapping at each other.

    My “situation “is still the same-no progress. My Union Rep emailed me yesterday to see if I’d heard anything because she hadn’t. Guess I just have to keep waiting!


    1. Hi Michele, I forgot to say that I hope your work problem does finally get sorted very soon. Your union rep doesn't seem to be doing anything fast to help you! Lets hope it's all sorted before we meet at the NEC X

    2. I hope it does get sorted soon

    3. Hi Michele, can't believe your work problem is still to be sorted. Someone should really get their finger out and do what they're being paid for. Of course they don't care how much stress you are under. Inefficiency really makes me mad. So hope it's sorted out soon. Hugs xxx

    4. Hi Michele
      Can't make for a happy working environment if your bosses are arguing between themselves.
      Your union rep seems worse than useless to me. She should be chasing them up, not asking you if youve heard anything. I'd have thought this would have been resolved asap so as to ensure your not getting to stressed.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well it's dry this morning after torrential rain yesterday teatime/evening.

    It always takes me by surprise to see one of my cards when I come into the CAFE but I have to say I do like seeing one as it gives me a buzz to think that a seasoned crafter thinks it's 'good enough' for display.
    (I hope that doesn't sound too 'own trumpet blowing'.

    I have used these old SW dies this year as they are really good for batch making and these are a couple of the first Christmas dies I bought from SW.

    Our AmDram are having a Christmas Coffee Morning in November and I've made a few for them to sell (fingers crossed they do).

    MICHELE- hope you have a better day at work and I cannot believe that they are still keeping you hanging on without any solution.

    SANDRA-have a lovely 'Afternoon Tea' in Oxford.

    The CAFE is OPEN for business so it would be lovely to see you all pop in. HUGS are winging their way to you all to help you have a really good Friday.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. You certainly aren't blowing your own trumpet as your cards are all gorgeous and a I bet they will sell out very quickly at the coffee morning x

    2. It’s gorgeous JANET I think they’ll sell really well at your coffee morning

    3. Beautiful card Janet. I'm sure they'll be grabbed up at your Coffee Morning. I don't think you're blowing your own trumpet. Your card are always so

    4. Hi Janet
      Gorgeous card as usual. Love the green Miri you've used. They should sell at the AmDram coffee morning.
      I also don't think your blowing your own trumpet as all your cards are lovely.

    5. Hi Janet, all your cards are amazing so don't worry because you will them real quick. This card is lovely you have made. Have a good day xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a lovely Christmas card Janet, I love the sparkle of the die cuts. It will be a real "stand out" card for whoever is lucky enough to receive it.
    Sandra, I hope you have helped Becca start to get to grips with what clothes go on which wash. I wonder how long it will be before she starts doing a hit wash though. She will realise Mum really does know best 😊 Havebyou managed to get an appointment with your doc yet my lovely. Having to wait to see a a particular a doc can take 2 or 3 weeks these days can't it! I hope you and Paul have a great time this afternoon at the Sparkling afternoon tea that your sister so kindly got for you. What a lovely surprise for you both xx
    Val, I am so sorry to hear that you are not well, I hope you are able to rest up once you finish the shop Christmas card, you must be so proud of yourself when you see them.all on display in the shop 😊 I am also sorry to hear about your DIL. She really is going through the mill isn't she, bless her. Fingers firmly crossed that the docs can rid her body of all of the cancer cells. Sending you gentle hugs X
    Lilian, I am so sorry to hear the sad news about your dear friend. Sending you gentle hugs X
    Mum, hope you and Pop had a good night's sleep. See you later on. Love to you both xxxx
    Maria, I hope the accupuncture helps relieve your pain. Do you find the pain clinic is helpful? Sending you gentle hugs X
    Michele, I hope your bosses have sorted their argument. Very unprofessional and unpleasant for you and the other staff to be caught in the middle of their problem! It's the last thing you need. Hope you have a nice weekend to look forward to X
    Lynda, thank you for my Baby hugs. I hope your legs aren't as bad as they have been lately. Sending you, Captain Underpants and Baby hugs X
    Brenda, I'm glad you have just about managed to shake off your cold etc. It does take a long time to shift it doesn't it x
    Karen, you must be so fed up with problems you are having leaving comments, so frustrating for you. How's the craft room coming on? Please can we see some pictures when it is all finished X
    Cheryl, I completely understand and agree with your frustration with the way some faceless bod in an office makes decisions about roadworks etc. with no thought to the problems it will cause. How much long is the work going on for? X
    Pat, I hope you can relax over the weekend X
    Tracy, i hope life is less stressful for you now. Sending you hugs X
    I hope I haven't forgotten anyone.
    We are off to see Mum and Pop so a lovely day to look forward to 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, have a lovely day with Mum and Pop. Hope you find him

    2. Hi Sue, have a nice day with Mum and Pop, hope they both doing as they are told and taking it easy. Big hugs to them both.
      Pain clinic is just an excuse for not being in the way at the doctors and if nothing new have come up since last I can't see how it going to help. Not keen sitting in a group either and talking about my feelings about the pain arrrgh but if you don't go they take you off their list so I guess I will have to go. The acup. worked a little bit last time so hope walking will be easier after a few more. hugs xx

  4. Hello All, dry this morning, after yesterday very welcome, still another storm tomorrow.

    Janet what a beautiful card, I’m sure your cards will sell, they are always lovely.

    Sandra re washing, I only use 40deg for all of my washing, except for towels which I do at 60deg once a month to clean my washer. If you have any polyester in your wash you only use 40 as polyester doesn’t like heat. I still use Persil but now use colour caps for colours and bio caps for whites.
    I only had a spin dryer when I was first married had to wash all by hand, thank goodness for modern washers.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Glad you've got a dry day Lilian. I did notice there's another storm on its way to you. Stay

    2. Hi Lilian
      I also noticed you have another storm coming through.
      Stay safe my friend and I hope it doesn't hit to hard.

    3. Hi Lilian, you stay indoors if this Brian are coming your way and nothing will blow over or get washed away for you or neighbours. Stay safe, hugs xx

  5. Hiya
    I think your card is lovely JANET
    Can I echo everything Mrs B has said I couldn’t put it better myself I hope you all have a better day today
    I’ll be back

  6. Hi Sandra and all,
    Lovely card on show today Sandra. I have the Three Wise Men one and Janets set it off so well with the silver being it.
    Hope you and Paul have a lovely afternoon tea. You deserve it after your fiasco at the Hilton.
    I didn't have a washing machine for about 6 months when I was first married and used to make Launderette visits once a week which I hated. I was delighted when I finally got my twin tub. I remember those little blue bags.. They were great for whites.
    Off to Craft Club today. So looking forward to seeing the girls again.Really haven't S clue what to take this morning so but better scoot to my craft room and find something.
    MARIA so pleased you've seen the doctor and hope the pain relief course will
    LYNDA so sorry you're having problems with your leg as well. Hope its a lot easier,. Bet Baby has settled in and become well and truly established now. Xxx

    Hope all not feeling so good have a much better day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, hope you feeling a lot better and have a fun time at the craft club. I'm always a pain :>) so not much can be done but hey ho, other people have it worse then me. You and ladies in this cafe' keeping my days feel better. hugs xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card Janet. Love the green Miri card that you've used it really sets the Dies off.
    Sandra, I hope you enjoy your afternoon tea today.
    I had a boiler which went on the stove which I did the nappies and sheets in. I thought I was in heaven when we could afford a twin tub and a mangle.
    The various washing powders recommend a wash is done on a 30, which is what I generally use. Still can't get my head around why it's supposed to be cheaper to use cold water to fill a washing machine instead of hot.

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    Lovely card and as I already said to Janet ,she will have no problems to sell some of them.
    Have a nice afternoon tea at PV, we went to town this morning and had breakfast there, not easy to be good hihi
    Washing at 40 mostly, one wash for tops and shirts,jeans and towels in another, one for underwear at 60 and bed sheets. Just remember, never leave a red sock in with the others Lol Hope she soon get the hang of it all.
    I hope you all have a nice day, especially Michele and to anyone else who need some hugs I give out some big ones today and hope you all also have a nice weekend. Posted late yesterday , had some stuff to sort out first and I'm nearly there so thank you Sandra for this wonderful blog.
    Love and hugs to you all and if looking in, do say Hi
    Maria Xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and friends,
    I hope you and Paul enjoy this extra treat from your sister, how very thoughtful of her. Will be thinking of you and all those mouth watering desserts. I just love looking in the window at Patisserie Valerie‘s, I just stand there drooling 🍰 🍩🤐
    I really feel for Becca with her washing confusion. Bless her she will be fine and if in doubt ring Mum. I mostly do the washing at 40 degrees, it seem to me to be best choice for modern fabrics. We hardly have anything that is 100 percent cotton, when we had cotton sheets etc I would use a higher temperature.

    JANET, I love your card it really is inspiring thank you, I have both of these dies and had never thought to use them in this way. So once again THANK YOU xx

    I had problems yesterday trying to leave a message in the end I gave up sorry about that. Started to leave a message this morning and noticed below the comment box it had .... Comment as: Google. Carried on with my message but yes you’re with me, it went off to cyberspace. Went to SW’s blog was able to leave a message there came back to Sandra’s blog and it said Comment as: my name and Google in brackets. At that point OH asked could he use the iPad, so I want off and pottered in the garden. So in future I think I will have to check if my name is in the box each time. Hope it solves my problem.

    Hope everyone has had a good day. Sandra I am still thinking about those cakes in PV’s window. We are about to have a cup of tea, we have fruit cake or a biscuit. I nooooooot jealous !!! I certainly hope it will be a lovely experience for you both, after your disastrous treat at the Hilton.

    Sending Hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  10. I hope you had a lovely time at Patisserie Valerie SANDRA I was ogling the cakes last night as we walked passed a shop last night

  11. It published!
    I had a lovely surprise yesterday I knew I was being taken into London for an early birthday treat We went to Quaglino near the Ritz A beautiful Art Deco cocktail bar - had to partake in a couple! And to top it all Paul Young was performing!
    I hope people’s pain is easing Not nice especially in this cold damp weather

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies
    BRENDA I have also lost comments this week so Sandra I apologise if I have been missing. Well fingers crossed this will publish.
    I have had a peaceful day in my craft room Terry had a day's work today so I got 3 cards made one was a mixed media card I also did a canvas as well last week
    The other two I did for CC..
    JANET your card is gorgeous I'm sure you won't have any trouble selling them.
    MARGARET hope POP is behaving himself &a not over doing it sending you both Hug's xx
    MARIA I would hate going to the pain clinic like you I'm not good with a group thing,only if it's craft related. But how dose it help you by just talking about your pain Take care my friend.Hug's xxx
    VAL hope your feeling better now. Did you enjoy your craft club. Baby is settling in very well now Terry has taken her on the beach off her lead & just stays with him. I sit on a bench watching as can't walk on the sand. Hug's xx
    MICHELE sorry your work situation haven't been sorted. So sorry I won't meet you at the NEC it would have been lovely. Hug's xx
    PAT have a relaxing weekend both of you take care my friend Hug's xx
    Hope everyone has a good weekend Hug's for you all
    Love Lynda xxx
