
Saturday 21 October 2017

Mixed Craft Saturday

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

I have so many gorgeous works of art to share with you today, I am literally buzzing with excitement.  I can't believe how lucky I am that I have so many absolutely amazing friends and everyone of those friends is 'Super Talented' when it comes to anything to do with Crafting, whether it's Card Making, sewing, crocheting, 3D paper craft (box making etc) and Mixed Media/Altered art, you are all so gifted and I the one thing I love most about my blog is that I get to share your incredible talent with the rest of the crafting community, some of you would never have your work seen otherwise and that would be such a shame as you can guarantee that everyone of the projects I am sharing today will inspire at least one other person and that inspiration might be all that someone needs to start drafting, so let's get on with celebrating your amazing work.........


Janet has been busy making these absolutely stunning boxes, using a Tonic Verso die set, which gives you the die to cut both the top and bottom of the box and all the dies to decorate it too. You have decorated each box beautifully as always Janet, I absolutely love the Sewing themed one, what a perfect way to give someone their first sewing kit, I'm thinking of someone like Our Becca, who has started building her first home, you just don't think of things like sewing kits, it just needs to contain some dark and light cotton, scissors, maybe some elastic, a little time of buttons and maybe some 'Wonderweb' for those emergency hem situations.  Janet I can I be super cheeky and ask you to die cut me a set, I can send you some card, her home is very 'Shabby Chic' (I did swear that I never wanted to hear that again after listening to her go on about everything 'Shabby Chic' this past few weeks) lol! 
You could make them, feminine, masculine and for any season, no more buying expensive gift boxes! I'd love to see one that you have added lace and flowers to Janet, a proper 'Janet' altered box! 
I have added a photo of the die that Janet used for one of the boxes, just incase any of you are interested, they will probably have sold out by lunch time! 
You really have inspired me Janet and a good few others I don't doubt, Thank you so very much my lovely.


Lynda got some quality time in her craft room while Terry was busy and look what she managed to create!!  An absolutely stunning Mixed Media Canvas and Card, 
Two stunning works of art, its sometimes hard to understand just how much work goes into creating a Mixed Media Canvas, first of all there is the background, which has so much detail, even though it mostly gets covered up, it still takes ages, then you have all of the individual elements, the tag for example, you have blended different colour inks to create a lovely background then you have stamped and embossed the detail on top, you have then decorated the frame that shows off your vintage image perfectly, all of that done you then start on the embellishments, handmade/hand coloured flowers, beautiful metal beaded wire, hand stamped and cut butterflies, with added metal embellishments that compliment your design perfectly, just incredible Lynda.
Your card starts just like your canvas with the background, you have distressed a piece of patterned paper to give some real texture to your background, I think the thing I like most about this card is that you have used dark, metallic elements, black pearl swirls etc and Mixed them with soft colours, delicate lace and a pretty heart appliquΓ© that's hiding in the background, giving a base on which to arrange that pretty spray of flowers.  You are really gifted when it comes to Mixed Media Lynda, you aren't afraid to mix grunge with pretty lace and it really works, I am so jealous of the person that is going to receive your works of art Lynda, they are very lucky.
Thank you so very much for inspiring all of us.


Our Cheryl has been shopping and WOW, what a shop!!! I think you must have been The Range's best customer that day, it is so nice to be able to see Sue's dies in reality rather than on the internet, you get a better idea if size etc, I bought a Wreath die last year that would be perfect for a 'Borrowers' house it's so tiny, it looked so much bigger on line! 
Cheryl's dies were a very special birthday gift, very well deserved too, you are going to be able to make some absolutely stunning Christmas cards with this haul, do you have a favourite?? I think mine is a toss up between the 'Poinsettia Cluster' and that lovely Snowflake/Icicle Edger die set. I am really looking forward to seeing the cards you make Cheryl, I bet you can't wait to get crafting.
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with all of us Cheryl, have fun crafting!! 

Paul and I went to 'Patisserie Valerie' to have our Afternoon Tea yesterday, needless to say it was so much better than the diabolical experience we had at the Hilton, still no match to the one we had last year but very enjoyable all the same.  I was glad to get out of the house as there was something noise, we are having major improvement work done to the bungalow, so the first stage is erecting scaffolding at both ends, they will then remove the little roof that covered the front door, we are then having new windows, doors, radiators in lounge, they are then fitting thick foam cladding around the entire bungalow, it's going to be a bit stressful but hopefully worth it, we will have fun trying to keep Bella and Milo contained as the window units in the lounge /dining room take up pretty much the whole front and back of the house (they are like 10ft wide and 8ft high), to remove the radiators they need to drain the whole heating system, which they will then refill and repeat in the other half of the bungalow two days later, they can't do all of them together as they don't have the man power! I think I will barricade myself in my craft room, until they come to replace that window too! 
Fun weeks ahead for us! 

I hope you all have a lovely peaceful weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-WOW, the boxes are amazing, really beautiful e

    Lynda-gorgeous pieces of mixed media.

    Cheryl-love the selection of Dies, some gryones there.

    Sandra-glad your Afternoon Tea was enjoyable.

    After a very busy day yesterday I went straight to the hairdressers. Finally got out at 7pm then called at Tesco for bread/milk then finally home. I’d phoned the school where the Car Boot Sale is on, only to be told I wasn’t booked in, couldn’t book for today and I have to wait until Monday to book a table at the November one! Quickly phoned the Electrician who is coming out at 9am today then I can do my food shopping.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Thank you for your kind comment on my mixed media pieces.
      Your always so busy do you have time to breathe. Shame you couldn't book for your boot
      Sending some breathing Hug's πŸ€—πŸ€—

    2. Hi Michele. How annoying that you couldn't book for the car boot sale today and why on earth can't you book your place for November's boot sale today? I'm sure you will do very well at it though and looking on the bright side it gives you more time to make some more lovely things to sell. I hope you can relax tomorrow what ever you do x

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- so pleased you had a good 'Afternoon Tea' and I can just see you relaxing into a chair anticipating the beautiful sandwiches and cakes and well away from the builders noise. Hibernating into your craft room sounds a wonderful idea over the next few weeks/months but just keep thinking of the wonderful finish to your home.

    I have to say that I have really FELL IN LOVE with that Tonic set of dies. They cut so beautifully on the Gemini and the best bit is that you can decide on the depth of the box you need. I finished off another yesterday featuring 'Alice in Wonderland' which I'll photograph and send off to you.

    SANDRA- Of course I'll cut you a set and I don't need any card etc. If any of you Dear Friends want a set I'll also cut for you all. I'd love to see what you all would come up with.

    LYNDA- you are DEFINITELY QUEEN OF MIXED MEDIA. I love love your canvas and card. They're a work of art that each time you look at them you see something different. Just love them.

    CHERYL- WOW WOW that was a good shop!!!!
    Cannot wait to see some of your beautiful cards. I think my favourite is 'The Three Wise Men' they look so regal.

    Well I'm off to do my Meadowhall shopping and then hopefully a quiet afternoon is on the cards.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and CAKES will be on the counter for our Afternoon Tea as usual. Have a good day everyone. HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hello JANET thank you for Your lovey words on my mixed media canvas & card.
      I love your boxes πŸ“¦ they look a good size too. You Have decorated them beautifully. Have a good day Sending HUG'S xx

    2. Hi Janet. Your boxes are wonderful, each beautifully decorated. It will be good to see your Alice in Wonderland inspired one please. Would it be ok if you could cut me a set too please, this die set looks really good especially as you can choose the height of the box. Another addition to my wish list I think 😊 I hope you got your shopping done without getting too wet and wind blown this morning and have spent an enjoyable time crafting this afternoon x

  3. I love the boxes JANET Like SANDRA I particularly like the knitting/sewing one and filled with a few essential items would make a lovely new home gift
    Four years down the line I don’t think my daughter has any sewing equipment at all She brings it all to me!
    So pleased your afternoon tea was good OMG Does sound like a big upheaval SANDRA I hope they don’t leave you without any heating whilst they do it
    I love your mixed media LYNDA I keep promising myself to make a box frame using my late mother’s jewellery
    Great shopping CHERYL I have the three wise men and Poinsettia ones They (as SANDRA has mentioned) are quite small in real life but are beautiful to work with
    Now my craft room is functional but not finished I need to make 4 cards over the weekend including the cc
    Have a lovely weekend everyone

    1. Thank you Karen so much for liking my mixed media canvas & card.
      Hope you get all your cards made. Have a good weekend
      Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Karen. I also get a lot of the families sewing to do, especially taking up trousers, as I've got a sewing machine. I made RJ,eldest son, a basic sewing tin up not long after he left home which he uses to sew a button on, stitch a small split seam or hem a similar. I looked on the shops when he asked me to chose him a suitable one but they either are full of very low quality items, cost a fortune or had far too many bits and bobs that would never get used so I found a suitable tin in my stash, spent about £5 on a decent quality pair of small scissors and got the rest of the items from my own sewing box, which was my Grans. RJ was delighted with the resulting kit and often uses it to replace a lost shirt button or for a minor repair.
      I hope you are getting on well in your new craft room and are able to lay your hands on what you want easily x

  4. Afternoon ladies,

    Oh my, Janet, what gorgeous boxes you have created. I love them all and I too would like one cut please. And I really must apologise quite profusely regarding the extra die cuts you sent for the Preschool. I only found out when I read all the comments I have missed and I did not remember opening another packet from you. Checking my porch, the postman must have flung them in through the door (regularly as is their wont in the summer months), and there your package was... tucked behind some plant pots. Many thanks dear heart. The pre-school will love them.
    I was having a quiet time yesterday afternoon when the porch door opened and I heard a loud thump as something landed on the floor. Luckily it was not broken ... but I have no idea who the deliverer was so I could complain if it had been broken. Honestly!

    Lynda... Queen of Mixed Media I salute you. Your creations are always so stunning and amaze me with their intricacy at times. I am still short of time to get my mojo into gear and practice myself...I have a whole box full of various items to use on things to upcycle them.

    My shopping was really special to me as this is Pete's birthday presents to me for my 65th last month. I have chosen carefully which ones of Sue's new dies I would use the most. I really wanted the Hexagonal die sets but they were not on the shelving so I chose others on my list. It is the first time I have seen Sue's dies in our branch of The Range and they just sort of 'jumped' like lemmings into my wheely basket.
    The prices were only 50p-60p dearer than Set Craft and I had the luxury of having them straight away. Tomorrow is my play date with them, today is housework (Oooh I hate that word). Boring..
    Oh well I must start now, I went to the Salvation Army jumble sale this morning with my friend Jean and got some lovely bargains again. I managed to get 30 mugs for 10p each, a beautiful shell like patterned photo frame for 20p, a brand new 5ft Christmas swag for £2, and a fancy wooden magazine rack for £2 as well. This will be one of my upcycle projects for next year. If you have a SA hall near you and they put on a jumble sale, please go and support them. All the monies raised go to helping less fortunate persons in their community whether it be Christmas dinners & presents or play days for the children. A very worthy cause to support.

    (((((HUGS))))) for all who are still undergoing different treatments or awaiting appointments.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl thank you very much for your kind words for my mixed media canvas & card. I could do better.
      Wow your amazing SW Dies your defiantly have fun using them. Our Range hasn't got any of Sue's Dies just a few x cuts ones.
      Have a good weekend with some special HUG'S xx

    2. Hi Cheryl. I love your selection of dies and I'm sure Pete will be looking down waiting to see what beauties you create with them. There are so few jumble sales these days where you can get the sort of bargains that you got today, and for such a good cause. We hold our Scout group one twice a year and people queue from midday so they can be first in when we open the doors at 2pm as there are not any other "proper" jumble sales with "proper" jumble sale prices around our area. Another village group have a sale they advertise as a jumble but it is a table top sale really as everything is very neatly lined up and laid out and they then charge a minimum of £2.00 for a paperback book and at least £1 per mug for example so it's rather misleading to call it a jumble sale as we get told time and again at ours! Have a good time using your bargains, what have you got in mind for the mugs I wonder 😊 Please share some pics with the finished articles x

  5. Hello All, from a very wet and windy Cornwall, had to go and rescue plants, that I thought I’d anchored really well.

    Janet what lovely boxes, you are so talented, could they be covered in fabric , just wondering as I have loads of bits and pieces.

    Lynda, what amazing pieces of art you produce, I try to do this but just don’t seem have the knack, always looks a mess. Do you frame them?

    I’m trying to sort through my huge boxes of paper, I find it difficult to throw it out, so any thing under 6” is going out, well that’s the theory, hugs to all, stay safe if you have a visit from Brian. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian thank you for your lovely comments on my mixed media canvas & card. I haven't framed any of them. The trouble is finding room for them in my craft room.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Lilian. We have been lucky so far here today as Brian hasn't been quite as strong as expected. I hope you don't have any more dashes to rescue plant pots etc. Funnily I was talking to Sandra about our scraps earlier this afternoon. I had a good sort out of my scraps in the spring as I had so many of them. I only have one scrap box now but since our grand daughters have discovered my punches the scraps are vanishing rapidly! Typical isn't it, if I had kept it all I wouldn't need any would I 😏 Good luck with your paper sorting x

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Thank you Sandra for sharing my mixed media today & your perfect description sorry Sandra I never send you a rundown of what I've used.
    Hope you &Paul enjoyed your afternoon tea yesterday & was better than the last One. A very lovely surprise from your sister.
    Terry was out painting again so i cleared up quickly then went playing in craft room trying a steampunk grungysort of card also made CC just got to take picture & send it to Sandra. CU has just fallen πŸ’€ so going to craft room.
    Hope everyone is having a good Saturday Hug's for you all.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Queen of mixed media Lynda. You have made another two lovely mixed media pieces.
      I just wouldn't know where to start but you really have got the knack 😊 It sounds like you have been having fun in your craft room while CU has been out or having a snooze. I hope your legs are being kind to you x

  7. Hi Sandra and all.
    Janet, I just love your boxes and he beautiful was you've decorated them. Very clever.
    Lynda, very pretty canvas and card. Yo really are an expert on these.
    Not long home after being in Lynns shop all day sorting out the Christmas cards.First of all I had to condense the general three racks of cards into two which took longer than I thought.Anyway it's all done now for another year yeh.
    I'm using my new tablet for the first time today. Technology and me are not the best of friends and I'm hoping this comment goes through.
    Just off for a shower. Feeling really tired. I think an early night is on the cards.
    Cheryl, you've bought really great dies. Bet you'll have fun using them.
    Hugs to allxxx

    1. Thanks Val for your lovely comments on my mixed media.
      How many Christmas cards have you done for Lyns shop
      Have a good sleep.
      Hug's xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all,
    Sorry I have not commented for a couple of days, somebody is pinching them.
    Sandra loved your card on Thursday. Good luck with
    Janet your cards yesterday were lovely & your boxes today are great, please may I take you up on your offer, you can put mine in with Sue's if you like, thank you for showing us
    Lynda well done on your mixed media, you are so
    Cheryl what a lovely selection of dies you bought, our Range keep quite alot, I don't go in there unless I need to it is too tempting. Have fun using them. Thank you for my card by the
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret thank you for your kind words on my mixed media
      Hope POP is improving day by day take care
      Hug's on the way xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and friends,
    Today has been a really off day. Thought I would spend the day in my craft room. That didn’t happen. But I’m ok now and that’s the important thing. Sorry Sandra no CC from me.

    What a fantastic Saturday display.
    JANET, Love your boxes, what a great way to give a gift. xx
    LYNDA, I agree you are the Queen of Mixed Media. I wouldn’t know where to start on a project like this . Thank you for your inspiration xx
    CHERYL, WOW What a fantastic selection of dies you have invested in. I know you are going to make some fantastic cards with these. Lovely if share the results with us. xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day, sleep well, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda thank you so much for your kind comments on my mixed media. I wasn't sure about them I'm just learning really I love a challenge. Sorry you have been down today.
      Sending you some healing Hug's xxx

  10. Hi ladies,
    who stole this Saturday I wonder? and I who thought it was Friday today Lol anyhow I'm here now to have a look at some wonderful works from you ladies and wow Janet I love your boxes, especially the one with the sewing items on. I also like to have one cut (if no problem) please, always nice to try before buy :-)
    Lynda- great mixed medium work. Not sure how you do it but they always look so good. Hope you had a better day.
    Oh boy Cheryl, you have really had a fab day shopping and got some very nice dies. Looking forward to see what you make.
    Hope you all have a nice weekend. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria thank you for liking my mixed media I don't know what I'm doing I just get a few papers embellishments & just see what looks best.
      Good luck tomorrow at WW.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxx
