
Sunday 29 October 2017

Your Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

The challenge

Happy Birthday Karen

Good Morning Ladies,

I know how much you all love our Sunday Blog post, this one is extra special because it's Karen's birthday !!  Happy Birthday Karen, I hope you have an amazing day, filled with all of the things you love, including  Oscar and Salsa !! Sending you huge birthday hugs XXX.

Now onto the bit that you are all looking forward to........


Michele has made not one...but three fantastic cards for this week's challenge, 3 very different, fantastic Christmas cards....    Here is Michele's description.....

" Card No 1 was made using the free die from Diecutting Essentials, all I did was use some blue mirri card and white pearl card to cut the Merry Christmas/scene die out. I added stickles glue to create a snowy effect. Blue/Dry Embossing/Snow.    Card No 2 is using some very old Dovecraft papers and Creative Expressions Noel Die. I raised the Diecut using 1mm foam pads and added the gemstones. Blue/C+S/Designer paper."

Card number 3 made using Categories: Dry Embossing/Red/Green/ Colour with Markers. Oh Michele such a cute card, made with a Free Gift from a previous issue of Paperback Essentials magazine (so it is worth keeping all those little kits)!
I love how you have used the freebie Michele, a perfect Christmas card for your Nieces/Nephews. 
Thank you Michele for managing 3 fantastic Christmas cards for this week's challenge, I really do appreciate you .


Karen made 3 cards for this week's challenge, which is amazing!
The first card was made using Categories: Blue/Dry Embossing/Snow
Karen's description........
(For some reason my tablet wouldn't allow me to copy/paste so I had to screenshot/crop.)
Karen I love this card, perfect for its recipient too, every element works perfectly!
The second card uses Categories: Blue/White/Dry Embossing, 
Karen made this card and the 3rd card for Charlotte's Dance Partner who had a little boy this week, I adore that cute little bear, I particularly like that you have made him grey rather than going for blue, it somehow looks more realistic (fur), Sitting him in that offset frame was genius, I would have never have thought of doing that but my goodness it works! Thank you, again!
The third and final card uses Categories:Blue/White/Decorative Papers,  made for the same person as the card above but a totally different look, although equally amazing!
this card uses Sue Wilson Shadowbox dies, which are so perfect for such an occasion.
Three fantastic cards Karen, thank you so very much. Now go and Enjoy your Birthday! 

Oh Janet, I love this card, you have used the Categories:
Blue/ Decorative Paper/Colouring Markers for your gorgeous birthday card, that die cut is just stunning Janet and the Newsprint paper works amazingly with that blue, the soft colouring of the butterflies works so well, any darker and it would have taken away from that beautiful die cut area.
Janet, thank you, another amazing Blog contribution, thank you so much for your continuous support, I really do appreciate you.


Our Margaret managed two cards while playing nurse to 'Pops' and running around for others, you are amazing Margaret, 
The first card uses categories: Blue/White/Embossing, 
Such a pretty birthday card, again simply elegant, sometimes 
'less is more' I think, although I do love a totally OTT card too. 
I am pretty sure the 'recipient' will love it! 😉
The second card uses categories: Red/Green/White/Dry Embossing, this time Margaret has made a pretty Christmas card, I love that pretty Holly Wreath Margaret.
Thank you so much Margaret, I hope you enjoyed your crafting time.

I can't tell you how excited I was to see that the lovely Wendy (aka Spanish Crafter) had made a card for this week's challenge, 
Wendy chose the Categories: Red/Green/Ribbon/Decorative Paper for her stunning Quilled birthday card, I just love quilling Wendy, you have really inspired me, Sue (Mrs B) made me a kit for my birthday a year ago and I loved making all the elements up, I just never got around to designing anything with them. I adore that beautiful flower! 
Thank you so very much for taking part and inspiring us all with something new.  I look forward to your next card. 

Lynda has designed a fantastic Christmas card using the Categories: Red/Green/Ribbon / Embossing.
Such a lovely Christmas card Lynda, it has a 'Scandinavian' look to it, obviously made for someone special!
Thank you so much for taking part Lynda 

Cheryl has chosen the Categories: Red/Dry Embossing/ white
To create her Clean and Simple style Christmas card, I love the simple elegance Cheryl, perfect card for 'batch making' .
Thank you so much for finding the time to take part this week, such a pleasure having you in the line up! 

Lilian has chosen a Christmas card for this week's challenge using Categories: Snow/Blue/Colour With Markers.                          Lilian your card bought an instant smile to my face, who could help smiling at that adorable face?.  What a lovely stamp, which you have coloured beautifully, what did you use for his fluffy it's on his hat, was it the puffy stuff that you heat or just a snowy sprinkle stuff? Either way it looks amazing.                                   Thank you for brightening my day Lilian and taking part in this week's challenge.


Val has used the Categories: Blue/Dry Embossing/Clean and Simple to create this amazing Anniversary card, such a lovely design Val, I may have to borrow your idea, I thing it would work with so many different die cuts.  It never ceases to amaze me how many different styles and designs you come up with and we only get to see a fraction of the cards that you actually make.  I would love to see a photo of all of your Christmas cards in their display in the Shop, as I'm sure the others would too (if you have time) x.
Thank you so much Val, I know you are struggling with your craft Mojo at the moment but you still manage amazing cards!!!  Sending extra big hugs.


Brenda has designed a Stunning Christmas card for this week's challenge, using Categories: Blue/White/ Dry Embossing.
I'm glad it's not just me that's opting for Blue and White for Christmas cards this year, I love your card Brenda, those stars are almost an 'electric ' blue, the little bows finish the perfectly.  
Thank you so much for taking part Brenda.

Ladies, what can I say, you have really gone that extra mile this week, your cards are amazing, if only you could hear the sounds I make when I open the emails etc!  You all bring a smile to my face, it's nice to receive 'Happy Mail'.  I must go now and think of something for next week's challenge.                                      
Enjoy your Sunday Ladies,

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Hello All, not sure what happened to my comment yesterday, maybe I forgot to publish.

    Wonderful cards as always, so many different ideas , Sandra the “snow” on my card is dries white glue with diamond sparkle embossing powder, I tried the puffy embossing powder but find it goes a bit yellow.

    Hope you all have a lovely lazy Sunday, hugs Lilian

  2. Morning Everyone
    At last the wind has died down and we have a calm start to the day here. We had gale force winds all day yesterday and the cherry tree and almond tree are now completely bare with a lawn of beautiful golden leaves.

    WOW WOW WOW what a BUMPER BUNDLE we have this week. All so beautiful and while we have a lot of Christmas Cards not one resembling another. Thank goodness PAUL got us those extra boards earlier in the year as we definitely need them this week.
    I love each and everyone of them.

    KAREN- HAPPY BIRTHDAY - I just know you'll have a lovely day whatever is planned.

    Now the CAFE is OPEN and it's a Roast Pork dinner on the menu today so place your orders please.

    I'll be missing for the next couple of days but hopefully Marigny Dobbie will be on duty from Wednesday (arriving Tuesday evening so please make sure he and Herman don't get up to mischief on All Hallows)lol.

    HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Karen-hope you have a fantastic day.

    WOW-what an amazing selection of challenge cards, I love the fact we’ve all used the same Tic Tac Toe board but come up with such different designs.

    We have sunshine this morning which is lovely after 2 days of very strong winds & rain. I think we’ll be doing some weeding today-a final tidy up in the back garden I think.


  4. Hi Sandra and all,


    Great cards again ladies. Lovely to see so much blue. A really great tic tac toe this week.

    JANET. Have a safe journey tomorrow. Would love your roast pork lunch but I out for a meal today and having the two would be just plain

    My poor DIL is back in hospital. She has an infection in her womb and cellulitis so Tuesdays op to remove the rest of her lymph nodes has been put on hold. She's just written she'll be glad when this year ends. It's been awful for them in so many ways.

    Well a bit of ironing and some sorting out to do before I get picked up to go out for lunch. Hope you all remembered to put your clocks back.

    Have a good Sunday whatever you're up to.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Val sorry to hear DIL's latest problem, they most be wondering what next? Sending hugs to you

  5. Thank you thank you thank you for your beautiful cards ladies (and yes SANDRA the recipient of MARGARET’s loves it)
    I am being thoroughly spoilt We are going to a Motown show in St Albans tonight Hopefully Oscar will visit as at some point
    My birthday’s are a little bit bittersweet I love that people remember me and always appreciate what they do for me but tomorrow would be my sister’s 58th birthday and sadly she collapsed and died on her 40th So at some point today I will be taking a birthday card and flowers to place on her grave
    Today’s cards are amazing I really enjoyed this challenge and coincidentally I needed to make New Baby cards too
    Yesterday at the quilt show was brilliant So much fabric and beautiful designs on show and yes I bought stuff I will send SANDRA some photos
    Take care all whatever you’re up to xxx

    1. Happy Birthday, hope it’s a lovely one, hugs Lilian

    2. 💐 HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN 🍸 Wishing you a wonderful day. I hope you are being spoilt with love and good wishes. It's good to hear you enjoyed the show yesterday and have some new goodies to use on the table in your fabulous craft room. It looks so organised. Do you fancy coming and sorting my muddled stash out? 😊
      I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Sending you gentle hugs x

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN enjoy your day with Oscar cuddles xx
    WOW some beautiful Challenge cards today. I was going to make another one as wasn't happy with it ( bit dark )but with the gas man in & out of my craft room couldn't get in there. Me & Baby are home alone again CU is helping someone move house & he's got more painting for the next two or three weeks which will out helpe out financially. My leg doesn't seem to be getting any better I think it could be sciatica as doctor says it's a pulled muscle but the pain is going down my leg now. I will carry on regardless now with my trusty walking stick ☹️
    JANET hope everything is ready for you setting off to Marginy tomorrow have a safe journey. I loved your c card Janet it's stunning love that Die.xx
    Well I better get showered & dressed & then play in my craft room
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi ladies, wow what stunning cards from everyone, not really been into card making for a while until a few days ago. Having seen these fab cards you have all inspired me to make a few more.. Happy birthday Karen. Have a lovely day everyone xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely selection of cards again this week, I enjoyed the challenge. I had already made Karen's card over the weekend & suddenly realised it was
    Karen a very happy birthday, pleased you like
    Janet I would live roast pirk if you have any left please. Hope Jim is feeling better & hope you have safe journey to
    Maria hope you enjoyed the workshop, thank you for asking after Pop, the stitches came out well & he is walking well & in less pain which is brilliant, however I will not see you at NEC as I cannot leave him for the day yet, very disappointed but can't be helped, will be thinking of you
    Lynda have you had a scan on your back? it might be worth asking because a problem with your leg could be coming from your back. I know as I had similar problem & it was nerves pinched in spine, operation solved problem immediately, well worth looking at. Sending hugs to you & CU &
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret I had a nuclear X-ray on my lower back & I had to turn over & took one of my bad leg as well. I haven't herd anything yet. Not sure if it was the RA clinic as haven't seen my doctor since she said I had pulled a muscle. I will give the RA clinic next week. I have also got appointment with the orthopaedic clinic on1st December I have to have a injection so not sure what that's all about.
      Thank you Margaret for your input. Sending Hug's & glad Pop is doing well love Lynda xx

  9. Wonderful cards by all the ladies Sandra.
    Already wished Karen happy birthday on Facebook.

  10. Hello Sandra and all,

    Firstly I have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN hope you are being spoilt by everyone. I’m sure Oscar has a big birthday hug just for you. xx

    What a fantastic card display we have today, I love all of them. This challenge gave lots of great choices. In fact I had already made a card similar to mine, it has Red and Green stars on, but I didn’t emboss it.

    Sorry I haven’t been in for a few days, Friday just flew by, yesterday I didn’t leave a message until the evening, only to notice when I pressed publish that my name wasn’t in the comment as box. Grrrrrrr !!!!! Will I ever learn to check.

    Sandra I hope Mum is feeling better than she was and is using her inhaler. Did you decide on getting a small die cutting machine? I use my little Explorer a lot, it is especially handy when just to cut a sentiment or the odd little element.

    CHERYL, how did the panto meeting go? Hope you received an apology. xx

    VAL, your poor DIL must be sick of the sight of hospitals, I hope her operation doesn’t have be postponed for to long. xx

    JANET, Hope Jim is feeling a bit better and well enough to drive. Have a safe and uneventful journey xx

    I’m sure I had other messages to leave, but my mind has gone blank, ...... nothing new there !!!

    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Such a beautiful bunch of challenge cards to look at again today.
    I keep thinking I have decided on what to do for the majority of my Christmas cards then change my mind every time I see the fantastic ones you all come up with 😊.
    Sandra, I'm glad your Mum seems a bit better, antibiotics are wonderful on the one hand but cause their own problems don't they! I hope you aren't in as much pain today after the long journeys on Friday my lovely xx
    I don't think I commented yesterday, we had an early start then spent the day with Chris jnr at Mum and Pop's and I didn't get to look into the Café until the evening then got sidetracked so just want to say that I love the card and your ",freebie" dies Michele.
    Janet, I love the Alice in Wonderland box. I hope Jim is starting to feel better so that you are able to set off tomorrow X
    Cheryl, a lovely card. Thank you for sharing it X
    I'm sorry if I have forgotten anyone.
    I have had a quite day today, am just about to do the ironing them have a card to make.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Late posting again, sorry for that but have been out all day and we got home half an hour ago so now sitting here with a mug of tea and enjoying the walk through your amazing cards that's on show today. I love them all !
    Lilian- you are so lucky to have "Snowy" ( lovely card),everywhere I'm looking he is sold out. Hope to get him and his family one day.
    Hi Wendy- lovely to see a card made like yours, it is beautiful.
    Karen- happy birthday young lady :>) hope your day have been fabulous and you have been truly spoiled. Love your cards, the baby ones are so cute.
    Michele- wonderful cards from you. I tried to get hold of the die cutting one but they had sold out, just my luck.
    Val- so sorry to hear about your DIL. Sending you special hugs to her and the family. Take care
    Hi Danielle- nice to see you here. Hope to see you again.
    It's late as I said and actually the bed is calling so I hope you all had a good Sunday as possible and I wish you a good night. I tell you tomorrow about yesterday ,if you like it or not Lol xxxx
