
Saturday 28 October 2017

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,
Welcome to another 'Mixed Up Saturday'
I had planned to upload a Video Tutorial for you to follow but sadly we were
Delayed getting back from Colchester last night, we got in at about 10pm and
To be honest I just wanted to go to bed, the journey home was horrible, lots of traffic and hold ups, I'm not sure how much longer I can manage to do both journeys in one 
day for, it's just too long to sit in one position, I try not to jiffle about too much on the
Journey home as I would hate Paul to have to feel that he needed to rush.
Mum was ok, she was asleep when we arrived but soon woke up and had lots to 
talk about, we took lunch which she enjoyed too, her chest does sound congested,
We tried to explain the importance of using her inhalers today as she hadn't been using them regularly, I explained that she would end up back in hospital if she 
didn't start using them properly,  thankfully her antibiotics seemed to have 
worked their magic, I did take her a large pack of Bio Live yoghurts as she 
Says her mouth has been sore since taking the antibiotics, so hopefully they will 
Help restore some of her good bacteria.
Anyway onto today's crafts........


Made this Card for Max’s 5th Birthday-I used a Spellbinders die for the card base and the topper is by Whizz Kids . I won a Whizz Kids bundle ages ago-there were stamps, papers & a decoupage book of toppers. I used the toppers as it made a quick card and the card folds flat for posting to the USA. Max has recently started to play “soccer “ so this topper seemed perfect.

Thank you Michele, now let's have a 
Look at your shopping. 

Some lovely new dies Michele, some 
Great dies to make 'Man cards' the first
Thought that comes into my head is one of those tool storage boards that my Dad had in his garage, that 'Peg Board will be really useful, I can't wait to see the amazing cards that you'll design with this haul.
Thank you so much my lovely.


Janet sent me a photo of another one of her amazing hexagonal 
Boxes to share with all of You, this one has been decorated with the Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.  Janet has added 
So much intricate detail including clocks, 
Stopwatches and potion bottles.
Then hiding inside is an amazing handmade teacup with the White Rabbit inside and Alice peering in.
Such an amazing work of art Janet,
Thank you so much for sharing it 
With all of us.


Karen has very kindly sent me some photos  of her newly organised Craft Room.
Karen you have so much space and everything is SO organised!
I will add Karen's description of things that are still to be done/added......

"Here are a couple of photos of my room
I still need shelving, curtains etc and when my sister in law returns our pasting table is going to go on the left hand wall My friend is going to help with making “something” to decorate a wall and I will be putting up some pictures"
Karen it will look amazing when you have added your
Finishing touches.  How many things did 
You discover that you had 'put somewhere safe'??
Thank you so much for sharing your room with all of us.

Thank you so much to all of you that took part today, I love seeing what you get up to in 
Your spare time!
Have a lovely weekend ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely windy and cold morning here in Sheffield.

    MICHELE- Oh I love your card which fits the stepper card image perfectly and I can just see any little boy's eye light up when he opens his birthday card. Please tell me where you got the image from. Your dies look very interesting and very very useful. I cannot wait to see some of your creations using them.

    KAREN- Oh how I would love love love to have a craft room like yours. It looks so big and so neat and tidy. I really am green with envy. It's one of my dreams to have a dedicated craft room one day.

    My box is from the Tonic 'Verso Dimensions' die and the Alice decorations are from 'Alice Paper Cup and Saucer' kit by Dolly Dimples. I have now used all the cup and saucer kit (3 sets per package) so will be looking to buy another set. They are so easy to cut out and always look lovely.

    To All DEAR FRIENDS who requested a set for the boxes. Your packages were put in the post yesterday so you should be receiving them shortly. Please let me know if they don't arrive. I really hope you all enjoy making a box and will let us see the results.

    Off this morning to do a quick shop as we have to get to the local chemist well before noon to pick up some antibiotic for Jim has he has come down with a water infection. Fingers crossed they start to work this weekend or we may not be on our way to marigny on Monday.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you to pop in as usual. Cakes will be on the counter this afternoon and don't forget these are CALORY FREE lol.

    HUGs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Your box and tea cup were fabulous you really are superb at what you make. I hope you have a trouble free journey on Monday. Hope your friend I'd ok on his treatment.

    2. Meant to say Janet I hope Jim's infection clears up soon. The antibiotics usually lick in pretty quickly.
      I know when Pete gets them it's pretty bad. He used to be able to call into the surgery, say, I think I've got a water infection. He would be given a bottle, have it tested, and a prescription given. Last time we went in he was told to make an appointment to see the dr which was 3 days later. New precedyres he was told. He's in agony when he goes in without waiting an extra three days. Not to sure who came up with that idea.

    3. Hi Janet, I love your boxes and I hope mine will look at least 80% as good as yours. A huge Thank You for sending me a pack, it came this morning and it is so many pieces Lol once again thank you so much ! xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-your Box is absolutely gorgeous, it’s stunning and a real Keepsake.

    Karen-what a tidy, spacious craft room. I have storage envy now...!!!!

    My card was made using a Spellbinders due to create the card base & Whizz Kids decoupage toppers. Months ago I won a bundle of Whizz Kids goodies so this was the perfect time to use them. Max has recently started playing Soccer so hopefully he’ll like his card.
    My Creative Expression Dies were a bargain-I won a £50 voucher to spend at Craftstash by completing an online survey for Practical Publishing-because I’m a subscriber they send out customer satisfaction surveys. It’s quite funny really as I was quite critical about the particular magazine so it goes to show they reside want honest feedback!

    Best get ready for the Electrician who is due at 8:30!!


    1. Michele
      Love the card you've made for Max. A fantastic image on the front I must say. His friends will all envious of a card designed by you, winging its way from England.
      Lucky you winning a voucher from a Magazine to spend on craft goodies.
      Hope the electrician managed to sort you out.

    2. Hi MICHELE love your card I'm sure Max will love it.
      Amazing set of Dies How wonderful winning a craft review on a magazine. You have bought some brilliant set of Dies well done xx

    3. Hi Michele, Max is a very special person and he will love his football themed card. take care xx

  3. Ooh what a lovely lot of goodies Did you buy the dies in the States MICHELE if so were they cheaper?
    Great card for Max too Not many young boys in America can receive s card with soccer on it
    JANET I love your boxes
    My room is great although it’s a huge mish mash When we get the pasting table it will definitely be going in there I’d like to get back into sewing more So I’d be able to set up sewing machine and not have to clear it all away in order to eat! I have found a few bits I thought I’d lost eg a Cor’dination pack BUT I have also put things away in safe places which I can’t find eg anti static bag I could have used that on my cc
    Had a last minute invite to go to a quilting show at Duxford today I’m really looking forward to it I’ve never been to one
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I've also lost an anti static bag and had to buy another one at Ally Pally in April, now I'm not to sure where that one is either.
      I hope you enjoyed your quilting show at Duxford.

    2. Hi Karen wow love your super dooper craft room you have so much space. Hope you enjoyed Your quilting show.
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Karen, wow so much storage place and your room look so big and plenty of room for crafting. Me green, well maybe just a little.
      Hope you had a good day at the quilting show. hugs xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and all,
    so pleased Sandra that you found your mum feeling ok. I bet it really cheered her up seeing all of you.
    MICHELE just love your card. Perfect for a young boy. I bet Max will be delighted.
    JANET what a perfect box and such a cute teapot. Do you keep them or are they to sell at your Table Top stall?
    KAREN such a today craft room and so spacious. I bet you're delighted with it well worth all the work you've put into it.
    MARIA yes one of these I will surprise you by turning up at one of the big craft shows and meeting you all. Have a great time with Julia and Leonie.
    PAT hope you're having a good time away. Dementia is such an upsetting illness. My MIL had it and lived with us for about 18 months. It was such a strain especially as my children were both under 5 at the time. I feel so sorry for the carers, it's not an easy life.
    MARGARET hope POP is doing well and you're ok.
    SUE hope you're feeling a lot better now
    LYNDA hope you CO and baby are all ok.
    Meeting a friend for coffee shortly so better get a move on.
    Hugs to everybody
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val hope you enjoyed your coffee with your friend.
      Baby is doing fine but still has a issue with being picked up from the floor. So I have to call her up on my lap so cu can put her lead on.
      Thank you for asking . Hope all your babies are all fine.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val wow, that would have been a strain for you with two small children. Jill finds it hard juggling work, home life and her Mum. She has to travel about 16 miles both ways. I glad she was able to have a bit of me time while we were down. I told her not to come over while we were down. Just a shame we couldn't come on Wed as planned.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Once again I've forgotten to leave a comment. A bit windy here in Essex. It was nice and sunny earlier on though.spent a lovely afternoon with our friends Freda and Jim who live in Elmstead Market.
    Janet your Alice in Wonderland box and cup and saucer are fantastic. Love them both and how clever you are to make such a work of Art.
    Karen I love how spacious and tidy your craft room is. Everything put away in boxes as well. Love how tidy it all looks.
    Karen, saw a couple of your Halloween costume on Facebook, but not a one looked like you. Hope you enjoyed yourselves.

    1. Hi Pat glad your enjoying your few days away & meeting up with friend's Hope weather is ok tomorrow.
      Sending Hug's Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      It's supposed to be a bit colder tomorrow. However, we're meeting up with Jill and her family for lunch at the pub. I'm afraid Bet can't come as she struggles to get out of the house. We'll go home from Jill's tomorrow after tea.

  6. Crikey, I am having trouble commenting today.
    Cheryl, I wondered how you got on at your meeting yesterday. I'm afraid I wasn't able to morph into a fly to land on your wall.

  7. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Not sure why but after commenting on way down yesterday All published ok then I did my long comment the blo..dy thing wouldn't publish. Tried three times &I gave up. Sandra your card yesterday was gorgeous.
    JANET your boxes & tea cup are Amazing love them.
    Had a waisted day yesterday as workmen were putting new gas pipes in they had to do ours indoors in my craft room in meter cupboard is in there. As my craft room is half the garage they couldn't do it from outside. They started at 11am & finished at 5.30pm so wasn't able to get in craft room.
    Hope this will publish
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Lynda
    Yes, this is the same problem I'm having. Either won't publish when I press publish or it disappears altogether. Shame the workmen spoilt your day.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I have just lost a long message. Sometimes I do not understand how our messages drift off into cyberspace
    Sorry I didn't leave a comment yesterday. Think someone stole the hours in my day.

    CHERYL hope the pantomime meeting went well xx
    SUE, Don't forget where Phoebe has put her special picture. xx
    JANET, Love your Alice in Wonderland box. xx

    I'm sure I had other messages sorry think I lost my thread. Sorry my bed is calling.
    Sleep well dear friends, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx
