
Friday 27 October 2017

Festive Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

These Fridays are certainly coming round super fast aren't they?
There are 8 weeks until Christmas Day!!  Now that is scary!
This time next week some of us will be meeting Michele at the NEC, I am really looking forward to it, if anyone else is able to join us you will be most welcome x

Now onto today's card, I have been wanting to try Dark grey with silver and white for a while, so I decided to use that combination to design a Clean and simple Christmas card.
I used the new Stampin' Up! Winter Wonder Embossing Folder to create the focal point of  the card, I die cut some snowflakes from the Season Layers Thinlits and Swirly Snowflakes Thinlits to embellish the card with.  I matted the embossed front onto Silver and then onto the Basic Grey card and then mounted onto a white 5 x 7 base card.  I popped one of the snowflakes into the centre of the embossed snowflake and then topped that with a silver faceted gem, I ran a piece of the Silver edged ribbon across the card and topped that with a piece of the amazing silver sequin trim (i love it)!
I then tied a box in the same ribbon, topped with a silver snowflake and a tiny faceted gem, the sentiment is from Stampin' Up! Teeny Tiny sentiments, which I punched out using the Banner punch, I layered this onto a little piece of the silver card too.
I quite like how it turned out, I hope you do too.

We have an early start today as we are off to my Mun's, she didn't sound too bad on the phone yesterday so hopefully she will be fine when we get there.  The girls are coming too as they haven't
been for a while as Paul and I have been going during the week as we are usually on Dad's Taxi duties at the weekend for the girls work run!
Sophie got back from Barcelona on Wednesday night, she looked really tired but she said she had had an amazing time, which I was so pleased to hear, your first trip away with someone close to you can be a 'make or break' situation, hers is the former thankfully, her only complaint was that her legs ached from walking around "the whole" of Barcelona!  Needless to say Lucy was very happy to have her 'other half' home.

I hope that all of you have a fun packed Friday,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Hello All, very dark here.

    Sandra a beautiful card, love the different textures together.

    Managed to get my c card made yesterday so will send later.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your still feeling better in yourself. I'm sorry to hear it was quite quite down your neck of the woods. It's nice and sunny here in Essex. Supposed to be nice tomorrow as well.

  2. Morning Ladies

    WOW-stunning Card Sandra, it’s absolutely gorgeous.

    I didn’t get anything done in my craft room last night, sat and watched a film on TV with hubby. I’ll try again tonight.

    As Sandra says-this time next week I’ll be heading out for my 1st of 3 train journeys to make it to the NEC. I do have a couple of items on my crafty shopping list to look for while I’m there.


    1. Hi Michele
      Didn't realise you had to change trains 3 times to get to the NEC. Hope the journey isn't to stressful. Looking forward to meeting you in the flesh so to speak.

  3. Hi Sandra. I love today's festive card. I wouldn't think of using grey on Christmas cards but this card looks so crisp and clean so thank you as always for the inspiration. Having seen the tiny sequin trim (not like the big ones that can be a bit overpowering)the other day I love how you have used it over the ribbon and that gorgeous snowflake embossing folder is beautiful. I hope you find your Mum better again today. I will be thinking of you onnthe ling journey my lovely. It's good to hear that Sophie enjoyed her break away with her boyfriend. It's usually hard for identical twins to go off and do different things so it's no surprise that Sophie and Lucy will have lots to catch up on. Take care my lovely X
    Michele, I'm looking forward to meeting you next Friday at the NEC. No doubt we will all see lots of new ideas for our Christmas cards and as you certainly have an eye for a bargain I wonder what you will find at the show x
    Lynda, I'm with you about builders tea, haven't been able to drink it for many years but still really miss a good strong cuppa so have one for me please 😊 I have got Phoebe's picture here as she doesn't want Mum and Dad to find it. I have tucked it away in a unit and shown her where it is as I will probably forget where I put it!!! Sending you and CU big hugs X
    I got side tracked with paperwork yesterday so didn't get to craft but still had a very productive day sorting out bits and pieces that needed doing. Off to see Mum and Pop today. See you later Mum. Love to you both xxxx
    I hope you all have a good day
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    I thought I'd commented yesterday!! I remember looking at CHERYL's beautiful 50th Card and but what happened then who knows. I'm not sure where my head was but it appears that it wasn't in the CAFE lol.

    SANDRA- a lovely simple but oh so affective card today. I love it.
    Take care going to 'Mums' and I'm sure she will be pleased to see you all.

    Busy day ahead for me and Jim is on his last day of chauffeuring for a couple of weeks. I managed to get the ferry booked and after a very frustrating time the hotel in Calais so all I need to do now is get everything together so the car can be packed this weekend. As we're only there for 10days there's not a lot of crafting stuff to take (just the material etc for the Christmas Stockings I need to make) but I'm sure the car will be full hehehe.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day so pop in as usual for your cuppa (for Dear Friends who don't like 'builder's tea' and I'm definitely one of those -I drink fruit teas and ground coffee-) we have a variety of teas etc for you all.

    HUGS are on their way to you all xxxx

    1. Hi JANET I have just had a lovely cup of builders tea ☕️ mmm went down a treat 👍.hope packing is going well. Glad you got the ferry & hotel booked. What's the weather like in Marginy?
      Take care my friend sending you & Jim some Hug's xxxxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Well I'm sure I posted something this morning but it seems to have disappeared into cyber space. Hope the packing goes ok and you manage take everything you need. I'm also glad you managed to book the ferry and hotel. I'm with you Janet not liking builders tea.

  5. Hi Sandra and all, like Janet I did write a quick comment yesterday as I was dashing out for my flu jab but whether I forgot to press publish or it just disappeared I don't know. Sorry your mum isn't feeling so good Sandra. I hope you find her a lot better when you get there. Have a safe journey. Glad Sophie had a lovely time in Barcelona.
    Off to craft class today. I've really lost my mojo since I finished the cards for the shop. I hope I find it soon as I've neglected stocking up the general cards and as usual I have quite a lot to do.
    How lovely that Michele is off to the NEC and you're going to meet up. You can probably hear the note of envy in my voice.
    Better dash as Wendy is picking me up in 20 minutes. Just time to eat my Weetabix.
    Hugs to all. Valxxx

    1. Hi VAL hope you enjoyed craft club did you find your mojo did you find it under your chair last time you was there. :0)) Sending you some mojo Hug's xxxx

    2. Hi Val
      Well I hope this posts 2nd time around. I hope you enjoyed your craft club today. I hope you managed to find your mojo as well, as you've rather a lot of cards to do by the sound of it.

  6. Gorgeous gorgeous card SANDRA I love CAS cards They just shout elegance don't they. I hope your mum is OK when you see her
    I am so envious of you all meeting at NEC next week I would love to come and it's not so much the cost but It'd take me all day to get there on public transport!
    I hope all of you are feeling better. You know I think of you all and send some hugs
    Off to see grandson this afternoon YAY! Daughter is doing OH's make up for the Halloween do we're gong to tonight - she's teaching Rueda. Me? I don't know what to wear. I'll find something though
    Have a great day all of you

    1. KAREN enjoy your time with your lovely Grandson. Also enjoy your Halloween 🎃👻party. Hug's xx

    2. Hi Karen
      For some reason blogger will only let me comment one at a time so I have to keep look going in and out. Also this isn't showing on blogger
      Enjoy your time with Your grandson. Enjoy your Halloween party, are you going to show us what you both look like when made up.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Love snowflakes and snowmen as well. I hope your Mum is feeling better when you visit today.
    A horrendous accident on the M25 today. Good job we were going in the opposite direction. We're here until Sun, just a shame we couldn't come down on Wed as we were supposed to.
    Bets not to bad today. Such a shame she doesn't remember much about Day to day things. Dementia is such an awful disease.

    1. Hi PAT have a lovely time away. Glad Bet's not to band today. Agree dementia is a horrible disease.
      Sending you all someHUG'S xx

    2. It sure is Lynda
      Her brother Len has been staying with her apparently before they move into a house down the road. But I know for a fact that Len dies years ago. Plus her daughter is now living down the road but Jill her daughter lives in Colchester.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you had a good journey & found Mum better than she was, she will have been pleased to see you & the girls. Pleased Sophie had a lovely
    Pat hope Bet enjoys seeing you, not easy I know only too well MIL had it. Hope the weather stays nice for
    Didn't get to see Sue today, her joints were too bad, she had hoped her meds would kick in but no such luck, so Chris took me for my eye test to get my new glasses, cannot wait to get them these glasses are wrong for my new eye & make my eyes tired. Cannot wait to do some cross stitch & get your picture finished
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Yes, Bet was pleased to see us. She's been telling all her carers that we were coming down, and we've met a couple of them today. Helen, Jill's eldest sons fiancée called in with her nephew Noah. Fabulous head of curly fair hair. He sure is a cutie.
      Sounds funny Margaret saying my glasses aren't good for my good eye now.

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, love it. Hope the journey to Colchester wasn't too bad traffic wise and your mum is alright. Thinking of you all and sending your mum some hugs.
    Margaret, you make it finish when you do. Still not sure how to thank you enough for even taking on the task. You are amazing. Sorry Sue not feeling too good today, these bones, joints and muscles they got a life of their own. Sending you some gentle healing hugs Sue and wish you better for the weekend which apparently is here again.
    Val, you shall go to the ball one day Lol either it be Ally Pally or the NEC or perhaps a weekend away together somewhere, you never know.... Hope family is doing alright, many hugs to you all.
    Pat, hope the visit is fine and she is not too bad with her memory, bless her. It is so so annoying when you forget thing and it must be even worse for her.
    Lilian, hope you still ok after your outing. Have a nice weekend.
    Brenda, hope you had a nice day. Have the grand children been around ?
    Karen, hope you had a great time with Oscar and you have a fabulous time at the party tonight. Love to see a picture of you dressed up of course Lol
    Lynda, take care drinking all the builders tea's as they won't be happy if you take them all hihi Hope you and
    C.U-P will have a nice Saturday. Do you see little Harry anything ? many hugs to you both
    I hope you all have a nice day tomorrow, think the sun is going to visit us again but I won't see it much as I'm going to a work shop with Julia but also this time we have Leonie with us so think it will be crazy fun Lol Hope to see you when back home. Have a good night all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you have a nice time at the workshop with Julia and Leonie. You just make sure you don't do to much with your knee.

    2. Hopefully we won't be doing any crafting with our knees so should be alright hihihi take care xx
