
Thursday 26 October 2017

Chery' s Stunning Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Cheryl sent me the photos of the absolutely stunning card above that she made for her Stepdaughter 'Kayla's' 50th Birthday and I just couldn't wait to share it with all of you.
Such a beautiful floral themed card, Cheryl used a pretty pink frame as the starting point, building the rest of the design inside the frame. The beautiful floral 50 is the main element of the card, this Cheryl embellished exquisitely with that beautiful floral arrangement with gemstone swirls.
Cheryl used the inside piece of the if the pretty pink frame to decorate the top of the matching box, a complimentary floral spray and flag stamped with the sentiment finish the pretty box.
Thank you so much Cheryl for sharing Kayla's card with us, it's stunning and I am sure she will love it.  I always love your cards and look forward to seeing more of them. XXX 

We had a relatively quiet day yesterday, I was creating in my craft room, Paul was busy in the garden, mowing the lawn etc.
I spoke to my Sister yesterday and she said that Mum is really poorly with a chest infection, her GP said she would be admitted to hospital if she hadn't improved by Friday.  We are going over o  Friday to visit so hopefully she will have improved by then.

Val, I am so relieved that Helen had some positive news, Barrie must feel really relived too, it relieves his worries too, which will help him relax a little more, there is nothing that prepares you for how much you worry about your children, no matter how old they are. Sending hugs to you my lovely xxx 

Lilian, YES  you did it, now you have made that first trip hopefully you will be a little more confident next time.
How frustrating that you had a power cut, I am tempting to get one of those small die cutters just for when you want to cut a flower or a snowflake.  
Your news made my day  xxx

Pat, sorry to hear that you didn't get to go over to Bet's, I did wonder when you said you were going to pop over whether she would have a problem remembering you.
I think it would be a bit too much for you take on that level of care too, you've had a lot to deal with lately.   You should have called as you could have popped over. Xxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-what a beautiful card, I love all the details on it. A real Keepsake.

    Sandra-sorry to heat your Mums not well, hopefully by tomorrow she’ll have improved enough to avoid a trip to hospital.

    Busy evening yesterday-did Tesco shopping, played about on my new computer then completed a card that’s going to be featured in a magazine. Then I answered the questions they’d sent me & wrote out how to make the card-that was harder than I thought as I kept remembering more steps I wanted to add in.

    Tonight I hope to get back into my craft room & think about my challenge card.


    1. Congratulations on being asked to make a card for a magazine Michele.
      Sorry about the card. Had a negative senior moment.

  2. Morning ladies,

    Thank you Sandra for showing my card today. The swirls cardstock was one of Hunkydory or Kanban's from years ago. Gosh, that just shows how old some of my stash is. It's amazing when I find hidden treasures. I had made an ordinary card for Kayla til I read on Facebook that she was turning 50 so it was back to the crafting table, not that I minded you know. Since I starting buying flowers etc. from Wild Orchid, on your recommendation Sandra as I used to love seeing your cards with superb floral embellishments, I am going that one step further outside my comfort zone by not using plain white frames and those coloured swirls exactly suited the pink shades I had in mind to use.

    Well done Lilian on your first bus trip, how relieved you must be that it is so scary after all. I remember psyching myself up for our American Tour by coach last year and after meeting so many lovely, friendly people, I relaxed so much that I enjoyed every minute even the hold-ups that occasionally happened.

    Off to Street for a spot of shopping at Clark's Village this morning with Jaqui and Sophie.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you enjoyed your shopping trip today.
      Love to be a fly on the wall when you have your Panto meeting tomorrow. I wonder what the director will have to say for themselves. Will ge a lively debate me thinks.

  3. Replies
    1. Beautiful card Cheryl As MICHELE has said A real keepsake

    2. Beautiful card Cheryl, she will love it. Hope you had a nice day shopping. I have a friend who lives in Street. Good luck tomorrow xx

  4. I’m glad to hear that your DIL had good news VAL
    Well done LILIAN You’ve achieved a massive feat The next trip will hopefully feel less scary
    A friend of ours had a baby (boy) this week So I’ll be making 2 New Baby cards this afternoon (what a chore - NOT)
    I went out with work colleagues last night and played in door crazy golf It’s aimed at adults in the evenings Itcwas really good fun Thoroughly recommend it for a bit of R&R
    Must dash - work is calling

    1. Hi Karen
      I've never heard of indoor crazy golf before. We like to play if we can find one while we're away. Or a pitch and putt. I hope we manage to meet up again at Watford before Christmas.

    2. Indoor crazy golf sound fun Karen, good to have some fun sometimes and I will see if we can arrange a date for Watford as soon as xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Cheryl love the card you made for Kayla.
    Bet remembers us Sandra, just has a problem with her short term memory. I'm waiting to hear from Jill to see how she is today. I must say Pete isn't looking forward to going, but he can always go for a walk, do a bit of gardening etc. We'll be visiting friends as well to break up the day. We can also go for walks in Dovercourt along the front in the afternoon.
    I hope you Mum is feeling better when you go over tomorrow Sandra.

    1. I’m glad Bet remembers you and hope she’s well enough to be able to see you x

    2. Thanks Karen
      Yes, we're hoping to go up first thing tomorrow morning and come home on Sunday. I'm at long last back at school on Monday. Seems like I haven't been forever. What with hospital visits and one thing and another.

    3. Hi Pat, Hope you can get to see Bet tomorrow, I'm sure Pete will go with you. Are you doing after school club or in in the mornings ? hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I see my comment yesterday has gone walkabout, so frustrating so I will say again how lovely both of your cards are Janet. The blue and white one is my favourite. I must have a go at making a card like this. I hope you won't mind me "using" yours as a guide X
    Val, I'm so happy for you and your son and SIL on hearing the good news X
    Lilian, CONGRATULATIONS. I hope you are feeling so proud of yourself for taking that so so difficulties first step. And may you find doing it again that little bit easier. Sending you great big Well Done hugs x
    Sandra, I'm sorry to hear your Mum is not well. I hope that by tomorrow she has started to improve my lovely xx
    Cheryl, what a beautiful card, a real keepsake, I bet Kayla loved it. I hope the panto meeting goes well tomorrow. I wonder what the director will have to say for himself? I hope he has the good manners to apologise to you, and to go out of his way to make your job as easy as possible from now on X
    It's a grey and chilly day here, just right for staying inside and crafting....oh dear what a shame 😊😊😊We have had the girls overnight and they have been busy crafting using the punches that you kindly gave them Sandra. Phoebe is making a Christmas picture instead of a card for Tim and Roz. She was worried about being allowed to make it so early but then not to give it to them until December bless her.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, Give the girls a cuddle from GG & tell them I will see themin 4

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry to hear your Mum not very well, hope she is better when you see her
    Cheryl what a beautiful card for Kayla, I am sure she will treasure
    Pop doing well has stitches out this afternoon which will be more comfortable.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, hope you are ok Janet, love

  8. Hi Margaret
    I'm glad Alan is doing well. The stitches in both of mine hips when I had them done were dissolvable so I didn't have to worry about them. Just had to go to the nurse once to have the waterproof dressings changed.

  9. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sorry your mum isn't well Sandra hope you find her better when you see her tomorrow. Sending her Hug'sxx
    CHERYL I love your card it's gorgeous I'm sure Kayla will treasure it.
    MARGARET hope Pop's stitches came out without any pain Hug's on the way xx
    SUE aww how sweet Phoebe making Christmas picture too early 😂😂 please send Sandra a picture when she has finished it.🤗 Xx
    LILLIAN well done making that enormous step going on the bus I hope you enjoyed it you should be proud of yourself Big Hug's xx
    KAREN hope your baby cards are going well enjoy yourself Hug's xx
    MICHELE congratulations on doing a feature in a Magazine Hug's xx
    I Have been in craft room. I'm trying to make a sympathy card which I'm struggling with so thought I would have a cup of builders ☕️ might get mojo back. Well I had my tea so going in to try my card again. I will let you know how it's going
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi all,
    Sorry to hear your mum is ill Sandra, hope she is better by tomorrow and you can see her at home. Sending her and you a special hug.
    Janet- loved both your cards yesterday, very nice. Hope you ok and getting everything together for going to Marigny, seem like ages you were there.
    Lilian- well done you. Not an easy thing to go on the bus by yourself but hopefully the more you do it ,easier it will be next time. Big hug
    Michele- hope your day was alright and you can have some play this evening. well done for having a piece in a crafting magazine.
    Margaret- hope the stitches came out nicely and Pop is getting better for each day, hugs to you both
    Sue- so sweet of Phoebe for making a Christmas picture early, hope she remember where she puts it. Wonder if she could send me some mojo as mine is gone. Thought I would leave doing the cc until after x-mas ones are done but as Karen said to me, why not use the sketch, doh Lol
    Lynda- hope the cup of builders, nice looking are they ?
    helped to get your Mojo back Lol
    As you know I've done some gardening and of course it was too much,yes I never learn but I just couldn't leave it any longer so did pay the price. Manged to have a small walk and doing the shopping this afternoon so hope to have some play tomorrow, anything would be good.
    Have a nice evening and a good night my friends xxx

    1. Oh dear Maria
      You shouldn't be doing so much with your knee. Your just like Pete. He always says I know my limitations but doesn't really.

  11. Hi everyone Maria I had to beat the builders off with my stick HAHA cheeky.😭😂
    I managed to finished my sympathy card at last I really hate making them.
    Poor Ian ( SIL) it was his uncle that died so not long after his Dad passing.
    Any way CU has made me a cup of builders tea ☕️ so I'm off to drink it .
    SANDRA safe journey tomorrow hope you find your mum better.
    love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Yuk builders tea Lynda. I'm with Maria on that one. Maria and I could and did share a teabag when we were away. Not that we're tight or anything.

  12. Hi Brenda
    Cairo sounds like our Olivia. She struggles as she has trouble reading. She has a special pen that she uses at school. If she rubs it over a word it says it out loud. She was asked to trial it at school. Did well, so her dad bought one for her, but it cost £250.00. But she's does fantastically at cooking.
    Dementia is an awful disease, Tom would be so upset to see how she is now. They only have 1 toilet like us and since Pete had his Bowel cancer when he needs to go he has to go. So it's a problem if Bets in the toilet a long tine like she was last time we were down.
