
Wednesday 25 October 2017

Two More Winter Wonders from Janet

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and those of you that are suffering I am sending gentle hugs to help lift your spirits.
I am excited to share two of Janet's amazing Christmas cards with you all today, both are completely different  and absolutely stunning.
The first card Janet has made using Die'sire Create-a-Card 'Christmas Cheer die, such a gorgeous die, so much detail, I honestly think that only the Gemini could manage that much detail in one pass!
Can I ask what you have used for the background Janet? its just stunning, I love how you have added the Deer and trees to the foreground, it gives the card real dimension and works perfectly scale wise, one of your best cards ever I think.

The second of Janet's Christmas cards has been made using Die'sire Edge'ables 'Bells of Joy', which Janet has die cut in white card and laid over Red Mirror card that highlights every tiny detail, Janet has finished the edge with a border of Gold Snowflakes, an absolute WOW card Janet, I really love how all of your cards are so different and individual, I myself like to make a different card for everyone, I get a little bored 'batch making' cards.
Thank you so much Janet for brightening our 'hump day' blog, mid week always needs a bit of extra cheer to give us a boost to last to the weekend. xxxx

Sue came over yesterday and we got straight down to crafting, it was nice to have the extra space to work on, but needless to say we soon filled it, Sue was busy making a challenge card, (I hope you get chance to finish it Sue)xx, I was working on an upcoming project, something that I hope you will all enjoy, Sue was enthusiastic about the project and surprised at how simple it was to make, so fingers crossed you will too.

Lilian how was the bus trip into town? I was thinking about you throughout the day, as Margaret said we were all with you in spirit, I can totally understand your anxiety, it's so very hard to overcome those nerves and go for it.  I hope you managed though, hopefully if you managed this first time you will find it easier next time. Sending love and hugs xxx

Wendy it has been lovely seeing you pop into the blog, I am excited to share your Challenge card on Sunday, its such an original design. xxx

Sending love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-two gorgeous cards. I absolutely love the first one, my favourite colours.

    Sandra-sounds like you had great fun with Sue yesterday.

    I had a busy but productive day yesterday at work. Let’s hope today is the same.

    I phoned up to to book a table at the Car Boot Sale for November onoto be told it’s full! I was so speechless that I didn’t even think to ask if they have a waiting list or the dates for next year. I guess there’s no panic to make lots of Christmas cards, I’ll take a box of my cards into work instead.


    1. Hope you gave another productive day at work. How annoying that the Car Boot sale was full up. Hopefully you'll be able to sell your cards at work.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Not sure what the weather is doing outside as it's still on the dark side here.

    Had a good afternoon at K&N but we were down on numbers. My good friend who I sits along side of me was absent as she is in hospital having had a fall and cracked a bone in her spine.

    SANDRA- the background to the first card is from a pack of 12x12 paper and I cannot remember the name sorry. All the sheets in the pack were themed blue skies and I've just loved using it with this Crafter's Companion die. The little deer die is one I purchased from China and works beautifully when cutting any sort of card.

    I just love the snowflake ribbon on my second card. I bought some in gold and silver last year from the range and was lucky that they had some in stock this year. I usually cannot find a seasonal ribbon I've used the year before as manufacturers don't repeat lines year on year but was so lucky this year.
    The mirror card is from Tonic and comes in a pack of red/green/silver(shiny) and mat.

    LILIAN- hope you manage your bus ride today. I'll be alongside with you Dear Friend.

    BRENDA- hope your INR went well yesterday.

    My job for today is to make a Get Well Card and get a couple of inserts into cards. I also must book the ferry and overnight stay.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day just waiting for you all to pop in for a quick chat. HUGS are on their way with extras today for Dear Friends not 100%.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Two gorgeous cards. Don't you just love the create a card Dies. I know I do. Sorry to hear your friend has cracked a bone in her spine. Must be very painful. I hope it doesn't take to long to heal. Hope you manage to book your ferry and your overnight accommodation.

  3. Hello it's me again.
    I forgot to mention that if anyone is thinking of purchasing a Gemini have a look on The RANGE website. They are selling at £125!!!!!! well they were yesterday so fingers crossed they still have some in stock. xxxx

  4. Morning Sandra and all,

    JANET two beautiful cards today. Love them both but the first one really sings to me. Hope you have success in booking the ferry and hotel.

    It's crib day today Yeh. I feel so much better in myself but wow am I tired. I could sleep the round at the moment. I also have a lack of interest in card making at the moment which is unusual. I've made my cc but I can't say I'm over enamored with it. May have another try tomorrow.

    LILIAN hope you manage to go on your bus ride today. The first step is always the hardest. I'll be thinking of

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all in pain or not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I must say you sound brighter. And reading your good news further down I bet that's a load off of your mind.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Two beautiful cards today from Janet. Simply love both cards.
    Well, we were supposed to go up to Bets today. However, her daughter rang to say she has another UTI infection, pretty bad as well apparently. She won't drink and if she has a drink beside her forgets to drink it. If that makes sense. She's swearing and cursing, spilt food all down herself and won't let Jill clean her up. Telling her to f--- off and being really nasty. Jill doesn't want us to be caught up in all that. Perhaps we can go down at the weekend if she's any better. I'll have to ring our friends and say we won't be popping in tomorrow for a cuppa. Dementia is a bummer. I'm not to sure how Jill is coping as she lives 16 miles away from her Mum, works in a school during the day and looks after her family. Her husband is often away working so she copes with all that on her own. We were hoping to lighten the load a little for her.
    Lilian I do hope you manage to go on the bus today. Our hands are holding yours in encouragement. The first step is always the hardest, as Cheryl will verify.

    1. Hope Bets doctor can get her to take her medication, a UTI can make anyone behave in a very aggressive way. Her poor daughter must be at her wits end. xx

  6. Looks like ogle is playing up again. The live traffic feed doesn't seem to be working at all.
    Although I have posted ok I have error messages saying there is a temporary error.

  7. Hi Sandra
    I wonder if your project your working on is what we were talking about the other day. If it was it's a stunner.
    Wasn't to impressed with Son of a Preacher Man last night. Was very slow to get started and talked about Dusty Springfield music in the 60's with bits of her music within the context of a story, which was quite weak.
    The best bit was at the end when they sang a medley of her songs.
    We didn't get tickets for Cilla. Apparently the Theatre has a limit on ATG card tickets, and they'd reached there quota which was 150.

  8. Hello , lovely and sunny here today.

    Janet love both of cards, you are very creative.

    Sandra you “tease” can’t wait to see what you have for us.

    Well I made it into town, must admit while I was waiting for the bus I almost went home. Only stayed for an hour, was sad to see all of the shops that have shut down. Managed to buy a new snow flakes set of dies, for only £5 . WARNING the only problem with a Gemini die cutter is it doesn’t work when you have a power cut!!!!!!!! Thought I’d cut my new die, forgot we had no power all morning.

    Well the power is back so I am going to get some lunch, have a good day Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      How fantastic that you managed to go on the bus in to town. Give yourself a pat on the back. Your quite right, the Gemini doesn't work if you have no electric.

    2. So pleased for you Lilian. Bet you feel proud of yourself and rightly so.
      Never thought about the Gemini not working in an power

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you & Sue had a good day yesterday. Thank you for showing Janets cards
    Janet your cards are lovely, I think the blue is my favourite but on the other hand they are both beautiful, well
    Lilian well done you did it!!! give yourself a pat on the back, it is a shame to see the empty shops I notice the same when I go into town, which is not very often. I know what you mean about the gemini never thought of
    Pat sorry you had to cancel your visit, I know exactly where Jill is coming from, not easy for
    Maria sounds as if you are busy in garden please don't overdo
    Brenda good news about test you must have your diet spot
    Lynda hope you get in your craft room again today, sounds as if you have been very
    Must try & finish my cc today sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Yes it is a shame. I was hoping to take a bit of the load off of Jill for a few days. She's going to see if the Antibiotics make a difference by tomorrow. If they do we'll go down then.

  10. Hi Folks, just had a phone call from my son. The Catscan Helen had last week shows the cancer has been contained in her lymph nodes which are being removed next week. So relieved.

    1. Hi Val
      That's fantastic news for you all. Hopefully she's now turned a corner. I bet you feel even brighter now. It's a worry when the C word takes over your life doesn't it.

    2. Val great news a huge relief for

    3. Thank you ladies, I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off

    4. Fabulous news, so pleased for Helen

    5. Hi Val, What fantastic news. I’m sure all the family are so relieved and will certainly all sleep better tonight. Thame care xx

  11. Two lovely cards JANET
    I had a lovely chat with MARIA yesterday I’ve told her we need to set a Watford meet up before the weather gets too nasty when you’re at Birmingham
    Take care ladies I’ve finished my cc I might make another- time permitting as it looks like you’re letting us choose any of the boxes. SANDRA
    I hope this publishes

  12. Hello Sandra and all,

    Janet love your cards, I have the die for the first one its great, love how you have added your little forest scene on the front. Sorry to here your K&N friend is in hospital.

    I have been out to lunch with friends today, so many ill or family unwell we ended up just three of us. At least there was only one conversation at a time going on. So had its bonuses!!! We also arranged and booked our Christmas lunch. So hopefully everyone else will be able to make it.

    LILLIAN I am really impressed, you managed to get into town yesterday. It doesn't matter that you didn't stay long - You did it WELL DONE, you should be so proud of yourself. xx

    Hope everyone has had a good day, we have Ciara here for a sleepover, so I think crafting and cooking are on the todo list. Both her favourite pastimes. Although she also has some homework to do.

    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx
