
Tuesday 24 October 2017

My Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is my take on this week's Tic Tac Toe Challenge. I chose the categories  
Blue/Dry Embossing/White 
I started by using the Stampin'Up! Woodland ' embossing folder, with Soft Sky ink brayered over the embossing folder, I embossed a piece of Whisper White Card. 
I then took a 5x7 card base and matted it with Soft Sky card, I stamped the sentiment onto Whisper White Card using Soft Sky ink, I then Die cut a circle out of the card to create an aperture, I used some Soft Sky card to create a frame around the aperture.
I put foam pads in the back of my front piece, added the embossed piece to the background and then popped the aperture over the top. To finish I die cut 3 little Red Cardinals and added them to the trees.
I hope you like my card and it helps inspire you into making your challenge card.

As promised here are the photos of my tidied craft desk, I moved a few things around added the storage shelf unit that Becca didn't want on her wall, which meant I could stack all my inks  punches etc, rather than having them stacked around my work area. It's all about trying to have everything to hand, the main thing is I have my Gemini on my desk so I don't have to move to use it.  There will be more room to craft with Sue and Pat too.  I even organised my Stampin'Up stamps in alphabetical order! 

We got Sophie and Lewis dropped off at Gatwick ok, Sophie 'FaceTimed' me to show me her lovely hotel room, she looked so happy, well worth the early morning! 

I hope that you all have a lovely day 

Love and hugs 

Sandra xxx 


  1. Your room looks lovely Puts mine to shame a bit I am so pleased they arrived OK

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card today Sandra. I think this is going to be a very interesting challenge.

    Glad Sophie & Lewis made their flight ok. I hope you slept well last night after your very long day.

    I didn’t make it into my craft room yesterday as I eventually picked up my order from Tesco, despite receiving a text saying my order had been delayed until Wednesday! Then I spoke to hubby (he’s away)then phoned my Uncle (he was my Mums brother). I was on the phone for an hour & a half as we hadn’t spoken for a couple of months. It was really nice chatting to him, I’ll aim to get into my craft room tonight.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you manage to get into your craft room tonight. You did have a long chat with your Mums brother yesterday.
      Hope work wasn't to bad today,

  3. Morning Everyone
    It's raining again and not yet daylight.

    Your room looks lovely but I wonder how long it's going to last hehehe. Have a good afternoon crafting.

    It's K&N this afternoon and so I need to get a wriggle on this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in out of the rain and cold and have a look at our display boards.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      It's not to bad here at the moment, a bit dull but no rain at the moment. Hope you enjoy K&N this afternoon.

  4. It was a lovely surprise to see that you’d posted late last night after I’d got in from dancing!
    Love this challenge
    I will send photos of mine but it really isn’t as good as SANDRA’s
    I sent you a text last night MARIA to ask how you made SANDRA’s gorgeous card - did you use foam pads of glue gel?
    Off to work in a mo and hope to do challenge card later - famous last words eh!

  5. Morning everyone,

    Niece and great niece coming tomorrow for a couple of days visit, I expect Sophie (GN) will want to do a spot of crafting with Jaqui (N & Mum) and I, so dining table has had all things Panto removed and stored away. And with Jamie away this morning on another works course, we can make as much mess as we like. hehehe

    A whole day of crafting today...Yea! A couple of sympathy cards, two birthdays, a few Christmas & the challenge card using my new SW dies and a box of Fernli goodies to play with is my idea of a good time. The older I get, the easier it is to be happy with the simple pleasures that life can offer.

    Had a message from the Director....a committee meeting has been called for Friday to discuss the progress or lack of in the wardrobe dept. I have all my paperwork up to date and emails printed off to show that all the patterns and materials that have been requested by me from the Director have not been delivered to me. Somebody is not going to be a happy bunny Friday evening. And it won't be me, of that I am certain.
    Gentle hugs for all,

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you have a lovely time crafting with your niece and great niece.
      Sounds like the Director is going to have a shock on Friday, as I assume there going to think it's you that's going to get into trouble.
      I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you produce your emails.

  6. Good morning Sandra and all,
    Oh Sandra, you put my craft room to shame, I have so many projects started and don’t want to pack away, because if I do I might just forget what I started (senior moment thing) I must gat back in and sort everything out!!!!
    Thank you for your lovely CC, I for one always appreciate extra inspiration. xx

    I will be going out soon for my INR blood test. Fingers crossed I will not have to reduce my ‘greens’ vitamin K anymore as I hardly have any at the moment, the trouble is I love all of the green vegetables.

    Have a good day everyone, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & you craft room looks great, I wonder if it will look the same later today?����xxx
    Quick visit today I have to pop into Petanque to collect more of Christmas lunch money, go & visit Pam & do abit shopping, then hopefully finish CC & do some more cards.
    Sending you all that are in pain hugs & to anybody else that needs them love

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. I must say I love the red cardinal birds. I'm glad Sophie and Lewis arrived safely and they're enjoying themselves. I bet Lucy seems a bit lost without Sophie there.
    Hopefully your meeting up with Sue today as you hadn't said, but I suspect you won't know whether she's coming or not today.
    Lovely to meet up with friends this morning for coffee. Found out that me friend Maureen and her husband bought a house in Bournemouth a few years back. She thought she'd told me before. Funnily enough it's in Pokesdown which is fairly close to where Pete's brother lives. As they go down most weekends we'll pop in to see them next time we're down that area. hopefully we'll meet up again before Christmas.
    Sandra your craft room looks fantastic. I sorted all my Christmas stamps and Dies out yesterday. Just need to find my embossing folders now. That will have to wait until we come back from Harwich now as we're off to see Son of a Preacher man tonight at the Theatre. Hopefully booking a couple of shows while we're they're for early next year. Cilla, I know, will be one of them.
    Hugs to all who are feeling under the weather today.

  9. Love your work space Sandra. Lovely card too. xxxx

  10. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra and like Pat I do like the little red birds sitting in the tree. Oh to have such a tidy work space and room. well, I'm still dreaming Lol have fun crafting with Sue today. Where have the "kids" gone on holiday to ? Hope Lucy have things to keep her occupied while Sophie is away.
    Michele- hope you have a good day and you can have some nice crafting done later. Take care
    Janet- hope you have a nice day and enjoy some crafting too today. Hugs for you and Jim.
    Karen- I will call you later. It was so funny with your texts this morning for they came twice all the time hihi
    Brenda- hope your bloods come back fine, aren't you aloud any green vegs at all ? Take care
    Cheryl- loved to be a fly on the wall too and hear what they saying on Friday to you, hopefully you will get things sorted before it is too late and you once again have to rush everything just like last year. Have fun with your visitors and crafting with the girls.
    Hi Wendy- nice to see you in the cafe' . How are you ?
    Margaret- hope your eye is now healed and Pop is up and about, slowly but steady .hugs to you both.
    Pat- I miss Bournemouth sometimes, it is so lovely down there but as Mil is gone and step-son now moved I guess we wont go down very often. Hope you had a nice morning. Hugs
    Had hospital/physio this morning and then did some more digging in the borders, they are in a dire state. Cooking stew for tonight so did peeling and chopping of veg's. Find carrots, parsnip and especially the swede so hard to cut but I did it in the end. No card making done, it is sitting there looking at me but.....I need to do something soon or it will be bought cards for everyone and that is a no no, right ?
    Tracy and Sonia, missing you. Hope you ok ?
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Thank you Maria, Blood is fine I’m pleased to say, I haven’t got to have another test until January, unless I have any concerns. Yippie. Green veg are high in vitamin K and that thins the blood, as I take Warfarin it is something that I have to kept under control. So my greens are just a token colour on my dinner plate.
      Just spotted the Reply as: Box hasn’t got my name in. Will post as Anonymous. Hope it works. Brenda xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all,
    Oh Sandra, what a lovely craft room. All so neat and tidy. Puts mine to shame. I so like your card today. You make cards I would never even dream of and they're so pretty. Love the little birds. Hope Sophie and Lewis are having a lovely time.
    I watched John Lockwood this morning, did any of you see his shows? Just love his new Christmas stamps but a bit late now for me to buy them. I did try out the media plates yesterday but I definitely need more practice.
    Well nearly time for tea. Salad again sadly, but it's definitely working. I lost a pound at slimming club this morning Quite surprising as I haven't been since before I went to UK and I ate so many cakes and chocolates whilst I was there.Perhaps it's all the walking I do with Gracie.
    MARGARET hope you are ok and Pop is doing
    MARIA did the physio Help? Xxx
    BRENDA hope the blood tests went ok and the results come back good xxx
    Hugs to all. Valxxx

    1. Thank you Val, yes it went very well. I have a reprieve now until January. I have never had such a long break.
      Well done on the weight loss. Brenda xx

  12. Hello All, been shrouded in mist most of the day.

    Sandra lovely card, and your room looks great, so much easier to craft with a clear space, only wish mine was.

    Going to try going to town on the bus on my own tomorrow, I might chicken out but at the moment I’m determined to do it, must get over this silly nervousness.

    Well have good evening all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Well all be with you tomorrow to hold you hand. As Cheryl would say Gurt big hugs coming your way,

  13. Hi Lilian just remember we are all holding your hand & yes you can do

  14. Hi Sandra & ladies
    It's been really dark today & rain again my own again so spent a
    Some time in my craft room.Made a card then tried to clean & tidy up Sandra has put me to shame. I did quite well but my leg was really aching after a hour.
    So gave up & went back to play did some background papers till Terry got home & started dinner. Hope everyone had a good day.
    Love &Hug's Lynda xx
